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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
Gemini full moon 1 by laron.jpg

In two days we have the Gemini Full Moon, so in actual fact astrologically it is at it's strongest already, and has been building up for a few days.

I had the full effect with a car incident where the ignition key wouldn’t work in my old car. Keys also come under Gemini energy especially when Mars is in Gemini and Rx, as symbolically its an “unlocking” of information and something from the past as this happened 3 years ago when the first and oldest car key was worn so I replaced it.

I was lucky as there was an easy remedy but this happened after I bought a newer car and I really thought I would be unable to sell the old one . I was using it to move boxes and furniture for my daughter who has a Gemini home sign and is moving exactly on the Full Moon- a whole other Gemini/Mars and Moon story of quite a bit of angst…

This of course is a turning point both for Geminis and those who have the sign strong in their life pattern which will affect them through relationships and personally , Sagittarians too.

The turning point is a good thing especially with Neptune now direct, but all the same this Full Moon is much stronger than the usual due to Mars in Gemini exacerbating all Sagittarian and Gemini energies, and people, giving it a real sense of urgency and also bringing a LOT back from the past in all the areas that are relevant whether health, information, communication, education, journeying, vehicles, travel , goals, legal factors with the Sag influence , plus anything relating to the aspects Mars has been making to our birth planets since the end of August and especially Sept.

The Full Moon will fall at 16 01 Gemini with Mars exactly on that degree which means he is opposite to the Sun on that day. This is indeed the sense of urgency that so many of us are feeling already as the lunations draw the aspect energies in so they become part of the Full Moon power.

There may also be some conflicts, either within self or with others and a lot of this could be from the past . And again this could have happened any time of the week. This is the aspect of sometimes severe clashes or arguments – not to mention accidents so take care on the roads people! Road rage comes to mind.

Body parts ruled by Gemini are arms, hands and fingers, lungs, chest , some say shoulders although I generally use Taurus for shoulders in my work.
The Sag parts are liver, hips, thighs and the band around the body at hip level…Also some other internal organs…

I also want to mention this is the sibling Moon, so differences between siblings could occur, or neighbours.

We can imagine how , with the Sun involved this Full Moon is affecting world leaders and global events as its quite war like and could bring some serious clashes amonst the hierarchy. I am thinking military could come into this and something unexpected as the Sun is forming a quincunx with Uranus at 16 degrees, Sag to Taurus.
Taurus is about our Earth itself and also about the financial system, banking included, proeprty matters, housing.
Sag could be weapons including missiles or anything from the heavens for that matter including solar flares …

However Venus is conjunct the Galactic Centre on the Full Moon at 27 Sagittarius so that surely has to be a good thing with plenty of love and light flowing from the cosmos, another download of positive energy of the best kind to we human beings on the planet. I would call this protection from afar.

And while on this subject of unusual phenomena tomorrow , before the Moon is exact, the Sun will conjunct the Great Attractor which is a major event in itself that will manifest in the coming two days, even strong enough to bring the Full Moon full effect a day early if its global.

There could be a major world player involved that has a message for the world , and/or a new concept to consider about something that we may or may not believe, or are drawn into. The main thing is to ground ourselves as much as possible so as not to get too carried away too soon, and also to know WHEN to act on whatever we come up with as a decision regarding this new concept, plan or the “pull” towards this new area that could be different to anything we have heard of before.

Discernment is necessary near this Full Moon but major happenings are likely that could change the status quo radically.This applies personally as well as globally.

Tomorrow as well as the Sun/GA aspect, Mercury moves into Capricorn which is a very grounding influence, and necessary at this time as it brings our thoughts back to earth to help assimilate the influx of new energy from both the GA and the GC on the Full Moon.
Virgos and Geminis in particular will benefit from this move and find it easier to make decisions and weigh up the different elements around at this time, before acting on their plans and ideas.

Capricorns will find it easier to communicate the same in practical ways, so there is more structure to their thinking. The same goes for all of us after the really hectic period behind us.

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