How do we get to the new earth? (2 Viewers)

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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
This is just my opinion on what things will help us get to the new earth. There have been concepts such as separation, separation from materialism, from the old earth, and from old assumptions, but how do we separate and get to the new earth? Or do we simply make the new earth ourselves?

Why should we separate from materialism? Because if we raise our vibrations enough we can create things from thin air, like a house. Although creating a house might require 8-10 people focusing at once. However I do believe we will have to grow our own food locally using more farms, but smaller farms.

You are a beautiful amazing being, just as you are. You are stronger than you think you are. The creator loves you with infinite love that is hard to comprehend. But I've felt it personally and all I can say was... it was hard to comprehend a love so enormous, so steady and strong and pervasive. The creator does not want your thinking to limit you, it wants you to feel all the love it has, to be powerful, and to be a creator yourself. You can already create the future you want.

1. Disconnect from material things

This can be a big challenge especially if we have worked many years to get that material thing, like a house. We worked very hard for it and we don't want to let it go. But your current house may not be your house on the new earth, you may have a completely different house.

2. Let negative energy go

This means getting over emotional blockages, and letting bad feelings go. Don't hold on to grudges. Bad feelings are negative energy which keep our frequency low. We cannot ascend with low frequency. So let go of the emotional blockages, and bad feelings. Almost everything has a purpose, even that terrible thing that happened to you years ago. Perhaps it was even the choice of your higher self to have that experience. Growth is not always easy, it is often painful. But in the end you learn something.

3. Stay away from sources of bad energy

The media and news is a large source of bad energy, full of Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD) which is intended to keep us down. Don't fall for this old trick. Stay away from negative news, don't get involved with drama, even with friends or family. It's time to disconnect from these sources of low frequencies.

4. Surround yourself with good energy

Surround yourself with good news, and good people who give off positive energy. This will encourage you to take on and emit more higher frequencies yourself and help in your ascension. Be where you feel the energy. This might be on the beach, in the woods, in nature, or just alone somewhere. Find your special place, and be there to recharge. But don't just recharge, seek growth and wisdom. You are a beautiful, amazing person and you are right where you are supposed to be. To reach your potential you have simply to act and move in that direction. It's not a race, everyone goes at their own pace.

5. Form your own communities

IMO a community begins with just 2 people in different households. Make your own little communities, help each other to grow, release bad energy, and accept all the higher frequencies that are coming around now. Change starts with small groups, and these groups get bigger and bigger. You can start with online groups but eventually you will need to find real life groups. Seek and make your own community with another neighbor. If you don't, who will?

Do stuff together, stuff you find fun and relaxing. Meditate together if you like that, but find something you like to do. Offer counsel for each other but don't force advice on people. OTOH people need to learn to be more open to advice and think about the advice really well to see if it works for them, or simply try it to see if it works. If it doesn't work for your case, no harm done. If it does work, that's much better!

Learn to grown your own food to get away from all the toxic chemicals in the environment. Studies seem to suggest that chemicals sprayed on food remain in the ground up to 7 years, holding onto minerals needed by the plants. If these plants don't have the minerals, no matter how many organic plants you eat, you still won't get those minerals either into your body. Eating organic has a better chance of being healthy but is in no way a guarantee the plants will have all the minerals and vitamins your body needs.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Thanks for the reminders, Therium.

Recently, I'm spending the most effort on the part about spending my time where and how I want to. I realize the irony of writing that it takes effort to relax:)):fpO.o:D Among the daily to-do lists it is easy to never really have a moment of truly relaxing, knowing that I've accomplished what I needed to. In fact, what I'm realizing is this counterintuitive lesson of being able to accomplish more when I try less hard and enjoy myself more. This came much more easily when I was younger so I feel like I am relearning after some tough lessons.

The real lesson here seems to be that there is nothing that really needs to be accomplished and that I am just as loveable and loving and worthy when I accomplish 'nothing' as when I have a 'productive' day.


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
The real lesson here seems to be that there is nothing that really needs to be accomplished and that I am just as loveable and loving and worthy when I accomplish 'nothing' as when I have a 'productive' day.
I love accomplishing things and being productive/creative each day. However, only for the things I like/love doing. Follow your bliss/passion. But you are right, on some days or for some hours per day we should just let it all go and just 'be'. :cool:


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I am still learning this lesson. It is a tough one!
Just think how great an inspiration we will be to our children when we finally figure this one out and rock it!

The process of getting to that idea was itself a great example of the beauty and simplicity of 'the moment for myself'. I took such a moment and this 'reframe' came out of it. One moment of peace and a simple way of letting go and becoming more productive; it's exactly what I hope for myself<3

I love accomplishing things and being productive/creative each day. However, only for the things I like/love doing. Follow your bliss/passion. But you are right, on some days or for some hours per day we should just let it all go and just 'be'. :cool:
Yes, it's like the last step of the manifestation process; the one where you've envisioned it all, done the steps, etc, etc... and then you let it all go and watch the magic unfold.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
I am still learning this lesson.
Anaeika, you are just as beautiful and deserving of love as anyone else in this world and you are exactly where you should be. As is everyone else.

There's a difference between being humble and diminishing ones self. Sometimes we slip in to the latter all too often.



Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Anaeika, you are just as beautiful and deserving of love as anyone else in this world and you are exactly where you should be. As is everyone else.

There's a difference between being humble and diminishing ones self. Sometimes we slip in to the latter all too often.

Yes, and I've found that the demands on young moms are especially liable to put one in a position of feeling unable to take time off or do something for oneself just because it feels good. Young dads too, though young moms especially so.

So here's a shout out to all parents who are willing to give everything of themselvesourselves for theirour children. YouWe are amazing and worth every bit of everything youwe do for yourselfourselves!:cool::-D

PS I kept the what I originally wrote and used the strikethrough as I laugh at myself catching myself doing exactly what I am writing about:))


Roaming Contributor
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Jul 28, 2016
The real lesson here seems to be that there is nothing that really needs to be accomplished and that I am just as loveable and loving and worthy when I accomplish 'nothing' as when I have a 'productive' day.
I don't want to hijack the thread going on this topic. But could you elaborate on this? I have a very real, extremely powerful problem believing that I have any worth or purpose. It's usually the root of a lot of the depression I suffer from. If you need to create a new thread, that's fine. But I need someone to expound on the topic.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
I don't want to hijack the thread going on this topic. But could you elaborate on this? I have a very real, extremely powerful problem believing that I have any worth or purpose.
If I can help someone, PLEASE hijack the thread. Someone said "Your unhappiness is the love you didn't give." That appears to be part of my problem. I have so much to give, and it's all free.

You have invaluable worth to the creator. The creator loves you immensely. It's hard to describe how much love I felt when I had my NDE. The love was everywhere, it blew through my soul like a gentle hurricane, it was the foundation of the universe, inexorable and forever. The creator loves you so much s/he wants you to experience and learn. That means there will be some difficult learning experiences, some will be REALLY hard, and in some cases, some people will want to quit early via suicide. I don't believe suicide is a sin, but it will delay your personal growth. You made a promise to learn something while here on earth, and you will come back again and again until you learn it.

I have to learn to heal my scars and not be so bitter. I'm a work in progress. I'm not perfect, and that's ok too! I might be slow, but I'm still moving forward.

To find your purpose is up to you. You do have a purpose. But The Human Project means you cannot remember your past (that's one of the rules) so you must figure this out yourself. You have already taken one step for sure, you are here! That is on your path! You are exactly where you should be. I suggest you be open to new ideas, and new actions. Go out of your comfort zone when your higher self tells you to. I have grown so much from doing that.

I'm close to the point where I can really give back some serious love.

If you want to talk privately do send me a DM. For the next few months is my slow season. I will be happy to share my story and help you. And if you need to yell and vent I will understand.

Wait, this might help you @anglea! Someone channels Metatron.
Goofy name, I know. When I first saw this I thought "Metatron? Seriously?" The guy shaking is the channeller and even he doesn't totally believe he can channel. But the entity he is channelling has such a high frequency his body shakes as a side effect of being exposed to the energy. Look at him, the love overflows and he can't stop smiling. This is how I get when I connect real well with the higher energies. And I've only been connecting well for 3 months.

If you wish you are welcome to start a new thread for input from many loving people here. But my masculine energy reminds everyone: "Dayum! Learning hurts!"

Then when it's over you say "Dayum! I learned a lot!"
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Collected Consciousness
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Aug 28, 2016
some people will want to quit early via suicide. I don't believe suicide is a sin, but it will delay your personal growth.
There is a high rate of suicide rates among the elderly. Currently, my dad is suicidal. He is also in his 70s and in much pain from declining health. Does he have more to learn through his suffering during the end of his life? Question also applies to other elderly in similar situations, so does not need to be specific to my dad.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
Does he have more to learn through his suffering during the end of his life?
I just did a reading on this (by asking the higher souls) and the answer is: "No, he cannot learn much more from this additional suffering. His suffering is caused by man's policies." I take that to mean his additional suffering right now is from possibly pollution in the environment and/or food.

Remember, Trump, not being perfect, has limited the use of opioids, which are the most effective in controlling pain. Yes there is a problem with opioid over use, but making an inflexible policy without exceptions only hurts people. There are legitimately people I know, that opioids are the only thing that help them, or excessive alcohol consumption. My mom's ex-husband for example, has a degenerative back disease so his spine is crumbling and putting pressure on this nerves. He drinks heavily because it's the only thing that works because he can no longer get opioids from the VA. They simply are not available.
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Collected Consciousness
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Aug 28, 2016
He drinks heavily because it's the only thing that works because he can no longer get opioids from the VA.
Yes, my dad is a VA vet too.

Thank you. I’ll relay this to my mom. I am trying to convince my mom to switch to palliative care so it is more about controlling his pain and letting him live however much life he has left in this body in more comfort. Why must doctors try to control everything and make life last longer at the cost of increase pain? The blood clot meds are incompatible w the pain meds. I think I would take the risk and go off the anti-clot meds and take pain meds. If the clot loosens, at least death would be quicker. I believe it is unnecessary to drag things out/a slow decline w a ton of physical pain.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Yes, my dad is a VA vet too.

Thank you. I’ll relay this to my mom. I am trying to convince my mom to switch to palliative care so it is more about controlling his pain and letting him live however much life he has left in this body in more comfort. Why must doctors try to control everything and make life last longer at the cost of increase pain? The blood clot meds are incompatible w the pain meds. I think I would take the risk and go off the anti-clot meds and take pain meds. If the clot loosens, at least death would be quicker. I believe it is unnecessary to drag things out/a slow decline w a ton of physical pain.
I went through the pain/quality of life scenario with my father fairly recently too. Perhaps some of what I share will be helpful.

Knowing what was likely to come one of the things I did which I am very happy about is asked my dad matter-of-factly whether, when the time came he wanted to be awake and alert though in pain or whether he would prefer that we use what pain medicines were available, even if he was no longer alert. He was clear that he'd rather have the pain meds even if he wasn't mentally alert. That time came and when it did we were very clear what he wanted which was extremely helpful for all of us to have in mind.

Also, we found that cannabis, which had fairly recently become more readily available, filled a real gap in the pain meds. It sort of evened out his pain which was much easier to manage as a result.

Toward the end he was increasingly debilitated, including his thinking, and often we did not know if he was 'really there' so we played along and had lots of really pleasant time with him whatever he was saying. Some of these conversations were very 'philosophical, others 'magical' and I loved these. I remember when my brother sadly said 'this isn't really dad anymore.' and we talked and realized that, knowing this, we were both far more ready to let him go when he was ready. It worked for all of us in that we had beautiful last memories with him once we'd ditched any expectations or need for having him be a certain way. His moods varied from frightened + panicked to angry, to blissful and so grateful to be together. It was all there, the whole package of emotions; our response was as clear and compassionate as we could make it which made all the difference for all of us.

We were also happy that he had more lucid moments and made the best use of them that we could. Mostly, though, we continue to be grateful that we had that last while with him, knowing that death was coming and just being able to be with him in whatever space he was at any given moment. Letting go the expectations of 'how things should be' was, I would say, key to that enjoyment of each other's company.
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Collected Consciousness
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Aug 28, 2016
Thank you Lila. What you said is helpful not only to me but to also others who go through this.

He tried the cannabis alternative but it is not strong enough for him to manage the pain, plus it gave him violent mood swings. It is not an option for everyone.
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Jul 25, 2016
I'm so sorry to hear your dad is going through this, Anaeika. I was thinking cannabis could help too but seems not. If I come across some info on this, I'll post it. So many things slam us back to this here-and-now reality while we keep our eyes trained on the new earth. Chop wood, carry water can get heavy. Praying for ease for your family.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Just think how great an inspiration we will be to our children when we finally figure this one out and rock it!
I think Diogenes had it worked out when Alexander the Great visited his home, in Corinth, before setting out on his great military expeditions.


You just basically need a brick wall to rest your back, and some shade.
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