The Incoming Energies Thread (4 Viewers)

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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
My waking dream this morning had a train theme - an oft-recurring theme in my dreams over the years. I had been on a good, fast train, but had disembarked, and realising I was not where I thought I would be (I was in fact in the City of Joondalup) I knew I had to get down to the local train station there and continue on my journey, i.e. changing trains. There were streams of people heading to the station, so I could see where it was. Then, to get to the subway, I had to go down 4 flights of steps, i.e. it was a subway with an upper and a lower level, and I had to go to the lower level. (Once awake, in dream analysis, this is obviously going to the deep subconscious). The interesting thing for me was I only had a small baggage to carry (about the size of a small backpack), but I didn't want to leave it behind, so made sure I held on to it. All the incoming trains in the subway tunnel were crammed full, and there were many different lines. I had to double-check the boards to make sure I was heading in the right direction. Being in a subway, I could just see the headlights of the approaching trains as they whistled into the station. I moved up to the end of the platform in the hopes of getting on one of the first carriages, to no avail. I saw a couple of people squeeze on, but basically there was no room for any more. The trains kept stopping and taking off with full cargo. I started getting a bit nervous that I would miss my connection if I couldn't catch the train. Then I calmed myself, and as a carriage pulled up in front of me, I decided to just move on that, and jump the gap (which was so wide, I nearly tripped and fell between the train and the barrier - but I did make it, and my baggage came on with me). It was an empty metal, box-end of a carriage, like an empty luggage compartment. A man jumped on behind, steadying me. There was a door to the linkage to the next carriage which I was considering leaping. The man touched my shoulder and said I should remain where I was, I wouldn't make it if I attempted that leap.

Waking up from the dream, I realised that it was an empty space, devoid of furniture, racks - there was nothing - but I had reached the safest spot for me to continue the journey, and it was a transition moment. There was at least one friendly person and some others who had managed to get into it, but not many - 3 or 4 at the most.

This is how my life feels at the moment. There is a lot of coming and going in the outer world, with people crammed into carriages, but they're out of contact with me, and I don't know where they're going. I got to be the first to jump into an empty space, but its emptiness was the right thing at the moment - almost like whatever would come would have to be built as new - nothing based on the old. The couple of people that made it into the carriage feel like some of you here on the forum - people of like mind and spirit - whose journey is about going into the new.

I hope this dream means my subconscious is ready to leave the past behind. It is very easy to talk about such things, but actually doing it is several levels harder!


Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
therium and stargazer

I also had this inner discussion with reading some books and seeing movies. There is a lot of rubbish out there which I happily discard but some books, documentaries, music are worthwhile even if they are really dark. Reality can also be really dark and depressing but that doesn't mean you have to push this away because it could lower your vibration. Then you are just living in an illusion in my opinion.

I don't know who said it and where I heard it but this always stuck with me: "if the old master of meditation would be here in this time they wouldn't teach meditation in a very quite wonderful place but in the most loud place like a discotheque. It is about mastering the inner peace in all conditions, not only in ideal conditions"
And the new energies make people do crazy stuff so we have a good training groundO_o;)

My experience is also that personal growth is not possible unless accepting your own dark side. The dark books,... can learn us about what our dark sides are.

That said: "just go what feels good for you and don't feel guilty for reading a dark book :)"


Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Jan 10, 2019
Waking up from the dream, I realised that it was an empty space, devoid of furniture, racks - there was nothing - but I had reached the safest spot for me to continue the journey, and it was a transition moment. There was at least one friendly person and some others who had managed to get into it, but not many - 3 or 4 at the most.

This is how my life feels at the moment. There is a lot of coming and going in the outer world, with people crammed into carriages, but they're out of contact with me, and I don't know where they're going. I got to be the first to jump into an empty space, but its emptiness was the right thing at the moment - almost like whatever would come would have to be built as new - nothing based on the old. The couple of people that made it into the carriage feel like some of you here on the forum - people of like mind and spirit - whose journey is about going into the new.

I hope this dream means my subconscious is ready to leave the past behind. It is very easy to talk about such things, but actually doing it is several levels harder!
thank you for chairing this wonderful dream.

It very well describes the feeling I have lately being detached from what the world deems "normal". With all the people doing their thing in the rat race. But on the other hand not knowing where the road will lead to. It can feel quite lonely but it is better to have a few good companions than a lot of two faced people.

And acting towards the intuition and changing your life in reality is indeed much more difficult!!
especially letting go of the known "securities", even if you know you need to move on.


Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
The interesting thing for me was I only had a small baggage to carry (about the size of a small backpack), but I didn't want to leave it behind, so made sure I held on to it.
One of the things I keep hearing is to help ascension, we need to let go of things, not just hurts and negative feelings, but material things. In the 5f (fifth frequency) we can materialize whatever we need, including houses. You just get a bunch of people together to meditate a house into existence! Your backpack might symbolize a few other "weights that keep you down" you need to let go of, as we all probably have such things to let go of.

In my dreams I am often in an anxious mode trying to collect "things" that will help me, but that is a bad habit I need to get rid of. (My guardian angel is now jumping up and down happily and saying "Yes! Yes! Yesyesyesyesyes! *Happyhuglove*" Woah! Getting lots of positive energy from her now, it makes me weep a bit. The *happyhuglove* was both a concept and emotion she blurted into my mind, but we humans just don't have an exact word for it.)

I started getting a bit nervous that I would miss my connection if I couldn't catch the train. Then I calmed myself, and as a carriage pulled up in front of me,
Perhaps this was a reminder, for you and for me. Don't worry, let go of anxiety, it will all work out in the end. The 5F is not like the 3F, if you're ready for it, it will happen and nothing can stop it. You calmed yourself, and then it all worked out as it should.

A man jumped on behind, steadying me.
This could mean: don't worry, you are not alone, many others are in the same situation as yourself and all are willing to help.

its emptiness was the right thing at the moment - almost like whatever would come would have to be built as new - nothing based on the old.
Exactly! You did not require, nor could you benefit from, a car crammed full of others so an empty car came, it was just what you needed at just the right time.

I find that by writing about this and replying to posts, I myself get even more insights into myself and the whole situation.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
^^^ It is very helpful to read about all your experiences and insights; it helps you to remember you are not alone in this process. I too am having dreams and feelings of transition. The messages are sometimes clear and easy, and some are disorienting and puzzling. Funny you should mention dreaming of a train Hailstones Melt, I had a comical dream recently where I was on a train and in the last car. I disconnected my car from the train and watched as the train kept going while my car began to slow down. Then I noticed that at the back of the car that had been in front of me there were a whole bunch of cats. I had the feeling that I was disconnecting myself from whatever direction they were going. Upon reflection, all ll I could think of were the SOC cats. Apparently I have made a split from wherever they are going.

On another note, about 10 days ago (during the week of insane energy) I felt a very sudden change in the energies. I felt like something major had happened and I was in a different space. There was a feeling of motion-sickness about it. The energy felt like a place I had already been, yet not the same. I asked my Team what happened and got "TIMELINE ORDER HAS BEEN CHANGED." Since then there have been some weird things in my world. But yesterday came the weirdest of all - a cat of ours that we haven't seen since last August just appeared on our yard. The last time we saw it, she was badly hurt from a squabble with another cat. We tried to get a hold of her to get her some medical attention but she got away and then vanished. We live in the country... an injured cat is easy prey for the ever-present coyotes. It is unlikely she survived. If she was at a neighbor's house we would have heard about it. Yet - here she is looking healthy and well fed. I can't help but feel this is related to the timeline jump. This post is getting too long already, but I have to say, in conclusion, that my gut feeling is that I (we?) have been placed back to an earlier time energetically. I feel like I get a chance to re-do a period of time or energy.


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
therium and stargazer

I also had this inner discussion with reading some books and seeing movies. There is a lot of rubbish out there which I happily discard but some books, documentaries, music are worthwhile even if they are really dark. Reality can also be really dark and depressing but that doesn't mean you have to push this away because it could lower your vibration. Then you are just living in an illusion in my opinion.

I don't know who said it and where I heard it but this always stuck with me: "if the old master of meditation would be here in this time they wouldn't teach meditation in a very quite wonderful place but in the most loud place like a discotheque. It is about mastering the inner peace in all conditions, not only in ideal conditions"
And the new energies make people do crazy stuff so we have a good training groundO_o;)

My experience is also that personal growth is not possible unless accepting your own dark side. The dark books,... can learn us about what our dark sides are.

That said: "just go what feels good for you and don't feel guilty for reading a dark book :)"
I have the thought what made us today is what the past experiences managed us to become. So said a far to gentle person must have done quite dark things and balanced it out to be so in this incarnation

Perhaps i am also totally wrong
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Alain, I am starting to realise DNA has a hell of a lot to do with it. I know this because my daughter seems to have inherited a stingy aspect (with money) from her father. She lives with me, and I am very generous with everything I have and give a lot to her. So she has not learned this through her environment, it must have come through the DNA then.

I also think she has a chance to outgrow it, which he never did.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
In the 5f (fifth frequency) we can materialize whatever we need, including houses. You just get a bunch of people together to meditate a house into existence!
This reminds me of something I hadn't thought of for a long time. My first place I visited during my first QHHT session was Stonehenge. I seem to have been playing with perspective as I started upside down:))

Anyway, what came up is that we had sung Stonehenge into existence. Somehow we put it all up there with songs we wove together. The songs had immense power and could move large objects as well as create things, I believe. There were also others there to help but many, many of us humans (I think humans?) had gathered and sung in some organized way that put it all up. I had a warm feeling of companionship and shared accomplishment of something worthwhile from the endeavor.
It was a very fine memory


Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
Alain, I am starting to realise DNA has a hell of a lot to do with it. I know this because my daughter seems to have inherited a stingy aspect
Well, I was homeless so that's why I'm very careful with my money. I never want to be that hungry ever again. But my niece grew up well off and she's also stingy with money! Her sister is the opposite, she spends it all. My younger sister used to be very bad with money too though we both were homeless at the same time. My sister thought we were camping, but I realized that my mom would never ever be able to provide even the most basic things in life like food, thus I truly believed my life was in danger around my mom. But that wasn't the only time I truly believed my life was going to end shortly so the other events simply reinforced to me that the world was HIGHLY dangerous and people honestly didn't care whether I lived or died, even the ones I was supposed to depend on. What a horrible realization for an 11yo!

This led to major problems with trust down the road which I had to deal with.

My sister is better with money now but only after she had 2 close calls with some big problems. She got REALLY lucky that she didn't actually have to file for bankruptcy or have her credit ruined.

Sorry to get a little dark or repetitive, it helps me to talk/write about this though. Thanks for your patience. I must still have some fear about being hungry, like the fears are scars from the past.


QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
I'm loving these updates lately from Space Weather:

(Yesterday) The 2019 season for noctilucent clouds (NLCs) has been remarkable, maybe the best ever, with NLCs appearing as far south as Los Angeles CA and Albuquerque NM. What's going on? NASA satellites have just found an important clue. An unusual wave of moisture is surging through the mesosphere, boosting water concentrations to their highest level in at least 12 years. Visit for the full story.​
(Four days ago) If you've never seen a cloud of frosted meteor smoke, now is the time to look. 2019 is shaping up to be the best year for noctilucent clouds ... maybe ever. This past week, the electric-blue clouds appeared in the USA as far south as Joshua Tree CA (near Los Angeles) and Albuquerque NM, breaking old records for low-latitude sightings. Visit for more information and observing tips.​


Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
I'm loving these updates lately from Space Weather:

(Yesterday) The 2019 season for noctilucent clouds (NLCs) has been remarkable, maybe the best ever, with NLCs appearing as far south as Los Angeles CA and Albuquerque NM. What's going on? NASA satellites have just found an important clue. An unusual wave of moisture is surging through the mesosphere, boosting water concentrations to their highest level in at least 12 years. Visit for the full story.​
(Four days ago) If you've never seen a cloud of frosted meteor smoke, now is the time to look. 2019 is shaping up to be the best year for noctilucent clouds ... maybe ever. This past week, the electric-blue clouds appeared in the USA as far south as Joshua Tree CA (near Los Angeles) and Albuquerque NM, breaking old records for low-latitude sightings. Visit for more information and observing tips.​
last week was the first time I have seen them here in Belgium.
I was really nice to see.
You have to go outside 30 - 60 minutes after sundown and look north. Here in Belgium this is between 23:15 and 23:45.


QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Just in from Space Weather:

The sun has just crossed 33 days without a sunspot, marking the longest stretch of blank suns in the current solar cycle. This development is consistent with recent predictions that the solar cycle will reach a minimum in 2019-2020, ultimately bouncing back for a new Solar Max in the years ahead.​


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
I'm loving these updates lately from Space Weather:

(Yesterday) The 2019 season for noctilucent clouds (NLCs) has been remarkable, maybe the best ever, with NLCs appearing as far south as Los Angeles CA and Albuquerque NM. What's going on? NASA satellites have just found an important clue. An unusual wave of moisture is surging through the mesosphere, boosting water concentrations to their highest level in at least 12 years. Visit for the full story.​
(Four days ago) If you've never seen a cloud of frosted meteor smoke, now is the time to look. 2019 is shaping up to be the best year for noctilucent clouds ... maybe ever. This past week, the electric-blue clouds appeared in the USA as far south as Joshua Tree CA (near Los Angeles) and Albuquerque NM, breaking old records for low-latitude sightings. Visit for more information and observing tips.​
Nothing like an increase in the liquid crystal of water in the sky and our world!
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
me too, so i am 1 hour flight or 2 further south i wonder if i can also see them
two days ago they were spectacular.
On there is now a photo of NLC in paris. and they are reported evens down to Italy. So yes you should be able to see them in Luxembourg.
But yesterday there were absolutely NONE.

So you have to make it a habbit to look north at the right time of day and hope for the best.


QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Loved seeing this email update from spaceweather today :): (for those that don't know, this equates to incoming energies that influence consciousness and help to raise our vibration)

COSMIC RAY UPDATE: Something ironic is happening in Earth’s atmosphere. Solar activity is low–very low. Yet atmospheric radiation is heading in the opposite direction. Cosmic rays percolating through the air around us are at a 5 year high and only percentage points away from a Space Age record. Find out what's happening on today's edition of​


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Haven't been to that site in a while.
Thanks for the pointer.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Preparing for this awesome Solstice I think. Thanks for that Laron !


Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
I keep having this feeling like we are going very, very fast over the past few weeks ( > Dec.21). My first visual I got was of a large boat going very fast. My second visual was of looking downwards at the plume of exhaust/smoke of a rocket taking off. Not sure if that means we have picked up speed since the first one (?). Quite often I get the feeling of nausea kind of like motion sickness.

Anyone else?

We are definitely somewhere else energetically.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Yes, things are going fast, seems to me.


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
Yes faster, and feel other hard to take in words, only that doing the same as before feels no longer the same
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Involved Wayfarer
Jul 30, 2016
I keep having this feeling like we are going very, very fast over the past few weeks ( > Dec.21). My first visual I got was of a large boat going very fast. My second visual was of looking downwards at the plume of exhaust/smoke of a rocket taking off. Not sure if that means we have picked up speed since the first one (?). Quite often I get the feeling of nausea kind of like motion sickness.

Anyone else?

We are definitely somewhere else energetically.
Yes motion sickness.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
I notice that last week seems like months ago.
generally all of 2020 was like that. Seems like a very long year thinking back on where we started.

the energy is definitely different.
spontaneous healing sessing taking place now and then, slipping in and out of the spirit world...


Involved Wayfarer
Jul 30, 2016
I notice that last week seems like months ago.
generally all of 2020 was like that. Seems like a very long year thinking back on where we started.

the energy is definitely different.
spontaneous healing sessing taking place now and then, slipping in and out of the spirit world...
Ha! I think 2020 was a blink of an eye. Like everything is accelerating - but it’s part of the same thing the slowing and speeding up I think - right ?


Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Jan 10, 2019
Ha! I think 2020 was a blink of an eye. Like everything is accelerating - but it’s part of the same thing the slowing and speeding up I think - right ?
It is not that for me the year seemed to take long. i try to live more in the now as you can't plan anything ahead with our ever changing govenment rules..
It is only when thinking back on what you have done that it seems so long ago.

so slowing, speeding,... time is acting funny ;)
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