Chronic Haze Woo - Clif High (1 Viewer)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
There is no easy snap-shot for this talk. It is more like a lesson with many side lessons. So what I've done here is give a synopsis with extra info on the side info. This is a very thought-provoking video, and I recommend you listen - maybe in two sessions.

The August 22, 2021 video begins with our status of the woo overflowing and the idea of First Principles, which is much like critical thinking in that questions are asked rather than just regurgitation of instructed information. Are your ideas formed through a research and thought process or just acceptance of something from others? This will become an even more important distinction as commonly held truths crumble away. I found a description of First Principles thinking that explains it well.

My friend Mike Lombardi (a former NFL executive) and I were having dinner in L.A. one night, and he said, “Not everyone that’s a coach is really a coach. Some of them are just play stealers.”
Every play we see in the NFL was at some point created by someone who thought, “What would happen if the players did this?” and went out and tested the idea. Since then, thousands, if not millions, of plays have been created. That’s part of what coaches do. They assess what’s physically possible, along with the weaknesses of the other teams and the capabilities of their own players, and create plays that are designed to give their teams an advantage.
The coach reasons from first principles. The rules of football are the first principles: they govern what you can and can’t do. Everything is possible as long as it’s not against the rules. The play stealer works off what’s already been done. Sure, maybe he adds a tweak here or there, but by and large he’s just copying something that someone else created.
While both the coach and the play stealer start from something that already exists, they generally have different results. These two people look the same to most of us on the sidelines or watching the game on the TV. Indeed, they look the same most of the time, but when something goes wrong, the difference shows. Both the coach and the play stealer call successful plays and unsuccessful plays. Only the coach, however, can determine why a play was successful or unsuccessful and figure out how to adjust it. The coach, unlike the play stealer, understands what the play was designed to accomplish and where it went wrong, so he can easily course-correct. The play stealer has no idea what’s going on. He doesn’t understand the difference between something that didn’t work and something that played into the other team’s strengths.

Clif's point in this video is that "truth" is becoming more difficult to reason out. With every aspect of our lives in flux, it becomes important to be aware of what we see and hear. For example, has a source of information become less reliable? Also, as hidden information comes to the surface, all of us are likely to have to reconsider our views in different areas.

Why is Trump promoting vaccines? Some have suggested that his willingness to go forward with experimental drugs was a response to the globalists' plan to enforce a very long-term lockdown that would not only kill the economy but many, many people, as well. Clif suggests that perhaps neither Trump nor those around him are aware of the data that people like us have because we spend a lot of time looking into this one situation. Also, people of his (and my) generation lived through the polio pandemic and believed that the vaccine ended it. The major point is that Trump knows the globalist players and has moved in their world for a long time, so he is playing out this game at a much higher level than we could possibly know. He also makes another point about the people around Trump - good, honest, and decent people but most likely not knowledgeable of the woo. However, as the woo continues to rise, it will affect the advisors and possibly change the vax and other messages.

The Petro-dollar is dying and the plan was to have a war to thin the herd and cover the great reset - because she (HRC) was not supposed to lose. Without a fighting war, a bio-war came about with the virus. While lockdowns were accepted at first, people are fighting back and not following the script. In the past, the country went through a depression as part of the reset, but he does not think the big change will be like that.

Our money system is designed by the globalists and funded by the banksters. People work, and they skim off the top, but this can only go on so long before people notice that they have no money left. This is when a depression or war often comes into play. However, this time we have the internet and can communicate in places like this that are not regulated. What he believes is that there will be massive changes with long-lasting effects that continue for some time. However, the restructuring will be without the globalists and their media parrots, so we will be figuring out a new way of living and working on our own, which will be based on money that does not inflate or deflate. One possibility is the return to real capitalism - not the bankster version we've been living with forever.

Clif mentions a book, The Fourth Turning by William Strauss, that discusses the patterns of generations that has repeated several times.

A Crisis era begins with a catalyst, a startling event (or sequence of events) that produces a sudden shift in mood. In America’s last Fourth Turning, the catalyst was the 1929 stock market crash. In the current era, we may ultimately look back on the global market meltdown and historic national election of 2008--ushering in a “Great Recession” and a seemingly endless era of deleveraging--as the initial mood-changer. Several years after the catalyst, society enters a regeneracy, a drawing together of the community in response to a worsening outlook and a growing determination to surmount the challenge. Thus regenerated, a society then propels toward a climax—a crucial moment that confirms the death of the old order and triumph of the new. The climax can end well, badly, or some combination of both. Either way, it shakes a society to its roots, transforms institutions, redirects social purposes, and marks people (and generations) for life. Eventually, the mood transforms into the exhaustion and relief of resolution, the moment when treaties are signed and celebrations are staged.

Woo people are now tougher and the universe had changed them - not taking vax, taking better care of bodies, critical thinking, etc. The awareness of the normies will grow in bits and pieces until they begin to understand how pervasive the controls have been. Covid and the vax are related to the petro-dollar because they did not want people to be able collect retirement. How exactly it will play out is unknown, but we should start seeing the beginning of the effects next year.

Don't be brittle about what we see or hear because we are in the woo-haze.

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