Yes and I see it as another step on the way, going through a portal into a slightly higher vibation, then another and another and so on until we reach our destination. This book I have just read ' Thoughts of Higher Magnittude. ' by the PleiadianRenegades, described it as not so much a transition, more transposition. To me that sounds much more natural and lets face it, this change is natural. I could never see us suddenly being there. I think a lot of us thought that was going to happen in 2015 with the advent of Wave X. I always had my doubts, but there wa so much energy going round at that time, many of us felt it, it was tremendous. Since then we have felt many changes in ourselves and seen changes on the world stage. I'm thinking that some are already vibrating slightly higher but we don't really notice it, then one day we will look back and say ' We are here living on the new Earth and it was so gradual and natural that we didn't really notice it happening, that I think is the suddenly bit, when we realise we've done it, we're living it. That is just my view of course.