The meaning of Time Synchronicities (1 Viewer)

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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
OK, so I was just reading the final chapter of "Messages Of Hope", by Suzanne Giesmann, and I felt inspired by a quote from one of her spirit guides, Sanaya. It was, "All is in perfect order always." I decided to make that my new online status for the forum, so I popped onto my phone to change it. What time was it?


So I hadn't noticed the time in hours, and suddenly I see its 1:11. Seriously?

I can't tell you how often this happens to me lately. Every day. All day (and night long). I'll wake up in the middle of the night and it'll be 2:22, or 3:33. I'll see repeating numbers like that at work. In the kitchen. On my elliptical machine when I suddenly feel the urge to look down on the status panel. My CD player and odometer on the Jeep. It never ends!

It was happening so much to me that I mentioned it to my wife and son. Now they're noticing it all the time too.

Most metaphysically oriented folks say it's often an indicator that we're on the right spiritual track. Both Theresa Caputo (of Long Island Medium fame) and Kryon (an angelic entity channeled by Lee Carroll) say that it's Spirit or a loved one who's passed over trying to give you a "nudge" to say, "I love you."

So now whenever these numbers pop up unexpectedly now, I always say aloud, "Thank you, Spirit...I love you too!"

Funny thing is, I can almost feel someone listening!

So thank you, Spirit (whoever you are)...I love you too!"



Involved Wayfarer
Jul 30, 2016
Passau, Germany
lol it happens to me too all the time :)
very often on car numbers too of cars passing by
also, not just same numbers but also what I call twin numbers... 1313 or 2020 or reversed 5445 or something like that

and only just a few days ago I started feeling the vibrations of numbers... now thats really weird lol ... single numbers like 8 or 5 or something are weird enough by themselves but when in combination with other numbers it feels like a symphony but not like our musik, I didnt quite get to the meaning of it all I guess that will take some time and feeling into it ... no idea if I'll ever be able to interprete them properly its like a language I don't know and I'm supposed to be learning without dictionary... hope I will get some guidance from somewhere out there lol :p


Involved Wayfarer
Jul 30, 2016
I have a few significant/trigger numbers that are always popping up in my life...18, 23, 1836. They always make me smile, but I'm not sure what they mean.
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Archetypal Dreamer

Involved Wayfarer
Aug 27, 2016
Oh, right - so this is a thing!

I keep seeing numbers like 888, 777, 555, 333, etc. absolutely everywhere. Phone, computer, car registration plates, embedded within telephone numbers (if that counts)... just everywhere, and usually many times a day. Definitely more frequently when I'm investigating topics pertaining to the metaphysical, funnily enough.

Perhaps it's coincidence.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Oh, right - so this is a thing!

I keep seeing numbers like 888, 777, 555, 333, etc. absolutely everywhere. Phone, computer, car registration plates, embedded within telephone numbers (if that counts)... just everywhere, and usually many times a day. Definitely more frequently when I'm investigating topics pertaining to the metaphysical, funnily enough.

Perhaps it's coincidence.! O_o

In my experience (especially after the last few years of it happening) it happens far too often to be "by chance". Two days in a row, for example, after a rather lengthy (almost 2-hour) conversation with someone about metaphysical or important "life" topics (with two different people) our very constructive discussions ended quite naturally. I looked at the clock for the first time in several hours. Guess what time it was.

That's right. Exactly 1:11. And waking up in the middle of the night at exactly 3:33, several days in a row? What are the odds of that happening? I mean, think about it. Seriously.

The older I get the less I believe in "coincidence". In fact, I don't think I really believe in them at all anymore!



Roaming Contributor
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Jul 23, 2016
Arkansas, USA
I seem to only notice 11:11. Ones are my numbers and I'm member number 11 here on the Roundtable. :D:D:ROFL::-D:rolleyes:O.O

Archetypal Dreamer

Involved Wayfarer
Aug 27, 2016
The older I get the less I believe in "coincidence". In fact, I don't think I really believe in them at all anymore!
You have just said, word for word, something I have been thinking quite frequently these past 12 months or so. I personally believe that there are certain 'points' in our lives which we are highly likely to arrive at; if we do not, there is probably an equally likely and not too dissimilar alternative. How we get there, even how long we take to get there, is anyone's guess. Within reason, I assume. Certainly, I believe there is wiggle-room.

Then there are possibly those points at which we will arrive regardless of what we do in the interim. They're mapped out and we will absolutely hit them as planned.

The real question is (and this pertains more to synchronicities, I guess) what we choose to do with them once they/we arrive. Politely ignore and carry on about our business, or see some kind of intelligence behind the circumstance and decide to investigate it further?

Whatever the case, I do think every day coincidences exist to a degree. Probability and all that guff - but I also think there are some ''''coincidences'''' which are in fact arrival(s) at another point on the dot to dot of life. Sometimes, life feels too scripted and perfect to ascribe these things to pure chance. It can be a most incredible sensation when one steps into the flow and you suddenly find yourself on a fast-track to your destination.

^ That would have sounded so much better if I'd had coffee prior to posting. Apologies :p

As for the numbers, I think the absolute worst I ever had was the night after watching The Fourth Kind. If you aren't aware of the film, the basic premise is that people are being abducted by aliens, but until they undergo hypnotherapy they have no idea. All they recall is that they saw an owl, and that they're having incredible trouble sleeping. Under hypnosis, they realise that the owl isn't actually an owl, and then lots of screaming / vomiting ensues.

Thing is, they're all waking up at 3:33am...

Guess which time I woke up the night of watching the film. Yup, you guessed it - 3:33am.

I slept with the lights on for the remainder of the night ;\

Archetypal Dreamer

Involved Wayfarer
Aug 27, 2016
Ha ha! Bang on cue - just checked my phone after not looking at it for ages: 11:11.

444 seems to be the most prominent at the moment, mind. It's everywhere. When I got in my car yesterday my overall mileage had a 444 in it and so did my current.

I assume it still works if it's embedded amongst other numbers and your attention is immediately and fully drawn to it, but maybe that isn't the case.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
As for the numbers, I think the absolute worst I ever had was the night after watching The Fourth Kind. If you aren't aware of the film, the basic premise is that people are being abducted by aliens, but until they undergo hypnotherapy they have no idea. All they recall is that they saw an owl, and that they're having incredible trouble sleeping. Under hypnosis, they realise that the owl isn't actually an owl, and then lots of screaming / vomiting ensues.

Thing is, they're all waking up at 3:33am...

Guess which time I woke up the night of watching the film. Yup, you guessed it - 3:33am.

I slept with the lights on for the remainder of the night ;\
LOL! I don't blame you.

I agree absolutely with your points, but I think that movie is just one more example of the "Posers That Were" trying to make us feel like a "good" or "positive" thing is really something to be afraid of. There's so much "fear porn" out there lately, I almost can't believe it. But then I remember that they're trying to keep us all separated and in a constant state of fear through "Zika" this, and "vaccine" that. "Isis" this, and "Cancer" that. It's all so blatantly apparent now...

But, it's only a matter of time before the rest of the sleeping populace wakes up and figures it out...


Archetypal Dreamer

Involved Wayfarer
Aug 27, 2016
I have my own theories about that stuff. I barely keep up with the news (they only report the dull and negative things, so I see little point) but even I can deduce what's going to happen next. Clue: we've been hearing a lot recently about antibiotics not working so well...

Ho hum.
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Brother of Awen
Retired Global Moderator
Jul 22, 2016
Shrewsbury, UK
In a (measurable) existence where everything is vibrational frequency, one has to ponder the statistically improbable consistency in seeing the same patterns all the time. In order to do so we would have to be uniformly insane across the people who experience it and with a notable need for further investigation if so, or utilising the "stone in the road" theory where we hit that which we look at (ie experience them more because we expect to) or tap into something or someone (possibly part of ourselves) that wishes to be revealed and uses this as a mechanism for that revelation.

The choice on what to believe is subjective and I'm personally open to any more that can be tagged onto the above^^. I know where I lay my head right now and that's the latter, since the intricacy and limited margin for error betwixt life and no life is so patterned that I have to rule out the two previous on grounds of inconsistency if employed as a "belief".

Just my tuppence! For the record: 1111, 1444, 333 777 963.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Wow. They're really getting sneaky now...I just glanced over at someone's wrist watch about 8 feet away and saw 3:33:33! Seriously???

My son and I were just talking about how this number thing has been going on for months with us...and it seems like we've been noticing the numbers are now showing up just one digit off (3:32, 4:43, or 5:56, for example). We were laughingly supposing that we've gotten so good at seeing them, the spirits had to change up the game to make it more challenging. LOL!


Brother of Awen
Retired Global Moderator
Jul 22, 2016
Shrewsbury, UK
There is a heck of a lot of credence given to numbers in modern teaching whereupon it has been favoured to teach our children the metric system that starts at 1 and ends in 10 and then replicates. In numerological terms this doesn't work since 10 is the same as 1 ie 1+0=1 not ten. In numerology we begin at 1 and when we hit 9 we replenish and begin again. We are taught this because we have ten appendages on both hands combined and both feet too, but it is conveniently omitting the use of the digit zero as a concept: there is no finger for zero.

This blows the whole thing wide open for me and then becomes to make sense of triplets such as 999 and 666 and their inherent connotations where applicable. That said...a biblical reference where the 144000 make it to "heaven" appears three times in the bible. So...9 appears three times right (1+4+4=9 x 3). It is revelation 7:3-8 which of course is 18 which equals 9 (1+8). I'm not saying for a minute that the bible is "right", far from it...but it was used as a stake in the ground (pun unfortunately intended) for revelations of deeper wisdom when and if dissected after its Pagan routes were collated. The seeds were planted in hidden groves imo and the "mathematics" we have today is a deliberately facilitated and taught lie. The Universe reminds us of that at every opportunity until we pay it some mind.


Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Jul 28, 2016
Lately, mine have been 333, 444 & 555's. The other day I was at my Dad's (he's 90) caring for him as he was not feeling well. I looked over at the clock and it was 5:55. "Hmmm", I thought, "what does that mean?" Then, we heard a noise and the TV in the bedroom turned on by itself. The TV turning on by itself has been a trademark of my Mother coming to visit my Dad but usually happens late at night (we were in her old bedroom). She passed away 5 years ago. It was just funny that the 555 showed and then immediately the TV goes on. I read once that the double, triple, etc numbers are portals opening up allowing us to communicate with our guides. Has anyone else heard that?


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Lately, mine have been 333, 444 & 555's. The other day I was at my Dad's (he's 90) caring for him as he was not feeling well. I looked over at the clock and it was 5:55. "Hmmm", I thought, "what does that mean?" Then, we heard a noise and the TV in the bedroom turned on by itself. The TV turning on by itself has been a trademark of my Mother coming to visit my Dad but usually happens late at night (we were in her old bedroom). She passed away 5 years ago. It was just funny that the 555 showed and then immediately the TV goes on. I read once that the double, triple, etc numbers are portals opening up allowing us to communicate with our guides. Has anyone else heard that?
I firmly believe they're little nudges from Spirit to let us know they're around and they love us. :)


Involved Wayfarer
Jul 30, 2016
So something strange has been happening to me recently. I've noticed a big uptick in time synchronicities i.e. looking at the clock/phone time at certain moments and often getting 11.11 or 22.22 etc. This has been increasing over the last few months and today, over the last three hours, I've just had: 20.20; 21:21 and 22.22. I haven't been deliberately looking at the time, it's usually if I'm picking up my phone to do something, and I'm not consciously thinking about time synchronicites at all when I'm doing it.

I've also been getting a number of moments today where I've had exactly the same thought/said the same thing as my partner at the same time. This isn't something I've noticed that much before now.

Is there any significance to this, do you think, and if so, what?


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
The way I view seeing numbers is that it is an opportunity to come back to center. Maybe you were thinking about what you needed to get at the grocery store or what you would fix for dinner when you saw the numbers. All of a sudden you came back to the present, which is a good thing.


Involved Wayfarer
Jul 30, 2016
We've already got a thread going about that...I think that should help. Feel free to check the comments out here:

Aah, thanks Stargazer, I'd missed that thread, just read through it - was very interesting and I'm glad to see it's not just me experiencing it! My gut feeling is that is a combo of what Linda said re. coming back to the present moment, and an indicator that we're on the right track - a sort of 'all is well, carry on doing what you're doing' kind of thing. It feels reassuring. I suppose that could just be how I'm wanting to view it and not necessarily what it actually means but all I've got to go on is my intuition and this feels right. :)


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Aah, thanks Stargazer, I'd missed that thread, just read through it - was very interesting and I'm glad to see it's not just me experiencing it! My gut feeling is that is a combo of what Linda said re. coming back to the present moment, and an indicator that we're on the right track - a sort of 'all is well, carry on doing what you're doing' kind of thing. It feels reassuring. I suppose that could just be how I'm wanting to view it and not necessarily what it actually means but all I've got to go on is my intuition and this feels right. :)
The Universe talks to me through numbers and other is a two way communication. Call it life speak. But you have to have your language. I have, for many years, used the system that Linda Goodman devised with the Chaldean numerology and as life knows I use that it does too. It is not all the numbers I meet in a day or I would go mad, but some numbers. I noticed yesterday as I walked to the shop that a lot of cars seemed to have double numbers, 22, 33, 44 in their license plates. These are powerful and put me on alert that we are in very powerful times.

I have been seeing a lot of 29's and 47's in the news (47 is the same as 29, Grace under Pressure) Could never understand why Princes Charles married Diana on 29th July. Terrible number.

Have fun with numbers at this website where you can calculate your name and stuff. It is run on Linda Goodman's star signs system.


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 17, 2016
Helsinki, Finland
Yes, happening for me nowadays a lot. Lately they have been mostly like 1121, 1212, 2222, 2121 and so on. Not going into details, but when I started meditate in daily basis around 3 years ago, something interesting happened. While in deep meditation state, I suddenly "saw" this number sequence dropping from up to down, like "into me". So afterwards when I still remembered part of the numbers I searched if there was any meaning of them. And I found it was a Fibonacci number sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13. I have started to think it may have been some kind of "wake up call" or initiation from my higher self/higher dimensions. Cool :-D


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Yes, happening for me nowadays a lot. Lately they have been mostly like 1121, 1212, 2222, 2121 and so on. Not going into details, but when I started meditate in daily basis around 3 years ago, something interesting happened. While in deep meditation state, I suddenly "saw" this number sequence dropping from up to down, like "into me". So afterwards when I still remembered part of the numbers I searched if there was any meaning of them. And I found it was a Fibonacci number sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13. I have started to think it may have been some kind of "wake up call" or initiation from my higher self/higher dimensions. Cool :-D
Fascinating.....thanks for that posting. Feels to me that codes for activation were dropped into you. Can you feel that as well?

I love it when I get numbers in a dream, anything repeated three times means it is a prophecy dream!


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 17, 2016
Helsinki, Finland
Fascinating.....thanks for that posting. Feels to me that codes for activation were dropped into you. Can you feel that as well?

I love it when I get numbers in a dream, anything repeated three times means it is a prophecy dream!
Yes, that´s how I feel too. After that I have occasionally received some kind of codes or ancient language scripts. They come with a similar manner, with a energetic signature, I feel them in my body and they come quite strongly. Never seen any entities, angels etc.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I guess if we posit that we are making our reality, we would likely come up with our own explanations, with variations on the theme (on the right spiritual track, musical number symphony, something to smile about, etc.).

I could then imagine that each of us would likely come up with an attempt at an explanation that was personally meaningful... and reflect which side of the 'makes me feel comforted/makes me feel fearful' dichotomy we resonated with as well as which side of the 'it's a beautiful synchronicity/it's just coincidence' dichotomy too.

Love these musings...<3
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I guess if we posit that we are making our reality, we would likely come up with our own explanations, with variations on the theme (on the right spiritual track, musical number symphony, something to smile about, etc.).

I could then imagine that each of us would likely come up with an attempt at an explanation that was personally meaningful... and reflect which side of the 'makes me feel comforted/makes me feel fearful' dichotomy we resonated with as well as which side of the 'it's a beautiful synchronicity/it's just coincidence' dichotomy too.

Love these musings...<3
I love it times I am aware that I am in deep communication with all of life, but on a level that I am not always aware of, it would be too much for me.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Loving art, I used to think I was a colours girl. But since the Harmonic Convergence (August 1987) it has all been about numbers. Just the other night I got home from the hospital ED with my daughter with some bad news, and saw 2:22 am on 22nd on the clock. I take these synchronicities as a loving reminder to remain in the flow. With bad news, disjointed happenings, things out of kilter - it can be so easy to swim off pad and just let chaos spin you out. Something like number synchronicity reminds you that you and all life forms are involved in a bigger-than-can-be-dreamed-of plan, and that you and all beings are an integral part in it, and that staying on pad (calm, focused awareness) throughout a crisis moment will help you break through the barrier. I have had many positive nods from the Universe over the last number of years, enough so that I can trust manifestation when I need it.

It was funny that my TV went on the blink at the exact same time as my daughter fell sick, over a long weekend. So she needs to rest up, and not bother herself with hype and inanities. Just let the blessings of the Universe wash over her to get better.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Pod, a quick one for you. I love to do the Chaldean numerology in my head (nothing too serious, just quickly add up the numbers of the date as I am catching a bus, whatever). I had a Chaldean life (first noticed it in history studies as a child) and later on got a visual of that man - rasta hair braids, messy beard, beads on beard, the kind of smile that's hiding more than it tells.... I do think the Chaldeans, white ziggurat and all that were highly interwoven with the Big Brother down the road in Ur and Sumer (Annunaki overlords). Have you got any info on this subject?
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Loving art, I used to think I was a colours girl. But since the Harmonic Convergence (August 1987) it has all been about numbers. Just the other night I got home from the hospital ED with my daughter with some bad news, and saw 2:22 am on 22nd on the clock. I take these synchronicities as a loving reminder to remain in the flow. With bad news, disjointed happenings, things out of kilter - it can be so easy to swim off pad and just let chaos spin you out. Something like number synchronicity reminds you that you and all life forms are involved in a bigger-than-can-be-dreamed-of plan, and that you and all beings are an integral part in it, and that staying on pad (calm, focused awareness) throughout a crisis moment will help you break through the barrier. I have had many positive nods from the Universe over the last number of years, enough so that I can trust manifestation when I need it.

It was funny that my TV went on the blink at the exact same time as my daughter fell sick, over a long weekend. So she needs to rest up, and not bother herself with hype and inanities. Just let the blessings of the Universe wash over her to get better.
Sending Love. <3
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