Remote Group Healing | Weekend of the 3rd of December, 2016 ( (1 Viewer)

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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
We have a standard session this weekend where we will send healing to all participants, as well as focus on any secondary intentions that each of us might have.

However, I do ask that each of you, just for this session, pick a crystal to hold, or have one touching your body in some way during this session. You could begin with it in your hands and then place it on the floor against your leg or foot. If you are laying down you could place it on your body anywhere that feels appropriate. Don't worry about which one is best, just pick one based on intuition, and if you are still not sure then grab the one that is closest to you when you first read this. ;)s Feel free to share a photo of your crystal, or just name it if you like, after and/or before this session. If you don't have any, don't worry!

tantric twin.png
A tantric twin clear quartz crystal of mine that resides over in NZ right now.

If you wish to include any requests for healing based on anyone you know who may need a little help, feel free to, and that can include animals.

If you personally have anything specific that you feel comfortable mentioning which requires healing, you are always welcome to let us know.

The usual introduction to these sessions is below

For those new to these sessions, or if you simply want to me reminded on how to connect in and what methods you could use to send healing, see this article here on

The purpose of these 20 minute weekly sessions is to send healing to each participant, which can be accomplished by focusing on individuals or the group, deepening on what methods you chose to use. You are always free to set secondary intentions around focusing on world events that may need some helping energy — on other levels our group also works in a multi-dimensional sense. Sometimes we get healing requests within the replies here, so do check back here just before the sessions begins.

Let us know if you are joining by responding here or contacting me from the Contact Us form on The session is only 20 minutes and you can send, and or receive healing; it is up to you. Anyone can heal, no training is required to participate.

Please provide any feedback on here if you receive any and feel comfortable sharing.

You can find further information about these sessions through the link, Weekend Healing, on, which also includes links to a few

Current Timing

The time for the session remains the same each week and is based on my time, which is 1PM on a Sunday here in New Zealand. All the other times reflect this time, but this time is worked out to accommodate the greater number of people based on their geographical location.

USA, Saturday: 8 pm EDT, 6 pm Mountain, 7 pm Central, 5 pm Pacific
Australia , Sunday: 12 am AEST (Sydney), 9 am for those in Perth
France (Paris) and Sweden, Sunday: 2 am
South Africa (Johannesburg), Sunday: 3 am

Based on the odd hour of 2am for some parts of the European side of the world, we do have a second 'out of time', time set based on this discussion, which is Saturday, 8pm in London (Saturday 9 pm Switzerland, Saturday 10pm Helsinki) This enables a second group of people to meet at the same time, before the official session time, however, it doesn't matter when you connect as the session will still be just as effective.

To understand about joining in outside of the set time, which you are free to do so and as host I do this sometimes because I have other commitments, just check out the further instructions on how to send healing here, which I linked to above as well.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I am there.

I looked around to see which stone called to me and was surprised with who replied. A long time ago, my brother ran a lab in Wyoming that analyzed core samples from that area of the country. He took a nice one, split it, dried and polished it, and topped with varnish to make book ends. They are a beautiful pink color and sparkle with lots of tiny crystals. I don't know what is in the sample, but he told me that anyone who knew about geology would try to buy them from me. They reside on the window ledge above our bed.

Lai Jumoke

Involved Wayfarer
Retired Moderator
Can we have more than one or only one crystal for this meditation? I would like a special healing for my sister who fractured her right arm on 23 of November. I would like that her fracture joins properly, her bones are strong, her muscles are strong and she receives mobility and strenght and that in future she is always very caustious while running.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
I'll be there w my MOLDAVITE.

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Involved Wayfarer
Aug 3, 2016
Morton, Pennsylvania
I'll be there and with the crystal that calls for me at that time. I would like to request healing for my two boys and me. They are 4 and 2 years old. We've been a sick for almost a week. I would like to go and have some family fun now :) Thank-you


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
I'll be there and with the crystal that calls for me at that time. I would like to request healing for my two boys and me. They are 4 and 2 years old. We've been a sick for almost a week. I would like to go and have some family fun now :) Thank-you
I also have boys the same age! I'll send you all healing for sure.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I plan to be there with a crystal chosen at the time... probably a quart?
Please send our family healing for a tough situation we are currently involved in, something that scares our oldest very much to face.
Thank you in advance<3
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
I will be sending you all healing energy.
I am requesting healing to lift my fatigue and achiness in my knees. And for grounding energy please.
Thank you.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I have written you in the book Anaeika along with your complaints, I'm pleased you like the idea, there are quite a few names in there now. It is good to hear of any improvements so that I can write that beside the name. Love to you.<3
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Thanks, June. I love the idea of your healing book too<3
I think it is starting to work already. You can put that in your book:-D
Having said that, I think we could still use any help you can all offer us<3
Families can be so messy! They especially seem to love to mess with schedules:)|
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Some feedback from the session...

I felt a lot of energy coming my way. In fact, shortly after I started off picturing the various requests, I felt like I was strongly directed to focus on receiving during this session, so my time sending was relatively short this time around. It also felt like a good whoosh of it came through me toward family members who desperately needed it, for which I am extremely grateful. I also came out of it with a relevant perspective about my role in the whole keffufle. Felt greeeeeat. Many thanks to all involved. {}s<3:thumbsups:-D

During the time I was sending in the direction of you and your boys, Pooja Naidu , I came across an image of disruptive things going on in the neighbourhood. Not sure if this means anything to you, but either way, hope you all three feel better soon.

Thanks again:tsgn


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
With several distractions going on last night, I elected to join in my dream state.

I was very aware of my stones above my head. Then I felt a deep connection with Gaia through a place of great importance to her. That was the last conscious memory because after that, I was "gone".


Involved Wayfarer
Aug 3, 2016
Morton, Pennsylvania
Some feedback from the session...

I felt a lot of energy coming my way. In fact, shortly after I started off picturing the various requests, I felt like I was strongly directed to focus on receiving during this session, so my time sending was relatively short this time around. It also felt like a good whoosh of it came through me toward family members who desperately needed it, for which I am extremely grateful. I also came out of it with a relevant perspective about my role in the whole keffufle. Felt greeeeeat. Many thanks to all involved. {}s<3:thumbsups:-D

During the time I was sending in the direction of you and your boys, Pooja Naidu , I came across an image of disruptive things going on in the neighbourhood. Not sure if this means anything to you, but either way, hope you all three feel better soon.

Thanks again:tsgn
Hmm! Well! It has been unusual for 3 of to be sick for this long. Just wondering more about the disruptive thing. If you are able to get a sense of like underground piping related or general central etc?
Thank-you for the healing..
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
Thank-you everyone for the healing, we all slept a lot last night.
Boys are so much fun! Glad to know another mom on here like us! :)

We were sick w the flu for 3 weeks, then had a secondary ear infection in my 4 yr old. Going to dr, getting weekly healings, healing from Mike on here (who is great btw!), & using essential oils weren't quite enough, but definitely helped w the symptoms & let us rest & sleep at night.
I think that sometimes it is in our highest good, even if we don't think so, to be sick. It allows for the healing process to take effect naturally, let's us rest, slow down from busy lives, & rebalance.

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