What is that at front of the bird? A hose? A cable? For a brief second I thought it was a big snake .I think its a bird. We have a lot of spruce grouse in the area.
What is that at front of the bird? A hose? A cable? For a brief second I thought it was a big snake .I think its a bird. We have a lot of spruce grouse in the area.
So cool. The tree is holding an asana (posture). You're right!I call this the yoga tree - even the children think it looks like a person. It blew over in a big storm but managed to find a way to keep on going.
(Strawberry field in distant left and pear orchard in distant right.)
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My mistake. they are rabbit tracks...And rabbit tracks?
It's a 2 inch PVC hhose. I was gonna use it to hook up the water to my camp.What is that at front of the bird? A hose? A cable? For a brief second I thought it was a big snake .
I was going to call it a 'praying tree', lol.So cool. The tree is holding an asana (posture). You're right!
Looks like someone doing push-upsSo cool. The tree is holding an asana (posture). You're right!
Please do. There are signs pointing to actual things (pumpkin patch, which gets changed to the Gingerbread House tomorrow), as well as some funny things. I've walked by this post hundreds of times and never thought about this particular photo until today.Oooh, that is awesome!
Mind if I crib that idea to share it locally?
Alain, Kaikoura just had an earthquake in 2018. Change in that region can happen in an instant. It's the kind of place that tosses rocks about (see the slant on those rocks? I intuitively feel that Laron's journey will be 100% safe, he carries a safety bubble with him as he goes.nice rockforms, and a few houndred years later the rocks have changed their shape a bit
Such a hearthy smile i m melting