When you forgive you heal, when you let go you grow (1 Viewer)

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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I have had a situation in life that no-one, NO-ONE, other than me, believes I should forgive. But I have forgiven. And then I have to re-visit that choice point and make sure I have 100% made that choice to forgive, to test it and see if the forgiveness holds. I cannot allow the forgiveness to grow stale and old, otherwise doubt and criticism steals in from the back door.

And just recently, I have let go. I have let go of the pain that I lived in the getting of this knowledge. This situation of having let go and being alone in life, no longer with that pain or that love, is new to me and one that I am still getting attuned to. It feels good not to shoulder that burden any more.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I have had a situation in life that no-one, NO-ONE, other than me, believes I should forgive
Me too HM. In fact my choice to forgive angered friends who wanted me to fight, destroy, inflict pain! I lost their support because of my desire to forgive.

Retaliation is easy, vengeance feels good for a short while.

Forgiveness is tough and painful but it lasts for an eternity!


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Though I have seen the truly awesome power of forgiveness and letting go to unravel even the most entrenched situations, it seems to me that seeing things from the viewpoint of this quote makes it so much easier, along the lines of:

"Oh, yes, I am doing this for myself. Sure. Why wouldn't I get right on with it as best I can?"

... and the unraveling of the social tapestry of anger/fear/resentment once that first thread (e.g. my own) is pulled then becomes a beautiful natural consequence that one can then just sit back and enjoy<3
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
... and the unraveling of the social tapestry of anger/fear/resentment once that first thread (e.g. my own) is pulled then becomes a beautiful natural consequence that one can then just sit back and enjoy<3
That is beautiful Lila.....thank you. I always look forward to your comments. Never a wasted word.

Forgiveness is also empowering because it enables us to accept 100'% responsibility for everything that happens to us.....throwing it right back into the realm of Higher Self. Strengthens that bond of trust and love.

Forgiveness leads to acceptance and when we find that, we move out of the mind and into the heart.

Most of all, the level of forgiveness I offer others is the same as the forgiveness I can find for myself. Let's not forget that....self forgiveness. So important.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Yes, empowerment, acceptance and self love/forgiveness... who wouldn't want to give themselves that beautiful present?:-D
This is, I believe, how one gains freedom<3

Ooh, Pod, you've given me so much to think about!


Involved Wayfarer
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Sep 27, 2016
South Africa
A very valuable thread, thank you Laron and those that replied. It also illustrates the high level of emotional/spiritual maturity of the people on this forum <3
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