
  1. Henda

    The White Dragon Tree & The Seals Of Solomon

    "You are healing on a deeper level sweet ones as the light codes of the Divine path of Love you walk in, are taking the shape of Sacred Geometry . You are having access to more knowledge, and learning in a faster way the Magik of Melchizedek Master of alchemy and Sacred Geometry, is spreading...
  2. Maryann

    Asket's end-of-year message, with a look forward and into the past

    As she did at the end of last year, Asket surprised me with a tap on the shoulder last week and delivered this beautiful transmission. It is one of the most immediate, intimate conversations she's shared with us. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I have. If you have the inclination, listen to...
  3. Sinera

    Kurt Leland — Teacher and Author (OBE, Psychic / Spiritual Development)

    Since I just today posted sth on Robert Bruce's AD forum about his brandnew book because Kurt was a member there and we have some 'fans' of him (including me) I thought I might make a short introduction thread about him here too. I am really lucky that during my early active and 'wild' years...
  4. Maryann

    Just When Things Look Dark, the Sun: Anica with the Arcturians

    A new message from Anica Colinion of the League of Light, acting as a galactic liaison, this time in connection with the Arcturians. As they explain, they offer no designation of their name other than that; I hope you can, as I do, feel the smooth and streamlined energies of the Arcturians...
  5. Vickie

    Questions About Channeling

    I have been reading a lot about channeling. I see that everybody seems to have a different method. I've read that some people receive channeled information from a meditative state and others will be going about their day or night and the information just starts flowing. I would be so...
  6. K

    Disastrous Channeling and Responsible Information Management

    KarlaSM submitted a new article. Disastrous Channeling and Responsible Information Management Oftentimes we marvel at the diverse forms in which we have access to information during dream state, deep meditation, visualization, deep realizations or it just happens at any...
  7. K

    Disastrous channelings and responsible information management

    Often times we marvel at the diverse forms in which we have access to information during dream state, during deep meditation, visualization, deep realizations or it just happens at any moment, when closing our eyes and relaxing. Some pieces come as symbols, other times it comes as a mixture of...
  8. Candace Craw-Goldman

    You are NOT Channeling Dolores Cannon

    Candace Craw-Goldman submitted a new article. You are NOT Channeling Dolores Cannon The spiritual community is abuzz. People are coming out of the woodwork claiming to talk to, listen to and channel the great Dolores Cannon. People who didn’t know her, people who did not work...
  9. Maryann

    This Is a Time to Listen to that Inner Voice of Guidance: Anica/GFOL

    Here is another in the new series of communications that Anica Colinion, a liaison working with the League of Light, who sources from a Pleiadian world and happens to be, in her words, my "chosen future perfected self" (so a time traveling aspect of me?), is presenting from the Galactic...
  10. Stargazer

    Susie Beiler: Channeling Prime Creator, Session 43

    I just listened to Susie's latest channeling of "Prime Creator" and thought it provided an excellent overview on a number of different spiritual growth and ascension-related topics. Some of the concepts and subjects covered included the following: Clearing and releasing "negative" energies...
  11. Maryann

    An insight into the mechanism of channeling: Creative Counselors

    Recently, someone asked me to transmit a message regarding how, exactly, the group dynamic works between the beings who speak, the person who asks for a reading, and me as the point of transmission. In other words, how do the Pleiadians get a communication from someone's soul to them, in...
  12. Maryann

    from Operation Terra: "This Is It" October 2016

    Another update from Operation Terra, for those who follow it. Like the messages I receive, Sara has noticed that the nature of her contact has shifted somewhat in recent days... a bit like people getting ready for something and others stepping in for updates. Here is the email message she sent...
  13. Lorna Wilson

    Who or what is being channeled...

    This is a fascinating exploration from the Monroe Institute where the explorer discovers all about channeling, who we are channeling, or better still the streams of energies that we channel and so much more. This information is very original and thought provoking especially since there is so...
  14. AngelicView

    ET Encounter Research

    I wanted to call your attention to this website where they are doing research on Extra-Terrestrial Encounters. I found it very fascinating. I have never had an encounter - but I'm certainly open to the idea of it! The site is called "The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into...
  15. Maryann

    Now Is the Time to Arise, Awakened: Anica

    This is a very new kind of transmission for me to be sharing. Anica, who is a sort of future aspect of me, is a Pleiadian member of the League of Light and works in part as a liaison. Yesterday, I got a pretty strong tap on the shoulder that it's time for another message download, and this one...
  16. Stargazer

    Kryon Channeling: Opening to a Larger Akash 2016

    I found this recent Kryon channeling (channeled through Lee Carroll on August 21, 2016) to be very encouraging and something that could be helpful for others here to hear. In this channeling, Kryon refers frequently to the "Akash", meaning the "Akashic Record". For those who are not familiar...
  17. Laron

    Lorna on Ascension, Source, Love and more: A QHHT session by Tai Ashley-Jones

    I edited and put together this transcribed QHHT session on back in May, 2015. It's available alongside a bunch of others, via the menu under 'QHHT'. Tai is a member of the Roundtable Forum and may be moderating one of our boards in the near future. Lorna Wilson, author of Healing...
  18. Maryann

    On Channeling and Discernment

    (Laron: Note that this thread was in the context of the board being only about channeling. The channeling board has merged with two other boards, so this thread needs to be updated to reflect those changes, so until that happens I will leave this note here) Channeling: The act of receiving...
  19. Brian

    Paul Solomon

    He was born on July 7, 1939 in Arkansas. As a young boy he had psychic abilities, one being able to ascertain the information within any book by placing his head on it. Coming from a strongly Christian family, his parents saw those gifts as evil, thus his abilities slowly went away. Much like...
  20. Brian


    One of my favorite channelings. It contains a repercussion and the details as to why. The reason being because of using spiritual gifts for non-spiritual reasons. Well, here it is in its entirety. A Reprimand to the Fellowship Group From the Archangel, Halaliel (Note: I conducted this...