Article Eliminating the plants used as raw material for the creation of narcotic drugs (2 Viewers)

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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Why aren't the drug companies producing these dangerously addictive drugs treated more like heroin dealers? Meth has killed and enslaved more people then heroin.
Methodone, or methamphetamine?
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I think the whole post from David Topi is one of those mind-stretchers, where the concomitant realisation is that our Higher Selves have energetically more say and a bigger overview of an entire situation, than the avatars of those Higher Selves physically present here on Earth. A physical example is that the body systems run themselves (respiration, for example) where we may observe, but we, the avatar do not initiate and maintain by thought the autonomous process. What if the planetary logos desires a change in the living plant forms (forms of any kind being pure energy interpreted as structure) and that change triggers a huge timeline jump, into a timeline where no such plants ever existed? Or again, possibly, with the opiate industry being a lifeline economy for the cabal, the Event may not be able to occur until that probability and/or actuality is extinguished? The ability of humans to appreciate their natural surroundings without forming addictions is probably part of the frequency leap that is required for this time of evolution.

I remember back in the 1990's I was intrigued to hear from a more aware and awake person being interviewed on radio, that extinct animal species have just had an energetic form adjustment, and there is no need to lament their departure so much (of course you can reflect on them fondly!) because their energy has not "gone" anywhere. They still exist somewhere in the multiverse, in whatever energetic form, but are deleted from the types of forms that are inhabiting this planetary space.

I might have a theme going here, but acceptance might be both the test and the prize, in this case.


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
Wonder if the point of the original post was to get people thinking.

I believe we agree that there is a time and place for narcotics such as morphine, so eliminating opium would pose a hardship on many people.
Those who profit from heroin and cocaine also profit from synthetics such as fentanyl (synthetic opiod).

So, how would eliminating the plants help? Am I missing something?
Is perhaps a sign this things are no longer nedded so to highten the vibrations of old earth. No idea how much weight this thought can have


Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
So, how would eliminating the plants help? Am I missing something?
Some people use drugs as escapism, not for personal growth, so removing the plants would remove one route of escapism, and force people to deal with their problems instead of running away from them. Getting rid of the source plants would also, probably, push at least some people to investigate and try other methods of pain relief, like meditation or reiki.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Some people use drugs as escapism, not for personal growth, so removing the plants would remove one route of escapism, and force people to deal with their problems instead of running away from them. Getting rid of the source plants would also, probably, push at least some people to investigate and try other methods of pain relief, like meditation or reiki.
Check out the previous posts. Here is one.
The question remains - how will this help because the less lighted ones continue to manufacture synthetics. It is not the plants but the people looking to make a buck.

This has turned into a very interesting discussion about medicinal use and abuse of plants. Before big Pharma got into the act, people relied on mostly women who knew how to treat illness and injury with herbs and tonics. Then, as always, someone decided there was a buck to be made, and these knowledgeable people were effectively run out of business.

As world trade expanded, the Victorian era saw addictions to opium and cocaine. It was possible for anyone to buy tablets and tonics legally.

When the knowledgable person is out of the mix, misuse grows. When opium and cocaine came to Europe, their properties were unknown, but they were quickly adopted as panaceas for almost every ailment. Then we have opium dens in Asia, where people could forget the troubles of their lives.

What are the threads here? Many people will do anything for relief from physical or psychological / spiritual pain. People looking for financial gain exploit these troubles. Legitimate uses of morphine, for example, are replaced with synthetic substitutes, which can be more easily produced for the masses.

I can see the immediate value of cutting off the supply to the people making money from heroin and cocaine. However, in the long-run, it does not address the synthetics that are plaguing large swaths of the population. Would it not just prompt the money-grubbers to concoct more dangerous synthetics (meth)?

Looking at who is using the pill supplies flooding this country, suggests a deeper issue - people wanting any kind of relief from their lives.


Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
Linda Yes there will still be synthetics made if the plants are hard to find in the wild. But by finding, and putting pressure on, the big buyers and distributors of the synthetics, the authorities can trace back to where they are made and eventually shut down the factories through one means or another. But all this takes time. It might take several more years.
  • Wise Post
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Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
Not when the "authorities" want people down and out and profit from them. If all the druggies woke up and started challenging "authority" they would and their drug cohorts would all be out of jobs and money. Ain't gonna happen with out a fight. Even the cops are in it.
  • I agree
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Alain and Hailstones Melt hit on the crux of questions we've been discussing. Perhaps In the higher timeline, the legitimate needs for drugs such as morphine will no longer be an issue.

Is perhaps a sign this things are no longer nedded so to highten the vibrations of old earth
I think the whole post from David Topi is one of those mind-stretchers, where the concomitant realisation is that our Higher Selves have energetically more say and a bigger overview of an entire situation, than the avatars of those Higher Selves physically present here on Earth.
This is a great thread - so many people have joined in and come up with great ideas.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Note that I just sent David an email asking how things were as his last posting was on the 21st of October last year, so it's been a while!
Perhaps he was mistakenly identified as a plant?

Seriously though, I hope he is good. Maybe overwhelmed by the changes and energies of the last 3 months. Do let us know what he replies Laron. Glad you are keeping tabs on him.
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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Do let us know what he replies Laron.
He got back to me about 10 minutes after I contacted him.

He's been taking a necessary break. If anyone is curious, just send me a message on here for more info.
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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
David just put out a new short article which I won't be getting a translation for from Carl as it's just an update. Here's the auto translated version:

"After a few months of rest and recovery, we start again the publication of articles in the blog with renewed spirit and protections. It has been necessary to stop a season to readjust everything, absolutely all my work, from the structures that support the blog in the different planes and levels of the network of our planet to my personal configuration to receive more information, increase my protection and that of my family, and prepare other ways of being able to work with those who assist me and my YS, since, the harassment of asimos and other entities, as well as the physical control system itself, because they have already come to besiege me on an earthly level and "material", not only energetic, was entering a dangerous path that had to be stopped and reorganized.​
These months we have moved the mental structure of the blog to the top of the causal plane, trying to put all the information that the published words "form" at the highest possible frequency level, to remove it from the siege of many of the entities that under orders of asimoss and “REC” (Races in control: asimoss, amoss, animiss, alomiss, Zuls and other minors) constantly act to stop, distort and block publications. Having now moved this structure and having strengthened its etheric protection, it cannot be moved anywhere and having changed from a “physical” server to a more robust one and hopefully less easy to be “hacked” and locked, hopefully that we can start this new stage of information, training and explanations with something less of problems with which the previous one ended in October,​
So "we return to work" with this beginning of the year, and in the coming days I will prepare a new updated checklist with everything that has happened since the last one already several months ago, and thus catch up with the planetary situation and the different processes , octaves and projects that are underway, or that are to be launched in this year that begins.​
For now, the articles will be only in text, without the audio version as before. I cannot protect applications like Ivoox over which I have no control or which I cannot access to protect the etheric or mental infrastructure from what I upload to them, so I can only continue with the text information that is the only channel right now Sure enough to continue with the new articles that we will continue to publish. Thank you all for the patience and support messages received and get to work. "​
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
what means here YS? younger self or a little wrong written HS higher self?

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