Help Crystal Identification (Part Two) - Post Your Photos (1 Viewer)

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Prospector Rai

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Sep 27, 2020
The first looks like red tiger's eye.
Next, I believe is sodalite followed by aventurine (with those little sparkles showing up well in the pic).
The fourth one is tugging on my memory and I'll let you know if I remember it.
The last is most likely to be a nice piece of tumbled quartz, I believe.

I hope this helps, delay and all.
This helps tremendously thank you and I don't mind a little delay just makes it more exciting
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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Definitly a smoky quartz. Here is one of mine on the right:


Any ideas?

This one is hard to tell, need a few more angles and in daylight.


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Jul 25, 2016
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I bought this crystal recently at a shop but i wasn’t sure if it is good quality or if it is smoky quartz. Any sort of help is greatly appreciated. Thank You!! :)

To my eye, quality is in the eye of the beholder. There is so much personal preference involved.
For example, I tend to love the kind of inner facets, inclusions and other 'bits' I see inside this one; some value other things such as 'the clearer the better'. For me, this depends on what I'm using it for and what I'd like to get out of an individual crystal. Each has something of beauty to offer, just by being itself. If you like to gaze into them and play them over your fingers like I do, then having lots of little bits, pieces, keys (I believe I see at least one) and facets at odd angles give one's fingers and eyes lots to do. This I absolutely love. If they have (or develop) inner fractures, I tend to like them even better as there's more in there. It's like they have more of a story to tell, as wounded heroines always do; something which I can relate to. Given the timeline over which crystals form, I've always felt that they have very, very long, detailed stories if we care to read them.
Having said that, who can resist a 'perfectly shaped' 'crystal clear' crystal, lol :)) It's another kind of beauty.

As Laron has said, this seems like a free standing smoky quartz with inclusions or fractures that lend it depth. It may(?) even have a phantom in it, ie, an area where the crystal's growth paused/had some additional mineral added on what was the surface of the crystal at that time, so that the phantom tends to keep that shape within the crystal shape it later becomes. I may see one phantom whose tip reaches about the half way point of its current shape + size. It's a bit like having a crystal within a crystal. I've read that these are particularly good for past life work.
I definitely see at least one five sided or "Isis" side, and possibly a nice, small diamond in a corner (tough to be sure in photos).

The one on the chain has all kinds of :cool: outgrowths, including the Lemurian-like grooves (or horizontal lines) that Maryann mentions. You could spend lots of time letting your fingers or gaze play over this one!


Involved Wayfarer
Nov 11, 2019
Hi ❤ Hope everyone is having great day or night ☺
Can you help me identify this crystal/mineral, It’s sold under the name “Sphalerite” but the sphalerite is black, red, orange.. And i think this is something else. I need your help ☺ Lila Maryann



Involved Wayfarer
Nov 11, 2019


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Jul 25, 2016
Well, I have to admit, those both have me completely stumped.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Hi ❤ Hope everyone is having great day or night ☺
Can you help me identify this crystal/mineral, It’s sold under the name “Sphalerite” but the sphalerite is black, red, orange.. And i think this is something else. I need your help ☺ Lila Maryann
I was just thinking the same thing as Maryann :))
However, a few thoughts on each:

I'd just been eyeing a piece of sphalerite myself (a few minutes before clicking on your message). It can be quite gemmy and these gemmy bits often have a triangular or even rhomboid shape. These parts have very clear edges. As the one you show has been cut this type of formation may be tougher to find in your example; it's something you can specifically check for.
It certainly can come in many colors and often with other minerals which may make identification more confusion.
Some visual examples here:

The second looks more like agate in some sections and amethyst in others with lots of druzy. Perhaps it is agate on the way to becoming amethyst?
I understand the process of stone formation to be one where the stone goes through many stages en route to its 'final' destination if you define 'final' as the time point when we happen to be looking at it. It's one of the fascinating things about stone; the timeline is just soooo much longer for stone than for humans.
I also understand that agate is en route to becoming quartz and think of amethyst to be a type of quartz so this is why I chose the agate en route to amethyst order. However, my understanding is quite limited and I welcome clarifying comments.

Stones have so much to teach us!


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
It might take a couple of days for our crystal person to come around. In the mean time - that is a beauty, and I love the inclusion. Looks very special.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I believe it may be spar, a type of very clear calcite with cool optical properties.
The inclusion could, then, be another colored calcite, or another mineral entirely; a bit tough to tell.
I agree, a very nice piece. The clear calcites are said to be very clearing. I keep mine in our dining area :-D
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Just Arrived
Jan 21, 2022
Looking for help identifying this piece. I picked it up at a crystal show and lost the little paper that came with it. I know when I see the name I’ll remember it. I remember the description reading something along the lines of “helping move on from past relationships” or “ an ex partners drama” something of the sort…. image.jpg



Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Looking for help identifying this piece.
The best person for identification may be along in a couple of days.

I'm no expert but wonder if it is some kind of calcite. Regardless, it is a lovely piece.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Yay for Lila. I don't know what it is, but I love the striations going right through the piece. It feels like that is cohesive, grounding energy, like the energetic structure of the Inner Earth being made apparent through this one piece of Earth herself.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I love rocks. Sometimes I recognize them from pic; sometimes I don't. not sure about this one at all, so here goes...

You said you'd recognize the name; any chance it's laboradorite? I've seen pieces which looked grey until you turned them and they flashed gorgeously; is it one of those?

Calcite also seems like a good guess. Some information's missing as it's been sculpted so you don't see what formations it was naturally in; calcite has some which are pretty characteristic.
Then there's the very, very large family of quartzes which include a whole lot of different names, colors and formations. Not sure which this would be precisely. Will let you know if anything else comes up.
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Just Arrived
Jan 21, 2022
It’s not laboradorite. Also thanks for the replies!! It was a wet day in the Pacific Northwest when I picked this up amongst handfuls of other pieces from the show. I know this will be of no help but I feel like it started with an “S”.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Will let you know if...


Involved Wayfarer
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Dec 16, 2017
Maybe Sodalite, it is mostly blue but can come in darker colours too...
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