
  1. David Topi

    Canceling Permits By The Collective Unconscious Races In Control

    David Topi submitted a new article. Canceling Permits By The Collective Unconscious Races In Control Earth (Tierra) — Unconscious Collective We said in the last article that since everything is based on energy, there were two factors needed to remove in order to decrease the chances that they...
  2. David Topi

    Disconnecting from Networks of Energy Absorption

    David Topi submitted a new article. Disconnecting from Networks of Energy Absorption In the last article we said that everything that happens on the planet needs energy to manifest on the physical plane, born of thoughts and mental concentration, and then down slowly towards tangible and...
  3. David Topi

    Symptoms of an Energy Cleanup | David Topi

    David Topi submitted a new article. Symptoms of an Energy Cleanup | David Topi When someone energetically cleans us, or we do it to ourselves, there is usually a period of a few days during which most of these changes take place. These are days of "detoxification" and integration of new...
  4. transients

    Beloved Full Moon Union submitted a new article. Beloved Full Moon Union By guest writer Sanna Tarnstrom Birming via Grace Consciousness (November 4, 2017) Dearest Heart - family, Ever sense the Lion's Gate and Solar Eclipse in August, the influx of the new golden energy has soaked our planet and...
  5. Laron

    Eclipses & Full Moons Triggering Health Issues

    As I age this situation becomes more easily noticeable; when a strong eclipse, and sometimes full moon, occurs, an old injury activates, or a new one manifests roughly a 5-7 days before, but with such intensity. Have you noticed something like this in your life? On the 21st of August, five...
  6. transients

    Now is the Time of the Merge with the Golden Divine Balance submitted a new article. Now is the Time of the Merge with the Golden Divine Balance By guest contributor Sanna Tarnstrom via Grace Consciousness Sweet family of loving light!!! Now that we have entered the August Gateway passage and a new golden energy wave is coming in, we...
  7. Sinera

    The Puncture (my astral vision for Humanity from Nov 2011)

    [Thread promoted to the front page): — Laron] Since there is again a lot of talk about the incoming energies for a 'shift' of humanity, I felt again reminded of my own "Vision for Humanity" I was given in the year 2011 during an astral...
  8. IAMRAvortex Fortitude

    Repetitive cloudy days, H.A.R.P or energetic shift?

    Greetings family. I've got to share this discussion with you this morning or whatever timezone you go by. It has been cloudy for almost two weeks now, here where I live (Middle-East). Why do you think this is happening now, could it be the cabalistic syndicates or is it "The New Earth"?
  9. Laron

    The Incoming Energies Thread

    I was thinking to my self, where should I create this thread on the Forum? I decided in the end to stick it on the shift in consciousness board, as while there are always going to be incoming energies, especially from the Sun and the astrological influences, the shift and the new earth situation...
  10. Moonseal

    2017 energy reading from Michael (Messages from Michael entity)

    Source: Messages from Michael channel that has been doing spot-on readings for me for the past 30 years. In fact, she is the only channel that I trust. The tail end of my session included a snippet of energy forecast that I thought you guys might appreciate. She has given her consent to...
  11. Don Hicks

    Empty your Hurt and open your Heart

    As most of us learned during early science or physics classes, everything in our universe is composed of energy. Everything we perceive as “solid” and “matter” is simply “stored energy”. Isn’t this amazing when you stop and contemplate it? It means that the chair we sit on, or the floor we’re...
  12. Henda

    Channeling And Energy Report

    February 4, 2017 We have been receiving Crystalline light stars from higher dimensions Now it is getting intense as everyone can feel their effect "You may hear that special sound in your ears or in one ear more than on the other That is the sound of life flowing in you directly and there...
  13. John Helios

    Recapitulate to Recapture Lost Energy

    John Helios submitted a new article. Recapitulate to Recapture Lost Energy Via Helios Journal (8 January 2017) Recapitulation: Not Merely “Remembering” In one of my recent social media postings about the concept of “Recapitulation”, more than one person recently told me...
  14. John Helios

    Dreaming Bodywork: May the Sleeper Awaken

    John Helios submitted a new article. Dreaming Bodywork: May the Sleeper Awaken Bodywork in Dreaming In a dream I saw something that I was instructed to pass on. This is bodywork. Simply explained, and if done with proper intent, its purpose is to transfer the burgeoning...
  15. R

    State ofthe Art Novel InFlowTech Development 1Gearturbine/RotaryTurbo 2Imploturbocompresssor/OneComp

    State of the Art - Novel InFlow Tech - Featured Project Development; 1-Gearturbine, 2-Imploturbocompressor *Wordpress Blog State of the Art Novel InFlow Gearturbine Imploturbocompressor: *1-GEARTURBINE PROJECT Rotary-Turbo-InFlow Tech...
  16. Laron

    Don't Cross Your Legs

    A metaphysical teacher of mine once told me that by crossing the ankles, or legs, you are blocking the flow of energy within your body, in terms of the energy centers, chakras, and so on; this in turn can relate to other more practical health issues in the long run. I tend to have a bad habit...
  17. Anaeika

    How do you send love energy?

    Here is a practical link about how to send love energy. How do you personally send love energy to others &/or Gaia? It would be nice to get a list together.
  18. Mike

    pillars of light around the world, what the heck

    These thick white pillars of light are so much better in video as it makes it more real to hear the peoples reactions. pictures are good too, at least now we have evidence . What the hell are these pillares?? I think I know what the colored ones below may be?? but i could be wrong...
  19. Mike

    remote healing with a crystal and how to charge it with the mind!

    Remote Healing using a crystal " you do not need any particular experience initiations/attunements" First off, people believe there must be a healing modality that is used to send healing with crystal. As a matter of a fact you don't need any experience AT ALL! To send healing remotely while...
  20. Mike

    What kind of experiences have you had with healing?

    This thread is for our experiences to share from while either giving a healing session or just receiving a healing session. I have had some quite remarkable experiences. When I was quite much younger I remember being able to heal but I couldn't actually"feel" the energies. There was a girl I...