If you and others can’t see that now, then perhaps one day you will. Or not. Either way, it’s all OK from the higher perspectives.
As you say it, if we talk about what we SEE NOW ...
... well, yeah, then we should talk exactly about ... what we SEE ... NOW.
If we still dare look.
We see good and evil. Happiness and suffering. = current Planet Earth life in the NOW after all.
We usually call it DUALITY in this 3D level.
So how about COMPASSION with those who suffer to some degree or a lot? They are many. Thousands. Millions.
I am not talking about that you have to be going through suffering yourself. Manifesting a happy life with high vibration and positive thinking is fine on one side but we still have to keep a BALANCE. Be grounded so to speak. And look around. That means ackowledging the DARK around us even if we want to stay in the light and BE light.
Even if we don't go through the suffering a lot, we see others going through it. Here, there, over there and overseas. Everywhere.
So how about COMPASSION for those people?
I'm not religious but COMPASSION is a central theme of Buddhism as well as Christianity and I think actually of every religion or spiritual practice. I believe it is inherently in us feeling and emotional beings. It is what makes us 'human'.
Don't we lose our HUMAN-NESS if we switch it off? Aren't you worried?
"Hey, I'm beaming up to my own New Earth paradise. I see no more hungry homeless people, terror victims or little children in the Middle East being maimed by drones. Yipieh!"
If we don't want to see the suffering anymore although it EXISTS, isn't there something wrong ... rather ... with us?
Even if you get on a higher level ... What is with those you leave behind?
There is no timline 'split' where you don't see them anymore. Either we go all into New Earth or NO ONE will. Simple as that.
And so long until we are 'there'... ignoring all the evil and SUFFERING they are in does not make it go away for THEM - just for YOU.
Take a look around. The bad news, the terror, the crime, the homeless, the starving, the wars, the poor, the sick, etc. ...
Just one example of many (and I posted a lot - as usual largely ignored of course - in that Qanon thread...):
The American President Trump (often highly praised in this forum) is now certainly having killed even more innocent civilians per day with his CIA/military drones in the Middle East than even his predecessors Obama or Bush did (and they were 'good at it' already!

Are you asking me to ignore this? I can't. I won't. I will speak up against any kind of current reality denial. I stand for TRUTH. Even if I stand alone. It seems here I am. Nevermind. You won't silence me.
It is people who do NOT IGNORE that make the difference, not the ESCAPISTS. It is people like these activists here:
https://www.ramstein-kampagne.eu/appeal/ whom I have the highest respect for. They also do annual rallies and even blockages. They are DOING something, even if in the end they won't succeed. At least they tried.
New Earth? No, we are not yet there, maybe never will in our lifetimes NOW. We probably won't as much as we sit in our rooms and tell ourselves with clenched fits chanting 'I wish, I wish, I wish'. No matter how much facebook activist meme pics we post. We are still in duality. There is still bad out there.
Change comes from CHANGING, not from DENIAL.
Sorry friends. Reality check needed.
Yes, sometimes I wish we were 'there', whatever 'there' really is (maybe it will be boring?). But we, me, you are still HERE.
Let's be honest: There is no maybe no big Event. It's not happening. What is happening is good ... and bad. Duality.
Yes, I said it before, I DO BELIEVE a larger Consciousness shift is happening. But it might take a long time. We only see the beginning. It might take generations. And so long we are still in , well, I get boring , I know ...
We have to learn to deal with it, as much as it hurts with all the adversities.
Maybe developing COMPASSION is one of the challenges, maybe even the goals in our lives down here?
Maybe we are here BECAUSE Earth is so BAD? Because it is a CHALLENGE we as souls seek?
And go through life without denial of the challenge.
Ever thought of that?
Then of course try making it a better place. Step by step. Starting with (quote Michael Jackson) the (wo)man in the mirror.
No one wants to suffer, that is certain. We also do not want to see others suffer as compassionate beings.
But does looking away make them and their suffering go away?
Ignoring or 'talking down' the suffering is not the solution. Never.
Hence my question:
What is with COMPASSION, my friends?
My question also goes to the members who rated this post 'divine' or even with 'wisdom'.
Why? Ignoring those in need is not wise and not divine.
I do not understand you, sorry.
But maybe I misunderstand something and you can enlighten me? I hope.
My friends. You are invited all to comment. After all this is a discussion forum.