You mean like the coronavirus vaccine. My guess is they will sell it cheap at first, then offer it for free. IMO the coronavirus impact on normal humanity, is greatly exaggerated. It mostly kills really unhealthy people, chain smokers, and not even those very well. I'll repost the site I get my stats from:
Keep in mind this site could be interfered with, so watch if numbers suddenly increase, like deaths. So I'll repost my mortality stats, all with sources, here:
Now compare flu (influenza) deaths with Coronavirus deaths. Sorry if this is a repeat but I think this is important enough to repeat.
Flu deaths in US alone per year: 60,000, per month: 5000
Coronavirus deaths in 6 weeks: 1775, per month: 1775/1.5 = 1183
Coronavirus is not even close to the flu deaths.
Also it appears the coronavirus has a designation: COVID-19, I think it means coronavirus variant 19.
therium, I will not repeat everything I have said in the other thread.
Do not relate the numbers for Covid-19 (everchanging name, sigh) to the flu.
Countries banned flights from China.
Governments around the world are not stupid, if they believe in the numbers like you do, they would not do this.
They have way more information than we have access to.
Have you seen countries banning flights due to H1N1, common flu, pneumonia over the past few decades? No....
I use that website to track "official" numbers, but I do not trust them. The actual numbers are at least 20-50x higher.
Because China's official numbers are bunk.
If it were THAT harmless, why does the CCP quarantine (siege) 700M population (and counting)?
Not to mention in Wuhan, 4-5 crematories have been running 24/7 for weeks. Does that sound like less than 2000 deaths?
The death rate in China is actually at least 20%. They are cremating and burning bodies on the ground like we are eating candy, and
not even testing because of capacity issues. People are dropping like flies on the streets in Wuhan and Hebei.
Of course, all of this is being censored.
All you need to look at is the Diamond Princess Cruise in Japan. It is a petri dish of exactly what happened in China.
Some 2000+ passengers went on a cruise throughout Asia with stops in 6-8 countries. Every country right now is scrambling to
track where these passengers went.
Due to lack of protocols in Japan (they trusted the WHO completely until too late), the 2000+ passengers are being screening as of now.
In just a few weeks, the infected has jumped to 464, and that's for those tested. In today's news, 13 Americans who tested negative initially
were released on a charter flight, and they are being quarantined again in Omaha, NB because they tested positive.
Then you have the false negatives and the asymptomatic carriers. We do not know where they are. Then we have to trace those back to Nov 2019.
The numbers are too low outside of China to ascertain the true death rate.
One thing for sure - you do not want to catch this. Nothing OTC will cure you, Nyquil, antibiotics will do nothing. Sure, if you are healthy, don't smoke, work out and exercise hard enough to maintain physical health, then you are most likely able to survive this. However, if you have any issues,
such as hep a,b,c, cirrhosis, high bp, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. - be careful.
This thing is an engineered bioweapon. Every country in the West already knows this, they are just trying to give false info so not to incite panic in the public.
I'm not fearmongering here. I am watching news and on-the-ground stuff in real-time in Asia (taiwan, the only true "free speech" news you will see in all of Asia), and its really bad in China (they are censoring like crazy because this is regime-changing; if enough population get angry enough to uprise, the CCP collapses immediately).
Let's put our thinking caps on again: if it were THAT harmless as you assess, why did the US government do the following:
-banned flights from China, HK for two weeks (possibly more, not to mention airline pilots protested to cancel)
-created 10+ quarantine sites on military bases across the country
-CDC and the military have heightened alerts and are making major preparations for possible outbreaks.
US govt did not do any of this for H1N1, barely did it for SARS, somewhat did it for Ebola (which was too deadly too fast to spread quickly anyway).
Never take numbers at their face value; always look at actions.
BTW - I have to follow this because part of my business depends on it; due to this situation, I have to change my supply chain completely,
its a major headache.
Therefore, I'm not making things up, and I look up real-live news and alternative sites on the ground, not 'official' stuff like the
JHU arcgis site numbers, not any news on MSM, not stuff like "this is milder than the flu". Its not.
Also, there is no universal Covid-19 vaccine in the works. What is happening is haphazard ways of "curing" parts of Covid-19:
1) ebola/sars virus genes: use Gilead's EBOLA drug
2) HIV genes: HIV drug
3) coronavirus gene: using various cocktails of H1N1 flu, prescription flu drugs
So countries are basically just throwing darts across the board. That is why you see news of different patients healing with different drug protocols.
These are all expensive drugs.
The Chinese military is essentially doing this the cruel way - using the infected in Wuhan/Hebei as the petri dish that, in the US, we use monkeys for in phase 1/2 trials of vaccine development. Anyone who survived the first wave of Covid-19 is being forced to give blood plasma for antibody research to hopefully develop a universal vaccine. Keep in mind this also means side effects will be ignored immediately for those who are given this experimental "vaccine". You will not read about this in MSM here, even news across Asia is non-existent.
If anyone has ever worked in Big Pharma, you will know the death rates of the test animals just to develop vaccines. This is why vaccine development was never done in humans; too ghastly and inhuman to contemplate. It is the same process flow used in developing bioweapons in Japan, US, Russia during the Cold War and during WWII for Japan.