Article Markers: Are We There Yet? (1 Viewer)

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Always sounded like a spaceship to me. But as a function of the Age of Aquarius, it is exactly that, the consciousness, even more the actuality, of Christ from within, alive. Something humbling enough to drop every conscious being to a knee. What we recognize within, we will greet with our eyes.

View attachment 9225
Awesome, after that pic I think "Aquarius" will always be close to a surfboard for me... you know, just a step away from that urn of waterO.o:D
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I never really bought into the second coming of Christ in the way portrayed, I thought it would be an internal revelation that awakened the Christ conciousness in all of us. However your narrative above invoked that thought in me of him coming in a blaze of glory in the clouds.
Who knows!
I love how we each get bits that we can share:cool:


Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
There's a Russian prophet I saw a video about, a boy, I think it was one of Sylvie Ivanova's videos (now sadly offline, but maybe I can find the info), who warned against getting any kind of injection, that it would be attempted. If I recall correctly, he saw a kind of huge festival atmosphere, that the shot would be offered in that kind of scenario. Gosh it was interesting… I'll go look in a bit.
You mean like the coronavirus vaccine. My guess is they will sell it cheap at first, then offer it for free. IMO the coronavirus impact on normal humanity, is greatly exaggerated. It mostly kills really unhealthy people, chain smokers, and not even those very well. I'll repost the site I get my stats from:

Keep in mind this site could be interfered with, so watch if numbers suddenly increase, like deaths. So I'll repost my mortality stats, all with sources, here:

Now compare flu (influenza) deaths with Coronavirus deaths. Sorry if this is a repeat but I think this is important enough to repeat.

Flu deaths in US alone per year: 60,000, per month: 5000
Coronavirus deaths in 6 weeks: 1775, per month: 1775/1.5 = 1183

Coronavirus is not even close to the flu deaths.

Also it appears the coronavirus has a designation: COVID-19, I think it means coronavirus variant 19.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
Much has led me to believe that our future steps will involve other, more effective, responses than swords and battle, so I asked if that was actually the sound of a blade being sheathed (rather than drawn) allowing another response to occur?
The pen is mightier than the sword, that is why ideas are the most commonly subjected to censorship, followed by restricting guns. Without thought-provoking ideas, we are unable to think about them, and challenge ourselves, and try them. Without trying new ideas we do not gain experience, or wisdom. Thus the tool of censorship is mighty.

IMO we need many, many more women to write publicly against the censorship, human trafficking, corruption, and other things going on. This is not an issue about any political party, which is part of the polarity anyway that we should not be a part of, but it's an issue of the future of all people. There are plenty of free blog and social media sites to do this on. All you need is time to write.

Speaking of Sign of the Beast, if some ancient person saw this picture in a vision when Revelations was written, what do you think he would see? How would he describe it? Did they have Arabic numerals back then? Why does the English translation of the bible say 666 is the number of the beast? This is the icon for Google's browser called Chrome. As free software, it has a high market penetration and is installed on many computers.

Alas, Microsoft has their own browser (renamed to Edge, as in it will cut you like a rusty razor, although it has native EPUB support), and so would not let Google include Chrome in Windows operating systems. Google (including its property Youtube) is pretty famous for censoring search results, deleting conservative channels on Youtube, demonitizing conservative YT channels, forming corporate-wide censorship plans for the upcoming election in 2020 (which were leaked in 2019, see here, and more.
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Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
You mean like the coronavirus vaccine.
I don't mean that, specifically, but it is something like a tap on the shoulder. It's something more like a microchip, injected under the skin. But It could be he spoke of an either/or, a thing inserted under the skin or a laser tattoo sort of thing. The info is all translated from Russian and not very reliably, which I why I miss Sylvie's video. It was pretty thorough. The idea was, it was the mark 666, which is a bar code, is it not? All bar codes have 666 in them. And look how recognizable things like the Google Chrome logo are.

Great site, very informative. Gosh so many recovered! That's great. And to be expected. It's a means of control more than anything, imho. Look at Hong Kong. Just a matter of weeks ago the streets were teeming with people demanding their way, and now it's total silence. Everyone's home being quiet. Very effective.

Did you know that coronavirus is a source of getting the common cold? Fact. The one dubbed the Kung Flu is a novel type, but still.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I read about employees of a large company willingly getting RFID chips in their forearms that would keep up with the people, allow access to different sections, and track purchases in the cafeteria. What could go wrong!

Kevin C

Involved Wayfarer
Jul 27, 2016
You mean like the coronavirus vaccine. My guess is they will sell it cheap at first, then offer it for free. IMO the coronavirus impact on normal humanity, is greatly exaggerated. It mostly kills really unhealthy people, chain smokers, and not even those very well. I'll repost the site I get my stats from:

Keep in mind this site could be interfered with, so watch if numbers suddenly increase, like deaths. So I'll repost my mortality stats, all with sources, here:

Now compare flu (influenza) deaths with Coronavirus deaths. Sorry if this is a repeat but I think this is important enough to repeat.

Flu deaths in US alone per year: 60,000, per month: 5000
Coronavirus deaths in 6 weeks: 1775, per month: 1775/1.5 = 1183

Coronavirus is not even close to the flu deaths.

Also it appears the coronavirus has a designation: COVID-19, I think it means coronavirus variant 19.
therium, I will not repeat everything I have said in the other thread.
Do not relate the numbers for Covid-19 (everchanging name, sigh) to the flu.
Countries banned flights from China.
Governments around the world are not stupid, if they believe in the numbers like you do, they would not do this.
They have way more information than we have access to.

Have you seen countries banning flights due to H1N1, common flu, pneumonia over the past few decades? No....

I use that website to track "official" numbers, but I do not trust them. The actual numbers are at least 20-50x higher.
Because China's official numbers are bunk.

If it were THAT harmless, why does the CCP quarantine (siege) 700M population (and counting)?
Not to mention in Wuhan, 4-5 crematories have been running 24/7 for weeks. Does that sound like less than 2000 deaths?

The death rate in China is actually at least 20%. They are cremating and burning bodies on the ground like we are eating candy, and
not even testing because of capacity issues. People are dropping like flies on the streets in Wuhan and Hebei.
Of course, all of this is being censored.

All you need to look at is the Diamond Princess Cruise in Japan. It is a petri dish of exactly what happened in China.
Some 2000+ passengers went on a cruise throughout Asia with stops in 6-8 countries. Every country right now is scrambling to
track where these passengers went.
Due to lack of protocols in Japan (they trusted the WHO completely until too late), the 2000+ passengers are being screening as of now.
In just a few weeks, the infected has jumped to 464, and that's for those tested. In today's news, 13 Americans who tested negative initially
were released on a charter flight, and they are being quarantined again in Omaha, NB because they tested positive.

Then you have the false negatives and the asymptomatic carriers. We do not know where they are. Then we have to trace those back to Nov 2019.

The numbers are too low outside of China to ascertain the true death rate.

One thing for sure - you do not want to catch this. Nothing OTC will cure you, Nyquil, antibiotics will do nothing. Sure, if you are healthy, don't smoke, work out and exercise hard enough to maintain physical health, then you are most likely able to survive this. However, if you have any issues,
such as hep a,b,c, cirrhosis, high bp, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. - be careful.

This thing is an engineered bioweapon. Every country in the West already knows this, they are just trying to give false info so not to incite panic in the public.

I'm not fearmongering here. I am watching news and on-the-ground stuff in real-time in Asia (taiwan, the only true "free speech" news you will see in all of Asia), and its really bad in China (they are censoring like crazy because this is regime-changing; if enough population get angry enough to uprise, the CCP collapses immediately).

Let's put our thinking caps on again: if it were THAT harmless as you assess, why did the US government do the following:
-banned flights from China, HK for two weeks (possibly more, not to mention airline pilots protested to cancel)
-created 10+ quarantine sites on military bases across the country
-CDC and the military have heightened alerts and are making major preparations for possible outbreaks.

US govt did not do any of this for H1N1, barely did it for SARS, somewhat did it for Ebola (which was too deadly too fast to spread quickly anyway).

Never take numbers at their face value; always look at actions.

BTW - I have to follow this because part of my business depends on it; due to this situation, I have to change my supply chain completely,
its a major headache.
Therefore, I'm not making things up, and I look up real-live news and alternative sites on the ground, not 'official' stuff like the
JHU arcgis site numbers, not any news on MSM, not stuff like "this is milder than the flu". Its not.

Also, there is no universal Covid-19 vaccine in the works. What is happening is haphazard ways of "curing" parts of Covid-19:
1) ebola/sars virus genes: use Gilead's EBOLA drug
2) HIV genes: HIV drug
3) coronavirus gene: using various cocktails of H1N1 flu, prescription flu drugs

So countries are basically just throwing darts across the board. That is why you see news of different patients healing with different drug protocols.
These are all expensive drugs.

The Chinese military is essentially doing this the cruel way - using the infected in Wuhan/Hebei as the petri dish that, in the US, we use monkeys for in phase 1/2 trials of vaccine development. Anyone who survived the first wave of Covid-19 is being forced to give blood plasma for antibody research to hopefully develop a universal vaccine. Keep in mind this also means side effects will be ignored immediately for those who are given this experimental "vaccine". You will not read about this in MSM here, even news across Asia is non-existent.
If anyone has ever worked in Big Pharma, you will know the death rates of the test animals just to develop vaccines. This is why vaccine development was never done in humans; too ghastly and inhuman to contemplate. It is the same process flow used in developing bioweapons in Japan, US, Russia during the Cold War and during WWII for Japan.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
The idea was, it was the mark 666, which is a bar code, is it not? All bar codes have 666 in them.
I have not heard of that, adding a random 666 would mess with the encoded data in the barcode. Part of my job as a programmer includes working with, and generating, bar codes. That means I have to have very detailed knowledge on how they are generated. Do you have a link for your source? I'd be interested in that.

Current inexpensive RFID chips used for pets do not use a barcode because they are invisible, under the skin. AFAIK they just hold a number, and then that number must be linked to a database to give more information on who is attached to that RFID number. Keycards that you hold up to a scanner at a door to let you in work in a similar way. They have a short distance of detection (a few inches), and require no battery in the keycard, or RFID chip itself. The scanner activates that chip to give up its number. The chip itself is about the size of a grain of rice right now, if we ignore top secret advanced technology.

Some advanced RFID chips can probably hold more data but employers use the numeric RFID keycards and chips because they are cheaper.

I'll cover barcoding systems commonly used in the US.

Barcodes can be grouped into several groups. Most people don't realize how many barcodes there really are, even of the 1d type.

- 1-d, or line barcodes:

1. USPS barcode you find at the bottom of your envelope is in a light ink, but is reactive to UV light and can be scanned at a very high speed, which is a requirement of the US Postal Service machines.

2. UPS barcode: On every product sold in the US. These are also vertical lines. The barcode uses the 3of9 font to encode a string of numbers. The UPC is 10 digits, starting from the left: one check digit, 5 digits representing the company, 5 digits representing the product, 1 more check digit.

3. Shipping barcodes: These also use the 3of9 font and can encode letters and digits and spaces. This all depends on which specification is used.

- 2-d barcodes:

These can hold much more information. There are several encoding schemes that use 2d barcodes and the QR code is one of them. The 2d barcodes can encode more than just numbers they can encode text. One early 2d barcode encoded the whole of the Gettysburg address on it in a code the size of a postage stamp, about 1" x 1".

Very interesting stuff!
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
You're right Maryann.

Cause of the common cold: Rhinovirus, coronavirus, and more. :
There are also a lot of viruses that doctors haven't identified. About 20%-30% of colds in adults are caused by these "unknown" bugs.
From Wikipedia :
Well over 200 virus strains are implicated in causing the common cold, with rhinoviruses ( being the most common.
Huh, copying and pasting text from Wikipedia retains the links. Interesting. But I'll fix the links so the URL is visible.


Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
Governments around the world are not stupid
I have to disagree with you on that one. :)

You might be referring to the deep state who is not stupid, I'm referring to the governments which I have experience with getting services from. The workers in the US and the US gov't middle management is VERY incompetent, corrupt, and wasteful.

Do you have any Taiwan news site links I could read that you would recommend? How about alternate sites for sickness and death numbers?

Kevin C I'm not saying you are making things up. I would just like to see the web pages for more information to see for myself. You have good and reasonable arguments, but I will not be a part of the FUD and polarity, so I'm not worried about it, whether I live or die. Plus I was just listing the reasons for my viewpoint, your view is equally valid. I welcome all viewpoints, but prefer to have the source URLs too. O.o:D

It's a pain to track all these sources which is why I use Tiddlywiki (free, to do so. Since I can host my Tiddlywik for free on I can update my notes using any computer with internet access.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
I have not heard of that, adding a random 666 would mess with the encoded data in the barcode. Part of my job as a programmer includes working with, and generating, bar codes. That means I have to have very detailed knowledge on how they are generated. Do you have a link for your source? I'd be interested in that.
this is an example of the principle of finding the 666 in the barcodes. it is a matter of interpretation ;). As a symbol it can make sense
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
this is an example of the principle of finding the 666 in the barcodes. it is a matter of interpretation ;). As a symbol it can make sense
Thanks for the link, this has lots of sources which I love! And I changed my comment above to note that the manufacturer and product numbers each have 5 digits. My mistake, I got a bad cough again (possible virus) and am on a lot of meds and vitamins.

I'm drinking home made raw vegetable juice about 1/2 gallon each day.


Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016

As there are 6 lines, 3 pairs, this is bounded within 6.


Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
A new video for this article, one that launches a new series of videos for Bends of Light (my personal blog). I'm pleased with how this one turned out, how about you?



Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
yes true but still a sign of things not as strong as they might like people to believe. In fact, there's also some question about the Japanese line of succession. And I heard a story that the "real" Prince Harry was found dead in an Irish hotel… so there's all kinds of intrigue surrounding the throne! Not to mention Andrew's troubles, and oh yes let's not forget Charles' bff Jimmy Savile
And the replacment a shape shifter? There is much on the british royal familly that can surprise once all public i suppose
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
View attachment 9219
I have to concur. I've only just heard of this protein irt susceptibility, and in looking at Ken Berry's video as suggested, I see he says the same thing. It's not impossible to bioengineer a vector to target a specific population, but it doesn't seem that ACE2 is not the thing in this case. Thanks for the link clarifying that, and the info you gathered

Yes, Pucksterguy is right on that. Pod very interesting too! The Doomsday Clock was moved to the closest point to doom in its history, 100 seconds to midnight:
That happened just a couple of days after this message was transmitted. The original was Jan. 18, and the clock was turned on Jan. 23. Here's a photo of that original writing (with some private info covered up).

It's true there is something of a decoy plan, but there is also some truth to the thing. As with so many things, disinfo and truth mingle to confuse the people. You can guess that's only one reason the League of Light is always prodding us to strip away everything that interferes with our innate navigational system. A clear inner antenna will tell you exactly what's fake and what's real. As far as ships showing up, they will, I feel and I am told. However, that doesn't preclude shenanigans. Keep all 3 eyes clear and wide open.

There's a Russian prophet I saw a video about, a boy, I think it was one of Sylvie Ivanova's videos (now sadly offline, but maybe I can find the info), who warned against getting any kind of injection, that it would be attempted. If I recall correctly, he saw a kind of huge festival atmosphere, that the shot would be offered in that kind of scenario. Gosh it was interesting… I'll go look in a bit.
can also be an all in one shot combined with what i know of substances that are destined for deep 3d life, fun thing these nano items they make in the shots are destroyed by our body, must have been from thererium one of the things where i read it


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
I recall hearing about that a number of years ago. Not since. I wonder if it's still a going possibility?
i know from work of an electronic chip to be placed in the body to control (plan a they knew it will fail), plan b then how to controll us, naturally by our phones and technology, for most of the population trapped, have they a plan c?
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
You mean like the coronavirus vaccine. My guess is they will sell it cheap at first, then offer it for free. IMO the coronavirus impact on normal humanity, is greatly exaggerated. It mostly kills really unhealthy people, chain smokers, and not even those very well. I'll repost the site I get my stats from:

Keep in mind this site could be interfered with, so watch if numbers suddenly increase, like deaths. So I'll repost my mortality stats, all with sources, here:

Now compare flu (influenza) deaths with Coronavirus deaths. Sorry if this is a repeat but I think this is important enough to repeat.

Flu deaths in US alone per year: 60,000, per month: 5000
Coronavirus deaths in 6 weeks: 1775, per month: 1775/1.5 = 1183

Coronavirus is not even close to the flu deaths.

Also it appears the coronavirus has a designation: COVID-19, I think it means coronavirus variant 19.
19 for 2019 i thought
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
You mean like the coronavirus vaccine. My guess is they will sell it cheap at first, then offer it for free. IMO the coronavirus impact on normal humanity, is greatly exaggerated. It mostly kills really unhealthy people, chain smokers, and not even those very well. I'll repost the site I get my stats from:

Keep in mind this site could be interfered with, so watch if numbers suddenly increase, like deaths. So I'll repost my mortality stats, all with sources, here:

Now compare flu (influenza) deaths with Coronavirus deaths. Sorry if this is a repeat but I think this is important enough to repeat.

Flu deaths in US alone per year: 60,000, per month: 5000
Coronavirus deaths in 6 weeks: 1775, per month: 1775/1.5 = 1183

Coronavirus is not even close to the flu deaths.

Also it appears the coronavirus has a designation: COVID-19, I think it means coronavirus variant 19.
Jon Rappoport gives a load of info in his ‘ Fake News, ‘ reports. About the testing and how the figures are manipulated to Instil as much fear as possible, in other words, they lie.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
It's getting crazy here in Belgium.
all events have been cancelled but this also seems to be the case worldwide and flights are cancelled to the US from Europe.

On the other hand they say that they don't expect to keep the virus under control but only slow the spread down.
For this they are willing to cripple the entire economy.

Me thinks that the cure will be far worse than the ailment.
It will be a social bloodbath with a lot of deaths due to low income families that won't have enough money to bridge the unemployment, businesses that go bankrupt,...

If anybody sees positive aspects of this the you are welcome to share them ;). At this point I only see people going berzirk.


Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
All major pro sports in N America also shut down. I think this bug way overblown out of proportion driving fear over the top. My wife is terrified and from talking to her kids so are they. I can't wait for this to blow over.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Cancelled a big music festival here that brings in people from all around the world. I have my own take on that. Many of the music venues are in the areas heavily populated by homeless people. With that many new people coming here, the chances of someone with the virus were large. Now, most of the people attending would not get sick, but it would run rampant through the homeless population because of poor health and poor sanitation.


Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
As the business world shuts down and people awakening this could well be the trigger to a brave new world without the dark influences.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
As the business world shuts down and people awakening this could well be the trigger to a brave new world without the dark influences.
Woke up yesterday morning with these words - People with services and products are fine. People who make money with paper are not.


Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
So here's something I just thought about. Here are today's numbers from
Worldwide: 135013 infected, 4973 dead

But there must be 10-20 times the number of infected who never went to a doctor or never got tested. But let's go with there are 10x infected people.

So the mortality rate is closer to: 4973/1350130 = 0.37%


Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
Yesterday I just made some simple math to get an idea of the numbers:

just going with 7 billion people in the world and 70 years life expectancy you have 100 million people dying each year thus 274 000 people dying each day.
just for Belgium with 10 million people it is 390 people a day that are dying.

if you look at the numbers above then you can see the insignificance of the current situation.
Also in a typical flu season you have an increased mortality rate during the flu but this is followed by a reduced mortality rate after the epidemic thus leveling the rate off. People just die a few months earlier.
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