Healing HIV & Visiting A Pleiadian World (Past Life Regression Session Summary) (1 Viewer)

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QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of transients.info & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Here’s a summary of an online past life regression session I facilitated yesterday with a client who had a number of important questions he wanted answers to, but most importantly he wanted to see if his HIV infection could be healed and why he had become infected.

Memories of a life as a female architect in the 20th century came in first. She had two children and eventually married a female partner. Two important moments stood out over the course of this life. The first being an event organizer. She was looking after a wedding, but quite a unique one as it was in the presence of a king who had a throne. Later on it was explained that the knowledge and experience was brought forward from that life in relation to such skills required to organize and host events, into his current one to help him achieve his purpose.

The second important moment was seeing the impact that a famous structure she designed in a city had on its people. The city expanded and grew because of it. It became a popular tourist attraction. When she passed on from a heart attack at an old age, he found himself floating above her coffin in a large church which had people spilling out the door. She had made a big impact on many people.

From there, he found himself on a Pleiadian world. There was a long path surrounded by tulips (they happen to be Laron’s favorite flower). He saw his body as very long and sparkling, physical, but also not physical. He could float. If he chose to. From there he encountered Pleiadian beings, and then a Library that he entered.


After picking up a book, lots of information came to him to help with understanding the situation, and location, but also guidance in connection to his life purpose. His guide appeared with the appearance of purple energy and sparkling light with a blue aura. She sat next to him, touched his back and started communicating. Important information was again accessed and I asked some questions. When the guide first appeared, he felt what he explained as electricity going all through his body very strongly back in the room. It was explained that healing was going on when I questioned the guide about it.

He was then taken to another room to meet with his higher self, who appeared as a very large energy form, at least five stories high. I shifted him into a trance state and we started getting answers to the questions he brought into the session.

I reached the question about HIV and asked what the reason for becoming infected.

“He needed to feel a very big challenge in his life. He needed to be able to see if he could survive it. That was the reason and he did survive it. He needs to remember that feeling every time another big challenge comes to his life, as it’s something he can survive. In a life or death situation, he will come through.”

I ask if this can be cured now that he is aware of that.

“Yes. He needs to maintain his healthy lifestyle, take his medicine and ensure he has a healthy emotional and mental state as the emotional state can affect his body. He needs to keep himself happy and healthy.”

I again ask if higher self is able to heal and remove the condition right now.

“Yes.” {I ask how long it will take} “Part of it will be done today, the rest will happen naturally. He needs to get tested again, he hasn’t been tested for a while because of the pandemic.”

I then ask what the process is that higher self is doing to his body to help cure him in the room.

“We will touch his body and communicate with the cells to strengthen them, which will repel the HIV virus. His cells will have additional protein in them so that the HIV will not survive in his body. It will happen naturally. His DNA will improve as well. The healing process will take a while but will happen naturally. It will be done by his body. It is happening right now.

In addition to all of the above, he learnt how his high vibration just naturally helped other people alongside him by going about his life and completing his purpose. He came out of the session surprised about a few things, including the Pleiadian connection. There were some personal issues going on in his life that he now had received information around to help support him, but also heal him as he had been through some difficult times and needed some energetic help.

I also want to add that putting an experience like this into words without transcribing it, or even going through it yourself of course, takes away from the magic and magnificence of how special such moments can be. For example, the words he used in the session, and the intuitive feeling I got in combination after he arrived on the Pleiadian world and encountered the beings, his guide, and higher self, was a very special thing, but also a very beautiful, happy and peaceful experience at times for him.

I will be following up with him in the future to see how he is going and what his test results show.

I’m available for past life regression sessions online. Contact me for more information and see the comments for more info. I am based in Nelson, New Zealand at the present time for any kiwis looking for sessions in person. (I have had people fly from not just other cities, but countries, but our borders are still closed.)

{Shared with permission from the client.}
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Dec 28, 2018
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QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of transients.info & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
I tend to take it all for granted now and it's become my 'norm', but not just these sessions — I've had a lot of direct experiences (spiritual and metaphysical) throughout my life to show me that so much is real and it's not all just theory.

I've merged with my higher self while having an out of body experience, and communicate with it a variety of ways. This helps relate to clients in these sessions. I always enjoy the different ways it comes through to the clients, which goes to show it's a combination of client belief, knowledge, their source and also what they are ready for at that point in time in their life.

After arriving home here in NZ, tomorrow will be two weeks since stepping off the plane and hopefully I'll get out of quarantine if I've passed my third COVID test from yesterday (that's four in total over two weeks as I had to have one before I left Egypt). I'll be taking a week off then attending to five straight days full of regression clients!
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