I understand and agree with what you say , Laron. the crystal is a focal point and does have powerful healing energies, of course it isn’t an obelisk, just reminds me of one.
I often visualise large chunks of crystals growing from the ground as I know they do in some parts of the US, I guess it’s because I have never seen one that tall it looks unreal but as you say, we have manifested our clearing over the years, I’ve felt it growing stronger from when it was still transients and I used to join in unannounced.
You are so right that when we visualise enough we actually manifest and the thing becomes a real place we can visit out of body.
Some years ago I visualised my ‘ Special Place ‘ it is a beautiful place where no harm can befall anyone, I can teleport, fly , you name it and only love is in motion . While I was setting it up a horse appeared unbidden, I first saw a piece of tan colour, then blonde hair, eventually this amazing horse appeared, at the time I wasn’t even sure what that type was, of course it’s a Palomino.
I didnt put him there, would never have thought of it and the love I’ve felt from him is so intense I still wonder why he’s there, so I know this is something very special and like our healing clearing in the forest, has manifested into reality in another dimension.
I love our RGH, it feels like home everytime I visit, there certainly is no fear there only love, but I have a hard time visualising the tall crystal that’s all, I’m sure some folk are amazing at it.