Help Shedding from the Vaccinated & How to Protect Yourself (1 Viewer)

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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
This beer virus vaccine has 600% higher death rates than other vaccines.



Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
Just a general remark and some food for thought:

Does anyone see the irony of the role swap taking place right now?

First, most of us here (I include myself) fret about the media fear porn and the resulting rise of the bacterio-/viro-phobe covid-cult zombie herd. We all reguarly complain and wonder about their strange fearful overreactions and hypochondriac behaviours. And their willingness to immediatly get injected with almost unproven and unsafe toxic substances.

Now we are in process of becoming the "-phobes" ourselves with the vaxxocalypse and a supposed sheddocalypse taking place. Sheddophobes or vaxxerphobes we are now.

So we aren't so different anymore from the Covidian cultists then?

My humour is strange I know, but I really find this quite funny.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I've been a kind of phobe in terms of food, water, tv, etc. - things that I can control without interference in the rest of my life. The worst I experienced was eye-rolls. Now, the info suggests that I take care around others who could shed unwanted junk. Would I be in an enclosed space with many people I don't know - not so sure about that now.


Look up the Asch Experiment. It is about people knowingly going against what they believe is true in order to go along with the group. It is part of our social make-up. Combine the desire for group acceptance (celeb and influencer worship) with the marked drop in critical thinking skills and you have the perfect storm for this kind of thinking. Almost like it was planned for a long time - wait did I say that out loud?
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  • I agree
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Involved Wayfarer
Nov 4, 2019
Latest from Uncle Clif - Clif High on Bitchute 6/6/21 - "Wild Strain Woo"

In this video, he discusses (among other things) that it's the spike protein the experimental gene "therapy" injections are causing the vaxxed's body to produce that are what's being shed and making the unvaxxed sick. If you don't want to watch the whole video (which is kinda long, and also has the usual assortment of interesting but unrelated side discussions) - the takeaway is that if you keep your vitamin D levels really high (if you are deficient or it's winter where you live - 10K IU per day, with some vitamin K2 of course, for that high a dosage), the shedded spike proteins won't be able to hurt you. Same goes for those who messed up and took the jab, for whatever reason. Fast forward to around 19:30 if you want to listen to just this section.

Apparently high D levels prevent the spike's ability to get into your cells and do damage. I'm not a doctor so I can't vouch for this information, but Vitamin D seems to be the key to preventing a lot of disease and illness. I mean they basically forced Dr. Mercola to remove a whole bunch of critical Vitamin D info off his website last month, on pain of being shut down. Glad I had saved some of it to PDF before it disappeared! "They" seem awful scared of people finding out that something so inexpensive and easily obtained (D) can foil their evil plans. Reason enough for me to make sure I take mine every day.....


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
Been takin' high Vit-D for years now. Had no cold infection symptoms for almost a decade. So I also hope this helps against any spike protein or whatever 'shedded' sh*t. ;)
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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand

"Last week it was Dr. Peter McCullough who raised the alarm about the #Covid vaccine spike proteins. Now, another respected professor, viral immunologist from Canada, Byron Bridle PhD, brings forth more corroborating evidence, suggesting the toxic protein in the shot distributes all over the body within as little as 15 minutes. "

Bridle says the spike protein is almost entirely responsible for cardiovascular issues when it's been in circulation as it crosses the blood brain barrier. So the vaccines do not stay in the shoulder. The Japanese regulatory agency has made a request for more information and gained access to the bio distribution study which is all about where the vaccines go in the body after the injection — the spike protein gets into the blood and circulates, accumulating in tissues such as the spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands, ovaries. (he says the spike protein is a toxin)

And he goes on to explain what the spike protein does to the body from clotting and bleeding, neurological damage and a transfer through breast milk, etc.


McCullough said last week (above) there is a 2 week time period after the vaccination, where the spike protein basically moves around quite a lot in the body and this is the period where the adverse reactions are more likely to occur in the short term. He also says that babies being breastfed by those being vaccinated are in danger and there is an example of a baby dying as a result of this situation.
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buddy love

Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Oct 1, 2018
The suggestions for Pine Needle Tea and such:

Essential Oil of Pine is made from Pine Needles.

ALso, may be able to find Pine Flower Essence.

For many of us, these would be more feasible than going out to find the Non poisonous pine needle for tea.

THere are folks online who share Morphic Field videos, which have effects we would desire for living in this times:

here is the channel page:

if you put in a search with drvirtual7 and what you are looking to find it will come up more quickly, perhaps.

Sapien Medicine. (

Sapien is also DreamSeeds

i play their videos on Loop.

here is a large variety of videos about spike proteins and mutation of genetic materials.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 26, 2016
Vayuna, via Switzerland
Here is a Thought to Ponder:

ALL the folks dying from the jab, who are registered as Organ Donors. Will their organs go on to create more havoc?
probably... but... are the jabbed ones allowed to donate blood? blood transfusions isnt even something you can be choosy about if you have an accident and are brought to a hospital...
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 26, 2016
Vayuna, via Switzerland
so not ok! thats like, someone just having had a lyme or babesia testing diagnosis going to donate blood! (and yeah due to this issue not being taken seriously, countless people have fallen ill with those nasties through blood transfusions...)
so, one more reason to stay out of hospitals if it can be avoided and be very careful, for everyone in their right minds it seems... (well it's not like hospitals have ever been places of real healing in the past decades... but when someone needs patching up where else to go...)
  • I agree
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Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Nov 1, 2018
Just a general remark and some food for thought:

Does anyone see the irony of the role swap taking place right now?
True. But notice in the screen shot there is a big difference betweeen vaxxers, and anti-vaxxers. The anti-vaxxers want the choice to decline an untested shot, which studies show have a lot of problems and higher death rates. The pro-vaxxers want to force their way of life on everyone due to their enormous ego and "better than thou" attitude. This is a very different attitude between belief systems that I watch for.
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buddy love

Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Oct 1, 2018
Does anyone have information about the length of time this protein spiking continues?

two weeks. two months two years/decades. on and on ad nauseum?

and can you share links to the information which shows the length of time.


Involved Wayfarer
Jul 30, 2016
Dr Mikovits says not to worry about shedding near the end (around 35 minutes), but the whole thing is very good. She says the best thing we can do is support our immune system and be together in person!

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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Does anyone have information about the length of time this protein spiking continues?
It's been mentioned by a number of sources that I've posted about, but basically it continues until you die. The magnetism pushes it around the body and that is the real danger as it gets into all, or most, organs.

As for the shedding issue, two to four weeks seems to be the danger period for those you come into contact with if you are vaccinated. However this is also on the energetic level, so it's not just the skin and whatever else that physically sheds, there's an energetic component that affects and harms people (and pets) on the multidimensional level.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Full of good information to stretch our minds, as usual, Laron. I hope you're having a fine time stretching & relaxing on your middle eastern sojourn.
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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
I received this forwarded message on Telegram. It may be useful for some of you. Source looks like David Wolfe.
This is the updated protocol to protect those who’ve been injected with the quackccine(s) and the same protocol is useful to protect those concerned with the spike protein shedding coming off those who’ve been injected. So if you know someone who has been injected and requires help, please provide them with this protocol.​
This is the Nutrition Protocol to Prevent Damage from Spike Protein and Derivatives due to Injection and to Protect from Spike Protein Shedding:​
  • • Zinc (30-80mg per day depending on immunological pressure)
  • • Vitamin D3*
  • • Lypospheric Vitamin C (30ml, twice daily)*
  • • Quercetin (500-1000 mg, twice daily)
  • • Iodine*
  • • PQQ*
  • Pine Needle Tea for shikimic acid or shikimate (from green edible pine needles) There are toxic pine needles, be careful! When drinking pine needle tea, drink the oil/resin that accumulates too! Shikimate, shikimic acid and their derivatives possess: cancer fighting, antiviral, antimicrobial, anticoagulant and antithrombotic properties.
  • Fennel and/or Star Anise Tea: These are also an excellent source of shikimate or shikimic acid (which is known to neutralize the spike protein)
  • C60 (1-3 droppersfull per day): One of the issues we are seeing with those who have been injected is disturbances in their energetic field (magnetism) and hot spots of inflammation. C60 is a rich-source of electrons and acts like a fire extinguisher to inflammation and simultaneously (because it bio-distributes throughout the body) drives a normalization of electron flow throughout the body. In this category, we offer two products, the traditional C60 product* is made by yours truly and the C60 SuperConcentrate* is made by a carbon scientist friend of mine and contains a higher concentration of electrons.
  • Charcoal (2-4 capsules a day): Charcoal is the pre-eminent detoxifier and when taken on an empty stomach, works its way down into the intestines and activates a blood purification process known as “interstitial dialysis”. Our Kohlbitr* product is the premier activated coconut charcoal in the world and we also now offer the more gentle birch charcoal.*
  • Citrus fruit (especially blood oranges, due to their high hesperidin content — hesperidin is a chalcone like quercetin that deactivates spike protein)
  • Peppermint (very high in hesperidin)
  • Wheatgrass and Wheatgrass Juice (blades are high in shikimate)
  • • Superherbs to help disable spike protein:
  • Schizandra Berry* (high in shikimate)
  • Triphala formulations: In Sanskrit, the word Triphala means "three fruits”: a combination of Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis), black myrobalan (Terminalia chebula) and belleric myrobalan (Terminalia belerica). The terminalia fruits are rich in shikimate.
  • St. John’s Wort (shikimate is found throughout the entire plant and in the flowers)
  • Comfrey Leaf (rich in shikimate)
  • Feverfew (leaves and flowers are rich in shikimate)
  • Gingko Biloba Leaf (rich in shikimate)
  • GiantHyssop or Horsemint (Agastache urtifolia) (rich in shikimate)
  • LiquidAmbar (Sweet Gum tree) A tea of the spiky seed pods is rich in shikimate.
*Indicates products found in one place here:
  • Divine
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Staff member
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I received this forwarded message on Telegram. It may be useful for some of you. Source looks like David Wolfe.
This is the updated protocol to protect those who’ve been injected with the quackccine(s) and the same protocol is useful to protect those concerned with the spike protein shedding coming off those who’ve been injected. So if you know someone who has been injected and requires help, please provide them with this protocol.​
This is the Nutrition Protocol to Prevent Damage from Spike Protein and Derivatives due to Injection and to Protect from Spike Protein Shedding:​
  • • Zinc (30-80mg per day depending on immunological pressure)
  • • Vitamin D3*
  • • Lypospheric Vitamin C (30ml, twice daily)*
  • • Quercetin (500-1000 mg, twice daily)
  • • Iodine*
  • • PQQ*
  • Pine Needle Tea for shikimic acid or shikimate (from green edible pine needles) There are toxic pine needles, be careful! When drinking pine needle tea, drink the oil/resin that accumulates too! Shikimate, shikimic acid and their derivatives possess: cancer fighting, antiviral, antimicrobial, anticoagulant and antithrombotic properties.
  • Fennel and/or Star Anise Tea: These are also an excellent source of shikimate or shikimic acid (which is known to neutralize the spike protein)
  • C60 (1-3 droppersfull per day): One of the issues we are seeing with those who have been injected is disturbances in their energetic field (magnetism) and hot spots of inflammation. C60 is a rich-source of electrons and acts like a fire extinguisher to inflammation and simultaneously (because it bio-distributes throughout the body) drives a normalization of electron flow throughout the body. In this category, we offer two products, the traditional C60 product* is made by yours truly and the C60 SuperConcentrate* is made by a carbon scientist friend of mine and contains a higher concentration of electrons.
  • Charcoal (2-4 capsules a day): Charcoal is the pre-eminent detoxifier and when taken on an empty stomach, works its way down into the intestines and activates a blood purification process known as “interstitial dialysis”. Our Kohlbitr* product is the premier activated coconut charcoal in the world and we also now offer the more gentle birch charcoal.*
  • Citrus fruit (especially blood oranges, due to their high hesperidin content — hesperidin is a chalcone like quercetin that deactivates spike protein)
  • Peppermint (very high in hesperidin)
  • Wheatgrass and Wheatgrass Juice (blades are high in shikimate)
  • • Superherbs to help disable spike protein:
  • Schizandra Berry* (high in shikimate)
  • Triphala formulations: In Sanskrit, the word Triphala means "three fruits”: a combination of Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis), black myrobalan (Terminalia chebula) and belleric myrobalan (Terminalia belerica). The terminalia fruits are rich in shikimate.
  • St. John’s Wort (shikimate is found throughout the entire plant and in the flowers)
  • Comfrey Leaf (rich in shikimate)
  • Feverfew (leaves and flowers are rich in shikimate)
  • Gingko Biloba Leaf (rich in shikimate)
  • GiantHyssop or Horsemint (Agastache urtifolia) (rich in shikimate)
  • LiquidAmbar (Sweet Gum tree) A tea of the spiky seed pods is rich in shikimate.
*Indicates products found in one place here:
The combined knowledge in the heads of many humans is superlative.


Just Arrived
Jun 7, 2021
I received this forwarded message on Telegram. It may be useful for some of you. Source looks like David Wolfe.
This is the updated protocol to protect those who’ve been injected with the quackccine(s) and the same protocol is useful to protect those concerned with the spike protein shedding coming off those who’ve been injected. So if you know someone who has been injected and requires help, please provide them with this protocol.​
This is the Nutrition Protocol to Prevent Damage from Spike Protein and Derivatives due to Injection and to Protect from Spike Protein Shedding:​
  • • Zinc (30-80mg per day depending on immunological pressure)
  • • Vitamin D3*
  • • Lypospheric Vitamin C (30ml, twice daily)*
  • • Quercetin (500-1000 mg, twice daily)
  • • Iodine*
  • • PQQ*
  • Pine Needle Tea for shikimic acid or shikimate (from green edible pine needles) There are toxic pine needles, be careful! When drinking pine needle tea, drink the oil/resin that accumulates too! Shikimate, shikimic acid and their derivatives possess: cancer fighting, antiviral, antimicrobial, anticoagulant and antithrombotic properties.
  • Fennel and/or Star Anise Tea: These are also an excellent source of shikimate or shikimic acid (which is known to neutralize the spike protein)
  • C60 (1-3 droppersfull per day): One of the issues we are seeing with those who have been injected is disturbances in their energetic field (magnetism) and hot spots of inflammation. C60 is a rich-source of electrons and acts like a fire extinguisher to inflammation and simultaneously (because it bio-distributes throughout the body) drives a normalization of electron flow throughout the body. In this category, we offer two products, the traditional C60 product* is made by yours truly and the C60 SuperConcentrate* is made by a carbon scientist friend of mine and contains a higher concentration of electrons.
  • Charcoal (2-4 capsules a day): Charcoal is the pre-eminent detoxifier and when taken on an empty stomach, works its way down into the intestines and activates a blood purification process known as “interstitial dialysis”. Our Kohlbitr* product is the premier activated coconut charcoal in the world and we also now offer the more gentle birch charcoal.*
  • Citrus fruit (especially blood oranges, due to their high hesperidin content — hesperidin is a chalcone like quercetin that deactivates spike protein)
  • Peppermint (very high in hesperidin)
  • Wheatgrass and Wheatgrass Juice (blades are high in shikimate)
  • • Superherbs to help disable spike protein:
  • Schizandra Berry* (high in shikimate)
  • Triphala formulations: In Sanskrit, the word Triphala means "three fruits”: a combination of Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis), black myrobalan (Terminalia chebula) and belleric myrobalan (Terminalia belerica). The terminalia fruits are rich in shikimate.
  • St. John’s Wort (shikimate is found throughout the entire plant and in the flowers)
  • Comfrey Leaf (rich in shikimate)
  • Feverfew (leaves and flowers are rich in shikimate)
  • Gingko Biloba Leaf (rich in shikimate)
  • GiantHyssop or Horsemint (Agastache urtifolia) (rich in shikimate)
  • LiquidAmbar (Sweet Gum tree) A tea of the spiky seed pods is rich in shikimate.
*Indicates products found in one place here: this the reason I'm addicted to it?

Would you need to take all of them or take at least 1 from each category?
And how much?
How much is 1 dropper full?

Unfortunately, I'm not sure I can get all of it.


QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand this the reason I'm addicted to it?
You have a lot of mint?

Would you need to take all of them or take at least 1 from each category
All, but you need to focus on what they are doing for your body, so if one thing does a similar thing to another, you don't need to duplicate that. For example, if you want to have shikimate, there are many options and you don't need all of them, but, some of the other choices provide other health benefits.

And how much?
The method that you gain the item may have instructions on use, and how much you need. You'd want to do some research otherwise, but this is where it's a good idea to talk to a naturopath who's experienced with plant based medicine, especially if they are dealing with a lot of people who have been vaccianted or are having shedding symptoms as they will have experience with this.

How much is 1 dropper full?
Depends on the size of the dropper. Some are 1.5ml.


Just Arrived
Jun 7, 2021

You have a lot of mint?
I have a fair amount.
All the Europeans I know are confused by why I like mint, lol.
In south Africa, it's in almost everything.

All, but you need to focus on what they are doing for your body, so if one thing does a similar thing to another, you don't need to duplicate that. For example, if you want to have shikimate, there are many options and you don't need all of them, but, some of the other choices provide other health benefits.
So then it's:
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin D3
  • Vitamin C or Citrus Fruit
  • Quercetin
  • Iodine*
  • PQQ
  • Fennel and/or Star Anise Tea
  • C60
  • Activated Charcoal
I'm trying to minimize the costs while keeping the benifits since I will need to take them for a while.

The method that you gain the item may have instructions on use, and how much you need. You'd want to do some research otherwise, but this is where it's a good idea to talk to a naturopath who's experienced with plant based medicine, especially if they are dealing with a lot of people who have been vaccianted or are having shedding symptoms as they will have experience with this.
Would they do online consultations? there is unfortunately no-one close to where I live


QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
I have a fair amount.
All the Europeans I know are confused by why I like mint, lol.
In south Africa, it's in almost everything.
I hope it's organic! Look up the healing properties of it and don't use google as it feeds you information from western websites that tend to make natural things look bad when they are not.

I'm trying to minimize the costs while keeping the benifits since I will need to take them for a while.
There's a link at the bottom of the list to David Wolfe's website. He seems to be the source, so what you could do is contact him/them visa his website and ask more questions if you really want to be sure.
Would they do online consultations? there is unfortunately no-one close to where I live
Some would, it depends on what they prefer and how busy they are. It can be hard to find someone you trust so maybe check in with friends who you think may know of some. For example, the one I use doesn't use the internet much (basically no online presence) so it's hard to refer him to others who are not in New Zealand.


QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Miami Private School Informs Parents Vaccinated Teachers “May Be Transmitting Something From Their Bodies”
"Vaccinated adults “may be transmitting something from their bodies” that could be impacting the “reproductive systems, fertility, and normal growth and development in women and children,”
“Even among our own population, we have at least three women with menstrual cycles impacted after having spent time with a vaccinated person.” As a result, the school concluded “it is in the best interests of the children to protect them from the unknown implications of being in close proximity for the entire day with a teacher who has very recently taken the COVID-19 injection.”"


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia

May we all have peace and stay in peace.
This has the ring of truth. It is an insidious imposition on humanity. Very much the function of a cold-hearted brainiac. I use that term to describe something alien to us. While we deal with our disbelief and our rage (and there will be rage - red rage) we transmute and leave the lower behind - through ascension. The meaning of ascension is to rise so high that this thing with knobs on is left in the dust.


QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand

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