Email from Bernie which he said he was fine for me to share on here:
"Well, Jo just called to me to see the TV news - a foot of SNOW in the Victorian Alps this morning. (And the major storm warnings that were issued yesterday for a lot of Tasmania? Another non-event - so far. Wind about force 2, fine, some cloud, no rain.)
I say again - forget the ‘climate change’ scare talk - we no longer have ‘climates’ - only random, unpredictable, and often violent weather events. And these are being played down for as long as possible to keep the masses (that’s you) from panicking. Forget ‘global warming’ as well - or at least, put it into its' correct perspective - a long-period, cyclic, cosmic, natural event.
The cause? Oh, we haven’t helped the situation much - human activity has to take some of the blame. About 1% at a guess? But overall? It’s the SUN. Solar cycles and energy, waxing and waning and undoubtedly exacerbated by other cosmic energy as our Solar System moves through the galaxy and the universe.
And there is absolutely NOTHING we can do to change that. Zilch, nada, NOTHING. It’s a solar CYCLE - and you can’t jump on it and ride away. And it’s BIG.
We ain’t seen nuthin’ yet. Noah was probably one of the last guys to endure this sort of cycle….. and someone wrote a book about him. Is that a sobering thought? It should be.
(Latest weather forecast for Tasmania today - snow. This is in December….. High Summer in the southern hemisphere.) (Global warming, anyone???). Remember? Yesterdays’ forecast for today was for storms and high fire danger?
Right now it is 10ºC outside, wind maybe force 2, fine and dry. A nice Winter day. In December. And I just lit the fire. (Ooops…)
Expect the best if you wish - but prepare for the worst. The times, they are a-changing….. even more.
So why the nice weather forecasts? Simple - the cowboys don’t want the herd to stampede, so they ride around singing to them…..
Be well. Be safe. And be aware……
LnP, ~~B"