That is how I live life with everything! I am very careful about what I give my energy to.
Argggh...just noticed a typo in my post. Thanks for quoting me so I could catch it, Laron!
I've been thinking about this whole fiasco (love that word!) and I somehow feel that this is an important milestone for us in another way. Just as it was important for us to have a President of color, I think it will be incredibly important to have a President-elect who is representative of the female gender. No matter how much fraud has gone on with the election or how suspect her character or background may be, the fact will remain that a female will theoretically have been elected into that office. I think that, in itself, will be a major milestone and a very big "check-box" for us on a cosmic scale.
Do I think she'll last?
Do I think the corruption will be allowed to continue?
No again.
I don't approve of her or the corruption that so obviously placed her there, but at least we'll be able to say it is now possible for a female to achieve that office--and that does say a great deal.
Whatever happens, I feel quite strongly that people will continue to awaken...and the further along we get, the less gentle their awakenings will be. This election and the contentious BS that was and will continue to be spewed in its aftermath will ultimately serve only to shed more and more Light on the shadows. The self-appointed reign of The Posers That Were is over...they just don't know it yet!