Article Markers: Are We There Yet? (2 Viewers)

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Jul 25, 2016

“The days are near when the intensity of change will be felt by all.” — Borgareil

Over the years, from time to time — not often — the Pleiadians give me markers on things to come that actually do come to pass. More often than not, when I’ve posed a question about when or if something will happen, usually I get the runaround. Hanging on a string, staring into an empty sky… many of you probably know too well what I’m talking about. Perhaps that’s followed by a picture in your mind of kids in the back seat on a long drive asking “Are we there yet?” The Pleiadians certainly have a humorous take on lessons of humility, at least.

Don’t Ask
The few times they’ve offered information unsolicited, things happened as described. I’ve learned not to take as literal their words relating to our concept of calendar time. After all, there is a dimensional dynamic at play which is far beyond my own ken, regarding how they communicate about this thing called time. It’s much more fluid from their point of view, I think, and much too important to my own. At least I’ve acquiesced to that perspective, personally. However, I know when they’re telling me straight: I get the same message over and over, with no deviation, or they come out with information about an event that I haven’t asked about. I have a few stories, but that’s not what this particular writing is about.

This is about all the other things they’ve offered, about our collective experience. Markers. I hesitate to call this kind of thing prediction or prophecy, so let’s just agree they are markers and proceed. I think it will be easier to stay in a grounded relationship with the information.

notebks 400px copy.jpegGathering the Signs
I’ve had some of this information for a long time. It’s scattered in notebooks and random spaces where I’ve managed to jot down the incoming commentary. You’ll see, it’s suitably enigmatic to stimulate curiosity and imagination, and as time moves on, it’s also pretty easy to see how it could fit together. Not enough to say “aha! This is what’s going to happen!” but as markers, providing check-in points along our way. Our way toward what, you might ask? A collective experience of revelation, reunion, communion with our own selves in time. Meeting of past and future in a present moment of note.

Without further ado, I’ll just list here in roughly the order the information came, what’s been given to me to share. A curiosity to me is that I cannot, in my stacks of notebooks, find the one that had some of the original notes about this info. Frustrating and baffling, but I did at least type it up in a private message and saved that. Funny how tenuous the more physical hold on time is becoming lately.

Early Markers: Three Very Specific Things
Let’s begin with the short list of markers from the missing notebook from 2013-2014. This is the framework for what follows. As I can’t refer to the passage directly, I’m not sure the source, other than it came from the League of Light at about that time:

First, a gift from the past will be given to the present time;
Next, the one who would be king will not be fit to take the throne;
Third, the first Japanese child will die.
The early signs from September coming through are that we are going to be lifting people, including you, in the days after the end of the trio of events. These things have to happen first and after that we are going to be in front of everyone. It is necessary for these things to happen.

Wait, Wonder, Keep Doing My Thing
One thing you might be surprised to know about me is that I am my own worst skeptic. I don’t know why that is. Maybe it’s healthy. It’s not easy for me to put this information out without that disclaimer. I’m forever in doubt and always triple-checking everything I share. Just so you know. I’ve vetted that statement with the crew telepathically a million different ways (well, a half dozen anyway) and just now again, and they say, it’s time to share it. All of it.
So if you are skeptical, know that you are not alone, not by a long shot, regarding messages about “soon” and other vague terms of promise. That said, please please please do not bombard me with accusations of selling hope porn, or whatever. There’s someone who does that already on every video I post. I feel the pain, I understand, I share the frustration, but I have to keep doing what I’ve been tasked to do. I didn’t take this job lightly, and it is not an easy path to walk. Just know that I’m with you, when it comes to knowing what effort it takes to keep spirits up while being awake and witnessing civilization self-destruct.

War and Peace
All right, back to the list. I’m pulling this one from memory, as I can’t locate it in a notebook (yet, and if I do, I will share more), but there was a marker about soldiers being on the field of battle, seeing or hearing something (in the sky?), putting their weapons down and walking off. This is cryptic, I know, and I will try to verify as I am able. It does make me think of this channeled drawing, though.

Similarly, I only have this statement from an email and haven’t located on paper yet. It’s from Asket: A little girl giving her life for the sake of world peace.

Recent Intensification of Markers

Jumping way ahead, to January 18 of this year, this came through in a casual chat session I had, via automatic writing:

Maryann, know we are with you in our Pleiadian form, which is undetectable to you, but we will be in a more detectable form at the time appointed. You will see us and none on Earth will doubt our true existence. We cannot tell you about the time frame of our arrival, you understand, only to give you markers by which to plot the course of things. We have given some and they have come to pass. Each time, our presence has become stronger. You are feeling it, are you not? Now, we can tell you a few more. First, you will see the turning of a great clock from clear to imminent. This will mark the change, on our side, of having more influence upon the general sleeping public. Then, you will hear of the birth of an heir to a dying string of world power. This will be heralded as a great thing, but anarchy will follow closely, violence, and chaos. This will heighten the desire for some kind of extraplanetary help to intervene. Truly, there are few circumstances under which we can make our presence fully known. The next marker is already discussed and is already becoming a real situation. Soon, there will arise a kind of echo around the world which will trigger armies to defect their war. At that point, Japan will have issues they will try to hide, but unsuccessfully. You will hear of grave illnesses and death. Then we come… The changes we speak of will occur in rapid succession. We cannot tell you about when, but it is certain to happen.

And in a recent (late January 2020) message from Archangel Michael:

You will see some things happen now that will affirm what we have said. You will see a change in movement for those who have been driving the world. You will see the end of an empire finally come to pass. None will long mourn it, for the pain will shift from imaginary to acknowledged, and many will demand retribution. Then, you will hear of war, but the conflict will end before it begins.

Maryann Rada Bends of Light blog markers

And this, from around that same time, within a drawing. This is a translation of light language symbols:

In one moment of understanding
will your world forever alter
the current of time’s flow.
You approach the reckoning
in which all becomes as new.
(link to source)

The Essential Message
All this said, I will share some things regarding the essential message concerning all these markers. In November 2019, this came from the League of Light, unsigned by any specific name, in answer to a question I had about my role and guidance for my own path. Within that answer were these words:

We cannot tell you when this will begin. We watch what is happening, awaiting our entrance call. This is not up to us, but the hand of the great designer, OM. We can say with certainty that it will happen, for some variables cannot be changed and the need for evacuation is very real. The planetary shift is imminent and cannot be averted. However, it will not be total, nor as catastrophic as it has been in other periods of shift. In fact, this can rather be seen as a time of renewal and reclamation of your truth and true path. The time is set, but as yet we cannot say, other than that some of the markers have been met and others will be met within weeks. We can say more at that point in time… In peace we leave you with this thought: When you hear news of the final end of the nation of dark secrets that operates with help from the seat of the church, our arrival will be a matter of days. Do not gaze at the sky in anticipation. You have some things to do yet.

Anica said in early December 2019. It echoes and restates, generally, what has been the steady, undeviating message from the League of Light since I first began communications with them in 2008:

We are ever nearer. It is true that you will meet us in this life, and soon. Do what is before you, without worry or concern. Know that you have had the experiences you needed, and that is true for everyone whose time on Earth is short. We come. The changes will happen fast now, then move at a powerful but steady pace. The next Earth belongs to those who heed the change. You, however, will be far away, home.

Is This Playing Out Now?
The skeptic in me has been a little startled about a few things I’ve noticed lately. Prince Harry leaving the lineup. The Doomsday Clock being moved the closest ever to midnight, just a couple of days after I got this transmission. And the virulent spread of fear on the back of the Coronavirus, now with confirmed cases in Japan.
Usually, I just think, ok that’s interesting, but I’m not convinced that’s “it.” But… I’m keeping an eye on it just the same. How about you? Please share your thoughts in the comments section. I’ll gather and post them as updates to the article.

List of Markers
What follows is a streamlined list from the collection in this article. I’ve grouped related/repeated things together, but maintain events (roughly) in sequence.

Temporal Markers from the League of Light


  • A gift from the past will be given to the present time.
  • You will see the turning of a great clock from clear to imminent.
  • You will see a change in movement for those who have been driving the world.
  • The one who would be king will not be fit to take the throne.
  • You will hear of the birth of an heir to a dying string of world power.
  • Anarchy will follow closely, violence, and chaos.
  • You will see the end of an empire finally come to pass. Pain will shift from imaginary to acknowledged. Many will demand retribution.
  • You will hear news of the final end of the nation of dark secrets that operates with help from the seat of the church.
  • You will hear of war, but the conflict will end before it begins.
  • Soldiers on the field of battle hear something, then put their weapons down and walk away.
  • There will arise a kind of echo around the world which will trigger armies to defect their war.
  • A little girl gives her life for the sake of world peace.
  • Japan will have issues they will try to hide, but unsuccessfully.
  • You will hear of grave illnesses and death.
  • The first Japanese child will die.
Then we come.

© 2020 Maryann Rada | Nine’s Path, sharing permitted with link to original article




Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Very interesting markers.
When I read the one about the soldiers, I thought of 1914 Christmas Truce in WW 1. I've always felt it would be repeated - soldiers saying we are so tired of this.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Thanks very much for the needed clarification on things happening around us and possible things to expect. The mention of the first Japanese child I feel might mean Princess Aiko. She is the only issue of the current Emperor. That is not Akihito, but his son, who became the Emperor in 2019. I don't think it means the heir presumptive (the heir standing by to become the Emperor, should this one die). The heir presumptive is the brother of the current Emperor, so not the first Japanese child.

Perhaps the gift from the past will be the revelation of the Hall of Records, between the Sphinx's paws (or somewhere underground down a tunnel, near there). Or indeed the Vatican City's historical artefacts might be released for all to see and hear about. Or it could be something from Antarctica that is known about but being kept hidden.

  • You will see the end of an empire finally come to pass. Pain will shift from imaginary to acknowledged. Many will demand retribution.
  • You will hear news of the final end of the nation of dark secrets that operates with help from the seat of the church
The end of an empire, I am hoping, is the end of the Vatican and all it represents. The next one down certainly looks as if it points to that.

Question: What do you do when you find a rotten potato in the dark place in your pantry? Excise it, so it doesn't further contaminate any of the good food. The stink usually lets you know something has gone off where you keep your potatoes. I think that rotten potato is about ready to be found, the stink for sure is already there.


Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
Hailstones Melt , I'm looking at the Japanese royal family too, but hadn't thought to connect those particular dots. I don't think as a woman, she can inherit rulership, as it only passes to male heirs, so that's the end of that line, it seems. But as the first Japanese child to die… that gives me another think. Always appreciate your insights
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
Thank you Maryann for taking the time to compile and boil down all that information (The Event For Dummies?). A lot of those markers feel current, and I think many of us are feeling that the remainder of them are imminent. The "short list" makes it feel even closer than it was already feeling.

Also, thanks for "putting it out there". There will always be someone to criticize... but the majority truly appreciate your information and efforts.

Do what is before you, without worry or concern. Know that you have had the experiences you needed, and that is true for everyone whose time on Earth is short. We come. The changes will happen fast now, then move at a powerful but steady pace. The next Earth belongs to those who heed the change. You, however, will be far away, home.
I am getting the same messages from my guidance. Telling me that everything IS as it is MEANT to be, and that I have all the knowledge and experience I need. Yesterday I was told "your patience will be rewarded", and that there is something major for me a couple months out.

I was also told that New Earth is a short stay for me, then on to something else. If I remember right, Laron posted the same.


Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
Very interesting markers.
When I read the one about the soldiers, I thought of 1914 Christmas Truce in WW 1. I've always felt it would be repeated - soldiers saying we are so tired of this.
TY I knew I saw that somewhere before. What a beautiful precedent. <3


Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
^^^ The full story is more beautiful than it sounds. I read it something like 45 years ago - but if I remember right - it started with a single soldier lighting a candle or match, then holding it up out of the trench. Exposed himself to certain gunfire, but no shots came. One by one, soldiers began lighting things and holding them up out of the trenches. Must have been incredible.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
There's much here which resonates for me.
Plenty, too, that feels just out of reach or not yet completed. As you say, with a different view of time, perhaps there is no need for these to be 'in order' as they were given?

Japanese issues they will try unsuccessfully to hide: the nuclear leaks into the Pacific after the quake? or is that too far in the past?
Grave illnesses and death: as mentioned above, coronavirus?

I still love that haiku and wonder most about the war whose 'conflict will end before it begins'; that's sounds like a great kind of war!... done before it begins.


Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
As with all prophecies; they can change if people change their way which means the prophecy doesn't come true but in essence it really served its purpose.
Thus also markers can come true or not but you can't use them as proof in one way or the other.
It is frustrating to feel something is off and messing with our lives but not to be able to put your finger on it or get rid of it (clean house ;))
It all comes down to the ancient wisdom: "BE in the moment because it is everything" (I only need to find a way to do it myself more often:)|)

Japanese issues they will try unsuccessfully to hide: the nuclear leaks into the Pacific after the quake? or is that too far in the past?
Fukushima has more secrets then the leaks in my opinion.
I once looked at the conspiracy theories of fukushima and they made sense in a disturbing way. Here is a small summary:
  • the original earthquake was only rate 6 or so. it is only afterwards that they made it an official 9.
  • It is not likely that all the sensors in Japan register a 6 instead of a 9. This is really a very big difference.
  • there was NO tsunami alert which is logical with a 6 but certainly not with a 9. When the tsunami struck, everyone was minding their own business. just look at the movies of the tsunami. take in mind that the people of japan are very trained concerning earthquakes and tsunami's. If they felt the 9 they would have probably looked for info themselves.
  • So what is the most logical explanation for the tsunami and damage?
    • a detonation in the earthquake area to produce a tsunami. (the technology for this exists)
    • the webcam pictures also show mushroom explosions at the reactors which is strange. apparently a few weeks before the event very large monitoring devices were put in the reactor buildings. there are theories that these were really conceiled bombs to assure the reactors were destroyed.
  • as to why? apparently Japan wanted to implement a certain technology for the good of all mankind and this was the shot for the bow.
So there are enough skeletons in the closet.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
^^^ The full story is more beautiful than it sounds. I read it something like 45 years ago - but if I remember right - it started with a single soldier lighting a candle or match, then holding it up out of the trench. Exposed himself to certain gunfire, but no shots came. One by one, soldiers began lighting things and holding them up out of the trenches. Must have been incredible.
Trench warfare: hiding in channels of mud and clay supported by beams ripped up from nearby farm houses or rail way sleepers, wearing only a pudding basin tin helmet for protection on the top of your head, and dying in basins of mud, which were actually blast holes made by prior bombs, that had then filled with mud and slime..... In this background canvas for a painting, insert an act of courage, bravery, or higher vibrational moment, light a candle, be yourself wherever you are, whatever you are - that is going to be etched into the fabric of lived experience in a way that will shine for aeons. A superlative declaration of being human.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Thank you Maryann.

Prince Harry was never really a contender for the throne, 4th I think. BUT

Prince Charles who IS next in line has been thought of as totally unsuitable and the Queen is not fond of him it seems. Many would like the succession to go straight to William and skip Charles altogether.

I really appreciate the wisdom you have garnered and laid out for us.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Many accounts from the WW 1 soldiers on both sides at the time of the Christmas cease fire wrote of first singing Christmas carols from the trenches and then joining together in the "no man's land". Music can reach us when words do not.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Very interesting markers.
When I read the one about the soldiers, I thought of 1914 Christmas Truce in WW 1. I've always felt it would be repeated - soldiers saying we are so tired of this.
It sounds as if there will be a trigger to cause the armies to lay down their arms and walk away, that would do it wouldn’t it, what could the leaders do.
So many men coming home from conflicts injured, some with what they label ‘Gulf War Syndrome ‘ They go and fight for their country and when they are no use anymore they find the country doesn’t give a rats arse about them.

Could be the same in other countries for all we know, maybe this is leading to a time when they say ‘ enough, we are fed up of this carnage. If the politicians want war, let them go fight ‘


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
It sounds as if there will be a trigger to cause the armies to lay down their arms and walk away, that would do it wouldn’t it, what could the leaders do.
So many men coming home from conflicts injured, some with what they label ‘Gulf War Syndrome ‘ They go and fight for their country and when they are no use anymore they find the country doesn’t give a rats arse about them.

Could be the same in other countries for all we know, maybe this is leading to a time when they say ‘ enough, we are fed up of this carnage. If the politicians want war, let them go fight ‘
A sad point to make is that when there are not enough soldiers to fight the wars, the manipulating ones move on to the children. First world countries haven't really seen this, but enough African states have. Younger minds imbibe propaganda willingly, it seems.
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Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
I think your missing the point, Melt. If things stay the same then that may well happen. I think the dark controllers are done and leaving creating a new paradigm. Based on Love and compassion. They've done their jobs and are no longer needed. The end of wars is a symptom of growing up and moving on. Time to leave all this behind and find/get new challenges. Maybe ala star trek and boldly go discover new worlds and civilizations then meet and mingle. I think we're done with the old and we have new exciting things to do. Time to grow up.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Thank you Maryann.

Prince Harry was never really a contender for the throne, 4th I think. BUT

Prince Charles who IS next in line has been thought of as totally unsuitable and the Queen is not fond of him it seems. Many would like the succession to go straight to William and skip Charles altogether.

I really appreciate the wisdom you have garnered and laid out for us.
I agree with Pod about Charles being thought of as unsuitable and I’ve maintained for years that he will never be king.
I think the people would like for it to go straight to William.

I don’t see Harry as a contender but for the sake of Mayan’s pointers it could fit.
I think he’s sixth in line isnt he, Charles, William, Williams three kids, because I think the count the females now don’t they.
Not that it really matters, just me being picky


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I think he’s sixth in line isnt he, Charles, William, Williams three kids
Quite right June ! I did not realise that William had three children.

Queen Elizabeth II is the sovereign, and her heir apparent is her eldest son, Charles, Prince of Wales. Next in line after him is Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, the Prince of Wales's elder son. Third in line is Prince George, the eldest child of the Duke of Cambridge, followed by his sister, Princess Charlotte, and younger brother, Prince Louis. Sixth in line is Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, the younger son of the Prince of Wales. Under the Perth Agreement, which came into effect in 2015, only the first six in line of succession require the sovereign's consent before they marry; without such consent, they and their children would be disqualified from succession.


Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
Prince Harry was never really a contender for the throne
yes true but still a sign of things not as strong as they might like people to believe. In fact, there's also some question about the Japanese line of succession. And I heard a story that the "real" Prince Harry was found dead in an Irish hotel… so there's all kinds of intrigue surrounding the throne! Not to mention Andrew's troubles, and oh yes let's not forget Charles' bff Jimmy Savile


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 11, 2020
I rarely post to ANY sites but "someone" keeps knocking at my brain door so I finally set up an account here. Last Saturday, when I initially read this post I just thought it was interesting and just more information to add to the bigger truths that might be out there. However, later that same day, I came across a twitter feed on Dark Journalist's account that discussed the rumor that Nixon left a time capsule full of UFO information from his time in the White House (under Eisenhower, I believe) and that it may be revealed in 2020 and, perhaps, that's behind the push for the Space Force. Just writing that makes me feel a little woo-woo but heck this could just be "a gift from the past." Not to mention that Trump has been doing a ton of renovations in the White House and after one of them he talked about finding "gold in the walls". Initially this was interpreted as perhaps there were listening devices found but who knows? I find it all fascinating!

Let the unveiling begin!



Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I rarely post to ANY sites but "someone" keeps knocking at my brain door so I finally set up an account here.
Well thank the door knocker you did. If that is your first post what a great post and a valuable contribution to the puzzle. I am sure many others will appreciate your imput. Welcome to Transients <3


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
Vatican and cabal, next mounth source a french video i was talked about at work says the pape will start the new world order, so very far from an nice scenario,

As they couldn t imeach trump lets say this act will be a big trigger that power structures break down cpompletely

More when i find the time to read the rest


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Vatican and cabal, next mounth source a french video i was talked about at work says the pape will start the new world order, so very far from an nice scenario,

As they couldn t imeach trump lets say this act will be a big trigger that power structures break down cpompletely

More when i find the time to read the rest
It's about time the pope gives up wearing the fish hats and the long floaty robes. We want to see his real body, and anything else he's hiding. When I say real body, of course I mean human body, but why constantly disguise it behind robes to make you look more important than you are. If it was just a fashion statement, I'd understand, but it's not. It's domination and control. Somebody needs to tell him the Age of Pisces is now officially over, so it's into the bin with the fish hats.


Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
However, later that same day, I came across a twitter feed on Dark Journalist's account that discussed the rumor that Nixon left a time capsule full of UFO information from his time in the White House (under Eisenhower, I believe) and that it may be revealed in 2020 and, perhaps, that's behind the push for the Space Force. Just writing that makes me feel a little woo-woo but heck this could just be "a gift from the past."
Interesting idea that triggered some things together with the post of Linda.

the only scientific info you can find about anti-gravity and zero point energy devices all stem from 18xx to 1950 when researchers were investigation electrical phenomenon (Tesla, Birkeland,...). After WWII there was no more official research done on this. It all shifted to black opps, secret projects,...

If this is the gift from the past then the world will change a lot for the better. A whole new age will start.

Another possibility for the gift from the past is the discoveries in Antarctica. who knows what they found. But in the end it all boils down to how they use the information thus if it goes to the good of all mankind (which means disclosure) or only to the good of the controllers.


Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
As for Fukushima, i read in the news that Japan was going to release many gallons (1000s) of radioactive water into the pacific ocean. This would contaminate fisheries all the way to California, which it had done already with the initial explosion of the reactor. Now this post makes me think there is a leak letting loose all this radioactive water that Japan cannot stop, and the manmade release story is a coverup.

As for the coronavirus, it affects Asians much worse because Asians have an ACE2 protein in their lungs, which others do not have, or do not have to much extent. And the coronavirus attacks the ACE2 protein. Search for dr ken berry on youtube, he addresses this ACE2 protein.
Last edited:


Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Jan 10, 2019
As for Fukushima, i read in the news that Japan was going to release many gallons (1000s) of radioactive water into the pacific ocean. This would contaminate fisheries all the way to California, which it had done already with the initial explosion of the reactor. Now this post makes me think there is a leak letting loose all this radioactive water that Japan cannot stop, and the manmade release story is a coverup.
Fukushima was built on top of a riverbed. The river was diverted prior to the building of the nuclear powerplant.
I read somewhere that with the earthquake etc. this diversion broke and now the river is flowing again underneath the powerplant.
And with a broken containment of the reactors it will offcourse take with it radioactive material to the oceans.

this is also the reason for the massive project which tries to freeze the water under the powerplant. But they can't make it work apparently...
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