Event Remote Group Healing (Be Receptive!) | Weekend Jan 15, 2022 (1 Viewer)

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QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of transients.info & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Lila is not available to host this weekend so I'm doing a late minute post to cover our session.

In addition to sending healing to those joining in and anyone else they may request, what pops into mind now is being receptive.

To expand on that, I immediately recall that this year is said to be a year for twin flames coming together. But building upon that, I feel that this is all about being receptive about opportunities and situations that pop into our lives, and not blocking them.

We attract what we need to experience for spiritual growth. Underneath all that is astrology and behaviors we have based on when and where we were born in combination with the astrological influence.

We are presented with opportunities all the time, and sometimes we deny offers and things we can get ourselves involved in, out of fear or other reasons.

So being receptive and open to opportunities — soul mate connection, a business offer, a project, volunteer work, etc — is the space supporting out session today.


How to be reception?

After joining the group, opening yourself up to receive healing and going through your personal process and routine of sending it, take the opportunity to tap into the energies that will support you becoming more open to what lands at your feet.

You can visualise this as an energy packet arriving in front of you, perhaps near your feet, or directly in front. This energy packet could be a sphere, it could be a rectangle, a pyramid, a box, a letter, anything. Just let what feels right appear, whether you create it or it just appears.

I want you to embrace that, wrap your energetic arms around it and hold it tight, as a way for you to step into the energy to help support what you attract and what you manifest. Manifestation can also bring things which we may miss if we deny them.

And remember, out sessions can be up to 30 minutes so you have time to also go off on adventures after healing and going through this secondary intention.

Feel free to share feedback anytime after the session, even if it's a week later, and feel free to include others.

Additional Info

We hope you you check in and perhaps join us. No experience or 'special abilities' required. A sense of wonder and fun recommended. If you're joining us for the first time this week your timing is great.

If the exact time in your area does not work for you, then just join when you can. Many of us have no problems connecting a few hours earlier or later but find somewhere in a 24-hour window works best. Some people have even set the intention to join in dream time.

Instructions are posted below. Let us know if you have any questions and welcome.

The time for the session is the same each week based on 8am Sunday, New Zealand time, unless there is a daylight saving change in you area (if so, just go by 8am Auckland, New Zealand time). This time is calculated to make the sessions accessible to as many as possible.

USA: Saturday: 2 pm EDT, 12 PM MDT, 1 pm CDT, 11 am PDT
Europe: France (Paris), Switzerland, Sweden, Saturday: 7 pm
UK: England (London), Ireland (Dublin), Saturday: 6 pm
Russia: (Moscow), Saturday: 9 pm
South Africa: (Johannesburg), Saturday: 8 pm
Australia: (Sydney, AEST) Sunday: 5 am, (Perth) Sunday, 2 am (remember, you can do the session out of time within 24 hours and it will work exactly the same)

About these Sessions

For those new to these sessions, or if you simply want to be reminded on how to connect in and what methods you can use to send healing, see this article here.

The purpose of these weekly sessions is to send healing to each participant, which can be accomplished by focusing on individuals or the group, depending on what methods you chose to use. You are always free to set secondary intentions around focusing on world events that may need some helping energy — on other levels our group also works in a multi-dimensional sense. Sometimes we get healing requests within the replies here, so do check back here just before the sessions begins.

Let us know if you are joining by responding below or or contacting us through the Contact Forum Admin link here. The session is 20-30 minutes and you can send, and or receive healing; it is up to you. Anyone can heal. No training is required to participate.

Please provide any feedback on here if you receive any and feel comfortable sharing.

The place we have chosen to visualize when first connecting in, and to anchor that connection, is a forest clearing. Think of an opening inside a forest where there is a large crystal in the center that we gather around. The ground could have moss or grass, perhaps even dirt or another surface that appears to you. There may be the sound of a waterfall nearby which could result in a river that you could see, or not. You could start off here and then go off to another place of your choosing to send and/or receive healing. Some people find themselves being taken on a journey where they are shown other things during a session, but we all experience this in our own unique ways.

You can find further information about these sessions through the link, Remote Group Healing, via the INFO link in the menu here on The Roundtable.

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I'm a bit late and will be joining in, happy to see the topic.
Thanks, Laron
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QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of transients.info & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
I’m just sharing a few things from my session.

The circle that was very large — a lot more than we have listed down. Maybe 80. Then I was in the centre touching an amethyst crystal that was changing shape from one thing to another.

It sent out waves of energy to everyone in the group, sort of like how some jellyfish are formed with that layer that comes over top. The energy came out the top of the crystal and back down over everyone.

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