how about I take you fishing?I need a dream about relaxing at a spa!
Even better!how about I take you fishing?
And a common denominator to your dreams seems to be that the people that are supposed to lead/guide -you being one of them- seem yet a bit reluctant to do so because they don't fully realize that they are leaders and have the knowhow deep inside themselves already.Overall, it seems like people are ready to move but need a little help.
Something must have happenes last night (EST timezone) I awoke at 1:30 couldn't get back asleep for at least an hour.
Wow! Something similar happened to me. I was informed an hour ago about the passing of one of my aunts during the early hours, but after reading your comments I better investigate a bit -will report back if I find something unusual.something went down yesterday evening / overnight, could be just me or something external
Yeah I think that is common here in the UK far as i heard from persons i know in my country everyone has no power tired and a beginning illness, what can be the reason
Thanks for that Lotus, I douns her writing very heart warming. Needed it as I am sure others will too.This month reveals conscious and subconscious choices stronger than before: an all-in or all-out check point on your Ascension process. The veils will get very thin, especially during the influx of May 15-22, in order to reveal behind-the-scenes activity. As always, this is not about them, this is about all of us. Behind the illusion there are great acts of benevolent transformation occurring.
The "influx" of what? That left me pondering. I know that on May 15 Uranus enters the sign of Taurus, thus an energy shift will be felt bringing unexpected awakenings / insights / opportunities / change or revolution / growth of some kind for all, depending on the house and planets impacted in each individual chart, but in general should involve issues relating to feelings of security, stability (financial issues included), and consistency. Some of those experiences would not be pleasant for some since Uranus brings upheavals while Taurus loves for things to stay the same, thus things we thought were secure, comfortable and stable may no longer be so (specially the more reliant we are on the material, namely money, possessions, job, etc.)especially during the influx of May 15-22
That is very wise Alain. What sort of work do you think you would like to do. Do you have any idea?after finishing the article of lotos i came to the conclusion that my actual work starts to become incomptabible with what i am changing into, i must so think of what kind of work i can do that serves me right
Jeez Carl, that is strong and interesting. I know a few people who are almost arrogant in their sense of security. That shift of energies would wake a few people up! Will mark that on the calendar.I know that on May 15 Uranus enters the sign of Taurus, thus an energy shift will be felt bringing unexpected awakenings / insights / opportunities / change or revolution / growth of some kind for all, depending on the house and planets impacted in each individual chart, but in general should involve issues relating to feelings of security, stability (financial issues included), and consistency. Some of those experiences would not be pleasant for some since Uranus brings upheavals while Taurus loves for things to stay the same, thus things we thought were secure, comfortable and stable may no longer be so (specially the more reliant we are on the material, namely money, possessions, job, etc.)
Precisely my dear Pod. The people that base their self-value mainly on their material possessions -in other words, the less spiritual based ones- will be the ones that will be the most impacted ones, specially if as I suspect we will have a new paradigm in what respects to what "real wealth" will mean in the world by the time Uranus moves into the sign of Gemini.I know a few people who are almost arrogant in their sense of security.
I'd like a 'phew' icon here, particularly when I read about a incoming new paradigm of what is seen as 'real wealth'Precisely my dear Pod. The people that base their self-value mainly on their material possessions -in other words, the less spiritual based ones- will be the ones that will be the most impacted ones, specially if as I suspect we will have a new paradigm in what respects to what "real wealth" will mean in the world by the time Uranus moves into the sign of Gemini.
The "influx" of what?
I have a friend who got a new job a few months ago. While the pay is average, the "benefits" are amazing - close to home, lots of time outdoors, getting physically fit, focus on helping others, and going home happy. It is the last part that I find interesting - how many times have we had a job where we are happy and that happiness carries over into the rest of our lives.we will have a new paradigm in what respects to what "real wealth" will mean in the world by the time Uranus moves into the sign of Gemini.
Seems like a job I need, too. What does she do exactly on this job? Maybe I would need some ideas for me and should be on the look-out for other opportunities, get ideas, break the illusion of having to do the same old over again, (just been browsing job ads in another browser tab so it fits the moment now) ...I have a friend who got a new job a few months ago. While the pay is average, the "benefits" are amazing - close to home, lots of time outdoors, getting physically fit, focus on helping others, and going home happy. It is the last part that I find interesting - how many times have we had a job where we are happy and that happiness carries over into the rest of our lives.
Back in 2002 I was laid off, had to leave my wife (I just got tired of arguing with her) of 20 yrs. Moved uut set up an apt., couldn't find a job. Moved into my dad's basement, etc. I ended destroying the old Joe and reinvented a new and improved one. Toughest 3 yrs of my life. I survived with a whole new attitude.Breaking the mold, Sinera. Painful in the shattering effect, but can lead to powerful change, if backed by the desire to re-create yourself.
Linda, your advice might work for me. I have no tertiary training or certificates to speak of (after nearly 60 years of living) but plenty of things I'm good at. I find it frustrating the nonsensical way "authority" looks at the level of formal training you have. I have found life lived to be a form of training. The insistence on formal training seemed to come in only in the last 30-40 years (about the time I was busy getting all the experience). Formal training is great if you've got it, but I do feel the insistence on it by employers to the exclusion of all else is a "lurk" perhaps instated to keep all the good jobs for their own elite, university-trained minions.My friend started looking at her skills and abilities outside the norms of job descriptions. Once she did that, more opportunities opened up. Start a list of what you are good at - what you like to do - compliments people give you - forget about training and certifications.