Deconstructing the Trigger for a Bad End — David Topi (2 Viewers)

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David Topi

Metaphysical & Spiritual Teacher
Jun 13, 2017
David Topi submitted a new article.

Deconstructing the Trigger for a Bad End — David Topi
One of the most complicated things to make this work, through trying to help with my articles, and through other means, is the frustration of always being one step behind. I think you may have already noticed that we are at the back, always dismounting or deprogramming what has been done — what they have created and cast into the global consciousness.

It is difficult for the human personality; we see several steps behind at all times regarding plans. If we enter into the nonphysical planes to dismantle something, it’s because it is already nearing completion and about to start to materialize. If we go to deprogram something or make requests to our beings and...
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
I think you may have already noticed that we are at the back, always dismounting or deprogramming what has been done — what they have created and cast into the global consciousness...
I prefer to think of us as being at the forefront...not the back! :)

I love David and his work, but must take exception with some things he mentions. The first is all the focus on reaction and deconstruction. As long as we put energy into “reacting” to something (or anything, for that matter) we are automatically placing ourselves “behind” whomever created the situation to which we feel we must react. We’ve essentially surrendered to their authority as “creators” and we are now having to expend our energy by dismantling what THEY have created.

He also suggests an affirmation process where we “request” something. Again, that puts us into a subservient role to some “other” authority.

I don’t feel that either practice is especially helpful if WE are to bring about or experience positive change. To do that, we need to STEP INTO OUR OWN POWER AND AUTHORITY AS DIVINE, SOVEREIGN BEINGS.

WE NEED TO CREATE, THROUGH FIRM INTENTION AND FOCUS, what WE wish to create. Let THEM start worrying about trying to take apart what WE’RE creating!! If we’re strong enough in our own focus, THEY CAN’T DO IT.

So for me, the process has been:
  • Remembering that I AM a Sovereign Being;
  • Remembering that I AM free to create what I wish to create;
  • Accepting responsibility for my thoughts and what I wish to create;
  • Stepping into my authority as a Sovereign, Divine Being;
  • Focusing my sustained energy on that which I wish to create/experience (through meditation, visualization, thought, expression, affirmation, and focused emotion);
  • Trusting in myself and Expecting my intended outcome; and,
  • Actively looking for signs of progressive change in the "outer world" (with strong expectation that I'll see them).
Finally, I appreciate as deeply as I can, any such signs or changes as I observe them!

Socrates has been credited with saying, “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”

I’m with him!

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Stargazer, that's really funny that you saw things that way, because I read the same article and came out thinking I resonated very so strongly with this part of D Topi's pst that I had it copied:
"If we go to deprogram something or make requests to our beings and higher self to block something, it is because we are almost at the limit before “it” begins to run.

We are having no choice but to act in a reactive mode, and that somehow, we have to start changing, and start working proactively and start preventing events, attacks or manipulations, before they take place, and then having to deconstruct them."

Then I read your post and found that you seemed to disagree. What is really interesting to me is that my interpretation of the quote above is that we have been able to work on past lives and ancestral patterns, especially recently, to resolve them.
In fact, I agreed with you on this point just yesterday here when I talked about a 'zipper' or 'domino' effect:ROFL::

Matter of interpretation, I guess:D My interpretation of the above quote is that I am able to go back to my past in this and other lives and deprogram events, or put warm, loving feelings of being cradled for my younger selves, etc.
If I look at it from that perspective, then things that are 'in the past' are things I can still access and change/deprogram in a direction I like better, ie, like creating a past I like better from the present/future. Not conventional thinking about time, but I like it better and find it resonates very strongly with me.

Another way to say this is that we are all 'Time Lords' like in Dr Who, able to go back to our past to make changes from our higher/future self perspectives so that things go in a direction we choose. Looked at this way, how can we possibly 'go wrong'? As we've already 'gone right'.

It probably goes without saying that, reading your post above, I agree with all the points you write about being sovereign beings, how vital this is and how tit plays out for each of us in our daily lives. In fact, t's been a big part of what I've been realizing recently.

I hope some of this makes sense, as whenever we talk about past/current/future times intersecting, things often get confusing:)|
The more we discuss such scenarios, the more that, too, can change toward clarity<3


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
Another thing to consider is that this is a Spanish to English translation, so what we are reading may not be exactly the meaning David is trying to express. Some things may be lost in translation.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Matter of interpretation, I guess:D My interpretation of the above quote is that I am able to go back to my past in this and other lives and deprogram events, or put warm, loving feelings of being cradled for my younger selves, etc.
Oh, yes...I DEFINITELY agree with "deprogramming" our own habits, historic events, etc. I was speaking more about David's apparent interest in stopping "outside" factors such as the perceived state of our world, false flag events, and the North Korea situation that he mentioned.

I firmly believe that, as we heal ourselves and do our own "inner" work (which you also wisely suggest), our "outer world" will quite naturally reflect these changes. By focusing and continuing to focus on "fighting" or "stopping" anything going on in our outer world (beyond noticing it and disapproving of it), we really only prolong the problem by feeding our energy to it.

I hope that makes sense...


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Another thing to consider is that this is a Spanish to English translation, so what we are reading may not be exactly the meaning David is trying to express. Some things may be lost in translation.
Being Spanish my original language -now I think and visualize in English- I can tell you that Spanish in a "very emotional" language (even in its written form) and it is true that translations many times can't convene its true meaning. Some say that Spanish is more poetic, perhaps, I think that it has more emotional 'levels' than English. Bottom line is that Anaeika may had it a very good point.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
Being Spanish my original language -now I think and visualize in English- I can tell you that Spanish in a "very emotional" language (even in its written form) and it is true that translations many times can't convene its true meaning. Some say that Spanish is more poetic, perhaps, I think that it has more emotional 'levels' than English. Bottom line is that Anaeika may had it a very good point.
Maybe you can translate for us since you are a native speaker? :)
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
I guess I could if I am provided with the raw text in Spanish. What it works best is if somehow a translation is made out of a face-to-face encounter with a Spanish speaking person -well, at least for me because I can 'sense' a bit more that just the words.
Eh, Laron :)
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Laron is right that I love David's work here - and the reason being is he is a Master of manifestation. He understands the whole kit and caboodle. I believe his stance is that we have been mucked about with, from the lower 4th dimension, with the results leaking into our manifested reality. Everyone at this forum has read the evidence for that. And David is like the Chef who knows the steps to cooking the goose. First the causal or mental energy which creates the possibility of an arising manifestation, which then clarifies during the process into the etheric plane, and when cooked, is ready to manifest in physicality where we reside! We on the receiving end just think things happen... without realising that thoughts go into the food processor of manifestation at the top and are blended into appropriate physical manifestations according to karma and the laws of the universe. And then served up as a dish for our discernment!

His article demonstrates that it is possible to deconstruct through intervention at some of the precursor moments, before physical manifestation becomes an object or an action.

I know this from direct experience because I have been able to manifest a stable home whilst in the middle of 3.5 years of unemployment.

The tools SG mentions are great for psychic advancement and evolution - and the more people with those tools contributing to the human collective will get us over this bubble moment, where it can go either way. As psychics have said, we have already won. But we need to be consciously aware of our thoughts which create items and actions to manifest.

Therefore, I give a lot of credence to David's affirmations, as he is seeding the necessary rebalancing thoughts into the causal plane.


QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
I guess I could if I am provided with the raw text in Spanish.
Desmontando el detonante de un mal final

Una de las cosas más complicadas de hacer este trabajo, con el blog y demás me refiero, es la frustración de ir siempre un paso por detrás. Creo que os habréis dado cuenta que vamos a remolque, siempre vamos desmontando o desprogramando aquello que ya nos han hecho, aquello que ya han creado, aquello que ya nos han colado en el IC, etc. Es complicado, para la personalidad humana, ver que vamos varios pasos por detrás en todo momento respecto a los planes habidos y por haber que hay sobre nosotros. Si entramos en los planos no físicos a desmontar algo es porque ya está a punto de completarse y a punto de empezar a materializarse, si entramos a desprogramar algo o hacemos peticiones a nuestros seres y Yo Superiores para bloquear algo, es porque estamos ya casi al límite de que “eso” empiece a ejecutarse. No estamos teniendo más remedio que actuar en modo reactivo, y eso, en cierta manera, tiene que empezar a cambiar, y empezar a trabajar en modo proactivo y empezar a prevenir eventos, ataques o manipulaciones, antes de ver que ya se han puesto en marcha y tener que ir corriendo a desmontarlas.

Así que espero que las cosas vayan a cambiar a partir de ahora porque me propongo intentar, con ayuda de aquellos que nos asisten y de todo el “equipo de apoyo” que todos y cada uno de nosotros siempre tiene en los planos y dimensiones superiores, ir por delante, al menos a la misma velocidad descubriendo que están tramando para poder ir desmontándolo. Este planeta es también nuestro tablero de aprendizaje y evolución, o tiene que serlo, y tenemos derecho a coexistir en él como una raza libre de un sistema de control invisible y poderoso, pero frágil también como un castillo de naipes cuando hay suficiente responsabilidad por la humanidad para intentar tomar las riendas de su destino.

Es utópico, lo sé, somos solo unos pocos miles los que nos ponemos con las peticiones y nos ponemos codo con codo con nuestros Yo Superiores a desmontar cosas, pero la masa crítica no se mide por el número de personas que colabora, sino por la cantidad de energía-intención que estas mismas hacen, por lo tanto, hemos hecho mucho en el pasado simplemente porque los que participaban, lo hacían con convicción y la intención de que las cosas cambiaran.

Ya hemos desmontado algunas cosas

En el anterior artículo sobre “cómo se desmonta un escenario en el plano mental”, el trabajo que se hizo desmontó, en ese mismo plano, el escenario que en el momento de su publicación tenía más posibilidades para detonar o ser la chispa que prendiera un conflicto global, el cual pasaba por Corea del Norte. Al desmontarlo en el plano mental, se borró luego del plano etérico y, si seguís las noticias, ahora mismo tras los juegos olímpicos de Corea del Sur hay muestras de “calma” entre ambas Coreas y entre Corea del Norte y EEUU. Ese escenario bélico ahora ya no existe, así que, gracias al trabajo de todos, y el trabajo de nuestros YS que lo borraron, ha tenido (el sistema de control) que poner en marcha el siguiente detonante dentro del mismo escenario con más posibilidades de funcionar.

Así, ahora vamos a intentar eliminar ese segundo evento que puede detonar una catástrofe a medio plazo.

Cuando entras en el plano mental de nuestro planeta y, con asistencia de tu YS (pues hay de todo ahí, energéticamente hablando) buscas los escenarios que están activos como futuros potenciales para la humanidad de la línea 33, puedes ver como si fuera una película los diferentes eventos que están coexistiendo en la misma y que, luego, “caen”, energéticamente, al plano etérico. Ya hemos explicado cómo funciona esto anteriormente en otros artículos. De todas esas “escenas” que existen, una de ellas siempre tiene más fuerza y más “potencia” para ser la que se termine manifestando en el plano físico. La primera “escena” mental pasaba por un ataque norcoreano a USA y estos respondían con otro, iniciando una cadena que luego involucraba a otros países que se ponían de lado de uno u otro bando. Eso ya no está, eso ha desaparecido.

La segunda “escena” con más posibilidades es la manifestación de un atentado de bandera falsa, donde los mismos poderes en control ejecutan una acción, echan la culpa a un tercero, y entonces crean una rivalidad y un conflicto entre dos actores, potencias, países, etc. Eso es lo que ha usado en las últimas décadas para generar todo tipo de conflictos, desde la creación de Al-Qaeda como excusa para ir invadiendo y atacando diferentes zonas del planeta, como la creación de los piratas somalís para poder controlar las aguas del golfo de Yemen debido a los portales dimensionales que hay en la zona, etc.

Bueno, así, el siguiente catalizador que tienen preparado “mentalmente” (como plan), y que ya está en el plano etérico, es decir, está cerca de manifestarse, es el asesinato de un alto dirigente americano, el presidente, y echarle la culpa a Rusia. Como ya sabéis, ahora mismo, desde hace tiempo, se está preparando a la población mundial echándole a Rusia la culpa de casi todo, para que se creen los egregores necesarios para tener la energía que pondrá en marcha los planes acusativos. De ahí, el escenario mental y etérico pasa por el inicio de una serie de rifi-rafes entre ambos países, detona un pequeño conflicto, crece en magnitud, y en un año más o menos empieza a haber países que se ponen de parte de un lado y países que se ponen de parte del otro. Todo esto solo para la línea 33, como hemos dicho en el artículo anterior, pero como la 42 aún está lo suficientemente cerca, se oirán y se verán las consecuencias, aunque no se vivan.

Entonces, lo que vamos a hacer, quien quiera, es desmontar esto. Exactamente esto. Vamos a intentar desmontar en el plano etérico un evento que no ha sucedido aun, que tienen pensado que suceda en unos meses y que esperemos que no suceda nunca.

¿Qué pasará si tenemos éxito? Que este artículo quedará sin ningún tipo de prueba material de que es verdad, puede que simplemente me lo esté inventando todo y que nunca sepamos si eso era un plan real o no. ¿Qué pasará si no tenemos éxito? Que entonces veremos las consecuencias, y la “película” en el plano mental que ahora mismo está en marcha en el plano etérico será lo que vivamos de aquí a unos meses.

¿Con esta acción, conseguiremos desmontar del todo este futuro conflicto?

No, porque luego buscarán otro detonante, y luego otro, y luego otro. Solo lo estamos retrasando. Pero no tenemos otra arma ni otra manera de trabajar en estos momentos porque literalmente, o despertamos la consciencia del 97-98% del total de la humanidad que está en la línea 33, o llegará un momento en el que no podremos retrasar más nada y entonces la línea 33 quedará a su suerte y a la manifestación de aquellos eventos que, por causa y efecto, y la inconsciencia general de nuestra raza, tengan a bien o mal llegar a manifestarse en el plano físico.

Un trabajo en equipo en los mundos superiores

Para poder desmontar esto todos los Yo Superiores van a tener que trabajar en cadena y simultáneamente. Ya dijimos que existe una especie de jerarquía superior a todos nuestros Yo Superiores que los “une” y conecta en un enorme campo “cuántico” de información y coordinación, de manera que, cuando unos pocos Yo Superiores inician una acción de esta magnitud, es comunicada a todos los YS de todos los seres humanos encarnando en el planeta. Aquellos que se desean sumar, sin violar ninguna regla de libres albedríos, ni cosas por el estilo, lo harán, ya que no estamos trabajando en las personalidades, en nuestros sistemas energéticos, sino lo estamos haciendo en la estructura de la Tierra. Así que no hay problema de que alguien no tenga ni idea de que va todo esto, si su YS considera adecuado intervenir lo hará, para preservar un poco más el tablero de juego donde está encarnando, y si considera adecuado no hacerlo, no lo hará, sin ningún juicio de valor asociado al respecto.

Por lo tanto, la petición es esta:

Solicito que se desmonte en el plano etérico el detonante y catalizador más probable que está siendo preparado para activar todo tipo de conflictos, luchas y guerras en el plano físico, desmontando, borrando y desactivando los posibles atentados de bandera falsa que se están gestando para provocar un enfrentamiento entre potencias mundiales que luego permitan activar otro tipo de eventos de mayor magnitud. Solicito a mi YS que intervenga si lo considera adecuado sin prejuicio ni daño para mí, la parte encarnada, protegiéndome de toda consecuencia por ello en la medida que las reglas evolutivas y cósmicas lo permitan. Gracias.

Ganaremos tiempo, y veremos a ver cómo reaccionan. Gracias por vuestra participación y esperemos que tengamos suerte y éxito. Aquellos que podáis, consultad-revisad todo lo anterior con vuestro YS, os dará confianza y seguridad para entender lo que se está haciendo.

un abrazo,
David Topí
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QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
With this article above, I heavily edited roughly the first half, and then left most of the second half open to interpretation based on the lost in translation situation, while fixing most things. There's certain things I think which are important left alone, as people need to see the original auto translation. (It's very time consuming and I don't get paid for it)

I firmly believe that, as we heal ourselves and do our own "inner" work (which you also wisely suggest), our "outer world" will quite naturally reflect these changes. By focusing and continuing to focus on "fighting" or "stopping" anything going on in our outer world (beyond noticing it and disapproving of it), we really only prolong the problem by feeding our energy to it.
The first is all the focus on reaction and deconstruction. As long as we put energy into “reacting” to something (or anything, for that matter) we are automatically placing ourselves “behind” whomever created the situation to which we feel we must react. We’ve essentially surrendered to their authority as “creators” and we are now having to expend our energy by dismantling what THEY have created.
He also suggests an affirmation process where we “request” something. Again, that puts us into a subservient role to some “other” authority.
I don’t feel that either practice is especially helpful if WE are to bring about or experience positive change. To do that, we need to STEP INTO OUR OWN POWER AND AUTHORITY AS DIVINE, SOVEREIGN BEINGS.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
— Edmund Burke​

While that quote may be very straight forward thinking, it still holds a lot of weight and is still true to certain individuals, and pockets of consciousness. We don't just have souls who have had hundreds of lives here, or even the young souls who are just starting out, we have volunteers, star seeds and even a few ETs doing the tourist thing — Charles Hall spoke about how the tall whites would sometimes dress as a human and venture into a city to gain the experience and knowledge of what it was like.

Being devoted to not causing harm is a core principle of Buddhist life. An ancient text states that “non-harming is the distinguishing characteristic of the Dharma.” The commitment to non-harming is part of the their ethical precepts for unenlightened Buddhists; for enlightened Buddhists non-harming becomes an integral aspect of their nature and they are said to “delight in harmlessness.

While conflict exists within each of us based on decisions and beliefs of others, this doesn't mean those decisions and beliefs are wrong.

We have pockets of group consciousness on Earth. Each pocket can be compared to a community, a large family, a culture, a belief system or even religion that is closely followed. A pocket of people can also relate to roles that a soul plays, and can find themselves in over many lifetimes.

In the case of David Topi, his teachings and his impact on the world, more so with the Spanish speaking folk because of the language barrier, you could say he is playing the role of a fighter, and Out of Time would relate to this. This doesn't mean everyone needs to jump in and play that role. Perhaps some of us have already played that role and learnt the experiences it brought.

There are many other pockets out there which closely resonate with this pocket attached to David. While some of them are quite confused based on a lot of disinformation, which has slowed down peoples spiritual progress because of the not so benevolent ETs providing false fear based info through those that unknowingly channel them, David is a more pure channel because of his connection with his higher self, rather than relying upon beings lower down, vibrationally speaking.

David is actively trying to make a difference and help the timelines rise in vibration through his work; my feeling is that he does much out of body, even if he is unaware of this — stopping events before they occur multidimensionally can be compared to how and why we develop illness, as it always happens first outside of the physical. Through stopping those thoughts we think, we can stop illness forming. Through stopping the planning and dark deeds of others by targeted intention through meditation and affirmation, this can be powerful.

I also pick up here that if people like David did not do this, those who are out there making a more direct difference — which really raises the frequency of the global consciousnesses as a whole and sets up our positive timeline we are in now — then we would have not been in this timeline right now and back in 2013 there would have been a cleansing through some strong and swift earth changes.

My role is not that of David, as I don't resonate with his work, my role is similar to what Stargazer has touched upon, as in teaching the individual (or in this case, the masses) spiritual development, and to empower themselves, as this also can help with many other aspects of life. As each person moves past ego, they will start treating not just themselves better, but other people and the land they stand on, whether it's this planet or another in the future. The only fight I pursue, is that with my internal aspects.

What I do resonate with however, is the timeline material he brings up, as I feel this to be important, and to continue on actively being aware of this situation and doing what we feel is best, such as what I just mentioned about working more on ourselves.

I find all his teachings accurate and very helpful, but they apply to certain pockets of people. I see no need to judge, debate or argue any of his points, as by doing that I am not just expending energy that could be used in a much more positive way, I'm also discouraging and distracting others from his material, yet his material is very valuable to the person it resonates with. There's no need to bring down something which is making such a positive impact.

If we, and when I say we I mean humanity, did nothing to combat the cabal, then most of us would no longer be here, I'm confident of that — however going up against the dark doesn't have to be direct, as there are many ways to come in from the sides and make a big difference. This is duality. This is the human experience.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
I find all his teachings accurate and very helpful, but they apply to certain pockets of people. I see no need to judge, debate or argue any of his points, as by doing that I am not just expending energy that could be used in a much more positive way, I'm also discouraging and distracting others from his material, yet his material is very valuable to the person it resonates with. There's no need to bring down something which is making such a positive impact.
If it seemed that I was bringing David's work down, judging, or discouraging anyone, I sincerely apologize! That certainly wasn't my intention. I definitely agree that each of us has a different role in this big adventure.

I simply meant to share a different perspective that might resonate with some and perhaps help others expand their thinking to consider something different. At the end of the day, each of us is here to play a certain part--and each is free to decide what that part is. ALL are essential to this experience and we can only learn and grow by stretching our perspectives along the way.

This is an amazing time and the potentials for us all are infinite! I'm immensely grateful to have this opportunity to share ideas and experiences with so many "other selves". Y'all are AWESOME!


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Desmontando el detonante de un mal final
Hope it is a more accurate interpretation and is easier to read:

Dismantling the detonator of a bad ending

One of the most complicated things to do this job with the blog and others means is the frustration of always being one step behind. I think you may have realized that we are towing, we are always dismantling or deprogramming what they have already done to us, what they have already created, what they have already cast in the global consciousness, etc.

It is complex for the human personality to see that we are several steps behind at all times regarding plans that have been made and what is ahead of us. If we enter the non-physical planes to dismantle something is because it is about to be completed and ready to begin materialization, if we go to deprogram something or make requests to our beings and Higher Self to block something it is because we are almost at the limit that "it" starts to be executed.

We have no choice but to act in reactive mode, and that, in a certain way, has to start to change and start to work in a proactive way and start preventing events, attacks or manipulations, rather than seeing that they are ongoing and have to go running to dismantle them.

So I hope that things will change from now on because I intend to try, with the help of those who assist us and of all the "support team" that each and every one of us always has in the higher planes and dimensions, to go ahead, at least at the same speed discovering what they are plotting to be able to go dismantling it.

This planet is also our board for learning and evolution, or it has to be, and we have the right to coexist in it as a free race of an invisible and powerful control system, but also fragile as a house of cards when there is enough responsibility for the humanity to try to take the reins of its destiny.

It is utopian, I know, we are just a few thousands that keep up with the requests and stand side by side with our Higher Self to dismantle things, but the critical mass is not measured by the number of people who collaborate but by the amount of energy-intention that they do, therefore, we have done much in the past simply because those who participated did so with conviction and the intention that things will change.

We have already disassembled some things

In the previous article on "how a scenario is dismantled in the mental plane", the work that was done dismantled, in that same plane, the scenario that at the time of its publication had more possibilities to detonate or be the spark that ignited a global conflict, which passed through North Korea. By dismantling it in the mental plane, it was then erased from the etheric plane and, if you follow the news, right now after the Olympic Games in South Korea there are signs of "calm" between both Koreas and between North Korea and the US. That war scenario now no longer exists, so, thanks to the work of everyone, and the work of our higher selves who deleted it, it has had (the control system) to start the next trigger within the same scenario with more possibilities to function.

So, now we are going to try to eliminate that second event that can trigger a catastrophe in the medium term.

When you enter the mental plane of our planet and, with the assistance of your higher self (since there is everything there, energetically speaking), and look for the scenarios that are active as future potentials for the humanity from the line 33, you can see it like a movie the different events that are coexisting in the same line and that then "fall" energetically to the etheric plane.

We have already explained how this works previously in other articles. Of all those "scenes" that exist, one of them always has more strength and more "power" to be the one that ends up manifesting on the physical plane. The first mental "scene" went through a North Korean attack on the USA and then they responded with another, initiating a chain that later involved other countries that sided with one or another side. That is no longer there; it has disappeared.

The second "scene" with more possibilities is the manifestation of a false flag attack, where the same powers in control execute an action, blame a third party, and then create a rivalry and a conflict between two actors, powers, countries, etc. That is what has been used in the last decades to generate all kinds of conflicts, from the creation of Al-Qaeda as an excuse to start invading and attacking different areas of the planet, such as the creation of Somali pirates to control the waters of the Gulf of Yemen due to the dimensional portals that are in the area, etc.

Well, the next catalyst they have prepared "mentally" (as plan), and that is already in the etheric plane, that is close to manifest, is the murder of a senior American leader, the president, and to blame Russia. As you know, right now, for a long time, the world population is being prepared to blame Russia for almost everything, so that the necessary egregores are created to have the energy that will set in motion the accusative plans. From there, the mental and etheric scenario goes through the beginning of a series of head-to-head between the two countries, it triggers a small conflict, it grows in magnitude, and in a year or so other countries begin to take sides. All this is only for line 33, as we said in the previous article, but since 42 is still close enough, the consequences will be heard and seen, even if they are not lived.

So, what we are going to do, whoever wants to, is to dismantle this. Exactly this. We are going to try to disassemble in the etheric plane an event that has not happened yet, that they have planned to happen in a few months and that we hope it never happens.

What will happen if we succeed? That this article will be without any kind of material proof that it is true, it may be that I am simply inventing everything and that we will never know if that was a real plan or not. What will happen if we do not succeed? That then we will see the consequences, and the "film" in the mental plane that right now is underway in the etheric plane will be what we experience in a few months.

With this action, would we will be able to completely dismantle this future conflict?

No, because then they will look for another trigger, and then another, and then another. We are only delaying it. But we do not have another weapon or any other way to work at this moment because literally, or we awaken the consciousness of 97-98% of the total of humanity that is on line 33, or there will come a time when we cannot delay anything more and then line 33 will be left to its fate and to the manifestation of those events that, by cause and effect, and the general unconsciousness of our race, will manifest on the physical plane for good or not.

Teamwork in the superior worlds

In order to dismantle this all the Higher Self will have to work in chain and simultaneously. We already said that there is a kind of hierarchy superior to all our Higher Ones that "unites them" and connects in a huge "quantum" field of information and coordination, so that, when a few Higher Ones initiate an action of this magnitude, it is communicated to all the higher selves of all the human beings incarnated on the planet. Those who want to add, without violating any rule of free will, or things like that, will do so, since we are not working on the personalities, in our energy systems, but we are working on the structure of the Earth. So there is no problem if someone has no idea that all this is going on. If his higher self considers it appropriate to intervene it will do so to preserve a little more the game board where he is playing, and if he considers it appropriate not to do so, he will not, without any associated value judgment in this regard.

Therefore, the affirmation is this:

I request that the trigger and the most likely catalyst in the etheric plane that is being prepared to activate all kinds of conflicts, fights and wars on the physical plane be disassembled; dismantling, erasing and deactivating the possible false flag attacks that are brewing to provoke a confrontation between world powers that then allow activating other types of events of greater magnitude. I ask my higher self to intervene if he considers it appropriate without prejudice or harm to me, the incarnate party, protecting me from any consequence for it as long as the evolutionary and cosmic rules allow it. Thank you.

We will gain time, and we will see how they react. Thank you for your participation and we hope that we will have luck and success. Those who can, consult-check all the above with your higher self, will give you confidence and security to understand what is being done.

A hug,

David Topí


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Carl, thanks for making the translation.

I understand what David is writing about. There are people who do "clean up" work, and it is important to keep things moving along. No one really knows about this work, and from the outside it might seem counter intuitive to living in the now, but it is not.


Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017
Don t know if it s in the context or not i think i stumbled over a similar think like topi only that it speaks there about the commercial matrix which is line 33 as all is ruled by fear greed and fragalize. This version makes the understanding for me easier as i learned finances at school
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Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
Well, the next catalyst they have prepared "mentally" (as plan), and that is already in the etheric plane, that is close to manifest, is the murder of a senior American leader, the president, and to blame Russia.
This so-called 'plan' does not make any sense. At least not with the current president who is constantly accused of 'Russian collusion' and being too much buddy with Putin.
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Out of Time

Roaming Contributor
Sep 5, 2016
I have never been attracted to Buddhism. The path of no violence often times leads to even more violence or slavery, which is worse.

Unfortunately, in this life I am no longer a warrior, which makes me doubt what exactly I am doing here and what I can help with. As far as I understand, I am mainly a tester of an empathetic being, an early and very faulty prototype (just like probably most of you). It sucks big time, dear ones. Sometimes I can't even believe some of the defects were not actually an act of sabotage.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
This so-called 'plan' does not make any sense.
Actually, it makes sense to me. Not just by the effects it would cause in the physical plane (fear, chaos, division, unrest, etc. towards the benefit of certain people/groups for example, thus perpetuating their hold/control), but specially at higher planes where emotions (specially the negative ones) create barriers that could stop or delay the positive (the light) to manifest in our current reality, which could be the hope and desire of the originators -the latter is what Topi is trying to convey in his article. Regarding if the current president is buddy-buddy with the Russian leader, or neutral, or his enemy, it all depends which narrative you believe (all mostly is smoke and mirrors anyway). I suspect that in reality, like in most relationships, they agree in some points and disagree in others.


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
Regarding if the current president is buddy-buddy with the Russian leader, or neutral, or his enemy, it all depends which narrative you believe (all mostly is smoke and mirrors anyway). I suspect that in reality, like in most relationships, they agree in some points and disagree in others.
It does not make sense. Not in the official narrative. It contradicts it 100%.

Even the masses of gullible mainstreamers who follow the official media will not believe there's a motive because why should exactly Russia/Putin do it to Trump, this is the VERY LEAST to be expected for them. Any other leader or politician or celeb assassinated and then blamed on Russia (like that spy) could be 'sold' to them, but not Trump.

It is just so highly illogical that even the last of the sheeple would 'wake up' and disbelieve it because they are told what contradicts anything else they heard before. First they are told (by mass media, Democrats, FBI, CIA etc.) that Putin installed Trump by winning the election by help of his internet trolls (and god knows why they still believe this crap) and then he just kills him off. Just so. For fun. Because he can.

Unless it is planned as a truly outrageous and blatant mockery. Stating to the masses: look we can make you believe or do at broad daylight and without shame whatever we want even if it contradicts 100% to what we lied to you about before.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Unfortunately, in this life I am no longer a warrior, which makes me doubt what exactly I am doing here and what I can help with.
This weekend I was around a bunch of kids and some animals. There were a few children that seemed to have no respect for the animals and did not treat them well. I started thinking about how I came to have my attitude toward animals (fellow travelers). I can see now that it came from my dad and his dad. They had ranching and farming experience, as well as military. Neither was loud or overbearing but had a way of conveying what was the right behavior.

There are all kinds of warriors - some may be involved in actual battles, but most are quietly living their lives, serving as examples of good ways to go about it. If something goes wrong or someone needs help, how many of us get a call. Sure having skills and tools help, but I think it is the underlying personal / spiritual strength that is needed most of all.


QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
This so-called 'plan' does not make any sense. At least not with the current president who is constantly accused of 'Russian collusion' and being too much buddy with Putin.
To me, Trump is destabilizing the system that the cabal have carefully built up over a very long time. This would out weigh everything else, including public opinion. Recently there have been a series of events to make Russia look like the enemy of the west, yet it is all orchestrated. We have to ask ourselves what the end game is here?

it would cause in the physical plane (fear, chaos, division, unrest, etc. towards the benefit of certain people/groups for example, thus perpetuating their hold/control), but specially at higher planes where emotions (specially the negative ones) create barriers that could stop or delay the positive (the light) to manifest in our current reality,
This is what it's all about, but it's also about a grand plan in the end, as something has to occur to tip the scales, and an assassination blamed on Russia could be it.

I remember an old webbot IDIR prediction from early 2013 that said Putin would go missing, yet that may have already occurred in March, 2015, as Putin did disappear for 10 days, which was reported on in MSM. But perhaps the real missing event is still to come and it's a failed assassination attempt. The CHANI Project also mentioned he would go missing: "putin missing after 15 may many worry people do crazy things." Perhaps May and June this year will have great shifts in global consciousness from a foiled attempt on Putin's life and how the ramifications of that will ripple out.

My thoughts are that Russia is the light in the world right now. It's the country with the power and the ability to make real positive change as very little seems to be controlling it from high above, like what goes on in the west. Of course the powers that be want to do whatever they can to stop Russia moving ahead and gaining more respect in the west — Carl touched on many important reasons why as well.

But so many people are waking up and realizing that the west are creating situations which may not actually be truthful in regards to Russia. Russia will of course be using its power for its own gain here and there, as that is what a country has to do to look after its people, however, things are not as what they seem!

Waking times Article: 80 YEARS AGO EDGAR CAYCE PREDICTED PUTIN’S ROLE IN STOPPING WW3 article: Out of Russia Will Come Hope
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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
The path of no violence often times leads to even more violence or slavery, which is worse.
There is a balance on Earth of people who do one thing, and then another.

If everyone decided to fight with each other, and not care about being violent, that balance would be lost and the energy of the Earth would be not just chaotic, but terribly low, vibrationally speaking, as a global consciousness.

Taking a life can be justified, but taking a life can create karma. Karma is a form of energy exchange—or transfer—for a soul that still needs to go through more experiences for growth. It will have to be worked out eventually. Life is everywhere, and not just in animals and small creatures, but in the trees and within nature, as consciousness can have many, many different experiences.

While each individual will go through a wide range of lives on Earth, they will eventually come to naturally not want to take a life at some point, if they have progressed forward enough. It's part of the evolution of the soul, and is why it's within the Buddhist religion, but that doesn't mean it's appropriate for every life and every situation in time.

For a volunteer down here on Earth, they don't need to go through that experience again, as they are not primarily here for soul evolution, even if it was and is part of their makeup on another level from doing it all before. This can create confusion when focusing in on spiritual matters, as sometimes a volunteer has to lie, and sometimes defend themselves with violence, otherwise they won't be able to achieve their tasks and plan.

Being enslaved, or even killed, from not acting in violence, would not only change the energy that may have accumulated in relation to karma, but also help greatly with soul growth. It's just that there is a time (and life) for this, and we will know; it's not always appropriate. Considering how many lives and experiences a soul can have, and how time is really irrelevant, we tend to forget the many realities and opportunities we can end up in, from limiting our understanding to what we are right now.


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
This is what it's all about, but it's also about a grand plan in the end, as something has to occur to tip the scales, and an assassination blamed on Russia could be it.
Laron, Do you or Carl really understand what I meant or was trying to say? I still doubt it. I agree with most of what you say about Russia. So this is not the issue.
My point was just very simple as I found it a blatant 'fault' in Topi's prediction. I am arguing from the viewpoint of the Cabal/Elite/NWO: Any assassination can be blamed on Russia and they might want to do (more of) it, but it will be a hard one to sell even for them if it is Trump. And he said Trump/president. So why should they (the Cabal) go the lengths and risks of trying this instead of killing sth/s.o. else? I thought my point was simple and the argument very logical.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
But so many people are waking up and realizing that the west are creating situations which may not actually be truthful in regards to Russia. Russia will of course be using its power for its own gain here and there, as that is what a country has to do to look after its people, however, things are not as what they seem!

Waking times Article: 80 YEARS AGO EDGAR CAYCE PREDICTED PUTIN’S ROLE IN STOPPING WW3 article: Out of Russia Will Come Hope
Interestingly enough, another rather famous psychic in the 70's, Jeanne Dixon, also predicted something similar. Jeanne was featured very regularly in the tabloid newspapers of the time (National Enquirer, Star, etc.), and one of her books was passed down to me from my grandmother. I'll see if I can find the section and share a relevant page or two.

Another very interesting part of the book was an account from one of Jeanne's friends. Apparently the friend and Jeanne were quietly praying in church one afternoon and the friend looked over to see that Jeanne had disappeared for just a moment. In her place was a glowing, transparent rainbow. From the account, it appears that Jeanne "slipped" out of the physical and into her "rainbow body". That one passage always amazed me. :)


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Any assassination can be blamed on Russia and they might want to do (more of) it, but it will be a hard one to sell even for them if it is Trump.
At this point, I think almost ANYTHING the msm is pumping out is a "hard sell". Too many people have awakened to their tactics and true nature--and more are waking up every day. I'm 100% convinced now that these incoming energies ARE too much for lower vibrational entities. Those who thrive on fear and control are acting more and more desperate every day.

Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi are two of the most public examples that come to mind. They've both had a number of unusual public "episodes" (strange physical reactions, apparent disorientation, mental lapses, falls, unusual statements, etc.) which seem to support the idea that they're essentially "breaking down" under the pressure. This is just further evidence to me that all our old systems are doing the same thing.

Regardless of any plans that may or may not be out there and who may be blamed for it, my feeling is that Trump is a HUGE target. He's a wild card, flying in the face of the Cabal/NWO...and I feel they'd do anything they could to stop him. Heck, with so much vitriole, threats, and calls for violence coming from shattered Clinton supporters and ANTIFA, I'm rather surprised we haven't seen more attempts at his life.

If nothing else, these current times are certainly shining a light on people, helping us to see through the "smoke and mirrors" to see their true colors--and what they really stand for. There's no lack of polarizing catalysts in today's world!



Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Regarding the assassination of the US president - if a president leaves office for any reason, the vice-president is sworn in as president. Then he or she may nominate a person for vice-president, subject to approval from the house and senate. Johnson left the vp position vacant when he became president after JFK's assignation, and Ford, who became president after Nixon resigned, nominated Rockefeller for VP.

So, another way to look at this is through the fall-out. While Pence may be an honorable person, he does not seem like he would be a vibrant and decisive president. Having lived through each of the instances mentioned above, I can say that at the same time the public is outraged, etc. over the events, they also are looking for someone who can lead them out of this mess. Geeze Louise, what an opportunity to change the direction of our government, which is exactly what happened.

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