Wow! Cool... Nice to see this again!. I've been thinking recently about that message you got for me a while back,
Laron, when you asked if the Pleiadians had a question for the GC... which I understand was asked only because it would put to rest many questions people have regarding the involvement of ETs with our world, so that it would be all put on the table for all to see, more than for their own benefit (more for ours):
Me: Laron invited me to ask a question of his contacts...
Pleiadian Renegades: Okay, you are representing the League of Light, so anything you ask of his
contacts will be viewed as a question from the LOL itself. Are you willing to ask the grid a question
on our behalf?
Me: Yes, certainly!
PR: All right, then, there is our question. When you ask, say this is a question we ask of the grid
consciousness directly. Know we communicate with you and a very few others. Now, as to our question. We are poised and ready to act in accord with the will of the divine mind of OM. When it is time for us to return to Earth as teachers and guides, we will be ready to do what is asked of us by OM. Our question is this: If we are to go into the realm of the Earth matrix in 1111 open gateway formation, are we to exit according to the universal protocol or are we to use the opportunity to make of those who wish to attend to other worldly affairs the kind of star travelers we once were, ourselves? We know preparations have been made for those who wish to leave the Earth matrix, so that they would experience some kind of continuity through the transition. However, if the directive comes from OM to leave as has been done before, with a few members of the population, are we to abandon the alternative plan to carry the greater population to another cone? In our understanding of our arrangement sensing the winds of change blowing yet again, we are to remain in the Earth's vibratory range only long enough to take on the passengers as arranged in soul-sanctified agreement with those who know their way is with us. However the ultimate plan develops, we are in alignment with OM. Our question reflects our desire to portray our role with regard to those who wish to put their lives outward from the sphere of Earth and take on a greater role of personal experience as galactically based humans moving into a bigger arena. Will there be more people ready for this and if that is so, will they be given the passage of such transformation now? We are with the heart of humanity and with the mind of OM. They are integrated in our being. We seek to serve the needs expressed in the collective in accord with the greatest alignment to love. Please advise so we may share. In gratitude we ask.
and you responded:
GC: "The League of Light wants to ask a question to you?"
Laron: "No, to the GC."
GC: {With an amused voice} "To the GC. This is so funny, getting funny, because ... {They should be communicating directly.} Yes. Yes, this is like... yes... the British and the Irish communicating through the Indians and changing messages from India..... okay, alright, lets see." {I then explain that you said i could change the questions into my own version, but that I had decided to just read them out exactly how they came through}
Laron: "We are poised and ready to act in accord with the will of the divine mind of OM. When it is time for us to return to Earth as teachers and guides, we will be ready to do what is asked of us by OM. Our question is this: If we are to go into the realm of the Earth matrix in 1111 open gateway formation, are we to exit according to the universal protocol or are we to use the opportunity to make of those who wish to attend to other worldly affairs the kind of star travelers we once were, ourselves?
GC: "No, follow the protocol exactly."
Laron: "We know preparations have been made for those who wish to leave the Earth matrix, so that they would experience some kind of continuity through the transition. However, if the directive comes from OM to leave as has been done before, with a few members of the population, are we to abandon the alternative plan to carry the greater population to another cone?
GC: "Take only a few of the population, not the greater."
Laron: "In our understanding of our arrangement sensing the winds of change blowing yet again, we are to remain in the Earth's vibratory range only long enough to take on the passengers as arranged in soul-sanctified agreement with those who know their way is with us. However the ultimate plan develops, we are in alignment with OM. Our question reflects our desire to portray our role with regard to those who wish to put their lives outward from the sphere of Earth and take on a greater role of personal experience as galactically based humans moving into a bigger arena. Will there be more people ready for this and if that is so, will they be given the passage of
such transformation now? "
GC: "It just depends, if there will be... you will know, they, they will know if those humans are
ready to take on a greater role. They already know, just to tell you, these beings that you talk
about, the League of Light, they are the first ones to show the mercubla sacred geometry sign on Earth and also to give them the thought of it. They were the first one to show these signs. {I ask for a description/spelling} It's like a triangle inside a star inside which keeps rotating. ""