Bernie submitted a new article.
Unspun News 160920
“Colin Powell Acknowledges Israeli Nuclear Arsenal: 200 Israeli Nukes Targeted against Iran…“
“As CETA Advances, Reports Warn Deal Will Ruin Economies, Cement Corporate Power“ Sounds perfect, dunnit?
“Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of United States foreign assistance since World War II. And this week it received the largest US military aid package ever signed between two countries. This begs the question: why does Israel, whose per capita income is among the world's top 20, receive...
Click here to continue on to the original article.
Unspun News 160920
“Colin Powell Acknowledges Israeli Nuclear Arsenal: 200 Israeli Nukes Targeted against Iran…“
“As CETA Advances, Reports Warn Deal Will Ruin Economies, Cement Corporate Power“ Sounds perfect, dunnit?
“Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of United States foreign assistance since World War II. And this week it received the largest US military aid package ever signed between two countries. This begs the question: why does Israel, whose per capita income is among the world's top 20, receive...
Click here to continue on to the original article.