
  1. John Helios

    Steven Greer's Newest Lecture on ET's, Corey Goode, Disclosure

    Folks, I previously posted about the amazing Dr. Steven Greer here. Greer just came out with a new updated lecture (November 2016) where he provides his entire 3hr lecture on the basics of what's going on with: The ETs would have wiped us out already if they really meant us harm (most of them...
  2. Henda

    Dr. Edgar Mitchel UFO Interview 2013

    I had the chance few times before he passed to be part of a UFO diner here in Rouen (France) and he was invited via skype. He talked about Aliens, Quantum Physics and the Holographic universe theory.
  3. Laron

    Hillary Missing, Bitcoin Rise, ET Cruise Ship Flyby | Webbot Wujo — October 11th, 2016

    laron submitted a new article. Hillary Missing, Bitcoin Rise, ET Cruise Ship Flyby | Webbot Wujo — October 11th, 2016 A couple of days back Clif High released a new webbot based Wujo talking about the immediate future in terms of what the future forecasting software, the...
  4. Laron

    Wikileaks email to Podesta shows Edgar Mitchell ETI claim

    One of the emails from the latest Wikileaks drop is from the team/site, signed off by astronaut Edgar Mitchell (dated August 2015). Edgar passed back in February this year — he was the 6th person to walk on the moon. This is from their front page. "OUR MISSION...
  5. Laron

    Earth Guardians & Higher Self | A QHHT Session By Steven Jones

    laron submitted a new article. Earth Guardians & Higher Self | A QHHT Session By Steven Jones Here is a QHHT session conducted by Steven Jones with his client Tai Ashley-Jones from November, 2008. Tai is a holistic healthcare practitioner, artist and teacher of metaphysics...
  6. Bill

    People of Earth - Alien Abductees on TBS

    Was at the cinema today (saw Snowden, enjoyed) and one of the trailers at the start was for a new television series coming this Autumn on the TBS network...<drumroll>...a series on alien abductees. Meant to be a comedy. Somehow I'm doubtful it will be highly accurate <lol>. Here's a link to the...
  7. John Helios

    Article: "Barack Obama 'will reveal alien and UFO details...'"

    This article was published by, which is part of the official gov't controlled mainstream media. So, this supposedly isn't some hokey report. Be interesting to see what he says...
  8. Lois

    Beginning of ET disclosure in mainstream media?

    Russia have picked up a deep space signal (actually back in May) which they have shared with SETI and global media... Feels to me - along with the Proxima B mainstream media disclosure last week that bigger revelations may be coming...
  9. Vickie

    Secret Journey to Planet Serpo

    I wanted to put this book in its own thread because it was written based off declassified US government documents that were released a few years ago. It's another piece of the "drip disclosure" that the US government is doing right now. Full ET disclosure would change life as we know it because...
  10. Brian

    Close Encounters On The Highway

    Well, one night while I was sitting shotgun on the highway. Everything was normal. Dark. Cars. Lights. Everything you would expect whilst driving at night on a freeway. Until... There was this sudden flash! Picture this, the flash that accompanies a camera whilst taking a photo. Thus, that's...
  11. Vickie

    Close Encounters

    A few years ago in Houston, Texas I was driving on the freeway at about 10 pm. It was a beautiful fall night and I had my sunroof wide open with the cool fresh air of the night blowing in. I had my radio on and an old favorite song by Pink Floyd came on the radio so I turned the music up loud. I...