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Lorna on Ascension, Source, Love and more: A QHHT session by Tai Ashley-Jones (1 Viewer)


QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of transients.info & The Roundtable
I edited and put together this transcribed QHHT session on transients.info back in May, 2015. It's available alongside a bunch of others, via the menu under 'QHHT'. Tai is a member of the Roundtable Forum and may be moderating one of our boards in the near future. Lorna Wilson, author of Healing Journeys Through Quantum Realities: A Handbook, is currently a Global Moderator of the Roundtable, and also moderates this board and the Plant Medicine board.

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Here is another QHHT based session conducted by Tai Ashley-Jones with her client Lorna Wilson, who is also a QHHT practitioner based in London, England. Note that Lorna has had a session with Dolores Cannon and the information from that session was included in Dolores Cannon's fourth 'Convoluted Universe' book.

You can find the last QHHT based article I posted from Tai here, 'The Connectedness of Life - A QHHT session by Tai Ashley-Jones', which was back on the 12th of February this year. Lorna was also Tai's client in that session.

I just want to add that this is probably my favorite session from Tai and Lorna, so far. It has some very deep information that touches on some important subjects. For some reason, I didn't get around to reading this in full and preparing it to post, until today, even though Tai sent this onto me in September last year. Apologies from me for the late delivery of this important info.

Topics covered

  • a soul collective consciousness, including how it functions when souls return to it and how it drops part of it self into time and space for experience
  • what love is and a discussion around this being shown in a ayahuasca ceremony which Lorna was once involved in
  • experiencing source / the creator and showing that we are all part of it
  • the role of orbs and how they come from source / the creator, and contain a group consciousness.
  • the requirement for evolution and devolution
  • the importance of understanding that we are all connected to our source, even though we are each feeling a disconnection
  • the fact that some people need to have their misperceptions around ascension, and how they think its suddenly going to happen, on a specific date, when it's not. As this misconception allows them to raise their consciousness, where they may not have before. {Important info and section - Laron}
  • the function of intuition and how we connect to many aspects of our selves
  • the process of the subtle bodies and the physical bodies, in relation to ascension.
  • karma and balance - "...is really bringing ones action back into balance nothing more... that simple..." and the important of being in balance
  • the body in connection to crystallisation and how the use of crystals relates to this, including how useful they can be generally speaking
  • some information around channeling

For those unaware of what QHHT is, it’s a past life / in-between life hypnosis based regression method, created and previously taught by the late Dolores Cannon. This is the method Dolores Cannon used to obtain all the information for her many published books. (I am also a QHHT level 1 and 2 practitioner)

This session was conducted by Tai in October, 2012.

L = Lorna
R = Regressionist/Tai

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Preparation for session..

R. Can you find your symbol? When you have merged with your symbol. .. Are you in a place of deep relaxation now?
L. Mmmm I am connected with my symbol.

R. O.K. I wonder if you can connect and go back to the time when you were in the Temple of the Jungle? And if you see anything coming up there?
L. Well I connected through my symbol and it was quite interesting this time because it was like going through a dark elasticated fabric and when I popped through on the other side I just found myself in space.. it was like black space... and from where I am now I am looking at like.. stars and twinkly stuff and actually I can see the Milky Way.. (R. How wonderful) and I am just kind of ... suspended... is the word which comes to mind .. in space ...and when you say ‘the Temple of the Jungle’ .. I am just floating there.... and I am thinking do I want to look at the Temple or do I just want to stay in this space?

Image source: NASA

R. Are the stars very near by?
L. They are just twinkling all over, some are nearer than others some are actually quite large which is quite interesting as I have always thought some stars were just little twinkling bits.. like sparkles...

R. Is it warm?
L. Mmm ? I am neither cold nor warm....The sky is quite velvety texture deep black and just velvety...

R. O.k. Is there one star, which is particularly bright?
L.. A number of them are yes.. I can see one..

R. Are you drawn to that at all?
L. I can be ...


R. If you look around you do you see anything except the sky?
L. Well when I looked at that star and you asked if I was drawn to it, I just realized that it was not a star at all, but was like a ‘Beam’ a big goldeney sparkling kind of ‘Beam’ that just said ‘Welcome’

R. Are you able to follow up that beam and swim up to it?
L. Well it is like a ‘Being’ it is not a person as such it is alive and it just said to me ‘Welcome’ and I am actually quite familiar with this ‘Being’..

R. Does it have a name?
L. It is just like a ‘Soul’ a sound .. it is ‘Consciousness’ like the group- consciousness and somehow I am connected to it ...and to them

R. Is this part of your Soul-group?
L. Yes it is part of my Soul

R. Of your Soul?
L. Mmm Yes it is a part of my Soul.

R. Of your Soul? (Mmm) And are the other stars part of your Soul-group?
L No.. They are other groups.. of Soul.. and we are all interconnected but OH...I get it.. we are all interconnected but we are ...grouped differently according to .. our needs comes to mind.. our expression.. O.K. (feeling cold)....

R. Do you have a purpose?
L. MMmm

R. What is it can you tell me what it is or ask?
L. Mm ...’They’ are showing me that my purpose is to love ....to express love ...but it is more than. My purpose is to help the humans to understand ...what it means to love .. that simple... They are telling me that humans have all these perceptions about love but that have nothing to do with love. It is just mind constructs that they have...

R. What is love?
L. They are showing me love that it is just radiant.. radiant rays of light... that moves.. This is interesting because suddenly all these rays of light that move and are just multi-colours of light and shades which just ripple out to all of these.. what I thought was stars.. and now they are showing me that I am seeing myself in the jungle in the Ayawasca ceremonies ...(I am watching this and it is quite interesting to watch) they are showing me that they were connecting with me on these rays of ...’light-frequencies’ and that the different colours of light of expression are carrying information I am seeing Meastros and Maestros and it is like these lights enter through them and I am watching it rippling out through their hands and out through their voices are singing and I am watching this just entering into all of us and what the light frequencies were are doing what this energies are doing are shifting things within our bodies and in ourselves and I am watching this at the same time as I am trying to explain it .. and moving things so that we can be connected with... Love. With what Love is .. not what we think it is.. That we as humans have these ...interpretations these romantic notions of what love is but it is far removed from what Love .....is. That Love is not.. this romanticized notion.... and romantic love is quite one dimensional.. they are showing me.... One dimensional in the sense that, or one sense that if you think that you are in love or have a fascination with someone or something and you think of it as Love but it really is not Love. And they are showing me in the Aya. ceremonies how they were pulsing this Love into and through my body and I am at the same time remembering how that felt and how wonderful that whole feeling was and how it made me want to sing and dance! And they are reminding me that they were showing me how I moved the ‘Light’ into my heart and that that is Love.. it is ‘Light ‘.. it is not Love and Light.. it is Light... and that even what we think of as ‘Dark’ .. is still Love... because all Dark is.. is Light that is not vibrating at its finest purest frequency and they are showing me that out of the void or what we call the void or Dark is what Light comes out of.. and so Light or Dark is not absence of Light.. that there is nothing really but ...Light..

An Ayahuasca inspired painting by Howard G Charing. Acrylic on canvas.
Image Source: Flickr

R. What is the Source of this ‘Light’?
L. It is Creator!!.. It is the creator of all that is.. and that is not one-dimensional and that there is no.. one.. expression... of this and that if we as humans understand that we would stop the wars right now and walk away.. into Love..

R. If we understood?
L. That there is no such thing as not being a part of Creator and so that this internal war with our confusion of what is truth.. is what we act out and so they are telling me and showing me that I am to help others to find their own light within.. and they are showing me .... myself is like a dinosaur with this really thick skin and that the ‘weapons’ of others can not really penetrate. So they are showing me that this is a part of the conversation we were having earlier where I was saying that I don’t understand.. how humans don’t understand.. their connection with Creator or they don’t believe.... their own connection with the Divine and it is because I understand that because I have a thick skin on the surface and I know that because the light within at a connection level and other humans do not have this thick skin on the surface and so they are penetrated and wounded by their own thoughts and what they see around them and this affects their own beliefs in being connected with Creator and their misunderstanding of who and what this creative force might be. I am not sure if I have explained that well.. they are showing me and that if I were to have this thick Dinosaur kind of skin peeled away I would feel the rawness that some sensitive souls feels and that some of the ‘Sensitive Souls’ that feel this have not had that many lifetimes and so it is like they are embryonic in their thickening of their surface skin. I am trying to explain the images I am being shown I am not sure if I am doing a good job but I do understand it completely..

R. Can you follow this light back to Source?
L. Well when you say that.. I can see that the rays of of it just keep kind of moving back ...it is almost like ...it is like a ray from the sunshine and then there is a Sun but it is not really like the sun as we know it as it is quite intense and quite blinding and it is interesting because it is just kind of pulsing. .. different colours and shades of colours. It is not static ...it is just like a constant movement.. but in different ways ....of moving. It is quite interesting to watch really but at the same time it is hard to watch..

R. Yes. Is that the ‘face’ of love?
L. It is not a face as such.. but when you asked me that I see many faces.. in and it is like .. every face.. but not all human either and not all ...people and not all animals ...it is just ...it is like everything rolled up in one but also like geometric shapes and quite interesting ....it is like you just have a soup of everything you can imagine and more and it is all all kind of bubbling away and just rippling out..

R. And how can you connect with that?
L. We are already connected there is no how.. it just .. IS...
.. There is an artificial sense of a dis.. connection... but there is no... ‘not-connected’

R. So would you be like the Maestros and would you be channeling this energy system into people .. into their life?
L. Mmm ...not exactly but it would be like I am a bridge to this energy system which invites them to cross. It is somewhat by invitation only.. it is not something which one can just do and just drag and take others. It is like ...at a level you say.. “Would you like to come this way?” or “May I invite you this way?”

R. And when you say “They” are showing me this or “They” are this and that.. Who are “They”?
L. It is like this group – let me see how I would describe this better. It is like a ‘gathering of light.’ It is group-consciousness. If like if you were to blow out bubbles out of the Source of where bubbles comes from.. each of the bubbles would be like a group.. a group intention and sometimes the bubbles come together and become a bigger group and sometimes it separates and so you can say like Source that it is coming from is blowing out these bubbles .. these orbs.. and so each of the Orbs that is its intention and that is what I term ‘They” is the individual group and the group intention..

R. So your function is to be a bridge between Humans and this Light -Source.. this ...original Source .. not the group-consciousness bubble but the Source itself.
L. Well when you started to say that and said the connection between humans and the bridge itself? The word.. and.. when you said.. and.. the word that came after that for me was.. “to themselves” and so my role would be to connect humans to themselves. And one can say.. ‘Selves’ with a capital S as in two words.. So it is not really connecting humans with God or any concept of God.. it is to connect humans to themselves.. It is inter-connecting ...consciousness.. you see there is only consciousness and humans... are a division of consciousness or an extraction of consciousness so really it is to connect that extraction to itself....

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Image source: Flickr
R. Yes...
L. When this happens and I am watching all this taking place... it is like a growth process for the group consciousness in that it expands.. so when humans are separated or extracted or shifted away from the group consciousness it is almost like there is a depletion in the size of the group or the bubble and then when humans connect back to it there is an expansion but it is a bigger expansion than there was before. Oh I see!! So let me see if I can explain this because I am looking at imagery and I am trying to put that into words.. so what is happening is that the group is like dropping these concepts through an image packet and then I have to try to put that into words.. Right!! So this is what they are telling me.. why I have to write a book ... so what I am being shown is... this is the group-consciousness and then it extracts pieces of consciousness and it drops that into time and space or into experience to use that term and in this case we are looking at humans.. so when the human aspects are separated from the group.. it somewhat shrinks so it needs the humans to re-connect back with it.. to expand and so it can then expand to bigger than when it started so that it can then move out to connect with other groups So there is always this multiplying and division thing happening and when it happens then this creative force and source of it all can expand and when it expands ... Oh I see!! And so what happens with this particular planet within this particular solar system is that it is now being sucked back in for a greater expansion so it is like.. de—creating ...calling back in the pieces and then expanding into the next thing.. or expanding into.. more.. so there is really nothing wrong with anything it is all part and parcel of what is going on and what is needed to go on and it is almost like you have a piece of muslin or cheesecloth and then you put everything in and squeeze it and then you take out the pure... awareness... not the right word.. light.. not the right word....

R. Matter?
L. No.. it is not matter.. it is like you take out the pure essence.. and you leave behind the crud and then the crud gets transformed and gets shifted back into.. it is like nothing gets wasted.. it just gets shifting and expanding and shrinking expanding. Nothing gets wasted... and moving and growing and it is like a dance really and as I am saying this I am listening to this ‘Creative force’ laughing and loving it is actually a Beautiful thing to watch and listen to .. it is like a harmony.. Oh I see!. It is like when things are out of harmony it gets squeezed through this .. ‘crucible’.. this cheesecloth kind of thing and it takes out the essence the beauty the harmony and then there is an expansion and then it moves out into creation and the more it collects dense matter...and then it comes back in. so it is like an in-breath and an out–breath and it is like on the out-breath is creation and the in-breath is de-creation and as I am describing this I then see that like ‘infinity’ and with infinity there is a moving out .. a squeezing and a constant flow possibly this is possibly where the ancients came up with that symbol for infinity because it is like a squeezing through the crucible and then as I am describing this the group is showing me the infinity symbol turned on its side... so that it becomes upright and somewhat like a torus so it is like the pulsing out of creation the pulling back in and then the moving back out so it is just constant motion and movement. It is quite beautiful to watch as it is just pulsing out of colours so it is like I am watching this pulsing out and moving out and drawing back in.

R. And is it just the time for this emanation for ‘God’ to go through this ‘evolution’ at this moment is it?
L. Yes it is always that it is always time for this for the evolution and de-volution and they are showing me that this is where humans tend to get stuck and become one-dimensional in their thinking and their perceptions. You cannot have evolution without de-volution and you cannot have construct without having de-construct or de-construction and so there is this misunderstanding of Creation and evolution is growing in only one way... so for it grow in the polarity of plus it also grows in the polarity of minus.

R. OK. But plus and minus are both different and both bigger .. as it were?
L. And they are both the same at the same time and that is the paradox there really is not difference.. it is purely perception..

R. Is the purpose of the individual Soul to realize this and to reconnect with the Source and if they do reconnect do they disappear from the group-consciousness, which is going through the evolution/devolution process?
L. They are showing me immediately that there never is a need for de-connection ? And they are showing me that it is a mis-understanding that humans have, which has been passed down for generations of teachings.. that there is never a need to re-connect because there has never been a de-connection and the sooner that that is understood then the quicker there can be for the devolution / evolution process changes.. and so the devolution process brings one back into realizing that they are not disconnected and when they start feeling that they are de-volving.. (I don’t even know if that is a word!) but once they start feeling that they are de-volving then they can quickly grab onto the idea that they are not dis-connected. Because they reach for something higher so that they don’t sink or fall into ...what they would term the ‘Abyss. I am trying to explain what I am actually seeing. So if you think in terms of say ..the Torus. So there is all this evolution moving upwards and then it is coming back down and then it is passing through that... not sure what to call that centre piece of the Torus the gap of ‘no thing’... it then starts reaching up for something higher to grasp onto and then it remembers that it is connected and then it moves back into its connection and loving it, which is what some might term the ‘Golden Age’ and then when it starts falling back down it starts almost like panicking – reaching now for a connection and then it goes back so there is this ongoing.... reaching for a connection – realizing and remembering the connection – falling away .. from the connection and then reaching back into it. And I see myself and my group standing near that centre gap and saying.. “Remember”.. “Remember, that you never were disconnected” So it is like ... “Gatekeepers” is the word which comes to mind. I am not sure if that is the accurate term but it is what comes to mind.

R. And the ‘Gatekeeper’ amongst one function, one purpose – amongst the Humans? Are there other types of humans who have different purpose and different function in this evolution... this change?
L. Absolutely! But they are all working with the same remit so to speak – connected purpose but coming from different angles and working through different diversities but effectively it is the same thing.

R. And are there Angels and creatures in other dimensions involved?
L. I want to say Yes and I want to say No. I want to say Yes because creation is all working through one purpose and I want to say No because it is not so much that Angels and other creatures are in different dimensions that all of it is from the same perspective. They are showing me ...take this line and every single section of this line could be a different dimension but yet it is the same line and so when we think in terms of dimensions we think in terms of it being somehow separate, but it is not... when an arrow is being shot from its source and by the time it hits its target it has moved though all this space and dimensions so the dimensions are very much just a different states of consciousness or being or expressions of the very same thing so that is somewhat why it is a yes and a no answer and so the different dimensions, as you term it, evoke within the mind ...a separation and to move beyond that separation is to recognize that there is ...no ....separation and that is how you actually access all that you denote as the different layers of dimensions back to its source and so the thinking process which is faulty it is not the lines it is the thinking process and they are showing me that you were sitting there earlier and that is not the fault in the line but the fault is actually in the thinking ...

R. And where does that fault/thought come from?
L. The thinking ...and the belief systems and the mis-perceptions – of not recognizing the inter-connectedness of oneself and feeling that oneself needs to connect, instead of not recognizing that they cannot exist without having that connection .

R. And people have great difficulty loving themselves ...and why is that and how can you change that?
L. The immediate change is to recognize the connection and within recognizing the connection and even just sitting and asking, just that it gives the physical body a sensation of this connection then immediately that process begins and so all of creation is in the human body, it is not separate and this is what they were showing me and having me experience in the Aya. ceremonies... and this is why we cannot leave our bodies or escape our bodies because it is the connection to the divine. And so everything about the human body and biology is created from the divine perspective. There is no need for it to evolve it already, is that... and it is to recognize that and in recognizing that we can actually turn on tour keys and codes, which are already in-built so they are showing me.. that this ‘new age’ to use the terms which I use, teachings... is actually multi-layered in many truths because where people now accept in their mind the faulty concept of having a ‘DNA upgrade’ really what that has done is to just give themselves permission to experience more consciousness in their body.. (Laughing) This is actually a ‘Source’ joke which has been going on for a while.. it is like Source has been saying “OK. Let’s let them play with their concepts and their mis-conceptions but in that we will be able to sneak in.. to open them to their greater truth” so the mere fact that people are running around thinking that.... “oh, our consciousness is going to be raised” .. actually opens them... to raising their consciousness and so .. they are actually laughing and saying ‘Don’t mock them and don’t laugh at them as it is almost in their infancy of knowing ...that this is how they are giving themselves the permission to actually reach for something higher” So in their reaching for the term ascension which so frustrates me sometimes ...So they are saying that this is my dinosaur skin which comes in and there is a part of me which is hardened to the human condition because for me it might be so easy for me to experience or to see right through it because I have them to help me but the reality is that others actually need their mis-perceptions to help them to open their way. So those that are seeking this Ascension in their minds... like it is going to happen on a particular date and a time ....but in reality it is that they on another level ... have actually given themselves permission to actually raise their consciousness... be open to the fact that they are more than just a 3D human having a miniscule experience.. do you see what I mean? It is quite a paradox and a cosmic joke in itself.. so they are saying all this Illuminati and New Age.. bullshit that we think of as something coming in outside of Source and this dark force, it really is that dark forces is Source itself working from a different angle for the consciousness of mankind, which they have created and in their mis-perception

R. We call it Evil that idea but that it is actually just part of Source?
L. All of it yes and they are reminding me in many ways and also it is like how you would describe junctions where there is a crossing and a meeting point and so many different directions where there are people and things where everything moves off in but the meeting point is Source energy. and it is all coming from the same source.. there is only Source vibrating and moving where as it was mentioned an arrow gets shot and before it hits its target every bit in between is aspects of Creation and every bit in between every shade and shadow and every bit of the wind force that it moves through is other levels of Creation.

R. So do we ever leave this ... ‘Creation’ as you have described it or do we continue in it perpetually?
L. Ongoing choices ...you leave it perpetually all the time and then you come back into it you don’t realize that you leave it all the time and the only time you come back into it is when you are consciously aware of yourself in this moment but when you are not aware of yourself in this moment other aspects of yourself is aware of other aspects of themselves in other moments and they are saying that to accomplish things in this perception of this moment in this time is to simply allow yourself to re-connect with the ... other parts of yourself and then draw in that information and knowledge down, and they are showing me that in the earlier conversation that we were having it is that humans do not realize that if they are connected then they can actually do whatever it is that they want to without having to have fear of not doing it or not doing a good job and so the way to do that is to just sit within that moment and re-connect - to use your terms - with all the mulit-aspects of themselves and to allow those awareness’s and knowledge and wisdom to come through. They are actually showing me that this is how intuition works this is what is the inner teachers... it is all the actually aspects of oneselves inspiring and dropping information into a physical.. your physical.. my physical.. a humans physical.. 3D and reality .. It just gets dropped down through the light waves.. it is like we are composed of ‘rivers of light’ and in those rivers of light is... call it a ‘Soul-matrix’ if you like and as humans we are composed of many different matrix’s.. we have our social matrix.. cultural.. matrix our own vibratory matrix, there are so many layers.. if you were to see it, it is just like loads of light. ... like light-lines shall we say... and the increase of these in different colours and spectrum's is what one sees as the Aura and if one were to sit in a receptive state ...to receive their intuition or their Soul informational field then they would never have any self-doubt of their connection.

R. Is the Creator greater than we are? If everything is in us anyway?
L. The immediate response to that is that the sum is always greater than its parts. And to connect with the sum is to simply sit in that moment.

R. What is the moment? What is so distinct from the past or the future.. What is the moment?
L. The moment is that ...you cannot take your body ...anywhere outside of ‘Now’.. You can take your imagination.. you can take your memories and projections and shift into different states of consciousness and this is why the body is so important and why body is the vortex into the dimensional fields and that is because your body is only ever in .... ‘NOW’ you can take your subtle bodies.. but NOW is the physical body... It is that simple

R. So being in the ‘NOW’ is connecting with our physical bodies..
L. It is recognizing that you cannot ever be not connected to your physical body and so it is not escaping and this is what they are showing me.. telling me with Ascension as the infantile mind sees it.. they are hoping to ‘ascend’ away from their body or to leave their body behind but you have to take your body with you until your atomic structure decomposes in what is called death. So this is why the re-incarnation theory is quite important in that Souls or ‘States of Consciousness’ can go in and out of the physical body and the physical body as we know it is ‘Now’ ... and so the denial of it and this is what those that hate themselves and mankind.. do... they keep creating things to destroy the physical ...body... this is what all the toxic foods and things are in creation...

R. To destroy the ‘Now?’
L. Yes. But you cannot destroy the ‘Now’ because you cannot destroy Creation and remember the evolution / devolution .. and so mankind likes to think that they come from two polarities but they are showing me me now that there are actually three. There is the Re-active.. the Active or the Interactive.. or Balance. And so... Karma... is really bringing ones action back into balance nothing more... that simple...

R. Ah.. Into balance? So what is balance then?
L. Balance is neither one nor the other .. it just IS... and that is where you find creative force right in the balance in the centre.. Buddha understood this.. following the middle path... sometimes one way sometimes another ....pull it back into balance.. the ancients understood this as Zero Point energy.. come back into balance .. that is the only place that you will find the truth of creator the other aspects are just... aspects...

'Sleeping Buddha' by Matt Westgate
R. So Balance is an equilibrium with the three forces with re-active.. active and interactive?
L. Yes because only from Balance can one interact.

R. So is interaction a consequence of the balance of the reactive and active or is it part of the equation?
L. It could be said to be both depending on how you are looking at it.. but to interact effectively or to interact at all one needs to be in balance. If you are not in balance then you constantly are re-acting according to perception of a ‘re-action’ This is also the importance of the triangle or the pyramid and I don’t mean the pyramids as they have been built.. but in the pyramid shape as in the sacred geometry as in what they call in numerology.. which is they are showing me .. that the three represents active intelligence or active ‘Architect’ or the ‘Divine Creator’ because only from the third perspective can there be creation in an interactive way... as in the manifesting of a creative truth.
This is why there is always three sides to a story or why threes are very prominent because ‘twos’ just take one into polarities – either/or.... so they are showing me to tell you in looking ahead to move in ways which are able to interact from a place of balance and that this is also a message that should be shared. They are showing me showing me once again.. the need to write a book and they are saying that it should be books but it is about cutting through the crap and when you cut through the crap you find balance because all balance is really is just covered and submerged by the s...t which gets thrown in from either side.

R. From the reactive? (Mmm).. I don’t fully understand that but I am sort of on my way towards it – understanding it and if you were to write the book would you understand it?
L. They are showing me that I do actually understand it now and whether I would apply it every day or whether I will more so now that I am looking at the images that I am looking at.. that comes down to .. choices.. but they are encouraging me to see it and apply it because only through applying it does one actually help others otherwise words are empty of ...truth..

R. Yes. So is the triangle a tetrahedron a 3-sided triangle with a base or like the pyramids of Egypt with a four sided triangle with a base?...
L. They are showing me that once you include a base and take it to different levels it is simply that it is just three things to make one. It is like a three in one and when you take it and you open it out you have got one .. and then the extension and in the centre it is balance.. it is purely balance and they are showing me that I have actually understood this but without applying it as a concept for growth. (Laughing).. they are showing me that years ago when I was a Model and we had to take off a coat or a jacket on a catwalk I understood that if I held it in the centre then the weight was balanced and they are showing me me that I can show you this example that with the jacket that if you hold it over one sleeve or the other in imbalance it actually feels heavy but if you hold it in the centre then it is balanced so I used to know that when I whipped it off and turned or something that if I held it in the centre which is usually where the hook thing is to hang it up.. it had absolutely no weight .. they are showing me me that every single moment in our lives is a art and parcel leading up to the moment of devolution and evolution and so this is something that they are showing me so that I can show you that if you actually have a visual perception of it then you will understand in ways in which you might not understand now what that difference is... so I will show you after... and then you may get it. They are saying when things are in balance they have no weight ...but when your thoughts are not in balance then they weigh heavily on you and you know that your thoughts are in balance when it is light and they are showing me this is how our bodies know our true connection with Divinity because when we feel light and it actually brings a spontaneous joy and lightness to our Being and when we feel heavy then we know that it is not and they are showing me that this is why highly evolved beings tend to be very humorous and to see the funny side of things and to not take themselves too seriously and that a sign of when you are taking yourself too seriously is that you will feel heavy and weighed down and this is really what Enlightenment is .. it is to be ... feeling.. and it is all feeling.. this is they are showing me that we don’t understand about love .. we think love is a concept and this is why romantic love is one dimensional because it leaves us not feeling light. We only feel light in a temporary moment of feeling infatuation.. or .. lust.. or a novelty.. They are saying to me that a one-dimensional love can grow and it can evolve and it can grow into a deeper feeling level but the immediacy of a romantic love is only possibly the first rung of a ladder which may go up or it may go down and this is where the term.. “fall in love” comes from because often a romantic love can take you down rather than up and this is where romantic unrequited love and all that nonsense that comes up with emotions not recognized or gone awry comes from it .... it comes from this one-dimensional and infantile version of what one perceives love or ...thinks it is..

R. So love is feelings?
L. I am asking them why everything is feelings and that is why your body is important.. I am asking why they used the word... (laughing).. infantile!!.... and they say that it is infantile in not a negative sense but in the sense that a child or a baby might not understand immediately that to put its hand on the fire will burn it so it is not so much owning misperceptions which can happen at any age but it is about not having enough Soul Growth to understand that the essence behind something.

R. Yes .. It is not a concept it is feelings and self-love is a dis-connection from all .. the divine Source and that is .. can that only be made through feelings rather than through any other means?
L. They are saying to me that immediately you have it wrong and that Self-love ...IS the connection with the Divine Source it is not the dis-connection.. anything that is dis-connected from the Divine Source is not self-love and that is why every .. humans ....underpinning of whatever their story life is .. is about Self-love ....

R. Got it!! Yes.
L. And so they keep trying to show me and to express to me so that I may express to you and to others in its own way that our ongoing perception of a dis-connection is what keeps us apart from .... knowing and experiencing our own Self-love and when you experience Self-love you are happy within your body because your body you recognize your body.. its capacity for holding and experiencing.. its love ...and through loving ourselves or our body we are then connected to the Divine and this is what is understood by the lower vibrational frequencies why they create all this “You need to do ... this” to love your body.. This is what all that advertising and all that false perception is creating on.. all the ways to separate one from Self-love... And so this is what the so-called dark or low vibrations do.. this is what the so-called Illuminati based stuff is .. this stuff is just separating one from their “Now” and their capacity to love themselves ..

R. Yes.. And are there different groups who will have different experiences of this Evolution/De-volution that we are going through now or what feels like we are going through now, so are there some Soul-Groups to survive it and others not.. or how will it work?
L. All Soul Groups will survive it because all Soul Groups cannot die the only thing that dies is the human atomic or physical form ... everything survives it.. your question might be ...do all humans survive in their physical form? No... all humans don’t survive in their physical form now but they come back ...into it ...the body can be destroyed but the Soul never can. It grows and it expands and it shifts into other groups.

R. Yes.. What happens to the body when it doesn’t have the benefit of the body/brain to bring in the ‘Nowness?’
L. Well the Soul never dies.. aspects of the Soul might come into... when it crystalizes.. I don’t know why crystal comes into mind but aspects of the Soul might come into crystallization is what I am being told.. Oh I see! What is crystallization ....all of the body really is just a big crystal.. the blood can be crystalized.. the liquids can be crystalized.. the whole body and what keeps it living is c and that is why even spit when it dries it forms a crystalized texture.. the blood and everything there is no different than the crystals that grow within and from the earth and so that is why keeps the life-form alive and so when the atomic structure that holds.. the crystals die.. the Soul is just released from being imprisoned ..shall we say in that form ...and then has the opportunity to experience other life forms or different and so they are showing me that this ‘fear of death’ is this construct which has come about because they do not understand this construct that one cannot die. It is like in your garden your plant.. it grows you water it.. it blossoms and it dies.. and it gives off seeds and those seeds grows again and so there is this continuity that man separates himself or herself from ...and this is why those that survive through this evolutional process are ones that recognize their unity and consciousness with this nature and have no fears about that blooming and blossoming and moving and shifting through nature. It is all the same..

A clear quartz crystal - Source: Flickr
R. Yes and why is the crystal the basic form? Is it about light.. or...
L. It is crystallized light all of creation is crystalized consciousness in a sense it is condensed consciousness and so and this is why crystals and this is why they use crystals in many different ... the need to hold memory and the using of technology because the human form is one of the most.. awesome piece of technology but humanity has been separated from that awareness so they do not believe that it is so .. So where they could use telepathy.. they use the Internet .. which is really a technological form of telepathy or a ‘knowing’ of information.

R. So the ‘Creation’ is just an idea and the crystal is the form used to express it?
L. Yes. In a simple answer Yes.. When you say it is just an ‘idea’ I hear all this laughter going on.. Creator really does laugh at all the seriousness of how we take things.. we really are just an idea? And I am being told to tell you that the biggest idea and the biggest paradox, the biggest cosmic joke is that we don’t realize that we are our own ideas of what we think we are.. So it is a complete joke! And all this fear about people dying is another joke because when you pop out of your body you will realize that you are not dead! And so much of what people take to be true is just s**.t that they have heard from others. .. and then it is taken on as a truth... They are showing me that I have told me all this before and been shown how it works in a session that I did with Tai.. and I watched how these beliefs systems just landed on peoples heads and got accepted into them and then just hardened them.. hardened their ‘form’..

R. So is the best way for you to write your book to channel it through the Gatekeepers? How is it best done?
L. Actually this is interesting because when you said that they showed me that every part of our life is channeled through from something.. we even channel our life through..... we think we are creating it from moment to moment but all that we are all creating is what we put together and what we dismiss and as you said that I watched all of our everything about us either gets channeled through from a low vibrational ‘shadow side’ or something higher or something .. for example if you tap into your fear you are actually just channeling through the low vibrational stuff you have got stored in your own energy field (laughing).. I find it interesting looking at it this way.. So people like to think... “Oh.. it’s channeled!” as though it is coming from something or some energy source outside of themselves but it is just themselves or they think if it is Channeled then it is high or a high vibrational frequency but we know that if we make choices in any other way it is not channeled.

EVERYTHING IS CHANNELLED!. It is all coming through these lines of energy vibration that we are composed of and so a collective group of energy could be said to be an ‘Archtype’ and so if I were to say.. “Here is the human form laying flat it is all a composition of group collective lines of energy and so each of those groups collective resonant lines of energy could be Archtypes ... Social constructs.. Personality Matrix.. Constructs of time.. and so we are just nothing but a composition of ‘light forms’ and this is why geometric shapes show up very much in psychedelic visions because we are a composition of geometric shapes to a large degree.. or ‘Creation’ is. This is also why so much information is used in symbols which is why the Illuminati and those that ‘control’ mankind’s mindset or aim to control it, work with symbols because they recognize that group composition of certain things is really just encoded in the symbols and the sub-conscious mind of man knows this ...

R. Yes.. Well I think we could bring this to a conclusion to be continued for another day?
L. Mmmm

R. Well I would really like to thank the Gatekeepers and to thank the Creator although he has taken the p...s out of me constantly!! (laughing)... I really mean that even though it/(Creator).. is myself and yourself.. and I wonder if there is anything last to be said in this conversation?
L. No.. it is fine.. there are only a few of my own thoughts .....

Bringing out.....

* * *

Tai Ashley-Jones is a holistic healthcare practitioner and teacher of metaphysics based in Essex, England. You can find Tai's website here, http://taiashley-jones.com/.

Lorna Wilson, who was Tai's client in the above session, is also a QHHT Practitioner, Advanced Hypnotherapist & Spiritual Life Coach, based in London, England. You can find her site here, http://www.lornawilsonqhhthealing.co.uk/.

This article was edited (rather quickly) for publication by Laron, who also sourced the images that were included above.

Other QHHT sessions by Tai
February 12, 2015 - The Connectedness of Life - A QHHT session by Tai Ashley-Jones
October 31, 2014 - The Auditorium - A QHHT session by Tai Ashley-Jones
October 30, 2014 - Talks with Steve and 'Tsan-Ta' - A QHHT session by Tai Ashley-Jones
October 8, 2014 - A life at the time of Yeshua - A QHHT session by Tai Ashley-Jones
September 16, 2014 - The Earth Guardians and a Higher Self - A QHHT session with Tai

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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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For those that missed this one I'm giving it a bump. This was a QHHT session conducted with one of our global moderators, Lorna. (so Lorna is the client here, but also is a practitioner of QHHT, like myself).

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