Maryann submitted a new article.
Truth Is Power: Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, Week of October 4
Pleiadian tarot interpreted through the lens of Nine: What power do you carry when you speak what truth lives within? Like magic, you are transformed into the master you truly are, suffused in the...
Maryann submitted a new article.
Christ Lights the Conscious Mind: Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, Week of Sept. 27
Pleiadian tarot interpreted through the lens of Nine: Divine light transforms us this week, integrating all that we are into Nine-empowered carriers of Christ consciousness. The...
Maryann submitted a new article.
Death Comes to Face a Risen Humanity: Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, Week of Sept. 6
Pleiadian tarot interpreted through the lens of Nine: We have studied love's mysteries, dived into the esoteric histories of consciousness, and nurtured the inner ability to... submitted a new article.
Metamorphosis In Denmark | 4K (UHD) Video
By Adrien Mauduit via Adrien Mauduit Films (June 1, 2017)
In nature, there is nothing more spectacular than the Spring. Funny enough, animals and plants are way quicker to get back to being active than to fall...
Maryann submitted a new article.
In the Interest of Time: A Message from the League of Light
Via Luminous Dimensions, 20th of February 2017
The time has come for a global revolution. While this is not news to many of you, we ask that you listen to what we have to say, as our...
What a strange year this has been so far, but it feels like death and rebirth are in full swing, so I guess it's all systems go, regardless of what chaos we see on the world stage.
That said, I've just put together a massive transmission from the League of Light regarding this year, 2017, what...
Another wonderful source of information I've been following for several years is Suzy Beiler. She provides fairly regular channelings and thought-provoking videos online--and much of her material has really resonated with me. I was really struck with her most recent video, in which she...
A new message from Anica Colinion of the League of Light, acting as a galactic liaison, this time in connection with the Arcturians. As they explain, they offer no designation of their name other than that; I hope you can, as I do, feel the smooth and streamlined energies of the Arcturians...
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