Article You Are Ready: A Transmission from Archangel Michael (1 Viewer)

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Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
Higher Orders | Nine's Path

Let us speak now of those things which are to come. I am Michael, and I am in the world now in great force. The gates are about to open, and all that has remained unsaid will be said. All that has waited will be in action. The great machinery of transformation is shifting into full power, gradually becoming unstoppable. You are part of this machinery, as are we, as is the sentient Earth and all that is upon and within it. Do not fear, nor despair, for the true divine sound is within you all. If you feel it stirring, you are ready. Be still and let it take form.

You are already witnessing the end of the world. Do you recognize it? Are you so ensconced in fear that you cannot bear to look? Know that I am with you to remind you that you do not face annihilation, but new life, if you can embrace the light that shimmers from within the vault of your own heart, where echoes the root of divine sound.

If those words do not reach the core of your experience, it may be that they are encountering anger, complacency, grief, or any number of other conditions of the heart and mind. Indeed, the days are not without their triggers arousing such states. At the deepest level of any of them, however, if you can in honesty and valor go there, it may well be that you encounter the edge of fear. Should you do this, remember our words to you now, and the lessons of wisdom you have otherwise learned, so you may eradicate it from your being altogether. Thus, may you find the way out of one reality and into another.

If your anger has taken primary expression of fear, ask yourself what it is that feeds the anger. Is it that your discontent with things as they are gives you reason to doubt the validity of change at all? If so, does this give rise to deeper doubts regarding the nature of existence within a controlled yet chaotic social environment, the potential for human sovereignty to push beyond the confines of veiled slavery, or the sanity of hope, faith, or love? Anger is but one expression of such workings of the mind, heart, and collective psyche. There are many others. Each can trace origins to similar conditions of logic and experiential learning. All of these in turn arise from raw fear. In some way or another, a face of fear greets you at the end of that inward self-assessment. But what lay beyond?

We dwell on this matter for good reason. To clarify, it is in the immediate future, not far off as it had been, that an unveiling of truth is to be. This is not a slow drip of information, but a life-changing moment of realization about what is and what is not. Thus, in a way, it is a polarity shift. Now, it is well to know that you are ready, and another thing to be ready. It is more than merely a semantic difference. You will want to be ready. You, and we, already know that you are. Even in knowing, there exists the space for emotional charge. To be ready, there can be no disturbance to your equilibrium. No charge. The difference, thus, between knowing and being is something akin to electricity. Let charge dissipate. Allow your emotions to move, without holding onto them. Move through them. Find the entry into fearlessness that exists just beyond the edge of that. Approach that equanimity, and know that we are close. The time is close.

You will see some things happen now that will affirm what we have said. You will see a change in movement for those who have been driving the world. You will see the end of an empire finally come to pass. None will long mourn it, for the pain will shift from imaginary to acknowledged, and many will demand retribution. Then, you will hear of war, but the conflict will end before it begins.

More will we and others share soon. Remain steadfast within the arms of your greater self, and feel the calm strength of your soul-self embrace and protect you. It is now that you enter the time of transformation. The day of transformation comes. It is nearly here. Be vigilant with yourselves. We return soon with more to say.




Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I am wondering what part the coronavirus will play in this? In the imminence (or, once again, the lack of imminence perhaps?) of the transformation mentioned.
I'm especially comforted by this: Then, you will hear of war, but the conflict will end before it begins.

Perhaps this is related to why I dreamt a few nights ago about having an English test administered by our old high school physics professor?
It was a strange dream in that I spent a fair bit of time trying to understand the instructions. They were so obscure that I to the time to put up my hand and ask for clarification on what we were supposed to do (we were rewriting aphorisms?!?). When I understood I suggested that it be written more clearly and an example be given. (way to go, girl, giving feedback to the teacher in the middle of a timed test!O.o:D) I also suggested that the actual test itself be rewritten for the next batch of kids taking it since this one had been recopied so many times it was really difficult to read individual letters and words.

Then, finally understanding what I was being asked to do I started answering questions. It seemed a slog to concentrate. There were lots of distractions too. I had to keep at it and I did. At the end, as I was waking I asked the question "How did I do on the test?" A pen started marking, question by question; tick, tick, tick, a series of marks to indicate correct answers all the way through the test:cool:

Maybe we are ready.


Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
Very cool dream… yes the old way of talking is dead, time to rewrite where history is going, as well as where it's been.

Regarding coronavirus, for one thing it refers to the crown, royalty, making me wonder if that's on its way out. Also, it's likely like other engineered population-control illnesses, or there would be a real uproar. Instead, it's quietly "managed", and was patented a couple of years ago, and is linked with the Bill Gates foundation, so, you do the math with that. However, that said, it could be used as a trigger, and I'm eyeing it as such. Without fear.

We are, no doubt, ready.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Hmm, I was asking the Sabian Oracle a few questions. The last one was about what the new year of the rat will bring.
The answer was Pisces 12
Then I realized that I'd dreamed the above dream on the morning of the Lunar New Year, as the year of the rat began.

I was seeing this as something like 'the year of the rat contains an examination' (wonder if that is a general thing for all of us? or just me, the person asking that question?).
Either way, I agree, Maryann, we are ready.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
I am wondering what part the coronavirus will play in this? In the imminence (or, once again, the lack of imminence perhaps?) of the transformation mentioned.
Do not fear the coronavirus, there are but 20 or so people dead from it out of 1+ billion Chinese. 200+ people die every day from auto accidents in India alone. The dead are immunocompromised, like the very old people, there is nothing unusual about that. The coronavirus is a distraction. Do not let it distract you. The situation is exaggerated to generate fear in people to prevent what will come, but nothing can stop the frequency increase that is to come. Nothing.

We will see if anything happens on Feb 20, 2020.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Do not fear the coronavirus, there are but 20 or so people dead from it out of 1+ billion Chinese. 200+ people die every day from auto accidents in India alone. The dead are immunocompromised, like the very old people, there is nothing unusual about that. The coronavirus is a distraction. Do not let it distract you. The situation is exaggerated to generate fear in people to prevent what will come, but nothing can stop the frequency increase that is to come. Nothing.

We will see if anything happens on Feb 20, 2020.
Yes, thanks for that<3 I appreciate your answer.

Whether it's the next black plague or not, I do believe that coronavirus will have an effect on us. What kind of effect is what I'm wondering about.
For example, there is the effect on the immediate Chinese economy and the fallout onto the world stage from that. There is how we react to contagion while living in a global village. There is who stands and who falls in the administrative positions as a situation like this is likely to be many administrators' worse fear; and an opportunity for those few(er) who either relish a challenge or rise to it... that type of thing is making me wonder.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I am wondering what part the coronavirus will play in this? In the imminence (or, once again, the lack of imminence perhaps?) of the transformation mentioned.
I'm especially comforted by this: Then, you will hear of war, but the conflict will end before it begins.

Perhaps this is related to why I dreamt a few nights ago about having an English test administered by our old high school physics professor?
It was a strange dream in that I spent a fair bit of time trying to understand the instructions. They were so obscure that I to the time to put up my hand and ask for clarification on what we were supposed to do (we were rewriting aphorisms?!?). When I understood I suggested that it be written more clearly and an example be given. (way to go, girl, giving feedback to the teacher in the middle of a timed test!O.o:D) I also suggested that the actual test itself be rewritten for the next batch of kids taking it since this one had been recopied so many times it was really difficult to read individual letters and words.

Then, finally understanding what I was being asked to do I started answering questions. It seemed a slog to concentrate. There were lots of distractions too. I had to keep at it and I did. At the end, as I was waking I asked the question "How did I do on the test?" A pen started marking, question by question; tick, tick, tick, a series of marks to indicate correct answers all the way through the test:cool:

Maybe we are ready.
Lila, you could just as easily have dreamt jumping hurdles in a running race, and you would find that you had cleared every hurdle. As you have.

But it's interesting that you dreamt of testing, as I do think our presence here is to undertake tests and challenges set by our own selves, and to win them by working out how we failed them, and then forgiving ourselves. If that makes sense.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Hmm, I was asking the Sabian Oracle a few questions. The last one was about what the new year of the rat will bring.
The answer was Pisces 12
Then I realized that I'd dreamed the above dream on the morning of the Lunar New Year, as the year of the rat began.

I was seeing this as something like 'the year of the rat contains an examination' (wonder if that is a general thing for all of us? or just me, the person asking that question?).
Either way, I agree, Maryann, we are ready.
Beautiful alignment and a conscious alertness in the slipstream of a dream. Re-writing aphorisms is quite specific. Aphorisms are a thing the Victorians and Edwardians loved to create. Probably most of them are out of date by now. We can't really look at something from less than 10 years ago, and see it in exactly the same light. I feel that those who live in the past and are stuck in the past and love their old aphorisms too much are like dessicated wood - the worms have been, eaten and passed them by.
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
Do not fear the coronavirus, there are but 20 or so people dead from it out of 1+ billion Chinese. 200+ people die every day from auto accidents in India alone. The dead are immunocompromised, like the very old people, there is nothing unusual about that. The coronavirus is a distraction. Do not let it distract you. The situation is exaggerated to generate fear in people to prevent what will come, but nothing can stop the frequency increase that is to come. Nothing.

We will see if anything happens on Feb 20, 2020.
If the 20 to 50 becomes millions then the number has importance as with the black pest supposed it really was how it was written, another way to hold back frequeny everlasting workdays with only the thought of bed without eating

Here an interesting fact, i work now in a bigger hall but things are for the moment less structered, time seems to pass by like it is nothing and work finishes off late, i don t surrender to have no evening with rest time for myself


Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
Here an interesting fact, i work now in a bigger hall but things are for the moment less structered, time seems to pass by like it is nothing and work finishes off late, i don t surrender to have no evening with rest time for myself
I hope things de-intensify for you soon! Or maybe you will thrive in this environment, for a time, shifting into greater ease on a deeper level?

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