: The Great Fight to Win the Vote, and: How Rachel Carson, Jane Jacobs, Jane Goodall, and Alice Waters Changed Our World,
Elaine F. Weiss | The Official Site of Author Elaine Weiss
Woman’s Hour, Mar 27 2018 | Video | C-SPAN.org
Andrea Barnet
Author Discussion Biography, Apr 21 2018 | Video | C-SPAN.org
4/25/18 25.4.18
Dear Ms Weiss, Ms Barnet, whomever else this may concerns, everyone both on/ff of here:,
I am finally here with at least one being finished and one of them needs to be started. In the end I just chose to wait it out. Even through it took me a mo 1/2 to finish it. I mean I got it the wk that it first came out and started to read it soon after that. Don’t really recall exactly when I started it. In which I really don’t have a clue as to when I will start reading the 2nd book. Think it came out the a wk after that. Since I got more then a couple/few to read others as well. At the same time I own all of them. I found thats its much easier on me. Expect for the wallet part of it.
I have decided to do a combination review of both of them instead of separate ones. I also found them to be very similar to each other as well. As also being different from each other as well. One of them included all sides involved in the final 6 wks of the fight. Exactly, in the end it took another couple of yrs before everything was said and done. That included US supreme court to hear/decide on it as well. Well, in the end it took even more time because all beyond civil rights as well.
Even through one of them choose not to include the one other (fifth) woman that was also involved with the four other women that she included. In which she was Ms Betty Friedan (The Feminine Mystique) because of both feminist/ism aspect of it. Well the fake/mainstream part of it. Instead of the alternative/independent/real/truth part.
Please don’t get me wrong. Especially, I for one I’m waybeyondfedup with what the selection is nowadays in this/ese particular subject/s. Especially, with what as we conservatives, christians, political correctness, and beyond face as well. Even through in the last couple/few mo I have found couple/few others that are pretty much like yours here.
Ivanka Trump’s HQ (Headquarters) http://ivankatrump.com for her/their digital publication. Thats to me goes along with her father (President Donald Trump: MAGA aka Make America Great Again) https://www.donaldjtrump.com. Women Vote /d for him for President of here. http://womenvotetrump.com Diamond and Silk https://www.diamondandsilkinc.com. Carly Fiorina http://carlyfiorina.com as well. In addition to all I would love to see that you also include everything else out there. To truly make it all round and especially thats includes news, current event/affairs as well. Maybe making it more of a worldwide combination print/digital one at that.
Of course they are HMSDSOAA (Homesteaders of America) http://homesteadersofamerica.com, Jordan Schrandt’s http://jordanschrandt.com Farmhouse Movement Magazine http://farmhousemovement.com and The Joyful Life Magazine Company http://joyfullifemagazine.com. In which Sandi Sutton http://sandisutton.com is the founder, publisher, and beyond.
@elaineweissauthor @efweiss @efweiss5 @cspan @ivankatrump @ivankatrumphq @realdonaldtrump @WomenTrump2016 @WomenVoteTrump @women_vote_trump @women_vote_trum @diamondandsilk @theviewersview @carlyfiorina @homesteadersofamerica @homesteadersusa @amyfewell @tangi.wheet @jordnschrandt @jordanriver.oils @farmhousemovement @joyfullifemag @joyfullifemagazine @sandisutton @sandi_sutton @sandiksutton @jessicaabruno @jessicaabrunowaybeyondfedup waybeyondfedup #elaineweiss #elainefweiss #womans #womanshour #hour #great #fight #towin #win #vote #andreabarnet #visionary #visionarywomen #women #how #rachelcarson #janejacobs #janegoodall #and #alicewaters #bettyfriedan #feminine #femininemystique #mystique #feminist #feminism #cspan #booktv #ivankatrump #women #who #work #rewriting #rules #for #success #president #donaldtrump #maga #official #home #for #women #who #vote #voted #for #trump #president #ofus #diamond #diamondand #and #diamondandsilk #silk #the #viewersview #view #carlyfiorina #join #as #we #continue #fight #to #elect #consevatives #reform #washington #restore #a #citizen #goverment #our #great #nation #print #digital #both #publication #worldwide #home #homesteaders #homesteadersof #homesteadersofamerica #america #conservatives #christians #jordanschrandt #farm #house #farmhouse #movement #magazine #generation #voluntary #simplicity #frugality #thriftiness #homemaking #household #housewifery #print #not #too #pricey #joyfullifemagazine #joyfullifecommunity #sharethejoyfullife #sandisutton #jessicaabruno #jessicaabrunowaybeyondfedup #waybeyondfedup
Think thats it for now.
Thank you, again, in advance.
Yours truly,
Elaine F. Weiss | The Official Site of Author Elaine Weiss
Woman’s Hour, Mar 27 2018 | Video | C-SPAN.org
Andrea Barnet
Author Discussion Biography, Apr 21 2018 | Video | C-SPAN.org
4/25/18 25.4.18
Dear Ms Weiss, Ms Barnet, whomever else this may concerns, everyone both on/ff of here:,
I am finally here with at least one being finished and one of them needs to be started. In the end I just chose to wait it out. Even through it took me a mo 1/2 to finish it. I mean I got it the wk that it first came out and started to read it soon after that. Don’t really recall exactly when I started it. In which I really don’t have a clue as to when I will start reading the 2nd book. Think it came out the a wk after that. Since I got more then a couple/few to read others as well. At the same time I own all of them. I found thats its much easier on me. Expect for the wallet part of it.
I have decided to do a combination review of both of them instead of separate ones. I also found them to be very similar to each other as well. As also being different from each other as well. One of them included all sides involved in the final 6 wks of the fight. Exactly, in the end it took another couple of yrs before everything was said and done. That included US supreme court to hear/decide on it as well. Well, in the end it took even more time because all beyond civil rights as well.
Even through one of them choose not to include the one other (fifth) woman that was also involved with the four other women that she included. In which she was Ms Betty Friedan (The Feminine Mystique) because of both feminist/ism aspect of it. Well the fake/mainstream part of it. Instead of the alternative/independent/real/truth part.
Please don’t get me wrong. Especially, I for one I’m waybeyondfedup with what the selection is nowadays in this/ese particular subject/s. Especially, with what as we conservatives, christians, political correctness, and beyond face as well. Even through in the last couple/few mo I have found couple/few others that are pretty much like yours here.
Ivanka Trump’s HQ (Headquarters) http://ivankatrump.com for her/their digital publication. Thats to me goes along with her father (President Donald Trump: MAGA aka Make America Great Again) https://www.donaldjtrump.com. Women Vote /d for him for President of here. http://womenvotetrump.com Diamond and Silk https://www.diamondandsilkinc.com. Carly Fiorina http://carlyfiorina.com as well. In addition to all I would love to see that you also include everything else out there. To truly make it all round and especially thats includes news, current event/affairs as well. Maybe making it more of a worldwide combination print/digital one at that.
Of course they are HMSDSOAA (Homesteaders of America) http://homesteadersofamerica.com, Jordan Schrandt’s http://jordanschrandt.com Farmhouse Movement Magazine http://farmhousemovement.com and The Joyful Life Magazine Company http://joyfullifemagazine.com. In which Sandi Sutton http://sandisutton.com is the founder, publisher, and beyond.
@elaineweissauthor @efweiss @efweiss5 @cspan @ivankatrump @ivankatrumphq @realdonaldtrump @WomenTrump2016 @WomenVoteTrump @women_vote_trump @women_vote_trum @diamondandsilk @theviewersview @carlyfiorina @homesteadersofamerica @homesteadersusa @amyfewell @tangi.wheet @jordnschrandt @jordanriver.oils @farmhousemovement @joyfullifemag @joyfullifemagazine @sandisutton @sandi_sutton @sandiksutton @jessicaabruno @jessicaabrunowaybeyondfedup waybeyondfedup #elaineweiss #elainefweiss #womans #womanshour #hour #great #fight #towin #win #vote #andreabarnet #visionary #visionarywomen #women #how #rachelcarson #janejacobs #janegoodall #and #alicewaters #bettyfriedan #feminine #femininemystique #mystique #feminist #feminism #cspan #booktv #ivankatrump #women #who #work #rewriting #rules #for #success #president #donaldtrump #maga #official #home #for #women #who #vote #voted #for #trump #president #ofus #diamond #diamondand #and #diamondandsilk #silk #the #viewersview #view #carlyfiorina #join #as #we #continue #fight #to #elect #consevatives #reform #washington #restore #a #citizen #goverment #our #great #nation #print #digital #both #publication #worldwide #home #homesteaders #homesteadersof #homesteadersofamerica #america #conservatives #christians #jordanschrandt #farm #house #farmhouse #movement #magazine #generation #voluntary #simplicity #frugality #thriftiness #homemaking #household #housewifery #print #not #too #pricey #joyfullifemagazine #joyfullifecommunity #sharethejoyfullife #sandisutton #jessicaabruno #jessicaabrunowaybeyondfedup #waybeyondfedup
Think thats it for now.
Thank you, again, in advance.
Yours truly,