QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of & The Roundtable
Note that this thread compliments another one we have up, The Keirsey Temperament Sorter — Share your Personality Results. In terms of self-development, and healing while on the path, getting to understand yourself through systems like these are very, very beneficial.
Back in July, 2002, Tracey started the site where she offers free Mayan based Astrology profile readings, but also a few other things including some great info. These readings are actually excerpts from the book, The Mayan Oracle: Return Path to the Stars, by Ariel Spilsbury & Michael Bryner. The book also comes with an oracle type of card system (like tarot).
Description of the book: "While other divination systems deal with the awareness of our Earth selves, this oracle offers us a galactic perspective. The Mayan symbols are a "language of light" that represents a bridge between physical and spiritual realities, intended to transform our human experience into an experience of the infinite."
Map showing the extent of the Maya civilization (red), compared to all other Mesoamerica cultures (black). Within Central America and southern North America (Mexico). This map also shows the cities and cultural mainsteads of the Maya, who did not have an empire but rather a group of loosely associated city-states. Source: Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)
To find your reading, you need to use a calculator/form. It first shows your Galactic Signature, which is a Mayan term, sitting beneath a Wavespell group. The Galactic Signature is the personality profile that explains who you are, who you are becoming and what your purpose is.
These quotes above are ones chosen by Tracey and sit on her site, which goes to show her desire to help others.
As with all personality profiles, whether psychologically or astrologically based, they are never perfect, as there are so many factors at play, but they should have a high number of aspects that match and resonate with you as you read through them (high as in more than half of what is said).
In this Mayan Astrology reading, only the birth date is used, but with astrology you can have a much more accurate reading if an astrologer has your birth time and place of birth, plus if they actually do a manual chart, not a software driven chart. A manual chart takes them many hours to write up, so with proof reading and calculations, that can mean two to three days work, and roughly 15 hours for a 20+ page reading. Therefore you have to think of the time they spend, based on the fee they charge. Many astrologers can’t charge what they are really worth, as people wouldn’t be able to afford such a fee.
Find Your Mayan Astrology Galactic Signature
To find out your Galactic Signature, click here, and then to the left down the screen a bit, select the Month, Day and Year. There are some options here you can play around with, such as selecting the center page button, controls on top, unselecting the default options, etc. After entering the info and selecting the options, you hit ‘Reading’.
When first hitting the Reading button, it can be difficult to understand the output on the page that loads. The results will be displayed with an image behind them that can make it rather hard to read on this site as well. I will go through my reading to help you understand yours.
As an example, for my reading I get the following results:
White Planetary Wizard
Blue Western Castle of Burning
Earth family- Gateway Clan- Truth
Galactic Activation Portal
I perfect in order to enchant
Producing receptivity
I seal the output of timelessness
With the planetary tone of manifestation
I am guided by the power of spirit
I am a galactic activation portal enter me
Kin 114
Harmonic 29: Crystal Output
Express intelligence of cooperation - Loom of 13 Moons Gap Kin
The important thing out of those results, is the title, ‘White Planetary Wizard’. Take note of your title and then head on over to this page here,, and either do a text search (use the find function in the browser and search for your title) or manually scroll down the page and find it, then touch/click on it to find your reading. In my case, the URL I found for ‘White Planetary Wizard’ is this one,
Do also take note of what is said under the title, as these keywords further help to summarize you. Mine started with ‘I perfect in order to enchant.’ For me, this makes a lot of sense as I actually do this, I do my best to find the most efficient ways of what’s important to me, not to enchant, but I’m aware that to make a difference I need to do things in a certain way to reach others (so I can help them), so this is definitely a way of enchanting.
The Wavespell
I’ve used this site before over the years, yet I have never looked at the Wavespell. It’s time!
In addition to your reading, there is the Wavespell. Go here,, and again search for your title. For me, I searched for “White Planetary Wizard.” I find my group, which has an image above it that I can’t really explain well, but it’s this one below.

This is the Red Serpent Wavespell. When I click on that image, I am taken here,
But before you read your own, you should check out this page here,, which explains what the Wavespell is and how to use it.
A few points about the Wavespell:
· The Wavespell occurs once every 260 days.
· It’s a great time to set intentions on this day.
· It indicates your main theme for the 260 after that.
· Through recording dreams during a 13 day period after it starts, you can gain a lot of helpful insight.
· On each of those 13 days, you read the question and answer on the Wavespell page and work with what comes up.
· You can work out the next Wavespell period by adding onto the listed ‘Previous Wavespells’ at the top of the Wavespell page. (I know, a bit tedious but it’s the only way)
Well, I hope you enjoy your Mayan Astrology reading and feel free to share your results so we can read all about you!
Back in July, 2002, Tracey started the site where she offers free Mayan based Astrology profile readings, but also a few other things including some great info. These readings are actually excerpts from the book, The Mayan Oracle: Return Path to the Stars, by Ariel Spilsbury & Michael Bryner. The book also comes with an oracle type of card system (like tarot).
Description of the book: "While other divination systems deal with the awareness of our Earth selves, this oracle offers us a galactic perspective. The Mayan symbols are a "language of light" that represents a bridge between physical and spiritual realities, intended to transform our human experience into an experience of the infinite."
Map showing the extent of the Maya civilization (red), compared to all other Mesoamerica cultures (black). Within Central America and southern North America (Mexico). This map also shows the cities and cultural mainsteads of the Maya, who did not have an empire but rather a group of loosely associated city-states. Source: Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)
To find your reading, you need to use a calculator/form. It first shows your Galactic Signature, which is a Mayan term, sitting beneath a Wavespell group. The Galactic Signature is the personality profile that explains who you are, who you are becoming and what your purpose is.
"Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens."
— Carl Jung
"In knowing ourselves to be unique, we possess the capacity for becoming conscious of the infinite. But only then!"
— Carl Jung
"The only journey is the one within."
— Rainer Maria Rilke
— Carl Jung
"In knowing ourselves to be unique, we possess the capacity for becoming conscious of the infinite. But only then!"
— Carl Jung
"The only journey is the one within."
— Rainer Maria Rilke
These quotes above are ones chosen by Tracey and sit on her site, which goes to show her desire to help others.
As with all personality profiles, whether psychologically or astrologically based, they are never perfect, as there are so many factors at play, but they should have a high number of aspects that match and resonate with you as you read through them (high as in more than half of what is said).
In this Mayan Astrology reading, only the birth date is used, but with astrology you can have a much more accurate reading if an astrologer has your birth time and place of birth, plus if they actually do a manual chart, not a software driven chart. A manual chart takes them many hours to write up, so with proof reading and calculations, that can mean two to three days work, and roughly 15 hours for a 20+ page reading. Therefore you have to think of the time they spend, based on the fee they charge. Many astrologers can’t charge what they are really worth, as people wouldn’t be able to afford such a fee.
Find Your Mayan Astrology Galactic Signature
To find out your Galactic Signature, click here, and then to the left down the screen a bit, select the Month, Day and Year. There are some options here you can play around with, such as selecting the center page button, controls on top, unselecting the default options, etc. After entering the info and selecting the options, you hit ‘Reading’.
When first hitting the Reading button, it can be difficult to understand the output on the page that loads. The results will be displayed with an image behind them that can make it rather hard to read on this site as well. I will go through my reading to help you understand yours.
As an example, for my reading I get the following results:
White Planetary Wizard
Blue Western Castle of Burning
Earth family- Gateway Clan- Truth
Galactic Activation Portal
I perfect in order to enchant
Producing receptivity
I seal the output of timelessness
With the planetary tone of manifestation
I am guided by the power of spirit
I am a galactic activation portal enter me
Kin 114
Harmonic 29: Crystal Output
Express intelligence of cooperation - Loom of 13 Moons Gap Kin
The important thing out of those results, is the title, ‘White Planetary Wizard’. Take note of your title and then head on over to this page here,, and either do a text search (use the find function in the browser and search for your title) or manually scroll down the page and find it, then touch/click on it to find your reading. In my case, the URL I found for ‘White Planetary Wizard’ is this one,
Do also take note of what is said under the title, as these keywords further help to summarize you. Mine started with ‘I perfect in order to enchant.’ For me, this makes a lot of sense as I actually do this, I do my best to find the most efficient ways of what’s important to me, not to enchant, but I’m aware that to make a difference I need to do things in a certain way to reach others (so I can help them), so this is definitely a way of enchanting.
The Wavespell
I’ve used this site before over the years, yet I have never looked at the Wavespell. It’s time!
In addition to your reading, there is the Wavespell. Go here,, and again search for your title. For me, I searched for “White Planetary Wizard.” I find my group, which has an image above it that I can’t really explain well, but it’s this one below.

This is the Red Serpent Wavespell. When I click on that image, I am taken here,
But before you read your own, you should check out this page here,, which explains what the Wavespell is and how to use it.
A few points about the Wavespell:
· The Wavespell occurs once every 260 days.
· It’s a great time to set intentions on this day.
· It indicates your main theme for the 260 after that.
· Through recording dreams during a 13 day period after it starts, you can gain a lot of helpful insight.
· On each of those 13 days, you read the question and answer on the Wavespell page and work with what comes up.
· You can work out the next Wavespell period by adding onto the listed ‘Previous Wavespells’ at the top of the Wavespell page. (I know, a bit tedious but it’s the only way)
Well, I hope you enjoy your Mayan Astrology reading and feel free to share your results so we can read all about you!
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