spiritual messages

  1. Maryann

    A Simple Shift of Perspective: Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot for week of July 19

    Maryann submitted a new article. A Simple Shift of Perspective: Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot for week of July 19 Tarot interpreted by the Pleiadians of the League of Light: this week, the theme is "A Simple Shift of Perspective". There's a lot of movement in the cards, but it all points toward...
  2. Maryann

    Greet the Light of New Awakening: Pleiadian Tarot for Week of July 12

    Maryann submitted a new article. Greet the Light of New Awakening: Pleiadian Tarot for Week of July 12 Each week, as a point of contact for the Pleiadians of the League of Light, I'll be posting a tarot spread here, interpreted by the Pleiadians. This week, the theme is "Greet the Light of a...
  3. Maryann

    Opening to a Temporal Shift: Pleiadian Tarot for Week of July 5

    Maryann submitted a new article. Opening to a Temporal Shift: Pleiadian Tarot for Week of July 5 Each week, as a point of contact for the Pleiadians of the League of Light, I'll be posting a tarot spread here, interpreted by the Pleiadians. This week, the theme is "Opening to a Temporal Shift"...
  4. Henda

    Visions of the Upcoming Waves on Earth during Astral Projection in Parallel Lives

    Henda submitted a new article. Visions of the Upcoming Waves on Earth during Astral Projection in Parallel Lives Introduction As an astral projector, I have access to lots of information about our multidimensional reality, and the parallel lives we are living in. Astral projection increases...
  5. Linda

    Nature's Messengers — When Animals and Birds Speak To Us

    Linda submitted a new article. Nature's Messengers — When Animals and Birds Speak To Us Nature always is speaking to each of us, but sometimes we are too busy to notice. When we are quiet and the influences of the 3D world are absent, we find we are in greater harmony with the natural world...
  6. Laron

    An Authentic Person

    "An open letter written specifically addressed to the kind hearted, peaceful warriors out there who have been neglected, abused, and at times veritably shat upon. This one goes out to you. You know who you are. '
  7. Laron

    Leading Your Life As Seekers Of Consciousness Expansion

    laron submitted a new transients.info article. Leading Your Life As Seekers Of Consciousness Expansion The events that transpire throughout the world tend to define society as a whole—large amounts of people create the group energy of the moment from their thought forms; we can get caught up in...
  8. Laron

    Spiritual Development & Exploring Your Consciousness

    laron submitted a new transients.info article. Spiritual Development & Exploring Your Consciousness This in-depth article is something that had more than one sitting to put together, and which I posted on our community forum, The Roundtable, last week; the context is for that space, but I...
  9. John Helios

    The Death Defiers

    John Helios submitted a new transients.info article. The Death Defiers Beckoned to Mexico Some years ago when I was living in California, I had a dream wherein I was beckoned to Mexico by a shaman that lived there. What I saw there was a gigantic desert valley before me between two...
  10. Bev Goodman

    Defying Gravity — The High Priestess

    Bev Goodman submitted a new transients.info article. Defying Gravity — The High Priestess Taking the route less traveled embodies a meaning hidden far from the eyes of those in the world. It means more than merely choosing a path contrary to the majority of those around you. It means more...
  11. Laron

    The Earth Experience, Ascension and Source | Questions Answered by Laron

    laron submitted a new transients.info article. The Earth Experience, Ascension and Source | Questions Answered by Laron Back in January 2015, I had a person asking me a number of questions within a comment to one of the articles on transients. I responded, but also decided to share my reply as...
  12. transients

    Twenty Powerful Quotes From Shams Tabrizi (Rumi’s Spiritual Teacher)

    transients.info submitted a new transients.info article. Twenty Powerful Quotes From Shams Tabrizi (Rumi’s Spiritual Teacher) By Jennifer Sodini via Collective Evolution, 23 October 2016 Rumi (1207-1273) was a 13th-century Persian poet, Islamic scholar, theologian, and Sufi mystic. Over the...
  13. Curious Senior


    Far beyond the darkness of the night sky, beyond the universe that seems so familiar to man, there exists forms and lights and energies beyond human design. This is the wonder of the Creator; this is the omniscience of its majesty. There are the infinite designs of God. Humans limit their God...