COVID–19: Mortality Rate, Life Cycle / Strains, Transmission (3 Viewers)

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
f no testing is done and a patient’s symptoms are close enough to the seasonal flu, will that person’s death automatically be attributed to COVID-19?

Consider, for instance, that the CDC is estimating there were between 24,000 and 63,000 deaths in the United States from influenza between October and March. In NYC, does that mean some of those deaths got lumped under COVID-19? Will this keep on happening?
Yup and yup.

The making of fear-porn dressed up in the clothing of 'medical fact'? A modern 'wolf dressed in sheep's clothing' story?

It seems to make much more sense to me to acknowledge that there is a virus out there that is killing an unknown number of people, a number that likely none of us really knows, decide what I will do about that, what I am willing to give up, do and speak about to help with this and then spend the rest of my time, effort, thoughts and emotions busy with the best and most fun ways to spend my time and efforts during this time when the meme of 'physical distancing' is being re-introduced in its modern version. It's a lot like the story of 'which wolf do you feed?'

The story of the two wolves a story that can be seen in many places and many cultures. Another version which comes to mind is a version of the student fighting himself in the book "The Temple of Master of Hotei" by Denise Le Fay. Here is the most common version of that story of two wolves that I've seen:

Another version, that adds a few elements, is this one:

Here is a commentary on some of the societal aspects of the story:
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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Some interesting statistics:

Killer flu outbreak is to blame for a 42% spike in deaths in January after 64,000 people died - the highest number since records began
In January, 2018, 64,000 died in the UK, a massive death increase due to the flu. In ONE MONTH. In ONE COUNTRY. From THE FLU. Prior to that, 45,000 died in December. That's almost 110,000 deaths in one widely visited country in 2 months. Why the increase in deaths? The FLU. No lockdown. No hysteria. Just a bad season for the flu.​
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
I have compared COVID-19 numbers with various other influenzas (I call it influenza, not to be confused with stomach flu, which is different) on the "mortality rates" tab at this spreadsheet:
Let's review the problems with any numbers that are reported regarding COVID-19.
  1. Confirmed: Test kits from China (that went to WHO) have 70% error rate.
  2. Rumor: Test kits from CDC have 30% error rate.
  3. Test kits are being saved and most people are not tested. So there must be at least 10x as many people infected as is reported. For my doctor, if you don't have trouble breathing AND no fever, you don't get tested.
  4. My spreadsheet includes the "official" numbers where the number of infected is probably far too low, which pushes up the death rate artificially high.
  5. One article mentioned that China's infected numbers are actually 700,000 people higher, so that's a separate case in my spreadsheet.
  6. Another case in my SS is listing 10x the actual infected which pushes the mortality rate down to about 0.5%.
  7. Starting about Oct 1, 2019 many more people at our company were very sick and taking many more consecutive sick days. This is unprecedented in my 19 years of work there. I work with payroll to count sick days. I personally had flu-like symptoms AND a sinus infection and my cough lasted 5 weeks.
  8. In Feb 2020 I got sick again with flu-like symptoms, fever (which I rarely get), and sore leg muscles (instead of the normal sore joints). This cough was uncontrollable and I was on 3 meds for the cough and asthma. After 7 weeks I finally got rid of the cough.
  9. There are many more anecdotes of people being sick last fall on Twitter, but we don't know if that was the flu or not. I don't know a single person who has ever gotten tested for regular flu.
  10. There seem to be problems with defining when the COVID-19 test emerged, and how accurate it is. Does it get a positive result for ANY coronavirus (there are many)? Or just for COVID-19? I can't find any information either way even after contact a virologist.
  11. If the positive tests are showing 1.44 million people infected, and 80% show no symptoms at all (and thus never get tested but are still carriers and can spread the virus), the calculated number of infected is 1.44 million / 0.2 = 7.2 million people infected.
  12. Be aware that a lower number of cases reported might mean the government is faking the numbers (like China) or they just don't have many test kits. Lower numbers of cases that are reported for a given country is not necessarily good nor realistic.

These are just my calculations based on various factors.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
New report: The COVID-19 is bad because it binds to the iron in hemoglobin (which transports oxygen) and removes said iron. Now that red blood cell cannot transport oxygen, this slowly gets worse, and the person has trouble breathing. This is why the anti-malarial drug works: it prevents COVID-19 from binding to, and freeing, the iron in hemoglobin, and allows the body to recover. So hydroxychloroquine should be used earlier, rather than later in the process. Red blood cells can only be replaced by the body so fast.

However few doctors will prescribe hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 because it hasn't been approved by the FDA in the US. What this means is, if something goes wrong with the patient, the patient's family might sue the doctor and the doctor's liability insurance may not cover the lawsuit! Without FDA approval, few doctors will take the risk to prescribe hydroxychloroquine.

Plus, the WHO is against using hydroxychloroquine and Dem governors from Nevada, Michigan, and New York have all banned the drug for treating COVID-19.

Cases per capita

The raw number of cases do not tell the whole picture of a country as it ignores the population. Highly populated countries will have a higher number of infection cases. So we look at the cases per capita. If we look at cases per 1 million population, the US is not even in the top 20. Several European countries are like UK, France, Belgium, Italy. Go here then click once on the header to sort by cases per 1M, then click again to get the descending order. This page seems to be updated constantly, not just once per day.

I have a relative in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia just banned everyone from going out for any reason, except from 3pm-6pm you can go out to get groceries.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
PS if you give them a fever suppressant and the temperature doesn't go down with your kids seek medical help as fast as you can. then they are really sick.
When I was a kid (1970s) if our temperature was above 102F, we would be put in a cold bath. An ice bath might be too shocking but it does work.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
The following chart is as of 9 PM 4/9/20. Four days ago, the total was 482 cases. So, we are seeing a steady climb, with 9 new cases in the 10-19 range, 1 new case in the 1-9 range, and consistent growth in the other categories.

As of 4/2/20, there were 3 deaths, all of people over 60. As of 4/5/20, there were 3 more deaths (total 6), and they were a woman in her 70s, a man in his 30s, and a woman in her 50s. As of 4/8/20 there was one more death but details are unknown at this time.

The county has added new data, which is interesting - 128 people have recovered and 72 are hospitalized. There is a catch with the hospitalized number because it references the five counties in the Austin MSA and not just Travis County. Austin has 8 main hospitals and 1 children's hospital, which have eliminated elective surgeries at this time. Granted there are people admitted with other illnesses and problems, but there must be a lot of empty space right now.

Screen Shot 2020-04-09 at 10.42.20 PM.png

There is a new chart that tells an interesting story. Of the cases tracked, the day the symptoms began also is noted. While the total number of cases continues to climb, the peak number of first symptoms was about 4 weeks ago. (The big jump to 45 was when the university students returned from spring break in Cabo.) Now 189 of the total count is not included in the following chart because 30 of the people had no symptoms and 159 have not completed the interview process.

The incubation period appears to vary but the maximum period seems to be 2 weeks. So, there may be a slow down in new cases in about a week from now. However, that could change with the new data from the 159 other cases mentioned above.

Screen Shot 2020-04-09 at 11.03.26 PM.png


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
More and more studies here and there confirming it is not more dangerous than the annual influenza virus wave(s).



Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
This is from a webtranslator I pasted the original website into, it is decently done, so I guess you can grasp the meaning. To sum up here: There is NOTHING (unusual) going on in general GP practices even to this day (updated interview from April 17th).

Interview: What a doctor says about coronavirus
Source: Zentrum der Gesundheit (Centre of Health)

Tomorrow I go to a local practice for sick leave (it's just my old thrombosis in the lower leg that seems to make a slight comeback, no infection, I did not have a cold/flu for 5 or so years actually). I will report what and how much was going on there.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
There's been some discussion about how this virus compares to the flu. Some people appear to contract the virus and not even know it, some seem to get a flu-type illness, and some die from it. More and more info is coming forth in all three categories, and I came across an interesting article today. It is a Reddit Board about the aftermath of the virus. There are anecdotal commentaries showing the symptoms resurge for some. Using the way-back machine, I sifted around in memories of the few times I had a flu. The main thing I recall was to give it one more day after symptoms subsided or risk a relapse. However, the stories shared on the Reddit board suggest something else - a long on-going bout of the after affects.

In South Korea, nearly 100 COVID-19 patients deemed 'recovered' had tested positive again, according to Jeong Eun-Kyeong, director of the Korean CDC, adding that the virus may have been reactivated rather than the patients being re-infected."
I'm on day 51. Still weak off and on through the day, still have gunk in my lungs. I cried last night over the kitchen sink because I'm so sick of this. My breathing has been not too bad for the last week, but I woke up this morning feeling shortness of breath, which freaked me out. I thought that that symptom was over and done with.
I wish that there was more in the news about this presentation of the virus-the long lasting, up and down symptoms.


Roaming Contributor
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Jul 28, 2016
. However, the stories shared on the Reddit board suggest something else - a long on-going bout of the after affects.
It took about a week and a half to two weeks after the bulk of it was over for me to feel like the after crap was done too. I technically looked like i was fine, but I could feel it in myself, still hanging on there.
If people have milder forms than I did, it could look like they were technically done, only to tax themselves and see it come back up.

More harrowing is the consideration that there could be a trigger that causes another flare up. Presuming it was a bioweapon that was created. Though that sort of technology seems a little advanced for our people as of yet. (though who knows.)
I admit I'm hearing a lot of pretty frightening things about the whole vaccine, inject us with monitors as well as the vaccine stuff and it's freaking me out a bit. I'm trying to disconnect a little, but every development and addition to the whole #gates thread of consciousness seems to flare up at me.
I actually had a long talk with my husband about vaccines late last night. He still thinks, ultimately, despite the negatives, that they are worth it. It's been draining me.
But that's beside the point and this thread.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
To heck with the point of the thread - Angela how about coming to the remote group healing next Saturday and asking for healing? I certainly see how someone who has been through this would have qualms about vaccines. I don't think one is going to be ready soon, so how about giving yourself 2 weeks off from reading about and worry about it. We can write Haiku poems - draw something - whatever. :-D
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Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
I will report what and how much was going on there.
Practice was empty (waiting room with only 3 other patients). To be truthful however, those with cold/flu symptoms are told to just phone in and stay at home and get their sick leave per phone by exception as long as this 'pandemic' lasts (might be so in every country?). So I cannot give a fair assessment. But as said, there wasn't much drama going on. I heard similar things about hospitals in my area.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Does anyone know if this is true?
Vaccine laws vary from area to area. For example, in Texas, there are exemptions for medical or religious/conscience reasons. So, in a way, that notice is the first step to getting an exemption on either ground. However, it is not a simple thing to achieve. Here is how it worded for my state.

To claim an exclusion for reasons of conscience, including a religious belief, the child's parent, legal guardian, or a student 18 years of age or older must present to the school or child-care facility a completed, signed and notarized affidavit on a form provided by the department stating that the child's parent, legal guardian, or the student declines vaccinations for reasons of conscience, including because of the person's religious beliefs.
The form must be submitted to the school or child-care facility within 90 days from the date it is notarized. The affidavit will be valid for a two-year period from the date of notarization. A child or student who has not received the required immunizations for reasons of conscience, including religious beliefs, may be excluded from school in times of emergency or epidemic declared by the commissioner of the department.

However, as a generalized method, no, I don't think this is enough.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 21, 2018
Could genetics explain the confusing array of SARS-CoV-2 symptoms?

A dry cough. Loss of smell. Diarrhea. Fever. All of these have been considered possible symptoms associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection, along with the complete absence of symptoms at all. In the absence of a sufficient testing capacity, many areas in the United States are being compelled to allocate their limited tests to only those who seem to have COVID-19 symptoms. But, given the difficulty of determining which symptoms actually indicate a likely infection, those are difficult decisions to make.

The bewildering array of symptoms also raises questions about why people respond so differently to the same virus.

Figuring out what's going on in the midst of a pandemic is an incredible challenge. We're going to take a look at some preliminary reports about one way of doing so—not because the results are likely to hold up as more research comes in, but because it reveals some of the ways that researchers are using to try to understand the virus's infection.

NHS doctors have been warned to look out for a rare but dangerous reaction in children that may be linked to coronavirus infection.

An urgent alert sent out to GPs said that intensive care departments in London and other parts of the UK have been treating severely sick children with unusual symptoms.

This includes "multi-system inflammation" with flu-like symptoms.

Some, but not all, tested positive for coronavirus.

It is unclear how many children have experienced the reaction, although the numbers will be low.

NHS England medical director Stephen Powis said they had become aware of reports of rare, severe illness in children. "It's only in the last few days that we have seen those reports. We have asked our experts to look into this as a matter of urgency."

I think that the differences in symptoms is down to the miasms that each person has and the amount of each within their subtle bodies.


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
Something is moving because some of the mainstream elitists themselves are against lockdown and the cheating with the death rate now. Help from a corner we would not have expected, huh?

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Involved Wayfarer
Sep 17, 2016
Helsinki, Finland
I got a message a couple of days ago from my colleague at work, who got the Corona virus together with his husband, in April. They are both 40-50 years old, healthy, without any underlying diseases. At the first week they both got similar, typical symptoms, like fever, pain in the throat etc. She (my co-worker) treated herself with extra c/d vitamin and especially Nigella Sativa seeds that she chewed for several days (she said they helped a lot for throat pain especially). Next week her husband got worst and was tested a couple of times for corona in the hospital. Results were negative. Finally he was taken to the hospital intensive care, in that time the situation had got really bad. While being in the hospital, the third test (that was takes directly from lungs) gave a positive result.

She never got tested. She believes that possibly part of her much milder version and quicker recovery was due to help of Nigella Sativa (+ extra vitamins).

It looks like tests are not reliable at all, it´s quite puzzling. She was very frustrated about that. I´m happy they are recovering now and I find the tip of Nigella Sativa very useful, ordered them as well :). Just wanting to share this tip!
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Kevin C

Involved Wayfarer
Jul 27, 2016
So, we got one admission that the official stats from China and Iran are bogus:
(aside from the others - these two should have been at the top of the tally)....

If Iran is at 25M, that says China should be in the 200-400M at least as the epicenter of the outbreak. The tally is being politically manipulated.

US is finally testing on a mass-production scale - hence, the rise in numbers. That's in addition to the BLM faux riots (no distancing, etc.) which the Dems let loose. Here in CA, more people are getting pissed at the Democrats because of the blatant double standards. Not to mention the absolute disgust at Gov. Newsom letting his own Napa winery open for business and be full of people with no social distancing, while mandating a second statewide lockdown. This will devastate many businesses that struggled with the first lockdown.

As far as mortality rate, it seems to draw two lines:
1 - 50 under vs. 50 over (but this is also related to the second line)...
2 - healthy vs underlying conditions

The other problem is the breakdown of 2 - what type of underlying conditions affect this the most
(well, we can definitely say anything lung-related is at the top of the chart; the question is what about others like hbp, hcl, diabetes, hepA/B/C, etc. ).

It does seem, as I mentioned in a long post many months ago at the onset of the outbreak, that luck plays a role. Really depends on how "deeply" you caught the virus (lips,mouth,throat,lungs - and eyes/nose), and how early you diagnosed the symptoms enough to get treatment if you did get it into the lungs.

The politicization of hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin/zinc sulfate did not help matters. If this regimen had been out full blast, death rates would have plummeted by over 60-90%. See Russia and Brazil. Their mortality numbers, if they go by other trends, should have been 10-20x higher.

Too bad Fauci only cares about his vaccine investments (failing, bcs Moderna found out ~50% of its vaccine testers lost antibodies quickly, meaning the vaccine doesn't work - in addition to over 50% having adverse reactions, which kills the vaccine as a candidate).
Not to mention remdesvir is completely useless, no better than placebo.
Fauci is just flailing in the wind blind, like everyone else, but heavily politicizing the process.
Update - article on Moderna:

Unfortunately, Gates has been given free reign to test his vaccine/Covid passport/health system in Africa as a preliminary run. Even though so far, all vaccines have been shown to have much worse adverse reaction/secondary effects/death rates than Covid19 itself. And antibodies are still disappearing.

We have not even gotten to mutations yet. Hong Kong is reporting a current mutation that is 10-100x more infectious.

For those of you who feel this is bogus - hey, I feel for you. I don't know anybody who has it - and that's all over the US, Japan, Taiwan, HK, parts of Europe (not counting transients of course, lol). The ones in China had alternative plans and left the country early.
All I know is my doctor friends who are on the hospital front lines, seeing the devastation, and scared of it (wearing hazmat-style suits while providing treatments).

So, the good things are
(a) this virus is localized (depends on A to B transmission), and not fully airborne (as in travels across the entire atmosphere of Earth in days and stays alive).
(b) it dies under UV exposure.
(c) death rates - localized rates aside - are universally plummeting as more testing is done. So this is a great sign.

The big question for all public health is since antibodies are disappearing, whether we have to start over in the late fall/winter 2020 flu season.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I created a list about wearing Face-Masks. I gathered the facts from the internet, various sources. One good source is the now viral video clip by Danika Bueno (registered nurse) which is well worth the view.

  • Re-labelled Re-Breathers – because you re-breathe in expelled air, which is a combination of recycled oxygen and carbon dioxide. You are supposed to breathe in fresh oxygen and breathe out the carbon dioxide – without the interference of a face covering.

  • This creates a state of acidosis or pH imbalance in the blood.

  • You are also breathing in your own bacteria (via re-breathing).

  • If worn for long lengths of time (all day) this is actively harmful. Standard paper masks do not seal, but if they did, no-one could breathe at all.

  • N95 face masks were designed to protect hospital workers from contracting Tuberculosis – a bacteria. Viruses are much smaller than bacteria, and the masks do not prevent their inhalation.

  • If you don’t wash your face mask daily, you’re basically wearing a petri dish.

  • Viruses live on surfaces and are only activated when they enter the body. A mask wearer touches their face more often because they can’t adequately breathe (obtain fresh air). So they move the mask about on their face, attempting to get better lungfuls of air.

  • Dr Anthony Fauci acknowledged these problems about mask-wearing in an interview with 60 Minutes in March, 2020.

  • Patrick Wood (Citizens for Free Speech, can help with a printed plastic card for those who don't wish to wear a Face Mask, but want to have something to show authorities who ask them about it.

  • It’s time for people to stand up for what they know to be true (what their heart and also their intelligence tells them). Wearing face masks 24/7 is working against your immune system.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Some more extensive articles, for anyone interested:

Patrick Wood states that the face mask has now become a symbol of social engineering compliance.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
When reading the quote below, just imagine that the jets referred to escaping from the mask-wearer, are the jets of their sneeze!

(9) S Grinshpun, H Haruta, et al. Performance of an N95 filtering facepiece particular respirator and a surgical mask during human breathing: two pathways for particle penetration. J Occup Env Hygiene. 2009; 6(10):593-603.

Airflow around masks
Masks have been assumed to be effective in obstructing forward travel of viral particles. Considering those positioned next to or behind a mask wearer, there have been farther transmission of virus-laden fluid particles from masked individuals than from unmasked individuals, by means of “several leakage jets, including intense backward and downwards jets that may present major hazards,” and a “potentially dangerous leakage jet of up to several meters.” (8) All masks were thought to reduce forward airflow by 90% or more over wearing no mask. However, Schlieren imaging showed that both surgical masks and cloth masks had farther brow jets (unfiltered upward airflow past eyebrows) than not wearing any mask at all, 182 mm and 203 mm respectively, vs none discernible with no mask. Backward unfiltered airflow was found to be strong with all masks compared to not masking.​
For both N95 and surgical masks, it was found that expelled particles from 0.03 to 1 micron were deflected around the edges of each mask, and that there was measurable penetration of particles through the filter of each mask. (9)​
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Where is the icon for 'not sure if I will laugh or cry?'


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I think she would have been better to employ the word "sovereign" rather than "do whatever I want", which is inescapably inaccurate. Even the word sovereign is being misinterpreted by people saying they have rights as sovereign citizens (citizen denoting they belong to some country/cultural identity, whatever). When the word sovereign used in the spiritual sense means the very act of being alive in a free will universe, being in charge of your senses, your mind, the expansion of your mind, and your rights as to what happens to your physical body. As an example, there may be dominant species (extraterrestrial) who use the fact this is a free-will universe to assert their dominance, but the sovereign individual should have the right to live freely, and use impulses and stimulation to expand their field of consciousness as required, without interference. If the person is expressing themselves as a sovereign individual, they will also not undertake actions which could harm another, because their spiritual senses will be heightened.

Policies and regulations have not reached this level of attainment, and so reflect the level (prohibition) they have attained.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
It looks like tests are not reliable at all, it´s quite puzzling.
There are rumors most of the tests WHO and CDC give out are made in China, and are broken somehow. Rumors say the test just shows a positive 80% of the time, regardless of actual COVID-19 status. That tells me the test is not testing for COVID-19 it's testing for something else that 80% of people have. I just don't think a reliable test can be made so soon.

This post talks about the tests showing a positive for a goat, and a fruit. So something is not right here.

Now look at all the defective products coming out of China. China has a long history going back 30+ years of shipping defective products to its enemies in the West. and

And a study I just found said the rapid test is not very accurate.

(A rapid test is not accurate.) Döhla M, Boesecke C, Schulte B, et al. Rapid point-of-care testing for SARS-CoV-2 in a community screening setting shows low sensitivity. Public Health. 2020;182:170-172. doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2020.04.009

The gold standard is a quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR)-based system taking several hours to confirm positivity. For effective public health containment measures, this time span is too long. We therefore evaluated a rapid test in a high-prevalence community setting.

Of 49 individuals, 22 tested positive by repeated qPCR. In contrast, the rapid test detected only eight of those positive correctly (sensitivity: 36.4%). Of the 27 qPCR-negative individuals, 24 were detected correctly (specificity: 88.9%).
And from this study we see the testing sensitivity varies quite a lot.

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Roaming Contributor
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Jul 28, 2016
I've been following a group on Facebook called Dr. Frank Models and he is a data analyst and follows the death rates. It's frequent discussion of how off the news is from what is actually going on. They discuss the bizarre case numbers and there is actual discussion in the comments to follow the actual data and find answers. They have first hand accounts in each state (and country) as well as many doctors and nurses putting their input in.

I also just watched this video :

Sometimes it is so unbelievable at the state we've gotten to where doctors and data are completely ignored. That they can be talking till they are blue in the face but others will just claim fake news because it isn't being spouted by our holy father dr. Fauci. That the alarm bells aren't ringing so loud and clear. In this, i feel, one of the most obvious showcases of it right now.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Thanks Angela I watched the video and wondered how I can share it, more folk need to hear this.
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Roaming Contributor
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Jul 28, 2016
Thanks Angela I watched the video and wondered how I can share it, more folk need to hear this.
I've given up sharing things on Facebook. The only comments I get are from people saying such and such websites aren't legit or "who exactly are these doctors" and other "don't spread fake news" rhetoric. I'm like, did you even listen to it to make up your own mind? Did you hear the citations from many scientific /medical studies? Did you hear the doctor say she hasn't had a death yet with her treatment?
I give up on there. It's too stressful. And even those few that agree with me never try to help in support.
I understand it's comments on a social media platform, (wherein only one side is even allowed, otherwise it's censored) but i have a hard time promoting useful conversation that can share literally life saving information and balancing the level of shame that gets heaped on you. I don't like the thought of sharing and not responding to people asking questions.

Tldr; Dialogue is important. Shaming is toxic.
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Roaming Contributor
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Jul 28, 2016
I'll just note that this may be a little triggering to me because I've felt very isolated on there with anything that isn't my art or my kid.
Their commentary (or sometimes lack thereof) is like the same toxic garbage my abusive mother played on me. Patronizing, gaslighting, and belittling me in an attempt to make me feel like I don't know what I'm taking about.
(and I accept that some of it may be in my head. Emotional abuse is very real and damaging.)


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
I give up on there. It's too stressful. And even those few that agree with me never try to help in support.
I've given up on all of them. Including a good friend of mine who seems a full 'vaccist' by now (sounds like fascist almost...). It is devastating. I am so very tired of even starting on these subjects with brainwashed NPCs. I feel like I am going through an apocalyptic landscape now with many zombies staggering around me. I feel like I need be pretending to be one myself smearing my face with dirt and fake bood, putting on a weird gaze and grunting from time to time (with a mask on, of course!). :-))

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