Spanish Stonehenge now visible in dry lake bed (1 Viewer)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
In the 1960s a reservoir was created, which flooded the site where these ancient stones stood. With the drought and sending water to Portugal, the reservoir is now dry, and the stones are exposed. There are citations about this site all the way back to the Romans. In the 1920s a German priest excavated the area and sent artifacts back to Germany where they were displayed in a museum. A group of people are hoping to get the stones moved to dry land before the reservoir refills.

Does anyone here know about these relics?

The stones, that date from the second and third millennium BC, form the site of a sun temple on the banks of the River Tagus and were last seen by locals six decades ago before the area was flooded during the Franco-era to create a reservoir.
Excited locals have been making trips out to view the stones that had formed a part of local legend. “We grew up hearing about the legend of the treasure hidden beneath the lake and now we finally get to view them,” Angel Castaño told the Local.
“There certainly may have been treasures buried beneath the stones once upon a time, but for us now, the treasures are the stones themselves.” Now, he is leading the race against time to preserve the site before the rains come.
The collection of 144 stones, some of which reach two metres high and have engravings of serpents, are arranged in circles, but like Stonehenge, it is unclear exactly who put them there and for what purpose.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
The news of this particular stone circle is news to me. In time, our ancient origins will be excavated sufficiently for general perceptions to be changed, and megalithic structures are one way that can happen. So public news about megalithic structures is fantastic. Alongside the new knowledge that these stone circles give to us, is the knowledge of the ley line crossing points, which is often where these circles were erected, to make the most of earth's energetic points, like nodes on meridians.

Engravings of serpents can refer to wisdom lines, as serpents are equated with wisdom.

But there are other myths about Dragons and Nagas (Nagas are half-human/half-serpent beings). The Dragons were meant to have been Guardians and Protectors of this planet in its early formation, and snake beings were infiltrators. According to myth, there has been a push/pull tug-of-war about which of these type of beings has pre-eminence. Although the actual word Naga is from Hindu and later Buddhist philosophy, serpent engravings have been found at many megalithic sites around the world, and are also strongly present in aboriginal dreamtime stories and artwork.

The fact that there are 144 stones in total in this circle is also interesting, as that is an arcane number and pops up in many ancient wisdom stories. It is also the mathematical result of 12 x 12, and the base number of 12 also seems to be important, bleeding through to many of our systems and measurements, and of importance in ancient origin stories.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
You brought up quite a bit of new information. Thanks.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia

This story also appears on

"The snake, according to Castaño, was “a dragon that protects the treasure, the guardian of the sacred zone” that he says was of constant religious and economic importance because it coincides with the ford of Alarza, which was a strategic crossing on the Tagus. While Stonehenge is located amidst rich agricultural fields and the Dolmen de Guadalperal is located on the banks of the River Tagus, and just like Stonehenge the stones formed a vast open air temple of worship and burial ground, serving both religious and economic trading functions which is evident in the temple having been located where people could cross the river."
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Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
I was reading yesterday about ley lines According to this author (who is also a dowser) They called them "snake lines" because the line oscillate along their axis. The lines can move a total of 50km from one side to the other. Hence the snakes.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I just keep getting images of Gobekli Tepe in my mind when I think about this new site (Sun Temple). I wonder if they are all about the same age?
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