Let's all have a walking meditation (1 Viewer)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Yesterday, I saw the Gaia Portal post about plenary submissions. That one really hit home because I was involved in several groups, as part of my business career. The similarities with this group are unmistakable. We each come from different places with different abilities, but join together in one larger group.

As I was walking through my neighborhood, I felt as though I was wearing an energetic cape that was spreading energy. Then I had an idea. Why don't we all walk with the intention of sharing energy of love, calmness - whatever strikes your fancy. It can be a walk from the parking lot to your work, around the block, in the grocery store - wherever.

I seem to share these feelings automatically when I am out and about, but the idea of a group of us doing it with intention feels exciting and important to me.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I think doing it whenever will work just fine.

We live in an area that was built on a granite dome, so there are many rocks and boulders around. The big ones were left in the yards - we have one in the back yard. As I was walking today, I passed by one of these boulders and felt us giving each other a "high five". Then I saw others that I never noticed before. Interesting things happen when you have a walking meditation.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
As I was walking through my neighborhood, I felt as though I was wearing an energetic cape that was spreading energy.

I seem to share these feelings automatically when I am out and about, but the idea of a group of us doing it with intention feels exciting and important to me.
What a brilliant idea, Linda!

I long ago made that my "default" intention...i.e., I affirmed and often re-affirm it as my intention to spread Love/Light wherever I go, to whomever might need it along the way.

I never thought of doing that as a group though. Count me in...24/7/365! While I originally expressed it as my intention to help spread this Love/Light throughout The Universe and All That Is, I now express it as my intention to support all of you specifically--that is, of course, intended only for those who may choose to accept it.

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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Interesting synchronicity here...just after replying to this post, I ran across this channeling of Yeshua (essentially the Christ Consciousness) by Pamela Aralyn. I was going to bypass it, but something made me go back and listen. I'm glad I did!

While the entire channeling resonated quite well with me, at about the 5:30 mark, she/he discusses the importance of joining together with the intention of spreading Love/Light as a healing energy for ourselves, humanity, and the earth...and speaks about how effective that practice can be.

There are lots of other "nuggets" in there too, about the wholeness of our so-called "connection" with Source ( we ARE Source, so any concept of connection is simply a human perception--and not truly necessary), the idea that we don't really need processes like prayer (unless that is our belief), and that any concepts we may have of separation or fragmentation are our own human concepts.

For those who may be interested, here's the link:

As usual, please use your own discernment--take what resonates and let the rest go. :)
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The magic has always been within you.
Retired Global Moderator
Jul 21, 2016
From Kansas, living in Texas
Bill, you are traveling a lot, so this might be of interest to you.
Thanks Linda. Yes, been traveling quite a bit and have another Euro trip (Paris/London) coming up May 6th-15th. Then will get a bit of a breather I think...but subject to change. Although my travels are business related they are allowing me to connect with others as well during the time I am away...very beneficial on a number of fronts.

Also, I had upgraded my iPhone a couple of weeks ago (bluetooth had gone bad) and when I did the Google Authenticator app I had been using did not fully transfer over from the backup. Soooo, I had not been able to log on to Transients/RT for awhile but I worked with Laron and got it all resolved. Today is my first day back on in sometime so a lot of catching up to do!

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