
  1. Janne

    Eris and Juno Meet | Astrology Forecast, June 17 2018

    Janne submitted a new article Click here to continue reading the entire article.
  2. Janne

    Gemini New Moon | Astrology Forecast, June 13 2018

    Janne submitted a new article Click here to continue reading the entire article.
  3. Janne

    Download from the Galactic Centre | Astrology Forecast, June 11 2018

    Janne submitted a new article Click here to continue reading the entire article.
  4. Janne

    Time to Empty the Mind Clutter | Astrology Forecast, June 7th 2018

    Janne submitted a new article Continue to read the full article on
  5. Laron

    Ed Tamplin's Monthly Astrology Horoscopes: June

    Astrologer Ed Tamplin has released his June Horoscopes based on the individual star signs. You can find them all here:
  6. Janne

    Eris and Haumea Opposition

    Janne submitted a new article Continue to read the full article on
  7. Janne

    Sagittarian Full Moon

    Janne submitted a new article Continue to read the full article on
  8. Janne

    Sagittarian Full Moon Approaching

    Janne submitted a new article Continue to read the full article on
  9. Janne

    The Gods are Being Crazy Today — Astrology Forecast for the 24th of May, 2018

    Janne submitted a new article Continue to read the full article on
  10. Janne

    Sun into Gemini — Astrology Forecast for the 22nd of May, 2018

    Janne submitted a new article Continue to read the full article on
  11. Janne

    How Uranus into Taurus Will Affect Aquarians And More

    Janne submitted a new article Continue to read the full article on
  12. Janne

    Uranus Into Taurus, Part 2

    Janne submitted a new article Continue to read the full article on
  13. Janne

    Sun Opposes Jupiter Tomorrow While Eris Watches On

    Janne submitted a new article Continue to read the full article on
  14. Snowmelt

    Lightning strike shut down 000 emergency services

    On 4th May, a lightning strike to an in-ground communications cable disabled the Australian 000 emergency services (dial 000 for emergency relief in Australia). The telephone company had a back-up contingency system, but that also failed. As a result, at least one emergency resulted in injuries...
  15. Janne

    Outcome of the Full Moon in Scorpio | Astrology Forecast for the 3rd of May, 2018

    Janne submitted a new article If any of you are feeling a little glum still, and not quite over the far too powerful full moon that was energised by the rocket fuel of Mars/Pluto, with all it's power and ruthless energy, and maybe poisons and some contamination thrown in this time, and YES I...
  16. Janne

    Power Plays and the Scorpio Full Moon | Astrology Forecast for the 28th of April, 2018

    Janne submitted a new article. Power Plays and the Scorpio Full Moon | Astrology Forecast for the 28th of April, 2018 It’s two days since the Mars/Pluto conjunction with its various effects on people and global events so far. One result of this aspect was a famous actor finally being convicted...
  17. Janne

    Pallas Opposing the Great Attractor — Astrology Forecast for the 25th of April, 2018

    Janne submitted a new article. Pallas Opposing the Great Attractor — Astrology Forecast for the 25th of April, 2018 Today we have Pallas opposing the Great attractor which is a massive galactic anomaly out in the general direction of Centaurus, an energy coming to us through the sign of...
  18. Toller

    DIY Horoscopes - Chart and Interpretation Report

    I don't know if anyone is interested, but the following website allows you to create your own birth chart with interpretation report. I gave it a quick run through, it seems to be accurate apart from the position of the Black Moon (though I think there is more than one definition of the Black...
  19. Janne

    Pluto At Station — Astrology Forecast for the 23rd of April, 2018

    Janne submitted a new article. Pluto At Station — Astrology Forecast for the 23rd of April, 2018 The main news of the day is Pluto is at station following the example of Saturn’s station point 5 days ago, and similar in some ways in that we get a chance to do some reassessing of important areas...
  20. Janne

    Chiron Into Aries Today — Astrology Forecast for the 18th of April, 2018

    Janne submitted a new article. Chiron Into Aries Today — Astrology Forecast for the 18th of April, 2018 Chiron moves into Aries today for the first time since the late 1960s. This will have a lot of meaning for Arians whether they believe in Chiron's specific energy or not, as they will become...