Remote Group Healing | Weekend of the 8th of October, 2016 ( (1 Viewer)

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Involved Wayfarer
Jul 30, 2016
So....this is my experience of the Remote Healing this weekend:

I started meditating at about 1am (France time) and set the intention to create a sphere of healing energy that would surround the Remote Healing group for a whole week. I kind of figured that I would fall asleep before the 'official' Frenchy start time of 2am but was confident that setting the intention would be enough to have it still working away even if I was out for the count! And indeed that's what happened, but strangely, my house phone rang at exactly 2am (a short random call from a friend of my partner) and woke me up, so I decided to continue with the remote healing whilst awake.

I did my usual thing of bringing down a column of white/gold light from above and connecting to the core of the earth (which I see as a huge pink crystalline rose quartz), bringing energy into my heart from both and thinking of my beloved recently departed dog, Loki (which engenders the most unconditional love for me). When I was heart-full of that, I then envisioned that pink/gold energy expanding into a translucent sphere. I saw members of the group sitting around the perimeter of the sphere on big massive bean-baggy things (it looked very comfy!:-)) ) and there was lots of pinky golden swirling healing energy in the sphere enveloping everyone. I got a sense of comfort and safety, and peace - being in a supportive atmosphere full of love with people all working in synergy towards a common goal. I spent some time sending healing intentions specifically towards Kristy, Karla, Krena and Jack in whatever way benefitted them the most and then to the whole group in general (not forgetting to include myself this time, which I usually do, lol!)

Finally, I expanded the pink/gold healing energy bigger and bigger until it encompassed the earth and all its inhabitants, and then the entire Universe (I thought, why the hell not, let's go Big here - them there ETs and their homes deserve some lurve too ;)).

A most satisfying and uplifting remote healing session for me, thank you everyone! :-D<3
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Mystic Healer and Astral Explorer Author
RT Supporter
Retired Moderator
I have Been sending 2 times for 20 minutes and I did not focuse on anyone specifically.
But I Know that It is the way healing process Is on. I have Faith in the frequencies I Channel and Know that everything Is okay, and that Healing Is There. I focused on the group as always. And had the same vision as Ben : that volcano inside the Roundtable. It Is Merlin's energy as I asked him to operate yesterday during the session. Everyone I guess can do as He feels and It Is good for everyone. By trusting that the Healing occurs and we are only vessels of Source ´s energy. Am not the healer but the one who helps others see the healing energy coming on them. Everyone is able to do it. I don't need to Know If a person has a pain somewhere I don't diagnose as It Is medical habits
I just send with the only entent to let Healing flow. And It always come.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
In other sessions, I've been aware of moving toward the group. In this session, as soon as I stated I wished to join the group session, I was at the bubble. I passed through easily, and it appeared like a soap bubble in the sun - many glistening colors.

I saw people receiving healing and focused in on two of them, Kristiina and Jack. I saw energy / beings around Kristiina's neck using gold and green energy and sensed they were smoothing out blockages. I was drawn to them because I saw a similar energy cross through our bedroom a few nights ago.

Jack was being helped by people using blue and green energy. (Earlier in the day, while at the grocery store, I passed a display of nail polish. I'm not much one for nail polish and have never used the newer colors. However, there was a beautiful deep green that I had to have. It was the same green being used with Jack.)

Then we came together in a circle. The person on my right was wearing a mask, which I thought was odd. I asked why he wore a mask, but rather than answering, he left.

As we left to return home, the bubble went with each of us in an effortless manner. I could feel it as I walked around our home.


QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Laron when you say that you mean that sources' energy We Channel Is unable to focuse on Ones sickness
I think but This Is very personal and It Is not a question of experience, that energy Is smart and knows where to Heal first. When someone Is not healed From a specific pain From A first session It Is not due to the fact that A healer did not focuse on that place but because the person Is not ready to Heal for several reason So she needs more Healing because Healing goes exactly to the origin' of that pain Which Is spiritual and not physical. I think and Am sure of This. I did It many Times with My clients too and I only send as I Am A vessel Chanelling that sources' energy. Not focusing Is letting the energy flowing as It should be because the Universe knows better What It going on and where to Heal first. Healing Is A process. I did that experience for those Who needed that a pain in their head or neck or back ends, It can be healed partly but It come Back later sometimes with much more pain because the person Is not ready to Heal completely. We can be 100 persons to Heal one person If Deep inside that person Is not yet ready, and many times the persons ignored It until one Day something happens in her/his Life and A Light shines bright, no Healing can be really effective.
I agree with that and that fits into my experience but there is a lot more involved in addition to all of that.

All a healer needs to do is place their hands on a persons shoulder, or not even physically touch them, and the energy will go where it is needed, but what I am really getting at is that there are more efficient ways to heal by focusing on the actual issue directly, and some things need to be acknowledged mentally and emotionally — hence admitting that the condition exists and that the person wants that specific condition to be healed (similar to what you say about people wanting to heal which is one of the most important things as even if they are healed, they will get sick again unless they address the emotional link behind the condition).

Anyways, lets keep discussion to feedback and focus back on this session. We have other spaces to discuss the specifics of healing. :) Please feel free to create a new thread if anyone wants to talk about something relating to this side discussion we have going on. What everyone has said so far is not wrong, it's just perceived differently and there are always exceptions to things.


Mystic Healer and Astral Explorer Author
RT Supporter
Retired Moderator
I agree with that and that fits into my experience but there is a lot more involved in addition to all of that.

All a healer needs to do is place their hands on a persons shoulder, or not even physically touch them, and the energy will go where it is needed, but what I am really getting at is that there are more efficient ways to heal by focusing on the actual issue directly, and some things need to be acknowledged mentally and emotionally — hence admitting that the condition exists and that the person wants that specific condition to be healed (similar to what you say about people wanting to heal which is one of the most important things as even if they are healed, they will get sick again unless they address the emotional link behind the condition).

Anyways, lets keep discussion to feedback and focus back on this session. We have other spaces to discuss the specifics of healing. :) Please feel free to create a new thread if anyone wants to talk about something relating to this side discussion we have going on. What everyone has said so far is not wrong, it's just perceived differently and there are always exceptions to things.
Laron you were reading My thoughts I have created part one about the topic "What Is Healing ? " and Will do part 2 tomorrow morning or afternoon as I have the other article to adjust and send you.


QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Thanks everyone for providing feedback so far.

Please don't feel judged or that anything you experience is not appropriate or unworthy, or vague or whatever — feel free to share anyway and if you ever want to post feedback anonymously then just send me a message and I can post it on your behalf if you would like it shared. (I should include this each week in the first post)


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 17, 2016
Helsinki, Finland
In other sessions, I've been aware of moving toward the group. In this session, as soon as I stated I wished to join the group session, I was at the bubble. I passed through easily, and it appeared like a soap bubble in the sun - many glistening colors.

I saw people receiving healing and focused in on two of them, Kristiina and Jack. I saw energy / beings around Kristiina's neck using gold and green energy and sensed they were smoothing out blockages. I was drawn to them because I saw a similar energy cross through our bedroom a few nights ago.

Jack was being helped by people using blue and green energy. (Earlier in the day, while at the grocery store, I passed a display of nail polish. I'm not much one for nail polish and have never used the newer colors. However, there was a beautiful deep green that I had to have. It was the same green being used with Jack.)

Then we came together in a circle. The person on my right was wearing a mask, which I thought was odd. I asked why he wore a mask, but rather than answering, he left.

As we left to return home, the bubble went with each of us in an effortless manner. I could feel it as I walked around our home.
Thank you Linda <3:-D<3!


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
So....this is my experience of the Remote Healing this weekend:

I started meditating at about 1am (France time) and set the intention to create a sphere of healing energy that would surround the Remote Healing group for a whole week. I kind of figured that I would fall asleep before the 'official' Frenchy start time of 2am but was confident that setting the intention would be enough to have it still working away even if I was out for the count! And indeed that's what happened, but strangely, my house phone rang at exactly 2am (a short random call from a friend of my partner) and woke me up, so I decided to continue with the remote healing whilst awake.

I did my usual thing of bringing down a column of white/gold light from above and connecting to the core of the earth (which I see as a huge pink crystalline rose quartz), bringing energy into my heart from both and thinking of my beloved recently departed dog, Loki (which engenders the most unconditional love for me). When I was heart-full of that, I then envisioned that pink/gold energy expanding into a translucent sphere. I saw members of the group sitting around the perimeter of the sphere on big massive bean-baggy things (it looked very comfy!:-)) ) and there was lots of pinky golden swirling healing energy in the sphere enveloping everyone. I got a sense of comfort and safety, and peace - being in a supportive atmosphere full of love with people all working in synergy towards a common goal. I spent some time sending healing intentions specifically towards Kristy, Karla, Krena and Jack in whatever way benefitted them the most and then to the whole group in general (not forgetting to include myself this time, which I usually do, lol!)

Finally, I expanded the pink/gold healing energy bigger and bigger until it encompassed the earth and all its inhabitants, and then the entire Universe (I thought, why the hell not, let's go Big here - them there ETs and their homes deserve some lurve too ;)).

A most satisfying and uplifting remote healing session for me, thank you everyone! :-D<3
Way to go Jenny, I always include them there ETs, too, as you say, they deserve some lurve, they are part of all there is as we are. even the ones without love in them. If we believe in unconditional love we pour healing and love on all there is. That is how I feel anyway. :))


Embracing Mystery, Mostly
Retired Moderator
Jul 30, 2016
To the group: thank you for the healing wishes.

I have felt more energy.

I started the healing session early, because I had to go to a dinner party for one of my husband's clients. The destination required a long drive with two traffic obstacles of a big festival and another road with a concert at a fair. I started out tired.

The first time I noticed a physical change was soon after a guest mentioned that traveling had gotten more difficult for her, flying in first class. She went on to say the the house that made her the most comfortable had 9,000 square feet on the first floor and that she was having a difficult time finding a house to buy for her daughter even with a several million dollar budget. My feet started tapping: something I never do.

My body felt energized. I had to dampen my enthusiasm to run out the door. I am normally happy for another soul's good fortune, but my instinct to leave (and energy) grew as the guest complained bitterly about a windy ride on her sailboat, and another chimed in about lax restrictions where his private plane resided.

It felt like I had attention deficit disorder as I fished my brain for clever exit strategies. So the energy first showed with impatience. This was not jealousy. It was restlessness.

We did leave first. After I got home, I remained awake for hours.

Since then, I had a voluntary all-nighter, and a 14-hour work day. Needless to say, I was overdoing it, but loved that I could.

Thank you.


Involved Wayfarer
Jul 28, 2016
Hope you have a great trip to America Laron! Eventually, when the time comes, a wonderful stay as well (at least another you is already here, free will). :-D

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