Frozen Alien Civilization in Antartica? (1 Viewer)

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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Based upon all the "high profile" people visiting Antarctica recently (John Kerry, Patriarch Kirill, Buzz Aldrin, etc.), I've no doubt something highly significant is going on down there. Alien civilizations, giants, crashed ET spacecraft, Hollow Earth entrances, Nazi bases...who knows? Whatever it is, I'm sure The Posers That Were are working overtime to keep us from learning the truth--and doing all they can to manipulate any new developments so they can be the only ones who benefit from it.

The good news though, is that in our current "shifting energies", their plans seem to be completely falling apart and the Truth just keeps rising to the surface--one way or another. Whatever is going on down there, I'm certain we'll eventually find out--and I have the distinct feeling it'll be sooner rather than later!


I'm on the edge of my seat!



Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Based upon all the "high profile" people visiting Antarctica recently (John Kerry, Patriarch Kirill, Buzz Aldrin, etc.), I've no doubt something highly significant is going on down there.
I feel the same way. Why in the world would all these people suddenly go there? It is a harsh environment - not exactly a relaxing place to visit. I am VERY interested to learn more.


Roaming Contributor
Retired Moderator
Jul 23, 2016
Arkansas, USA
What I don't understand is what do these supposed "high profile" people have to do with discoveries being made? If they have discovered frozen civilizations there why in the world would they even want John Kerry and the rest there at all? To my knowledge John Kerry is a politician not an archeologist. There something big they are not telling us. The frozen civilization part may be true but there's much more to this tale.


The magic has always been within you.
Retired Global Moderator
Jul 21, 2016
From Kansas, living in Texas
In the last couple of Webbot reports from Clif High he is showing a big big increase in emotional language that is coming and quite soon. His interpretation of the data he is seeing is that quite soon we'll learn of ancient secrets being revealed, even though TPTB have known about them for some years. The climate/earth changes are going to cause these to no longer be able to be hidden. He believes the information will show us much about the true origins and history of humanity that are much different than what we've all been told. And the initial release of info cause a massive 10 year build up for greater exploration. Southern Australia becomes the jumping off location for the movement of people and equipment to support the big digs that will be needed.

He also has stated that since the very first webbot report many years ago (early 2000's I think) that Antarctica jumped out of the data as being very significant and that over time the emotional values around it have held steady or increased.

My view...something is coming and will be revealed. The TPTB already know this will happen and that it cannot be stopped. Kerry, et al visits are pre-positioning. Recall that when Kerry went there on election day it was under the assumption that Clinton would win so it may have been about how he could prepare himself to help "manage" the information when it came out.


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
What I don't understand is what do these supposed "high profile" people have to do with discoveries being made? If they have discovered frozen civilizations there why in the world would they even want John Kerry and the rest there at all? To my knowledge John Kerry is a politician not an archeologist. There something big they are not telling us. The frozen civilization part may be true but there's much more to this tale.
I remember you mentioned this Corey Goode guy in that other thread about Clif talking about him and Wilcock. From this article:
In his early January 2017 visit, Goode says he was joined by Kaaree, Gonzales, and two other Inner Earth Civilization representatives. One of whom belonged to an Asian-looking race that Goode has described in his initial meeting with representatives from the seven Inner Earth civilizations.

Goode and the others were taken by the Anshar spacecraft to an unexcavated portion of the ruins. This was an area that the nearby scientific teams have not yet reached so it was still pristine, and showed the full extent of a civilization that had been flash frozen.
Is he really credible with this?
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Roaming Contributor
Retired Moderator
Jul 23, 2016
Arkansas, USA
I remember you mentioned this Corey Goode guy in that other thread about Clif talking about him and Wilcock. From this article:

Is he really credible with this?
It will be interesting to see what happens. Corey Goode is way too far out there for me but who knows? With not a shred of proof it's hard to say if he's credible or not. The Antartica findings have been going on for a few years though so because Goode is talking about it doesn't mean much.
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Perhaps besides the political figures visiting the area we should look for religious ones doing it. Somewhere I remember reading that the Pope was there -but no corroboration of such claim that I could remember though.


The magic has always been within you.
Retired Global Moderator
Jul 21, 2016
From Kansas, living in Texas
It will be interesting to see what happens. Corey Goode is way too far out there for me but who knows? With not a shred of proof it's hard to say if he's credible or not. The Antartica findings have been going on for a few years though so because Goode is talking about it doesn't mean much.
On 26-Jan Clif High tweeted his perspective on the veracity of Corey Goode.

Ack! my linguistic issues with C. Goode start with his claim 2b empath! BS! None of his language supports that. No integrity of unity there.



Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
we should look for religious ones doing it
veracity of Corey Goode
I wanted to believe him. We grew up in the same area (although he is younger), and his stories were so interesting. However, a few months after he appeared on the scene, I could see that his writing changed, and I knew something was off.


Mystic Healer and Astral Explorer Author
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Antartica has always been a place for aliens because of the cold. It is nearly a reproduction on earth of the climate that we can find in other planets like planet Mars.
I know that there is one of the biggest crystals on Earth in Antartica ( I know this from my own channellings) and it is related to Atlantis. That Crystal connects to the other ones which are Machu Picchu, down under the Phoenix in Egypt, in Stonehenge (UK) the Eastern Islands and deep in the Atlantic Sea in the Triangle of Bermudas. These are also part of the Grid Lines and Ley Lines and connect the Earth to other planets and dimensions in the Multiverse.
So from this point of view, as my guides from Atlantis told me, there are beings from other planets who have stations in the Antartica but they are not visible to everyone. They are really like tunnels but holographic tunnels with codes to open the inter dimensional gates. few times ago I talked about an OBE that John Helios did when I gave him a healing session and he was in one of these tunnels and saw humans killing ET's. It was the day I read the thread posted by Bill about Clif High and felt some dark energy within the message of Clif. Then I received all the information about it. Now I know I can go further through this as I channel naturally. But yes even though we see painted pictures on the article below these tunnels exist for real. No-one can take a pic of them.


I really hope these techs are not made known this year so explicitly and used, because as long as there is nationalism, patriotism, control and domination it would lead to the exact same result as in WWII, the Nazi regime used such techs but thanks goodness something went wrong.

Perhaps in a few years things will change for the better.


QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Run into something yesterday:

Not sure how credible the information is but keeping an open mind thought that perhaps some of the forum members would like to post their opinions.
Here's an excerpt fro the first two paragraphs for those who never bothered clicking in:

"In early January 2017, secret space program whistleblower Corey Goode says he was taken to Antarctica to witness the first scientific excavations of ruins from an ancient flash frozen civilization buried under two miles of ice. While the discovery of the ruins date back to the first Nazi German expedition in 1939 according to Goode, it is only since 2002 that excavations by archeologists and other scientists have been allowed, The archeologists have allegedly prepared documentary films and academic papers whose release will astound the scientific community.

In a December 11, 2016 update, Goode describes how he had been earlier made aware of the Antarctica excavations from multiple sources, and then had the excavations also revealed to him by a senior officer within a USAF led secret space program he dubbed “Sigmund”, Sigmund led a covert mission involving multiple abductions and debriefings of Goode who was being tested for the fidelity of his information."​
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Mystic Healer and Astral Explorer Author
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Anything you can share with us?
First time I was in a huge tunnel underground. I was flying inside it and saw militaries running everywhere. They had helmets and were wearing dark blue milt outfit. Some of them were pulling non human beings by the arm. And some of these beings were dying or already dead. I saw their souls being encapsulated in spheres and taken away. I also saw during the second time I was there the same militaries getting out of doors situated in both part of the tunnel and which lead to research desks where scientists work there wearing white shirts like those that doctors wear. They were getting out of these doors running too as I felt they have been attacked massively. The militaries were with them. During the two times I was like in a ship watching from a screen, but I was outside the ship at the same time. I was then transferred in white house that looked like a hospital and I saw souls being healed there. Those who may be died in the tunnel and could escape the spheres. My mission was to transport these souls to that hospital (which may be a place in the spiritual realm to heal those souls).

I knew it was Antartica because I saw huge glaciers when I was out of the tunnel. I was in two tunnels actually. In the second one there were dead beings who were not humans and I saw them being pulled from there and transported in multidimensional portals through a tunnel of white light.

Jeanne Barrimore

Just Arrived
Mar 19, 2018
Run into something yesterday:

Not sure how credible the information is but keeping an open mind thought that perhaps some of the forum members would like to post their opinions.
Don't know if the ancient civilization described in "Genesis-Antarctica" ended by being flash frozen or not, but it's a fascinating story backed by a lot of evidence from the press, interviews, etc. You can check out the site and make up your own mind:

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