The Event is very close now...10 - 9 - 8 - (4 Viewers)

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I have always known we would take every programme to the edge to wring as much experience out of it as possible before The Event brought things to a timely close. There will be other markers, please feel free to add them as we go along.

This headline today is a marker for me. We are going to the edge with this!

Putin orders Russian air force to prepare for 'time of war'


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Perhaps. Politicians though use/create enemies and emergency situations (like preparations for war) in order to unify their people and to many times make them focus outside instead of inside (the situations in their own countries and within themselves).

I have started watching more events that have no precedent -in sports, economy, politics, education, etc. The idea being that the more they happen (rapid fire) the higher the indication of change and something big, fully transformational is coming, like The Event.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Politicians though use/create enemies and emergency situations (like preparations for war) in order to unify their people and to many times make them focus outside instead of inside (the situations in their own countries and within themselves).

I totally agree with that Carl.......but this issue of the war with Russia, it has been building and looming for months.

Also Iran threatening to do away with the dollar for trading, especially oil. This is what is really behind the call for war with Iran.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
<SIGH> Nothing like the sound of "war drums" to get everyone polarized and in a place of fear. :rolleyes:

For some reason lately, all the stirrings and shenanigans just seem to deepen my sense of inner peace and calm. No matter how dark a picture the Posers That Were want to paint for us, it's like something inside me knows that the actual outcome will be something far, FAR different!




Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
I thought the event wasn't a kind of major war. Rather the opposite.

Nato is making a lot of deployments and drills in Eastern Europe near Russia's borders now. It is only understandable the response to this is a drill on the other side too.

I hope that Trump will keep his promise to make friends with Russia again. Of course, there is a lot of potential for conflict especially since he seems to be willing now to attack Iran which is an ally of Russia.

So far I am a bit disappointed by Trump, but it is all too early to say since he is only a few weeks in office now.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
The idea of people moving to a precipice in order to wake up helps me make sense of my meditation yesterday. I was not there to smooth things over in the places of our state and city government. Whatever is going on there just needs to play out. However, I was there to strengthen and support on sidelines. When people decide to turn away from the status quo, they will have a nice place to go.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
However, I was there to strengthen and support on sidelines.
Yes Linda, beautifully put.

I feel that like me, you hold the pattern of a different energy. "Hey guys, look at me, you can be like this too" I read somewhere that people can unconsciously copy other people's energy fields, allow themselves to be activated by other people's energies. Sometimes it is just about being in the right place at the right time.

I know that as I walk round the station, watering plants, collecting litter, being a pod, my energy field says to people "Whatever is happening, you are OK. We are OK" and they smile at me and I smile back and there is a connection. This is my job. You can imagine I probably pass 30 = 50 people a day. This is my real job! Heaven is in my eyes.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
However The Event presents itself, as an "information wave," or as an "awakening" triggered by something, or a moment of shock for the human race -for example an complete ET contact expanding our view of the cosmos, etc., I feel it would manifest first by a moment of complete disbelief and wonder and strange news coming not only from within the US, but I suspect countries like China or the Middle-East. Just to put an example, places where women are valued less than a camel, news may come out indicating a complete repudiation of such ideas and equality between the sexes is implemented immediately.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
So far I am a bit disappointed by Trump, but it is all too early to say since he is only a few weeks in office now.
There is a lot of bullshit being written about Trump. Most of all, I am thrilled that he is after Big Pharma and the CDC for vaccines. His son was damaged by vaccines and some say that is the real reason he ran for President. To get revenge on the powers that were for damaging his son!

He wants to save the children. How can that be disappointing?

If he succeeds he will save millions of lives.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
However The Event presents itself, as an "information wave," or as an "awakening" triggered by something, or a moment of shock for the human race -for example an complete ET contact expanding our view of the cosmos, etc., I feel it would manifest first by a moment of complete disbelief and wonder and strange news coming not only from within the US, but I suspect countries like China or the Middle-East. Just to put an example, places where women are valued less than a camel, news may come out indicating a complete repudiation of such ideas and equality between the sexes is implemented immediately.
This is the experience that is coming. It’s for everyone to have a moment where they feel the truth of their connection to everything. This brief moment will do more for the transformation of this planet than anything. This is what is coming.


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
There is a lot of bullshit being written about Trump. Most of all, I am thrilled that he is after Big Pharma and the CDC for vaccines. His son was damaged by vaccines and some say that is the real reason he ran for President. To get revenge on the powers that were for damaging his son!

He wants to save the children. How can that be disappointing?

If he succeeds he will save millions of lives.
He is also for a lot of good things, yes. This is definitelely one of them. Getting along with Russia was another one which I mentioned. I just was disappointed by his hard words to Iran and many suppose that the US is maybe going to war with Iran after they were almost at it in 2012 already. I also like how he 'deals' with the fake news press, calling CNN the major 'fake news outlet' is priceless. So yes, he does good things too, as it was expected from him by the people who voted him in. Not sure about that travel ban thingy, especially if it is useful at all, and the fake media of course use it again to protrait him as a nazi/racist whatever (which he is not.)

So there is light and dark, as always. Better than Hillary where we only would have gotten the dark.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Yes, Pod, it has to be a dramatic event felt by everybody in the planet (probably within 24 hours) in order to make us change. No more just wishful thinking, or the glimpses we get individually when we see/feel/sense the eternal. The timing for such event in this 3d world is the issue. Predicted dates or people feeling something happening soon come and go but nothing yet of the magnitude required, just pale manifestations of change that statistically mean nothing.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
So there is light and dark, as always. Better than Hillary where we only would have gotten the dark.
Hillary sports an engineered appearance of hair style and make-up. Had she held the reins of power, the persona would have dropped and an ogre would have come to the fore. That in itself may have been an eventful moment for many.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Yes, Pod, it has to be a dramatic event felt by everybody in the planet (probably within 24 hours) in order to make us change. No more just wishful thinking, or the glimpses we get individually when we see/feel/sense the eternal. The timing for such event in this 3d world is the issue. Predicted dates or people feeling something happening soon come and go but nothing yet of the magnitude required, just pale manifestations of change that statistically mean nothing.
The evolution will still be lived as when one gets glimpses individually and see/feel/sense the eternal. Once the evolution has been "sprung", the need and desire to quantify and collect statistics will evaporate along with everything else of the old that has no place in the new paradigm. The amazing thing will be on the collective level, how it feels when the individual evolution is apparent in fractal after fractal (i.e. all the human expressions living and celebrating their humanity on this world).

Face after face you will come in contact with will be a direct and open channel to their heart, and as you gaze into their eyes, you will know that your own visage is just as open and just as loving.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
"Face after face you will come in contact with will be a direct and open channel to their heart, and as you gaze into their eyes, you will know that your own visage is just as open and just as loving."

Will that happen before or after orgasm?


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Yes, Pod, it has to be a dramatic event felt by everybody in the planet (probably within 24 hours) in order to make us change. No more just wishful thinking, or the glimpses we get individually when we see/feel/sense the eternal. The timing for such event in this 3d world is the issue. Predicted dates or people feeling something happening soon come and go but nothing yet of the magnitude required, just pale manifestations of change that statistically mean nothing.

Hey the work is yours, there is no magic solution to your agony.

I have worked for twenty years, since I asked to live a different life from the one that caused me so much pain. "Show me a better way" I begged.

It is not easier, but there is power is accepting responsibilty and changing your reality.

I totally trust the power that I feel in my heart, the love that oftentimes embraces me and guides me. The energy that allows me to face a criminal and see them as Source having an experience of life on Earth.

We are Godlings experiencing 3D reality. What on earth could be beyond our power?


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Yes, Hailstones Melt! Precisely! And that is why I felt that looking for events of all types not seen in a long time, or better yet, never seen before could be a barometer that the ball is rolling (for example a President coming not from the usual political establishment, somebody winning 5 super bowl rings for the first time, etc.). First it could be one event, the next week two, the following five, and so on until novelty becomes the norm, including our awakening.


Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
you keep hearing the word "event" which seems to mean a sudden happening then everybody getting used and learning to work with a new reality. So it could go either way. Anybody taking bets? LOL :vhap


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Yes, Hailstones Melt! Precisely! And that is why I felt that looking for events of all types not seen in a long time, or better yet, never seen before could be a barometer that the ball is rolling (for example a President coming not from the usual political establishment, somebody winning 5 super bowl rings for the first time, etc.). First it could be one event, the next week two, the following five, and so on until novelty becomes the norm, including our awakening.
And the Chicago Cubs winning The World Series??!!! :D

I mean, seriously. Hello-o!!! It almost seems like SOMEBODY'S been trying to get our attention, isn't it?

:) :-D :ROFL: :-)) :))


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
On a personal level, a consortium of Chinese businessmen for whom we acted as brokers seem finally ready to pay. Only two years overdue. An investigation uncovered massive fraud by the trader and one of the consortium.

This release from financial hardship was always a marker for me.

Fingers crossed!


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Yes Linda, beautifully put.

I feel that like me, you hold the pattern of a different energy. "Hey guys, look at me, you can be like this too" I read somewhere that people can unconsciously copy other people's energy fields, allow themselves to be activated by other people's energies. Sometimes it is just about being in the right place at the right time.

I know that as I walk round the station, watering plants, collecting litter, being a pod, my energy field says to people "Whatever is happening, you are OK. We are OK" and they smile at me and I smile back and there is a connection. This is my job. You can imagine I probably pass 30 = 50 people a day. This is my real job! Heaven is in my eyes.
There are a lot of elderly people in the town where I live and most of them look tired and lonely. I make a conscious effort to smile at as many as possible, sometimes it is only one, but it's lovely to see a face light up and smile back.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
By the way...did anyone catch that great quote from Trump (a few days ago now), when he was being interviewed about Putin...and Bill O'Reilly accused Putin of being a "killer"?

Trump's response?

“There are a lot of killers,” Trump replied. “We’ve got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country’s so innocent?”

Seriously? Who would ever have thought we'd hear words like that coming from the mouth of ANY US President!

The Truth Is Out There...

For an article on the interview, check this link out:


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
And he was heavily criticized for the remark Stargazer, by both sides -ample coverage in the media. While we have the image of being the world's "good guys," the American people working/living outside the US see/learn another reality, that for many other countries we are just the opposite -and not just in the Middle-East. Sad but truth, our country is not so innocent and we need to learn that fact, accept it and avoid doing further damage. And yes, we do much, much good, but often times other countries just remember our shortcomings, and they have long memories.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Melt might be right, the event could be a rising crescendo. There has always been a prophesy of the end of the world. The end of times. Armageddon. The end of the system. Now it's The Event, different generations, different names. I believe the bible speaks of a war called Armageddon, a war between the good guys and the bad guys, between light an dark forces. I have a feeling we are already in this war. The human race is now standing up and taking notice, conciousness is rising, light is dawning and the dark forces are losing their grip, so they are rattling their sabres and tripping over themselves in their haste to stop the tsunami of raised human conciousness that is heading their way. That could be the crescendo, when it finally does crash down. A tsunami sweeps away all in its path, a tsunami of light has got to sweep away the dark. That is what could be called the event, the final wake up call for all those still rubbing the sleep from their eyes as they stumble to join in the celebrations of a new earth free from pain and suffering. Just my two pennorth.

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