How is everyone else and what are you feeling? Expecting? Experiencing?
A few days ago something major came up for me which fitted right into this month of great changes. As a result, I am feeling a lot of different emotions. It's a time for me to harness my life experience, be brave, and kick on.
I've not looked at any eclipse material (even though I link to it in places), so I am just going by how I feel. I expect great changes, more so than likely any other eclipse in recent times simply because of how the US is such an important aspect of the global consciousness (many things that go on here are noticed globally). Since the path is over the US, this means a greater impact on the country and its people, whether that is in a more practical and conscious way, and/or on an unconscious level; folk may not realize the true effects until it has passed as elements of peoples lives begin to move in different directions based on the choices of all.