Why Morning Workouts Provide More Benefits Than Any Other Time of The Day (1 Viewer)

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QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of transients.info & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Via Prevent Disease, 16 August 2016

"While the benefits of exercises are known to everyone, many tend to give the morning fitness regime a miss due to the heavy work schedule or late-nights. However, morning workouts have more benefits than any other workout during the day -- from controlling the weight, enhancing the mood and keeping you fit and healthy. Did you know it also helps you find your creative gene?

Whether it is in just writing an article, painting a canvas or churning out ideas for your office meeting; physical activity activates the creative juices and once they start flowing, there is nothing to stop you.

Early mornings are one of the best times to workout. Though it may seem tough at first, once you start, you'll feel exhilarated. Getting done with your workout first thing in the morning means you are less likely to use job or family obligations as an excuse to skip it.

Working out bright and early boosts metabolism and gives additional energy, making one more productive throughout the day.

You start to look at things positively and feel refreshed and energised to start a new day at the end of a morning workout. To get that much-needed creative boost, set up a regular exercise schedule and see the difference

  • Once you take a decision to start, stick to it and ensure you get a good night's sleep.
  • Fix the time and duration, so that you can schedule your day accordingly.
  • To start off with, pick a simple outdoor exercise, like taking a walk, jogging, swimming which will allow your mind to wander as you work out.
  • Avoid high-intensity training which involves sports since it will take up too much of your physical and mental strength.
  • Schedule your workout to coincide with the sun rising. It will help make your morning workout fulfilling, psychologically as well as physically.
  • When you are done, take some time to relax in the natural surroundings.
  • Give yourself a reward. Have a special treat planned upon your return from your workout session like a cup of your favourite coffee or tea. After all, nothing motivates like rewards.
  • Carry a notepad and pen or a tape recorder to keep a track of the ideas that you might have right after.
  • When you are back home, take a quick shower, have a healthy breakfast and polish your notes.
  • Change is the name of the game. Ensure that your workout is a little different every morning. Vary your walking route or the pace of your exercise. Don't let boredom be an option.
  • While there are benefits of exercising alone, if you have to brainstorm on a project, take your partner along too.
  • Exercise with people you know might do you good and help you generate a feeling of happiness all around.
  • Morning Jump Start Juice"

PreventDisease.com © 1999-2016. All Rights Reserved. All content on this site may be copied, without permission, whether reproduced digitally or in print, provided copyright, reference and source information are intact and use is strictly for not-for-profit purposes.


Mystic Healer and Astral Explorer Author
RT Supporter
Retired Moderator
Via Prevent Disease, 16 August 2016

"While the benefits of exercises are known to everyone, many tend to give the morning fitness regime a miss due to the heavy work schedule or late-nights. However, morning workouts have more benefits than any other workout during the day -- from controlling the weight, enhancing the mood and keeping you fit and healthy. Did you know it also helps you find your creative gene?

Whether it is in just writing an article, painting a canvas or churning out ideas for your office meeting; physical activity activates the creative juices and once they start flowing, there is nothing to stop you.

Early mornings are one of the best times to workout. Though it may seem tough at first, once you start, you'll feel exhilarated. Getting done with your workout first thing in the morning means you are less likely to use job or family obligations as an excuse to skip it.

Working out bright and early boosts metabolism and gives additional energy, making one more productive throughout the day.

You start to look at things positively and feel refreshed and energised to start a new day at the end of a morning workout. To get that much-needed creative boost, set up a regular exercise schedule and see the difference

  • Once you take a decision to start, stick to it and ensure you get a good night's sleep.
  • Fix the time and duration, so that you can schedule your day accordingly.
  • To start off with, pick a simple outdoor exercise, like taking a walk, jogging, swimming which will allow your mind to wander as you work out.
  • Avoid high-intensity training which involves sports since it will take up too much of your physical and mental strength.
  • Schedule your workout to coincide with the sun rising. It will help make your morning workout fulfilling, psychologically as well as physically.
  • When you are done, take some time to relax in the natural surroundings.
  • Give yourself a reward. Have a special treat planned upon your return from your workout session like a cup of your favourite coffee or tea. After all, nothing motivates like rewards.
  • Carry a notepad and pen or a tape recorder to keep a track of the ideas that you might have right after.
  • When you are back home, take a quick shower, have a healthy breakfast and polish your notes.
  • Change is the name of the game. Ensure that your workout is a little different every morning. Vary your walking route or the pace of your exercise. Don't let boredom be an option.
  • While there are benefits of exercising alone, if you have to brainstorm on a project, take your partner along too.
  • Exercise with people you know might do you good and help you generate a feeling of happiness all around.
  • Morning Jump Start Juice"

PreventDisease.com © 1999-2016. All Rights Reserved. All content on this site may be copied, without permission, whether reproduced digitally or in print, provided copyright, reference and source information are intact and use is strictly for not-for-profit purposes.
I have Been doing This for years.
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Archetypal Dreamer

Involved Wayfarer
Aug 27, 2016
I try to work out in the morning, but it's pretty much a no go when you have a 2.5 year old and a 5 month old. I'm impressed with myself if I can conjure the energy to shamble into the kitchen and prepare breakfast, let alone get the weights out or go for a run!

It definitely does do you a lot of good, though. When I was able to stick with it for a while I did notice a boost in energy levels and also happiness.
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QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of transients.info & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
From about 2013-2014 I was exercising on a regular basis every morning, as I was just in a situation where I could fit it in. It made a huge difference in terms of giving me not just extra energy, but it increased my creativity I found. I also focused on being in the now during my runs, so was a form of meditation at times. In addition to weights, a big part of my exercise was running up inclines (hills), as I was pretty fit.

(I have been a pure vegetarian since early 2009 by the way and have never had an issue with getting enough 'protein' in terms of all the exercise and weight training I have done)

I have Been doing This for years.
:thumbsups Can you expand on that Henda?
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Archetypal Dreamer

Involved Wayfarer
Aug 27, 2016
I'm not a vegetarian, but I seldom eat meat as it doesn't really appeal to me. In all honesty, it's only a lack of time and energy (and therefore laziness, I guess) which stops me going pure veggie.

This idea that vegetarians don't get enough protein in their diet is highly misguided. In fact, some veggie dishes contain more protein than a steak!

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QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of transients.info & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
The other problem with the misinformation around protein education is that we don't actually need as much as what is said, based on my own direct experience, but also intuitive insight into how our health works. Of course, this situation ties into a frequency, in terms of how we progress spiritually, meaning that if we have really woken up and started developing in a stronger spiritual sense, this new way of understanding becomes more relevant. In another sense again, we are really creating our own reality so not everything we are told is going be accurate, or stay accurate as we change on an individual level.
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