Probably the conjunction of red and green in my dream, made you think of this!Funny, when I was reading this posting the sentence: "Christmas is coming fast" popped in my mind.
Probably the conjunction of red and green in my dream, made you think of this!Funny, when I was reading this posting the sentence: "Christmas is coming fast" popped in my mind.
Pertaining to this fascinating thread, Dr Rupert Sheldrake has recently been giving talks arguing that the sun and indeed the majority of celestial objects may well be consciously intelligent. I find this line of thought deeply resonant. Great post. ThanksI was thinking to my self, where should I create this thread on the Forum? I decided in the end to stick it on the shift in consciousness board, as while there are always going to be incoming energies, especially from the Sun and the astrological influences, the shift and the new earth situation is really the main catalyst in our lifetime. We have energies incoming from exploding stars, the galactic center (black hole), comets, dwarf planets, and more.
This thread is where you can go to report how you are feeling on an energetic level, to share and possibly validate with others. Feel free to include solar activity and so on and so forth based on influences you may be aware of.
Some great information came through about what is influencing us in one of the QHHT sessions I conducted with my client Lai Jumoke, who's one of our moderators on the Forum (He's not on much though as his new University position in CA, USA, keeps him busy.) The transcribed session can be found here. Below is a description of the parts of the article which relate:
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- Lai is taken to a broadcasting centre in the sixth dimension operated by energy beings. This place sends gamma-ray energy to the Earth for a number of different reasons. Detailed info explains what is going on this month with the energies, as well as mention of info packets being sent to Earth that contain new ways of doing things, such as new healing modalities — created by varying races of ETs.
- A number of key sources sending energies our way, from asteroids, comets, Nibiru, the Sun, an alignment and the Galactic Center.
I do believe that. Wes Penre and Dolores Cannon both say that. At some point a soul can become a sun and manage the planets, and then they become a planet. Why that order is I don't know. So earth's soul is called Gaia.Pertaining to this fascinating thread, Dr Rupert Sheldrake has recently been giving talks arguing that the sun and indeed the majority of celestial objects may well be consciously intelligent.
I woke up approimately 1 hour than normal. Did what woke me up and spent the time to the point of leaving bed in a meditative state. A day to feel excelent once out of the workplaceThis morning, Dec 12, 2018, 1am EST, me and my wife both woke up. I suddenly wasn't tired anymore. I didn't get back to sleep until about 3am EST and that was just a cat nap. My normal wake time is 4am. Anyone else have a sudden burst of energy about that time?
I did yesterdayThis morning, Dec 12, 2018, 1am EST, me and my wife both woke up. I suddenly wasn't tired anymore. I didn't get back to sleep until about 3am EST and that was just a cat nap. My normal wake time is 4am. Anyone else have a sudden burst of energy about that time?
Too bloody right smiley!Well this was a rough one![]()
Take care MELT, Lots of love from me to you.'m having to deal with health issues.
How's everyone going with the energies lately?
It feels like we are all in general vibrating at a higher rate (animals included). I have been observing the news looking for the orchestrated counterpunch in order to keep the status quo (war, dramatic event, etc.) that normally takes place every time vibrations increase but the fact that it has not taken place (materialized), increases the hope that perhaps we are finally reaching a new evolutionary level.level.
I know the energies are "ramping up" (we can clearly see it in the "outer")
now there is a song titlefeel like the edge of the Edge
Two weeks ago I was in the Italian Dolomite's for a car meet. I literally had the impression of driving trough landscapes that belong to fairy-tales, legends and myths (due to fresh snow nice fresh greenery,... )It feels like we are all in general vibrating at a higher rate (animals included).
I have been in the Italian Dolomites. It is surely different there, than other Alpine scenes.Two weeks ago I was in the Italian Dolomite's for a car meet. I literally had the impression of driving trough landscapes that belong to fairy-tales, legends and myths (due to fresh snow nice fresh greenery,... )
Also here in Belgium I notice a difference in scenery. The high vibration is not always there but more than I can remember.
But I also think it is related to your own mindset. When you are more grounded and aware you notice these things more.
For me it’s still “steady as she goes” Other than the occasional bouts of tiredness, the incoming energies are being very kind to me. I think Pod said it perfectly……”Also feel more involved with just living, integrating and accepting rather than questioning and musing”.How's everyone going with the energies lately?
I've been faced with a few choices like your book lately...mostly in the form of movies I've recorded on DVR or folks appearing to want heated discussions on Gab. More and more, I'm just just choosing to delete the movie or disengage from the debate. If something feels "dark" to me or isn't resonating (as in, maybe it's not something I need to see for a specific reason--a lesson, perhaps...or something to examine and transmute or "let go"), I just consciously offer it a thankful little mental "blessing" and walk away.I'm reading a scifi book right now which is a bit dark, and I question whether it is lowering my frequency and if I should be reading it at all. I think I'm all out of Dolores Cannon to read right now.
I've been there for a while now. As far as I'm concerned the die is cast, those that will awaken are destined to will, the rest will carry on as if nothing mattered. I retired in more ways then one lol.Where other people and their discussions are concerned, I'm no longer as interested in trying to "change their mind" or help them "see the Light" as I once might have been. I'm more than happy to have a civil discussion or share differing ideas of course, but I'm in no way interested in a contentious argument or debate. If someone else is interested in that, they can find it somewhere else...I be like: