The Event is Upon us Part 2 (1 Viewer)

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Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
Been doing just that. A lush planet full of animals and fish. Peace and Love abound in cities designed for living in with concert halls and galleries everywhere. Ahhhh Lovin it! The best part? No mosquitos or biting insects..

buddy love

Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Oct 1, 2018
Buckminster fuller: ( I may be paraphrasing)

you don't change the existing reality by fighting it. you change it by building the new model and the old model becomes obsolete.

Buckminster / bucky fuller was fully aware of planting seeds for us.

The Buckminster Fuller Institute is dedicated to accelerating the development and deployment of solutions which radically advance human well being. Brooklyn, New York

Buckminster fuller quotes:
There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly.
Read more at:
We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims.
Ninety-nine percent of who you are is invisible and untouchable.

there are videos of him online. and his amazing dreams he developed...
housing transportation and more


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
I'd heard this guy's channel (Patriot Hour) mentioned a few times before, but haven't been too interested in his material until I saw a post about this video. I think you can see why I was drawn to it...and boys and girls, am I glad I was! I'm not sure this guy usually gets into the esoteric-type stuff, but this video NAILS it. He talks about ancient prophecies and their connection to "The Event", the role of the "Baby Boomers" in stopping not only the Vietnam War, but ALL war, and some of the more metaphysical aspects of what we're experiencing now. It's a fairly brief 17-minute video, but well worth the time!

Check it out...

EDIT: Whoops...sorry, that was the link to his channel. Here's the one to the video:



Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017
Any idea how we will be herded there? Do they mean we will be physically herded there? How will we know this is happening? How do we know these are the good cities to go to? Just listen/feel the vibrations?

I thought it was just me that thought this!
guided by spirit i think,

on your second point i heard more than once of this and honesly didn t surprise me it is so deep the system
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I keep being drawn to meditate, enter the void more or less instantly, then start moving forward through what feels like portals. It started 2 days ago and if I resist it (to do daily tasks) I get tingling in my face. Bit confused, was slightly intuition said it was event related, it asked me "is it time?" Last night I just let it happen... not noticed many changes since.


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
Changes are in process of manifestation, they are like waves passing by planes of Oness. Passing in divine timing and not in linear way. From my expirience trust and patience are very usefull divine attributes to embrace. And navigating with aligment of spirit, soul and body with passion in our own unique way. In truth. :)


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Last night I just let it happen... not noticed many changes since.
Waking dream today (waking dreams tend to be prophetic) - came back to town from vacation and was surprised at how many people were just gone. Some people were preparing to go back to school, but many of us were not - we were finished with school. We were able to work anywhere we wished and doing what we wanted. I awoke so happy because there was no more school.


Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
Waking dream today (waking dreams tend to be prophetic) - came back to town from vacation and was surprised at how many people were just gone. Some people were preparing to go back to school, but many of us were not - we were finished with school. We were able to work anywhere we wished and doing what we wanted. I awoke so happy because there was no more school.
A couple of years ago I had a dream where I was at work. I was working on the wing of the aircraft to install some parts. I looked up and said to myself "i don't need to do this anymore" I just put down my tools, didn't put them away, and just went home. That could have meant several things. Your dream just brought that back.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Changes are in process of manifestation, they are like waves passing by planes of Oness. Passing in divine timing and not in linear way. From my expirience trust and patience are very usefull divine attributes to embrace. And navigating with aligment of spirit, soul and body with passion in our own unique way. In truth. :)
CM, I feel that your new avatar suggests that you have become more prismatic, since your process took off. Would I be right to think that?
By prismatic, I mean that the panes of your being have become very reflective, and light is bounced off the different angles, giving rise to all the colours of the spectrum as your being disorders them and then orders them again, as the light passes through.


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
Dear, for me is more like climing as my rights to this role here as divine represetntativfe (one of few) of our SIURCELNow im in process of integrating that to have chnce to have nice life and sell new ideas to woold ;0
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Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
Hm. In fact, I dont remeber that last two posts. So maybe they are writeen by me during sleep. Wow. This is maybe First ET contact.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Hm. In fact, I dont remeber that last two posts. So maybe they are writeen by me during sleep. Wow. This is maybe First ET contact.
Really? They have to wait till you are asleep?
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
There have been stranger things happening energy wise lately, the Schumann resonance meter has been beautifully blue and blank for several days until yesterday.

I spent the first few days of 2019 with a friend, in a completely unplanned way. From January 1st, for two days, we seemed to enter a sacred space of peace and love. It was beautiful, as if we were wrapped in silver cotton wool. The resonance meter remained blank and I felt we had been given time off. I came home yesterday and it started again, the Schumann I mean.

Today, I happened on this very interesting broadcast from Transpicious news with Danni Arnold McKenny. Bless her, she has such an inquiring mind and puts it to good use.

She noticed the crazy activity of the Earth’s Magnetosphere, beginning (yes, you have guessed it) on the night of December 31st.

(Our planet's magnetic field is believed to be generated deep down in the Earth's core. ... The Coriolis force, resulting from the Earth's spin, also causes swirling whirlpools. This flow of liquid iron generates electric currents, which in turn produce magnetic fields. )

Here is a screen shot of the weird magnetosphere:Screenshot (11).png

And here is a screen shot of the big Ooomph from January 7th, just after midnight. Something hit the Earth and caused the field to REALLY expand. We are living in this folks!
Screenshot (12).pngScreenshot (12).png

And here is the link to her website, which includes her video. Enjoy!

Screenshot (11).pngScreenshot (11).png
Screenshot (12).png
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Dear, for me is more like climing as my rights to this role here as divine represetntativfe (one of few) of our SIURCELNow im in process of integrating that to have chnce to have nice life and sell new ideas to woold ;0
If I translate that as "claiming my rights to this role here (on earth?) as divine representative (one of few) of source" is that correct?

If so, please step away from your spiritual ego.

Everything we see, smell, touch, taste, and hear, in this world, is a divine representative of Source. Because everything is Source as it comes from Source.

You say one of few but everything is.


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
As wind wispers, as water touches, is there anyone that is really wise in heart to feel that there is nothing Higher, Lower, Truth, Untruth, Good, Evil, Sad, Happy, Stupid, Creazy... nothing is no one are. So. Play and sing. Wow Wow Wow ;) If Im one nas only one and others are not... aligned fully. Flow. Stars shining. Rain of bloody moon falling up to The void. Anything trully is if is fully anchored.

Or more Direct. It one is feeling that his father or brother is sinking let it sink. Let dead be dead.


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
Just a notice to save - story of creation, hm. Until we are looking for such about us we are a though in writer's head that is manifesting in his new book. So, what is that The Event, that unfolding story of creation that is making a twist of unexpected movement when writers tough is slipping of the paper and flows in the air? Independly... What then will be. Another story or just mist of forgetfulness. Umm. Or something beyond? :)

buddy love

Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Oct 1, 2018
If I translate that as "claiming my rights to this role here (on earth?) as divine representative (one of few) of source" is that correct?

If so, please step away from your spiritual ego.

Everything we see, smell, touch, taste, and hear, in this world, is a divine representative of Source. Because everything is Source as it comes from Source.

You say one of few but everything is.

it may be two reasons for the way this soul writes and tries to explain:

1) so much of what we are trying to write on this forum is WAY BEYOND what any words can explain. I knw for myself this is why I post so seldom, because my iife is more beyond words into colors, shapes and telepathic heart communication.

2) civil monk resides physically in the European area I think, sometimes it is too hard to find the correct translation into what Smilley one may be referring to as divine English.

just my humble attempt to explain, I may be completely mistaken


Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017
luckilly i am again correct in my english writing so there are better chances i can be understood

i find it superb he tries his best in english as those who unsterstand a bit of english at my workplace don t like to read english so i cannot give them the sources they like


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
i find it superb he tries his best in english as those who unsterstand a bit of english at my workplace don t like to read english so i cannot give them the sources they like
Your English has improved greatly in the last year or so Alain. I cannot say the same for civilmonk.


Staff member
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
If I translate that as "claiming my rights to this role here (on earth?) as divine representative (one of few) of source" is that correct?

If so, please step away from your spiritual ego.

Everything we see, smell, touch, taste, and hear, in this world, is a divine representative of Source. Because everything is Source as it comes from Source.

You say one of few but everything is.
Smiley, CM has had a bit of an experience in the last 6 weeks that goes above and beyond what many of us here might have experienced. I don't think he's settled back down into his centre yet. Give him time. It will be fun to hear reports from a far traveller.


Staff member
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
There have been stranger things happening energy wise lately, the Schumann resonance meter has been beautifully blue and blank for several days until yesterday.

I spent the first few days of 2019 with a friend, in a completely unplanned way. From January 1st, for two days, we seemed to enter a sacred space of peace and love. It was beautiful, as if we were wrapped in silver cotton wool. The resonance meter remained blank and I felt we had been given time off. I came home yesterday and it started again, the Schumann I mean.

Today, I happened on this very interesting broadcast from Transpicious news with Danni Arnold McKenny. Bless her, she has such an inquiring mind and puts it to good use.

She noticed the crazy activity of the Earth’s Magnetosphere, beginning (yes, you have guessed it) on the night of December 31st.

(Our planet's magnetic field is believed to be generated deep down in the Earth's core. ... The Coriolis force, resulting from the Earth's spin, also causes swirling whirlpools. This flow of liquid iron generates electric currents, which in turn produce magnetic fields. )

Here is a screen shot of the weird magnetosphere:View attachment 6187

And here is a screen shot of the big Ooomph from January 7th, just after midnight. Something hit the Earth and caused the field to REALLY expand. We are living in this folks!
View attachment 6188View attachment 6188

And here is the link to her website, which includes her video. Enjoy!

View attachment 6187View attachment 6187
View attachment 6188
Yes, Pod, I saw that same post yesterday, too. What a doozy. And apparently, we are only at the leading edge of what is to come. Whompage is one word that has been used to describe it. It's so big, I don't think anyone has got time to think of a word to describe it before the effect comes on. Whaddaya.... whamapart.... willing..... whatthe? It's possible that brain circuitry will never be the same again.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016

it may be two reasons for the way this soul writes and tries to explain:

1) so much of what we are trying to write on this forum is WAY BEYOND what any words can explain. I knw for myself this is why I post so seldom, because my iife is more beyond words into colors, shapes and telepathic heart communication.

2) civil monk resides physically in the European area I think, sometimes it is too hard to find the correct translation into what Smilley one may be referring to as divine English.

just my humble attempt to explain, I may be completely mistaken
I agree that sometimes what we want to share is way beyond words, that is hard enough, but trying to describe it in the English language when it is foriegn to you? I salute anyone who attempts it.

Look how incredibly well Alain has come along, he’s commenting now almost like a native.

I can see how the comments of Civil Monk sounded, guess that’s where we, me included, need to show a little patience and that good old fashioned, unconditional LOVE.

Just my thoughts guys and gals


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
CM, I feel that your new avatar suggests that you have become more prismatic, since your process took off. Would I be right to think that?
By prismatic, I mean that the panes of your being have become very reflective, and light is bounced off the different angles, giving rise to all the colours of the spectrum as your being disorders them and then orders them again, as the light passes through.
Experiments, you know. A little bit here, a little bit there. The pleasure of broadening one's consciousness in every direction in which the soul desires.
The tension when it is the water of an unknown sea and you feel that it will swing has also become a pleasant experience.

So, in general, anyway. I even started dancing and singing. Why not :)


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Thought this was an interesting take on the shift...especially how our vibration will move us into different supportive groups and cause some to be attracted to us. It also addresses the disappearance of many from our reality. I think we’ve already seen this in our own “microcosms” (here at RT and in the flood of conservatives moving to Gab). There was much here that resonated with me (and it’s been quite awhile since I’ve seen anything from Winging with Whitehawk). Enjoy!
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