Lindometer Readings - Prophetic Dreams (3 Viewers)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Thursday - November 23, 2023

Thanksgiving holiday here and enjoyed spending time with my lovely, smart, and funny family.
At the same time, I sensed something else. Later, I reflected and could see and feel an opening, shift, something along those lines in front of me. Felt resolution and not fear. I think we all know what this likely means.

Also, in my dreams and messages, there are 3 big markers -
Bumbling Democrats facing an enraged Ganesha (symbol of change) - certainly this continues to escalate​
Mexico killing the serpent and returning to its true self - a few indications of that, but internal news is difficult to come by​
A Vote of the People - not a regular election​

Finally, I asked for clarification from the Sabian Oracle
Allow traditional wisdom to lead you to new and different solutions but be wary of acting superficially. In deeper, spiritual messages you are afforded protection from the more disturbing elements of situations. Shifts of mind and attitude may happen as a result, indeed, they may need to happen. You may need to adjust continually to outside forces, but you have the ability to be adaptable, so hang onto your center and what anchors you and try not to get blown off-course.​

My dreams and messages have come without a sense of timing - yeah, I know - only in a linear sense. This one was different - as if it was right in my face. Whatever this is will not be pleasant, but there is a way through.

Much love to you all.


Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Jan 10, 2019
Bumbling Democrats facing an enraged Ganesha (symbol of change) - certainly this continues to escalate​
This week in the Netherlands Geert Wilders has won the elections.
They call him extreme right as he has a very nationalist viewpoint and is against immigration.
In essence a lot of his point are very common sense; he is very much against WOKE, climate alarmisme,...

It is a shift we see in most countries of the EU. traditional left parties losing gound due to unsatisfied people who see that the system doesn't work any more; too much regulations, no freedom. The parties on the right wing get more votes due to that.
No idea if it will really change when these parties will have the power but it is something that is happening here.


Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
I think this is the genisis of the change the planet really needs. Before people would only complain and go about their day. Real change is now afoot.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Later, I reflected and could see and feel an opening, shift

I cleared and cleaned my porch yesterday. It was a mad "must do this" energy. Have not cleaned it in two years. Gave away a coat. Took out the tools that need to go back to my plot. I even went to the store and bought a new doormat.

Only later when I stepped back to admire did I realise I had created an opening, a space for new energy to enter.

Bring on the changes.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Thursday - December 21, 2023

Yesterday's waking dream

saw a communication flow chart with outlets that I use and others of which I am aware.
then I heard "look behind you"
I half way turned my head and saw a few people behind me
then I heard in a more insistant tone - "look behind you"
I turned all the way around and saw many, many people gathered behind me, as if I was a gatekeeper.

I think the dream is about literally making sure info flows around me and likely on another level, too.

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