
  1. John Helios

    Toltec: The Eagle and the Old Paradigm of Perception

    The Eagle One of the major concepts in the Toltec system of awareness is the Eagle. In my experience mostly as a young Toltec warrior, I saw the Eagle several times. Once seen in a dream in the early 1980s that was shared with a dear friend / artist / shaman Donald Voss, when we were young...
  2. Angela

    Artistic perspective

    So I was talking to Anaeika about creativity a little and I thought it would be a fun to play with some art in here. I will propose a subject for a piece of art, and whomever wants to join in can attempt however they wish to interpret that subject in whatever artistic medium they choose. You...
  3. Laron

    Creativity, Health, Technology, Art and More — My Collection of Recent Info

    laron submitted a new article. Creativity, Health, Technology, Art and More — My Collection of Recent Info I have a collection of tabs open in my browser which mostly contain information I want to share, yet I don’t have the time to share it individually; instead I’m dumping it all in this...
  4. C


    Well, I made the decision to no longer post art or other work in written form. For some reason it seems that for a long time some people become triggered by my art in a negative way, I am not sure why. Lately many changes are taking place here and I am being called to permanently remove my...
  5. Laron

    Share your Pet Images!

    Feel free to share any photos or artwork of your pets in this thread, as well as a description and/or some information about the image and your pet if you like. Recently I returned home and was reunited with my cat Xabbu. This first photo was yesterday when he was guarding the front door from a...
  6. Laron

    Share Your Phone's Wallpaper

    To take a screen shot of your mobile screen, on iphones , Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button on the top or side of your device. Immediately press and release the Home button. To find your screenshot, go to the Photos app > Albums and tap Camera Roll. On Samsung phones, Get the screen that...
  7. Laron

    Art and Literature — Henda's new FB Page

    Moderator Henda recently created a new Facebook page which is focused on art and literature. Some of you may be interested and want to like/follow it. You can find it here:
  8. transients

    10-Year Anniversary For Beloved Festival of Sacred Music, Art & Yoga in Oregon, USA submitted a new article. 10-Year Anniversary For Beloved Festival of Sacred Music, Art & Yoga in Oregon, USA In an ancient corner of Oregon’s coastal rainforest in the USA, thousands have gathered every August for the past 9 years to remember they’re not separate. Music in every...
  9. Linda

    Travel Posters From NASA Available For Download

    Linda submitted a new article. Travel Posters From NASA Available For Download What happens if you are creative, have a big budget, and work for JPL? You create 14 travel posters for the galaxy. They are done in the old style before photography was used for advertising. I have to tell you, my...
  10. Linda

    Who writes history?

    If you think back to the history you learned in school, the short answer to the question of “Who writes history” is the victors. However, if you are fortunate enough to find journals, letters, or artwork of people who lived through different events, history becomes a rich and complicated...
  11. Kristy

    Sneak peak

    Many of you know that I have been busy making things. And I just wanted to share a few images of a mala I made that I did for a barter for the person who married us. It is made of green sandalwood, carnelian, green aventurine, Russian serpentine, and earth jasper beads.
  12. Maryann

    No Time to Remember: Dzen, of the League of Light

    A new voice comes through the League of Light, with a shimmering new take on how we can use our passions and energy, and deeper insight into the nature of the League of Light. Meet Dzen! originally posted on Luminous Dimensions What is happening now on the world stage is nothing less than a...
  13. Linda

    The Leaf Cutter - making leaf art

    A friend sent me a link to this man's website. He lives in the UK and was originally from Iran. He uses a knife or pin to make his designs, and they can take anywhere from a week to 2 months to complete. "Anyone can love a rose, but it takes a lot to love a leaf. It's ordinary to love the...
  14. Henda

    The White Dragon Tree & The Seals Of Solomon

    "You are healing on a deeper level sweet ones as the light codes of the Divine path of Love you walk in, are taking the shape of Sacred Geometry . You are having access to more knowledge, and learning in a faster way the Magik of Melchizedek Master of alchemy and Sacred Geometry, is spreading...
  15. Kristy

    Making things

    Most of you who know me know that I have been out on worker's compensation due to a back injury. While I have been out I have been making items, along with art, in which I will sell when I have my store up and running. Lately the pain has been a lot to deal with and I have been lacking...
  16. Linda

    Christo - Floating Piers

    I caught the tail end of an interview with Christo about his latest project at Lake Iseo in Italy. He pays for his installations and all are meant to be short-lived. When it is dismantled, the materials are recycled. Several people were interviewed about the piers, and most said about the same...
  17. Brooke

    Creating Original Artworks

    I've been feeling particularly artsy lately but haven't had time to start any of the projects I've been wanting to get done. I was asked to evaluate an art therapy booklet recently and I was thinking today about the section in it where it says "it doesn't need to be a masterpiece or take...
  18. Linda

    Wondering what it would be like to live with big art

    The other day, I was thinking about large pieces of art - I mean wall-sized paintings or installations. Then I wondered what it would be like to live with it. Then I found this article about the Facebook campus. As I looked at the pictures, I projected myself there and felt an energy. This seems...
  19. Linda

    Art Education / Play

    Here is a thread about ways for children to experience art. I will have a separate thread for music. What activities do your children enjoy? Are there books or other programs with helpful ideas? How do you bring art activities and appreciation into your homes? I'm sure there are a 100 other...
  20. Linda

    Healing Power of Art

    Krena, I thought of you as I watched this program on PBS, Craft in America - Teachers. You all might check your local channels for this program. (In the US we have Public Broadcasting Stations that are funded by the government and private donations. Some of the programming is spectacular and...