So, we got one admission that the official stats from China and Iran are bogus:
(aside from the others - these two should have been at the top of the tally)....
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
If Iran is at 25M, that says China should be in the 200-400M at least as the epicenter of the outbreak. The tally is being politically manipulated.
US is finally testing on a mass-production scale - hence, the rise in numbers. That's in addition to the BLM faux riots (no distancing, etc.) which the Dems let loose. Here in CA, more people are getting pissed at the Democrats because of the blatant double standards. Not to mention the absolute disgust at Gov. Newsom letting his own Napa winery open for business and be full of people with no social distancing, while mandating a second statewide lockdown. This will devastate many businesses that struggled with the first lockdown.
As far as mortality rate, it seems to draw two lines:
1 - 50 under vs. 50 over (but this is also related to the second line)...
2 - healthy vs underlying conditions
The other problem is the breakdown of 2 - what type of underlying conditions affect this the most
(well, we can definitely say anything lung-related is at the top of the chart; the question is what about others like hbp, hcl, diabetes, hepA/B/C, etc. ).
It does seem, as I mentioned in a long post many months ago at the onset of the outbreak, that luck plays a role. Really depends on how "deeply" you caught the virus (lips,mouth,throat,lungs - and eyes/nose), and how early you diagnosed the symptoms enough to get treatment if you did get it into the lungs.
The politicization of hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin/zinc sulfate did not help matters. If this regimen had been out full blast, death rates would have plummeted by over 60-90%. See Russia and Brazil. Their mortality numbers, if they go by other trends, should have been 10-20x higher.
Too bad Fauci only cares about his vaccine investments (failing, bcs Moderna found out ~50% of its vaccine testers lost antibodies quickly, meaning the vaccine doesn't work - in addition to over 50% having adverse reactions, which kills the vaccine as a candidate).
Not to mention remdesvir is completely useless, no better than placebo.
Fauci is just flailing in the wind blind, like everyone else, but heavily politicizing the process.
Update - article on Moderna:
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
Unfortunately, Gates has been given free reign to test his vaccine/Covid passport/health system in Africa as a preliminary run. Even though so far, all vaccines have been shown to have much worse adverse reaction/secondary effects/death rates than Covid19 itself. And antibodies are still disappearing.
We have not even gotten to mutations yet. Hong Kong is reporting a current mutation that is 10-100x more infectious.
For those of you who feel this is bogus - hey, I feel for you. I don't know anybody who has it - and that's all over the US, Japan, Taiwan, HK, parts of Europe (not counting transients of course, lol). The ones in China had alternative plans and left the country early.
All I know is my doctor friends who are on the hospital front lines, seeing the devastation, and scared of it (wearing hazmat-style suits while providing treatments).
So, the good things are
(a) this virus is localized (depends on A to B transmission), and not fully airborne (as in travels across the entire atmosphere of Earth in days and stays alive).
(b) it dies under UV exposure.
(c) death rates - localized rates aside - are universally plummeting as more testing is done. So this is a great sign.
The big question for all public health is since antibodies are disappearing, whether we have to start over in the late fall/winter 2020 flu season.