(Above images by myself and are two of my Devic Temple Crystals)
I am creating this thread because I have been lead to do so by higher self. The more I researched each crystal the more I understood why it was meant for me to pass along this information. I am not writing full descriptions of each crystal, really more a relevance to the topic and a teaser of sorts. Feel free to ask questions and request images.
Devas: Nature spirits traditionally believed to rule trees, rivers, and mountains. Though devas are generally invisible, people with clairvoyance can sometimes see or communicate with them or gain intuitive access to the devic kingdom.
Devic Kingdom: The home of the devas, or nature spirits, believed in esoteric thinking to inhabit or rule over natural objects. The energetic level at which these spirits exist.
Devic Temple Crystal
-Crystals with internal fracture planes that appear to be horizontal ledges and shelves when the crystal is held vertically. Do not confuse with fairy frost. These are very rare crystals. Devic Temples are special in that they have possibly the strongest Life Force of any crystal. It is an Earth Spirit stone. The shelves and ledges serve as a resting place for higher order light beings. The Life Force of the planet Earth is stronger in these crystals than in most due to their resident Earth spirits.
-Each Devic Temple is a source of great wonder, but few people take the time or energy to appreciate even one of these crystals.
-If you seek the wisdom of the planet Earth, and wish to understand her needs, and her gifts, use a Devic Temple meditation stone in a natural, peaceful setting.
-They are reported to be master crystals that provide a gateway through which Angels and other spirits can enter the physical plane. These crystal forms attract the higher dimensional beings of light who remind us of our own extrasensory powers of consciousness and our natural ability to connect with them. The harmonic vibration of these quartz allows the veils between the worlds to be lifted and spiritual energies can infiltrate into the surrounding environment.
Other Types of Devic Crystals
Mystic Merlinite
-Useful in past life healing, it assists in gathering up fragmented soul parts, purifying them and returning them to the incarnated soul or to the higher self if it is not appropriate for the soul part to return to Earth. On the third eye, one of the fastest ways to open metaphysical abilities, move into expanded consciousness and contact elementals and devas.
Avalonite (aka Drusy Blue Chalcedony)
-Enhances visualization and journeying. This stone takes you into the mythical realms where fairy tales and legend offer deep wisdom, acting as a translator and facilitator for creativity reworking the myths in your life. Communicating with faeries, elves, and devas, Avalonite links into ancient magic and helps you to access and gain insight into knowledge held in the collective unconscious.
Gaia Stone
-Known as the Goddess stone as it brings a profound connection to the divine feminine. Born out of fire, this stone shows the value of spiritual purification. It opens and unites the Earth and heart chakras and harmonizes the entire chakra flow. It has a powerful link to the Earth Mother, environmentally this stone attunes to devas and the anima terra, the soul of the Earth, and takes you journeying to the place outside our solar system where that soul originated. This stone is comforting for those who do not feel that the Earth is their real home, activating the Earth section of a cosmic anchor and stabilizing your inner-core energy field or acting as a shamanic anchor for lower-world journeys.
-Meditating with this feels like being suspended in a still, silent point of non-action and non-doing. With this stone, you simply "are." It opens a cosmic anchor, attaching you safely between the core of the Earth and the galactic center. Environmentally, being strongly attuned to the healing power of nature, this stone enhances dowsing abilities, aligning to the note of the Earth. Taking you to meet devas and the anima terra, it sensitizes you to subtle energies and the current within the Earth and human body, and facilitates the fine-tuning of the energy meridians of the planet.
-Has ancient energies encoded into its striations, it teaches how to care for the Earth and to love in harmony with nature. Protects the heart chakra, guarding against psychic vampirism. It has a strong connection to the devic kingdom, greenlandite grids against geopathic stress and facilitates Earth healing and the realignment of the Earth's grid. Wearing it absorbs electromagnetic smog, and protects against environmental pollution.
Fairy Quartz
-This stone links to the faery kingdom, and to planetary and Earth devas. It assists in unraveling family myths and ancestral or cultural stories in which you are locked, reframing them where appropriate. Perfect for programming to support your creative inner child.
Star Hollandite Quartz
-Spiritually it takes you into the oneness of all things and ultimate stillness. A stone for contacting star beings, star lore or universal wisdom, views the origins of ancient Egypt and intervention of the star people in this development. Holding this stone calls in a guide or helper or allows you to visit the stars for comfort and advice. Powerfully attuned to the healing power of nature, it enhances dowsing abilities. Contacting the devas and the soul of the Earth, this stone makes you more sensitive to subtle energies and the energetic currents within the Earth and the human body.
-Encourages taking care of the Earth-the gray concretions found in the stone connect to devic energy. This stone focuses the healing within drumming and chanting circles.
-Very positive stone of prosperity. Strong connection to the devic kingdom and is used to grid gardens or houses against geopathic stress.
-Imparts a sense of being a part of the divine whole. Induces deep meditative states. Heals the inner child, releasing emotions locked in since childhood. Carrying this stone for long periods attunes to the devic realm.
-A powerful stone but one that needs to be handled with caution. Best used under the supervision of a qualified crystal therapist. It is toxic and should only be used in the polished form. Amplifies both the positive and negative energies. Grounds spiritual energies onto the planet. Heals Earth energies and has a strong affinity with nature and with the devic forces. Clears and activates the chakras and attunes to spiritual guidance. Placed on the third eye, it activates visualization and psychic vision. It is a stone of transformation.
-Cleanses, purifies, and transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration. Grounds spiritual energy, clears and balances all the chakras, and forms a protective shield around the body. Shamanic stone that brings protection during rituals. Tourmaline has a strong affinity with the devic energies and is extremely beneficial for the garden and plants. It can act as natural insecticide, keeping pests at bay, and buried in the soil encourages the growth and health of all crops.
-Has a lovely spiritual energy that may help your search for spiritual enlightenment, and will assist you with self healing. It aids your connection to beings in the angelic realm and may help you to make contact with the Divine Feminine. It may be used by placing on the third eye chakra which will aid with contact with the higher spiritual realms, and has a strong energy to aid contact with nature spirits and elemental beings that inhabit the green areas around your home. Combining this stone with other devic crystals will attract the members of the Devic Kingdom.
I hope you all enjoy and don't forget if you have comments of questions to feel free to post them.
Source information by Judy Hall and her Crystal Bible books I II III
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