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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
Virgo Planet tree by Laron G Smith.jpg

Now that the Sun is firmly settled into Leo and we are past that rather intense rebirth aspect of Sun opposing Pluto at 0 degrees Aquarius two days ago, AND yesterdays Perigee Moon in Pisces, bringing extremes of almost everything, Mercury is preparing to move into one of “hir” favourite signs tomorrow.

As Mercury rules this sign, Virgos will be at their best with their analytical abilities and clever minds, strategizing and everything else they do so well.
Geminis also will get a strong effect of this, and with Mars in their sign especially so.

At present this is very helpful for the multitasking many of us are having to do with the Mars Gemini effect for the coming weeks as Mercury will Rx from the 4th August until the 28th of the month, moving back to Leo mid month in fact and wont be back in Virgo again until the 9th Sept so during that time Virgos especially get a chance to go back into the past to retrieve something or finish something they began a while ago .
The same could be said for many of us more than likely.

I've written before of Mercury Rx not being a bad thing.
It’s a time to catch up with ourselves, as lets face it our minds can get on overload and many of us are moving way too fast mentally, physically too so Mercury needs to change direction so we can review things, catch up, rethink options, look at life different for a while and find what we have lost most of all if anything.
Mars in Gemini is bringing a lot of the above as it is!

If you are not getting information you need, if there are delays, this is not always a bad thing . There is a reason for everything under the Sun.

To add interest to Mercury entering Virgo, just before it happens , any time now in fact, there is a quincunx aspect to Neptune 29 degrees Leo to 29 Pisces, the anaretic degree of an urgent need to direct energies in a new direction for a specific reason.

This also calls in our intuition strongly so we can make the right decision using both logic and inner knowing. This could apply more to Piscean type people as well as Mercury ruled folk and Leos too.

A quincunx gives us room to work out out the best solutions with what is available even if the situation is a difficult one.

The Sun and Mars are in a sextile aspect tomorrow which serves most of us well for a clear direction ahead. This is happening around 2 degrees Leo and Gemini. It seems like green lights “go” at present even though many of us will be doing a u turn in a different direction in about 10 days.

Lets hope we make the right decisions in the meantime to serve us the best when that happens.
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