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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
Taurus New Moon 6.jpg

Happy New Moon Taureans! You finally get your own new beginning of the year right at the end of your sign at 28 degrees 25, due to the two New Moons in Aries last month, the last being right at the end of Aries which would normally be your spot.

And WHAT a new beginning with Jupiter now in your sign to continue shining light on you for the year ahead until the end of May next year when he moves to your money zone. That has to be good news for Taureans and in the meantime there is some luck and success coming your way with the help of Saturn in your friendly sign of Pisces.

Saturn provides the backup, the support and structure from other realms of being as well as the more practical and material levels.

Another factor to think about is that Venus the ruler of this New Moon is still very much out of bounds- out of the Suns control and will be for some time. This adds to the rather unusual energies that are flowing with the New Moon which does seem to be acting more like a Full Moon in some ways. Venus OOB adds the influence of the unknown, unusual reactions and attitudes, choices too I have noticed.

But if you are wondering as I am, "why the large Earthquakes?" why the physical accidents, even small ones I have had at the New Moon " , then we must look to the strong opposition tomorrow that has been drawn into this New Moon energy. Its rather dramatic in fact , Mars opposing Pluto but more about that soon.

Jupiter in your sign Taureans, is going to bring a more adventurous spirit and even some risk taking, more travel and exploring of far horizons in positive ways as the same planet in your solar 12th house in Aries was a bit hectic and probably hard on health at times as well, although Im sure you have had some major breakthroughs with the eclipses in your sign bringing a lot of unblocking of stuck places in the last two years plus some unexpected events to keep you on your toes, some positive and some not so much. Your sign especially has been influenced by the strong Scorpio eclipses which have been like a rebirth effect every time, the last being the beginning of May.

You have one more to go at the end of Oct which is lunar and in your sign which means the end of an era for you so with Jupiter's help you can move on to a period of more achievements and triumphs especially after Jupiter goes direct at the end of Dec 2023.

The Moon has already moved into Gemini in fact so this New Moon is the best time for Taureans and all of us to make some new decisions and think of new strategies when it comes to “more” of anything we need, especially in areas of homes and housing, property, business, anything relating to our security zones. For some this will be about our self image , how to enhance our lifestyles or appearance , income .

Decisions and changes are best tackled at a New Moon or towards the crescent Moon in a few days.

This New Moon will add fuel to Jupiters fire to bring a whole new dynamic into play in areas of the world banking systems and the whole economic system itself in fact. This is about how we handle money – (as in with our hands) in physical form as Taurus is about touch and in this case the midas touch which means each individual should have the sovereign right to make money where there is opportunity to do so and not just the elite….Pluto in Aquarius says the same as peoples right and freedoms, equality comes into this.
However we must be aware that Pluto is about to move back into Capricorn until January next year so we may have a fight on our hands when it comes to our rights for a period of time at least.

Jupiter in Taurus will not be all smooth sailing but as I have mentioned to a few people, Jupiter in Taurus is like a Cat amongst the pigeons to stir things up and make those who are complacent or stuck think on their feet.

I like the concept of Jupiter as an eagle too representing spirit and integrity when he is his best self as he should be for the most part in Taurus (except for possibly adding too much weight in some cases with the food factor).
When he was in Aries he was quite dominant with war like , competitive energies that did wear thin in the end as the attitude brought tension and anxiety, a sense of not being able to do things fast enough , even panic as well as a lot of friction.

But now his presence in Taurus brings a need to stir up the complacent to action especially in legal areas with Jupiter being about law as he is more persistent in Taurus, carries more weight, more far reaching effects and he means business. (All those Taurean words rolling out of my fingers naturally!)
And as Taurus IS about food, there will be plenty before too long for the masses as that is more political than any sort of shortage.

Tomorrow The Sun moves into Gemini to shine light on the bright and clever people of this sign for the month ahead . And the Sun moves with a very strong force as two things happen as a promise for this.

Mars will move into Leo also for the coming 6 weeks or so and when he moves he will be exactly opposite to Pluto so this is unlimited push and shove although some may feel they are between a rock and a hard place, especially if they have planets in those degrees or sun etc.
I know someone who does have Mars in Scorpio at 0 degrees and this birth opposition to Pluto so I will be observing closely.

Aries and Scorpios, Leos and Aquarians could feel this aspect any time from now so I would love to hear your stories of the same and those with planets or points near this degree. Use the power to your advantage and take extra care when it comes to strong minded people you may be dealing with.

Mars into Leo will mean Leos are going to be feeling their own power strongly , leadership and ability to rule the world. So one can assume true world leaders will be feeling the same as Leo rules true leaders, and in this case especially those with a strong LEO in their birthcharts or Aries.
Mars will give Leos extra courage and assertiveness, (not that they need it), hopefully not anger but one never knows so try not to be impatient Leos in the weeks ahead and use your power wisely.

Aries will be feeling a need to assert themselves too and stand up to lead the way with courage, speak the truth even moreso than usual.
And of course Geminis will be feeling all of the above so it should be quite a time ahead for them and for the world a time of possible conflict that we haven’t seen for a while , sooner rather than later in the sign although thats hard to say.

Having such powerful planets near this New Moon today which after all IS Taurean does make me wonder what the month ahead will bring.
I would say – if not an actual physical war, it DEFINITELY will bring a war of words and some deeply damaging home truths for some.

There are two novile aspects tomorrow to sooth the more volatile energies , Jupiter/ Juno and Mercury /Neptune, noviles being an aspect that completes or initiates into a new dimension.

Art by Susan Boulet
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
So, the noviles:
Jupiter/June: would that be about relationships? Marriage?
Mercury/Neptune: how we see, communicate and act about the spiritual aspects of our lives?


Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
So, the noviles:
Jupiter/June: would that be about relationships? Marriage?
Mercury/Neptune: how we see, communicate and act about the spiritual aspects of our lives?
Hi Lila, my post was getting a bit long so I didnt explain as I usually do about the noviles but I did make the point of a novile being about initiating into a new dimensional reality which helps so much when people are in conflict.
Jupiter is in Taurus and Juno in Gemini so as Juno is about dealing with any form of abuse in relationships, transformation of relationships , and Jupiter in Taurus is about taking time to enjoy life and love establishing security I would think its more of a healing force for an existing relationship But really its about moving higher in a relationship, addressing the issues so you can see the different dimensional realities of it even if people decide to leave.

Mercury is in Taurus just now and Neptune is in Pisces so taking our thoughts higher to resolve what has happened in the past( As Mercury has been RX recently) to understand and heal is the theme .
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