Normally I'm with you Stargazer, but I have starting to notice that for whatever reason life seems to be narrowing choices lately. I wondered if it is part of a predestined path leading to a certain event.
I have read and appraised the David Topi material, and it rings true. In the last 5-10 years (or more correctly, since the Harmonic Convergence, and you could say, paralleled by Kryon) a lightworker's* role has been to hold a higher vibration frequency, and/or to anchor in a locale at grid points, and to act as an actual bridge (it turns out, between timelines). However, within the next 2-3 months (let's say up to February 2018) the dynamics of this is changing - because that's how far we've come, and because of the changing cosmic influences around us.
David Topi postulates that 2 primary timelines (he calls #33 and #42) are not merging but branching (bifurcating) and soon in that timeframe I mentioned, traffic between them will cease altogether. The lightworker still bridges for now, as their energetic bridge is still being used by stragglers getting across to #42, however there will be less and less chances for that until it will no longer be possible to switch and switch back again. In the last 5 years, some of us here have, I think, had distinct, direct experiences of jumping timelines while in body in very real ways for them, whereas someone right next to them may never have been aware of this possibility or movement at all.
People may have noticed a speeded-up life cycle for some (many more dropping off their mortal coil), that is dying seemingly way before their time, but I believe these souls are using this opportunity and their multidimensionality to jump into the new timeline, via birth rather than doing it in body from old to new. These souls will not miss out.
It feels quite natural that in a creation event such as this (emergence of a new primary timeline) that at first the edges of the lines would be blurry, enabling potentiality and possibility, and then these opportunities would be more delineated and edges crisp off, and possibility would be more decisive and regulated.
Even though I have been involved in energetic change and psychic knowing of these processes most of my life, of course doubts still come up and confusion sometimes still reigns. So I was quite chuffed the other day, when I had another prominent psychic event that underscored my need to let this thing run, and to harbour no worries about the future. We really have got this, ladies and gentlemen. I think everybody on this forum is, as our friend would say, "way beyond" the decision point, and in those terms, their jump is already made. One of the things that holds people back in their certainty and knowing of this fact, is the question of what will happen to their loved ones, that they fear to leave behind.
Well, the other day, waiting at the station to pick up my daughter after her social outing on a Sunday evening, something went wrong with our arrangement and she was two hours late. Trains kept coming in and she wasn't on them. I could have gone home, but I felt that would just make me angry, so I stayed waiting in the car and remained calm. At some point, after about an hour of waiting, I heard my (psychic) voice say: "I will see (daughter) at 7:42". Seeing as I now knew this, I settled down in the seat, knowing I needn't be anxious in the meantime. At 7:38, there was still no sign, and I thought: "Ha! For the "prophecy" to come true, she would need to start showing up now!". Still nothing, and then at 7:40 a train rolled in. I didn't pay it much attention, and all of a sudden my daughter was standing outside the car window and I was letting her in. I glanced at the car radio clock as she eased herself into the seat, and it said 7:42!
Well, David Topi, thank you for naming the timeline! I now know without a doubt that my daughter will meet me on that timeline, no need to fret, no need to call the doctor, it is all happening as if it were planned. Remember, things are not always as they appear, or seem.
*Note: I don't normally use the term "lightworker" as it is too ego-appealing, but this is the context it is best used in.